I Can See the Experience Value

Chapter 408 [Please call me Thunder King]

"If you say that earlier, it's over. It's a waste of half a day, why bother!" He Xiaotian put away the kitchen knife, carried the turtle man and put it on the chair, with a very friendly attitude. He didn't look like he was going to kill or cut at all just now.

Turtle: "..."

"Now let's talk about how many different properties there are in the entire Snake Mountain." He Xiaotian sat on the stool with a big horse and a golden knife, looking like a bandit who was about to go down the mountain to plunder.

"Don't talk about other things, there are hundreds of spiritual energy crystals alone!" The turtle man said, with a very authoritative expression on my face. There are hundreds of them, are you shocked?

Facts have proved that He Xiaotian is indeed a bit sluggish.

It's just that you're not scared by the quantity, but that your mother's property is so small, and you say it in a showy tone, who are you insulting?


A pair of big hammers lay on the table.

"I misremembered, it was more than a thousand pieces." The turtle man was startled, and immediately changed his words.


After the words fell, a three-meter-long ax was placed next to the hammer.

"About three thousand pieces."

The turtle guy sat upright on the chair and said solemnly.


A chain with intricate Sanskrit characters carved on it was thrown on the table.

"I seem to have misremembered again, it should be five...that's right, it's around three thousand." Originally, the turtle man was about to change his words, but when he saw the ordinary iron chain, he stopped immediately. And confirm it, there are no more.

Except for the Ksitigarbha Town Demon Tablet placed under the table, he seemed to have no weapons left.

So, He Xiaotian picked up the demon-subduing chain and tied it around the turtle's neck.

And his hands are like phantoms, leaving afterimages in the air.

Under the bewildered face of the turtle, he tied it up in a posture that made people blush.


Where did you learn this shameful rope skill!

The surrounding audience questioned in their hearts.

One of the female members of the Mengxin Trio blushed and turned her head away.

The posture of the turtle is a little bit ecstasy.

The male compatriots present, if it wasn't for the sake of face, would have given thumbs up and praised repeatedly.

We just go to action movies to pass the boring time.

You are so powerful, you can still learn skills from it and make use of them.

"I'll ask again, how much is the asset?"

"Three thousand, it's really only three thousand. I'm a tortoise, and I never tell lies. And think about it, since all the properties of different kinds are placed with me for safekeeping, it proves that my tortoise products are guaranteed. would fool anyone."

Turtle's attitude is called piety.

Fortunately, most of the people present believed his words a little bit.

But He Xiaotian showed a strange smile, opened his mouth and shouted in a low voice: "Oh! Bo La Mo Lin Tuoning, Sa Po He."

A trace of electric arc flickered from the chain, and then it seemed to turn into a tiny brontosaurus.

Then the thunder was dazzling, like a thousand birds singing together.


Turtle's voice sounded at the right time.

"How many?"

"Five thousand!"

He Xiaotian picked out his ears, and after about a minute, he asked again.

"How many?"

"Eight thousand!!"

Turtle's voice began to tremble.

"If you don't see the coffin, don't shed tears. How about 8,000 crystals of spiritual energy to send off beggars? I make a shot once, and I don't have a hundred and eighty thousand. Who would have the nerve to come to me?" He Xiaotian's appetite is obviously not something that can be filled full.

What's more, he was sure that this old turtle must have concealed something, and the amount was huge.

Otherwise, the old bottom would have been thrown away in one go.

It is not so secretive that he refuses to tell the truth even after being shocked.

It's a pity that the level of the demon chain is too low, and the power released is not strong enough.

Having said that, even the worm king can't bear it, why can you hold it?

Immediately, He Xiaotian slapped his forehead.

This is an old bastard who has lived for an unknown number of years!


Not covered.

Sure enough, aliens are luckier than humans in some respects.

To say the last sentence, it is not an exaggeration to be blessed.

I can't bear the child not being able to catch the wolf, and the strengthening is over!

He Xiaotian felt ruthless in his heart, and just happened to completely use the chains of subduing demons for his own use.

It's not that anyone who knows the spell can control it.

Since he strengthened the Ksitigarbha Town Demon Monument, he can be sure.

Once he accepts the strengthening of the system, any abnormal item will become his exclusive weapon.

According to common sense, He Xiaotian roasted the gluttonous king, which is definitely not pleasing.

After all, the Ksitigarbha Town Demon Tablet has already purified it, wouldn't it be against Buddhism to kill it?

But, he did it.

Stele, no comments at all.

[Broken Chain of Subduing Demons (Enhancement +1-0/6000+): Hardness +50, Toughness +30, Buddha Light +30, Lightning +30, Extension +20, Special Attributes - Locking Evil +1, Exorcism +1, Eight Brontosaurus +1]

He was used to eating big meals, but when he suddenly looked at the side dishes, He Xiaotian felt a little uncomfortable.

Compared with the Demon Monument in Dizang Town, isn't it just a little shorter?

It's like throwing out a hundred streets, there is no comparison.

[Broken Demon-Slaying Chain (Enhancement +2-0/1, 2000+): Hardness +100, Toughness +60, Buddha Light +60, Lightning +60, Extension +40, Special Attributes - Locking Evil +2, Exorcism +2 , Eight Thunder Dragons +2]

He Xiaotian, who has more than five million experience points, naturally doesn't care about the cost of strengthening.

+ sign, click on it!

[Broken Chain of Falling Demons (Enhancement +2-1, 2000/1, 2000+) - (Enhancement +3-2, 4000/2, 4000+) - (Enhancement +4-4, 8000/4, 8000+ )——(Enhancement +5-9, 6000/9, 6000+)——(Enhancement +6-19, 2000/19, 2000+)——(Enhancement +7-38, 4000/38, 4000+)— ——(Enhancement +8-76, 8000/76, 8000+)——(Enhancement +9-153, 6000/153, 6000+)——The Big Devil’s Dog Chain (Enhancement +10: Hardness +5000, Toughness +3500 , Buddha Light +1500, Lightning +1500, Extension +1000, Special Attributes - Locking Evil +10, Exorcism +10, Splitting +10, Eight Thunder Dragons +10)]

He Xiaotian looked at the new name of Jiangmo Chain, his face was numb.

dog leash?

You use chains strengthened with millions of experience points to tie your dogs!

In addition, it is worthy of being an abnormal item belonging to Buddhism.

With a bang bang, all kinds of attributes broke through a thousand.

Looking back at the sledgehammer and axe, the experience points invested in the past have exploded.

The attributes that were initially strengthened are all doubled.

It's a pity that the further you go, the smaller the increase in attribute value.

When He Xiaotian was feeling emotional, Gui Lao couldn't bear it.

The power of thunder and lightning becomes stronger as time goes by.

It was transformed from a snapping turtle, and it was proud of its super defense.

Most attacks, whether physical or elemental, can be drawn onto the turtle shell.

The probability of body injury is infinitely reduced.

However, there is no limit to the ability of any creature.

As long as the attack exceeds the point that the turtle shell can withstand and store, it will act on the body.

At this moment, the lightning of the chain is at least fifty times higher than before.

Therefore, the turtle guy shut himself off all of a sudden.


A good tortoise barked like a dog, which shows how exciting it is.

"I said! One hundred thousand spiritual energy crystals!!"

"How many?!"

He Xiaotian jumped up with a groan. He thought it was just a small catch, but he unexpectedly caught a big fish.

A total of 100,000 spiritual energy crystals, even if each one can only provide 100 experience points on average, is a huge amount of 10 million.

If it's of perfect quality, 50 million won't run away!

Just spent more than three million yuan, and got it back?

As for the other people who heard the words, other than the bewildered look, what are you talking about, chef and skinny boss.

Liu Mang and the others were stunned.

One hundred thousand pieces? !

What kind of concept is this? I am afraid that I will not be able to earn it if I work hard for the rest of my life.

I'm afraid it won't be as big as a hill when piled up, right?

"Tell me, why do the aliens put all the spiritual energy crystals in your hands? Don't fool me, let alone your good turtle talk." When He Xiaotian mentioned the chain, he pulled the turtle man to the ground. asked near.

"Wait...wait...wait for me...me...slow...slow..." The old man was trembling all over, stuttering.

At that moment, the thunder and lightning soared, and it almost cooked it.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a mouthful of green smoke floated out.

After waiting for a long time, the turtle man finally told the truth.

"The aliens are preparing to trade with humans, using three cracks and one million aura crystals. Completely transfer Snake Mountain to us. I don't know the location of the three cracks. The value of this thing is immeasurable.

In comparison, a million spiritual energy crystals are much smaller. But still, it is a huge fortune. Don't worry about handing it over to anyone. Therefore, the aliens divided it into ten shares.

Hand it over to ten people for safekeeping, so that even if someone has an accident or absconds with money, the loss will be minimized. And I am the tortoise in charge of the Demon Capital, so don't ask me who owns the other 900,000 spiritual energy crystals, I don't know either.

Don't look at the outside world saying that I am a leader of a different kind, but I am actually just a marionette. So far, I don't know what the aliens who control us from above look like. "

He Xiaotian originally thought that one hundred thousand spiritual energy crystals would be considered a big fish.

Who would have thought that there is actually a whale hidden behind this! !

Thinking of the other 900,000 pieces, his breathing became a little short.

"When is the transaction? Where is the transaction?"

"Don't think about it, the remaining 900,000 coins are not in the capital city, but scattered across the country. The purpose is to prevent the news from leaking and attract ruthless people like you. Moreover, the trading time is uncertain. I guess it's your idea The 900,000 spiritual energy crystals have been traded out one after another in recent days.

Unless you can get detailed information, then run across the country and attack the headquarters of the Scavengers everywhere. If not, it's more practical to think about the 100,000 spiritual energy crystals of the old turtle. "

The turtle guy didn't hesitate to puncture He Xiaotian's fantasy, it would never ask him for news.

"It's a pity, if I can come back sooner."

Sang Xin, Lan Shou.

"Go, go and get your spiritual energy crystal."

He Xiaotian regained his composure, and said viciously to Gui Lao.

Then he looked at the rest of the people, and everyone's scalps were numb from his sight.

Will it be silenced! !

At this time, the team of scavengers who were transporting the three mummified corpses of demon heads did not notice a wisp of black smoke rising into the sky and wandering around the demon city.

It seems to be looking for a target.

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