I Can See the Experience Value

Chapter 443 [The cycle of time! ! 】

"What's the matter? Don't worry, speak slowly." The patriarch of Li Village squatted down and said.

This child, who was about twelve or thirteen years old, was full of horror.

Especially the panic from the bottom of his heart, which is almost visible to the naked eye.

"She, her...the filial son who guards the spirit at their family...the filial son is gone!"

After the patriarch and many villagers heard this, although their expressions did not change, they could be seen trembling slightly.

These people didn't talk nonsense about being a filial son, maybe going to the toilet, or waiting for a while, and he might come back.

In other words, this is the Earth Nightmare Realm.

No matter what mysterious and strange things happened, it was purely normal.

Once someone goes missing, even a false alarm should be taken seriously.

Because of one negligence, not only one life, but even more people, even the lives of men, women and children in the whole village.

"Second, take the Ghost Slaying Knife and go to Auntie's house to have a look, I'll be there soon."

"yes, Sir."

Then this rather reckless knife-bearer left the ancestral hall with dozens of people ahead of him.

"Two strong men, don't know their names?"

Afterwards, the patriarch of Li Village clasped his fists and asked.

Before Luo Jie could speak, He Xiaotian answered first.

"Under Luo Feng."

Roger: "???"

His three heads fell into a daze at the same time.

You're so damn aboveboard, you take advantage of me without any shyness! !

"This person is my half-brother with different fathers and mothers. It is only because he was plotted against by evil spirits when he was a child and survived almost death that he became like a dog who is neither human nor ghost." He Xiaotian moved away and stretched out his hand to introduce road.

Chief of Li Village: "!!!"

Brothers with different fathers and half mothers, why do I not understand this?

"what are you doing?"

Greedyhead asked in a low voice, he doesn't mind He Xiaotian saying that the two of them are brothers.

But what do you mean by using my father's name?

Malicious revenge on me!

Believe it or not, when I go back, I'll go find my dad...forget it.

The combination of their father and son is not enough for someone to beat with one hand.

"Don't play the trick of not changing your name or surname when you are away from home. Who knows if the Nightmare Realm knows your real name and can curse you to death?" He Xiaotian also said in a small voice that only the two of them could hear. explained.

"Since the two strong men came across the river, they must have some real skills. Why don't we..."

He Xiaotian interrupted before the chief of Li Village could finish his sentence.

"No, no, actually, we were just sent here by kind people. We don't have any skills, but we need to be stronger."

This kind of nonsense, only he can say it without blushing and panting.

If it was Roger, he didn't even have that shame.

The middle-aged patriarch gritted his teeth when he heard that, which kind-hearted person can send you from the sky?

Stronger strength is even more bullshit, how powerful my brother's Ghost Slaying Saber is, others don't know that as the head of the clan, he has the same heart as Ming Jing.

Clamped between two fingers, unscathed.

It's like a world boxing champion wearing a gold belt and telling people with a serious face.

Actually I don't know how to box, I'm just an amateur.

Nima, who are you fooling? !

But he made it clear that he didn't want to get involved, and he couldn't make things difficult for others.

In case of a war between the two sides, no one can please.

"Since that's the case, I'm talking too much. Little Li, pack up two vacant rooms and take the two strong men to rest." After the patriarch gave the order, he cupped his fists and led the people away. It seemed that they were going to the so-called Aunt Li's house.

"Why don't you go?"

"Hehe, it's just that I'm alone, maybe I'll join in the fun. But if I take you with me, something will happen. So let's wash up and sleep, let me rest for a while, and take a rest."

Regarding Roger's question, He Xiaotian didn't give him any face.

It's almost bluntly saying, just sweep the stars away, don't embarrass the simple villagers in other villages.

Roger: "..."

Although I'm bad, can you stop saying it so bluntly?

How can I make a dead man cheat a corpse by following me?

Unfortunately, He Xiaotian's eyes were full of affirmation.

Roger, autistic.

Xiao Lizi led He Xiaotian and the two of them to a relatively remote courtyard.

"This is my uncle's house. Unfortunately, I went out to fish in the river two months ago and unfortunately died. So it is free, and you two will stay here for one night. If you are hungry, I will get some eat.

Of course, small villages and small households have nothing to do with big fish and big meat. It's just some coarse rice and dregs, which is acceptable for a full stomach, but the taste is naturally unsatisfactory. "

"No, thank you brother. The two of us are just lodging for a night, and we will leave your village immediately tomorrow morning. Of course, we will leave some rewards as a thank you for staying." He Xiaotian said to the seventeen or eighteen-year-old child ' said, very polite.

"No need, no need, who doesn't have any difficulties when going out? Just pay, the patriarch will beat me if he knows." Xiao Lizi smiled honestly, and then retreated.

He Xiaotian watched him leave, turned and said to Luo Jie.

"Keep a good vigil, I need to rest."

The other two heads of Roger nodded in unison.

Indeed, everyone saw He Xiaotian's tossing and tossing all night.

"Don't worry, our four eyes will never make mistakes."

After the words fell, the two pushed the door open and entered the room, and fell asleep in their clothes.

As the night recedes, a ray of light rises from the edge of the world.

A strange fluctuation was felt by He Xiaotian who was sleeping soundly.

He opened his eyes immediately, and put on a vigilant posture.

If something goes wrong, a thunderous offensive can be launched.

"Li Shen?"

He Xiaotian heard the words, and immediately turned his head to look at Luo Jie who was lying beside him.

But in the end, he found out, where was he still in bed?

I saw this guy lying on the ground, holding a tablet in his hand, and read it out with a full face.

This...deja vu!


He Xiaotian patted his forehead. Isn't this the scene when he fell from a high altitude into the ancestral hall of Li Village last night?

He quickly scanned around, only to see broken bricks and tiles scattered on the ground, and hundreds of familiar tablets.

"How is this going?!"

Before He Xiaotian could open his mouth to ask Roger, he could hear the sound of dense footsteps outside.

And, what happened last night strikes again.

Flames lit up one after another, and familiar dialogue came from outside.

"hurry up!"

"Second brother, have you got the knife? Remember, if it's weird and evil, don't talk nonsense and cut it directly."

"Hey, big brother. I forgot something, I can't let go of the ghost-slaying knife refined by the incense burner!"

He Xiaotian: "..."

Sure enough, I knew that when I was with Roger, no matter where I went, no matter how many times I checked, I would meet some bad luck.

Then he faced the gate of the ancestral hall and raised an international gesture.


The gate of the ancestral hall was kicked open from the outside with great force.

Then dozens of torches lit up the whole hall.

Many villagers who were holding swords and meeting each other looked at each other with He Xiaotian and Luo Jie.

"Huh? Brother, he seems to be despising me!"

The man who carried the knife and admitted his mistake last night looked at He Xiaotian's raised middle finger and said affirmatively to the village head Li.

Roger was stunned, what happened? who I am? where am i What am I going to do?


Suddenly, the man with the big knife ignored He Xiaotian, pointed at Luo Jie who had stood up and his face was full of bewildered circles, and shouted angrily.

Then without saying a word, the screen reappeared, and he slashed over with the ghost knife.

Vice Minister Luo: "???"

Why do I have a feeling of déjà vu in this scene!

After that, He Xiaotian fought off the strong man carrying the knife just like last night, and fought with the patriarch.

And Roger is like a "cute newcomer", he was so confused that I didn't know anything, and he explained it according to yesterday's routine.

He Damang looked at the apologetic knife-bearer, clasped his fists and watched coldly.

"One, two, three, here we come."

"What's coming?"

Luo Jie was at a loss, and still couldn't figure out who gave him the confidence that He Xiaotian took for granted.

Then a childish voice made him doubt himself.

"Patriarch, patriarch. It's not good, it's not good."

Outside the crowd, a child about twelve or thirteen years old ran up.

"Aunt Li...Aunt Li's house... Something strange happened to her house!"

"How do you know?" Roger asked He Xiaotian with a surprised face.

As a result, the other party ignored him at all.

Fan Fan patted him on the shoulder with a malicious look on his face.

"Come on, call Dad."

Roger: "???"

He Xiaotian didn't care about his blushing face.

Because, maybe in a flash, he forgot again.

What happened next was almost exactly the same as last night.

He looked at the familiar courtyard, and Xiao Lizi's old-fashioned rhetoric, and pushed the door directly into the house.

Roger followed, somewhat dissatisfied.

"Anyway, be polite to others."

"Old Luo, you don't understand."

He Xiaotian shook his head, as if I have a story and do you have wine.

"Sleep, you've been tossing all night. Let greed and anger stay vigil, the two of us recharge our batteries and continue our journey tomorrow morning." After the words fell, Roger closed his eyes.

On the other hand, He Xiaotian's eyes were wide open, without blinking.

He didn't believe it anymore, he didn't sleep all night, but he wanted to see who made the trouble!

In the morning, a ray of light blooms.

He Xiaotian's spirit immediately lifted.

The double explosion shoots golden light, and the magic eye is opened!

An invisible wave passed by, and he suddenly realized that he was standing in the ancestral hall again.

"Li Shen?"

Roger continued to hold the spiritual tablet, muttering softly.

He Xiaotian: "..."

Everything is exactly the same as last night.

Fayan can't see, there is no flaw.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time...the thirtieth time...the fifty-sixth time...the seventy-eighth time passed, He Xiaotian finally couldn't stand it anymore .

In these seventy or so reincarnations, he has made many attempts.

He even acted insanely and slaughtered everyone.

As a result, when the light came on, it went back to the past.

Only one thing, he did nothing wrong.

That is to be invited to go to Aunt Li's house.

"Since the two strong men came across the river, they must have some real skills. Why don't we go together, and we will give a reward no matter what."

This time He Xiaotian did not refuse.


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