I Can See the Experience Value

Chapter 641 [Aren’t you a group of turtle grandchildren looking for trouble? 】

Thousands of skeleton giants suddenly froze in place. The soul fire in the eye sockets shrank suddenly into a small ball, and the weapons in his hands fell to the ground one after another, and the sound became one piece.

"No name, the beginning of heaven and earth, name, the mother of all things."

With a page of scriptures in hand, continue to chant. It seems like a magic sound pierces through the ears, constantly looping to brainwash the skeletons.

"Plop!" "Puff!"

Like the army in the bone forest, they knelt on the ground like they were cutting wheat. The fire of the soul shrunk into a ball, and brought a bit of it in a trance—piety?

The corners of He Xiaotian's mouth twitched when he saw this scene, he didn't expect that you, a colorful scripture, are still a big killer!

"Therefore, always have no desire, so as to observe its wonder; always have desire, so as to observe its beauty."

As soon as the third verse came out, the skeleton giant, more than ten meters tall, put his hands on the ground and kowtowed. Like believers, the whole movement is full of holiness.

evil! How wicked! !

"These two come from the same place but have different names. The same name is Xuan, and Xuan is also Xuan, the gate of all wonders."

After the words fell, the skeletons trembled as if they had Parkinson's disease. One or two skeletons are nothing, but tens of thousands?

Like the drums of war in ancient times, the evil spirit is soaring to the sky.


A deafening, even rock-shattering explosion came to the ears.

However, He Xiaotian saw the skeletons bowing their heads on the ground, as if they had been corroded for thousands of years, and the bones gradually disintegrated with the breeze.

After three or five breaths, apart from a thick layer of powder on the ground, where is there any army?

If those long halberds were not reminding He Xiaotian, he might feel that everything before was his own illusion.

Subconsciously, he lifted the scriptures on the dragon's claws and held them in front of his eyes.

Who left this? !

And what's even more frustrating is that the pollution progress has skyrocketed.

That's right, this thing is no longer a 0.005% rise in one chanting.

It took one breath...Let's say it was crossing, after crossing tens of thousands of skeleton giants, its power increased inexplicably.

[Pollution progress: 51.015%. 】

A direct increase of 1%, scary isn't it?

Only 1%?

Grandma's, how much did the evil god Mengye, who accidentally glanced at the system certification, increase?

25% nothing more! !

This page of scriptures, at least in terms of pollution, can be worth one twenty-fifth of an evil god.

Of course, it's not entirely worrying, at least He Xiaotian got some rewards, or comfort.

["Pollution 50% Golden Crow Transformation Day" - 0/1000, 0000 (integration: third-level golden body +2, third-level extreme speed +2, third-level sun eye +2)]

["Pollution 50% Dark Seventh Heaven of Ice and Fire" - 0/1000, 0000 (integration: third-level ice and fire +2, third-level evil spirit +2, third-level eye of the sun +2)]

["Pollution 50% · Subduing Dragon and Elephant Dafa" - 0/1000, 0000 (integration: third-level dragon power +2, third-level elephant power +2, third-level broken armor +2, third-level dragon and elephant harmony + 2)】

["Taixu Hualong Chapter" - 0/1000, 0000 (familiar with: third-order dragon scales + 1, third-order dragon wings + 1, third-order dragon claws + 1, third-order dragon horns + 1)]

["Pollution 50% Indestructible Demon Body" -0/1,0000,0000 (Perfect: Tier 3 Demon Body +6, Dream Fire +2, Heavy as Mount Tai +2, All System Resistance +41% , Magic power monstrous +106%.)]

Basically, everything that belongs to metamorphosis martial arts has been strengthened.

A basic attribute point seems to be very little, and there is no profit.

But in fact the account is not calculated in this way, the five martial arts added together, he saved 50 million EXP.

I just listened to the scriptures once, and indirectly obtained tens of millions of EXP. It doesn't look like a loss, but it seems like a small profit?

However, think too much.

A pie falling from the sky, if there is no trap in it. It must be your father flying the plane in the sky, and your mother opened the hatch to give you precise food.

For example, the current He Xiaotian found himself sitting cross-legged on the ground without knowing when.


It seems that there are no hidden dangers, but in fact the doorway inside is too big.

At least He Damang, who is not afraid of anything, feels a bit chilly in his head.

Because of his posture, it is no different from the shadow in the Taoist temple.

This sutra has just borrowed his body to achieve the transmission of the black air currents.

However, the overall attribute has risen a little, not because of the increase in pollution.

Instead, tens of thousands of unknown air streams penetrated into his body from the melted body of the skeleton giant. Then a mysterious and mysterious power passed through his bridge and passed to the shadow sitting on the altar in the Taoist temple behind him.

At that moment, He Xiaotian had the illusion that he could punch through the space. But that energy came and went quickly. It made him feel like he couldn't get up and down, and he always felt weak.

So it's not that the scriptures can't deal with him, but to achieve their goal, they didn't absorb him like a half mummy?

No, there is not enough information to tell why I survived.

But when He Xiaotian thinks about things, he tends to move closer to the most dangerous thoughts.

"Can't stay!"

It seems that you can increase attributes and improve strength without using EXP. Who knows if this thing is a trap deliberately left for himself?

If it gets deeper and deeper, it may capsize in the gutter.

What's more, he has a system, and the days to come will be more difficult and tiring, so that he won't take such a shortcut with endless hidden dangers.

Thinking of this, his gaze towards a page of scriptures became dangerous.

"Boom..." "Boom..."

Before he could make a move, the ground began to rattle again.

He Xiaotian had a toothache, did the scriptures become refined?

Once he feels the danger from the outside world, he will activate the legendary "protagonist halo" to "summon" some inexplicable existence, or something unexpected, to prevent himself from killing it?

Sighing, he secretly thought that when Laozi solves the source, he must find a good way to treat you well. Let you know what the enthusiasm of the northerners is.

As a result, when he turned around to look, his eyelids twitched.

"I step on a horse..."

I saw the distant skyline, setting off an overwhelming gray storm.

With his eyesight, he couldn't see clearly. He really thought it was a natural disaster and a storm.

It was a disaster scene intertwined by endless souls and bodies, as if a barrier covering the sky was moving sideways. Many emotions such as malice, resentment, and despair are mixed together.

He wanted to solve it, not only a little difficult, but really as difficult as heaven.

Moreover, He Xiaotian, who has excellent eyesight, even saw the colors mixed in the evil spirit storm.

In the world behind the bronze door, what is not easy to mess with?

Answer: With color.

One counts as one, and they are all extremely cruel.

The lower limit of strength is similar to a page of scriptures in your hand, tens of thousands of skeleton giants say no, it is as simple and rude as an eraser. The upper limit is the level of evil gods. At a glance, he is almost depraved and corrupted, and his whole body is completely polluted.

He even watched helplessly, a gray bone dragon dozens of times thicker than the Resuscitating Dragon, was directly engulfed by the storm when it soared into the air.

Then he couldn't even let out a miserable howl, and the evil spirits were torn to pieces on the spot.


The momentum of this bone dragon when it takes off is not only comparable to that of the fake saints in the space channel?

Outperform them by more than ten times!

He is not worthy to carry shoes for others, and he reckons that a casual breath can make more than thirty fake saints disappear. And it was such a huge monster that didn't hold a single breath in it.

If you can't finish changing in one breath, the dragon is gone!

What's more, it's the normal-level gray evil spirits who are hiding in the storm, and the things with colors that appear and disappear have not yet made a move.

To what extent does the surname He have to swell to rush in with a knife and slash and kill?

Don't worry, it's not like that.

Running is definitely not enough. After a few breaths, the gray storm has advanced half the distance from the skyline.

He Xiaotian estimated that if he turned around and flapped his wings to fly into the sky, he would end up like a bone dragon in less than a minute.

With a sweeping glance, he looked at the Taoist temple and secretly felt pain.

I managed to get out, but in the blink of an eye, I have to go back for refuge?



A black beam of light shot into the Taoist temple.

Entering it, he ignored the shadow on the altar. I didn't show it when I was "forced" before, and now nothing will happen. After all, if the shadow had any malice towards him, it would have killed him long ago.

Don't delay for a long time, playing those bells and whistles.

He Xiaotian, who was hiding behind the door, calculated how long the storm would arrive.

"Three, two, one... here we come!"

As soon as the voice fell, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

All kinds of miserable howls poured into his ears, almost tearing his spirit apart. Fortunately, it has [Constant Attribute: Breath of the Evil God], the special attribute of the Will of the Evil God +20%, which reduces the damage by one-fifth.

Otherwise, he might have to sit on wax now.

No wonder at the beginning, Mr. Men didn't know what to ask.

Emotions, the world of despair is too dangerous!

There are evils everywhere, and occasionally an evil god emerges to make people gain insight.

Pit father ah.

No, it should be said that it is one step at a time.

In front of the gate of the Taoist temple, gray spirit bodies of different races, or colored horror things flashed like lightning.

It was like locusts crossing the border, looking like no chicken or dog would stay.

Fortunately, the ground was forcibly gnawed off by them.

The Taoist temple is like a flat boat in the storm, although it ups and downs and stumbles in the storm. But always standing still, safe and sound.

He Xiaotian leaned against the trembling wall, not at all curious to put his head out to wait and see.

Who knows if the Taoist temple can resist these things?

There is no need for further crazy temptations on the verge of death.

What if the scriptures go crazy and have to convert these evil spirits?

Fortunately, a page of scriptures didn't have convulsions, and even its favorite brainwashing chanting didn't dare to say anything.

Even quieter than He Xiaotian, he seemed to know that this storm was not easy to mess with.

It's just that he and Jingshu honestly don't seek trouble, but they always find trouble by themselves.

"Yinxian...familiar with...patriarch...scriptures...disciple..."

"Master...Senior brother, you...are you still alive?"

There was an intermittent conversation outside the door, which seemed to be related to the Taoist temple!

Normally, he would definitely be extremely interested.

It's just now, it's hard to say.

"Go in... go in..."


He Xiaotian has a toothache, grandson.

Aren't you just looking for trouble? !

What can I do?

Xiaopo Taoist Temple is only this big, but everyone can have a panoramic view at a glance, and there is no way to hide it.

Pit dad, can't you two follow the crowd and follow other evil spirits to harm all kinds of monsters in the world of despair? It's okay to pay homage to a wool!

You are all dead, isn't it good to be a dead person honestly? The principle of causing less trouble to others, didn't the Patriarch teach you two erlen?

Furthermore, there is no reason for dead ghosts to be worshiped by people.

You brothers and sisters died without injustice at all, and your brains are not working well, so you should take a step first.

He Xiaotian cursed in his heart, if he hadn't been concerned about the endless storm of evil spirits outside, he would have chopped them both down.

When he inadvertently glanced at the shadow on the altar, a spiritual light flashed through his mind.

The conversation between the two gave people the feeling that they were completely mentally incomplete and in a state of muddleheaded Lingtai. Like mental retardation, he acted according to certain instincts in his lifetime.

Now it's just because after seeing the Taoist temple, I somewhat recalled some past events.

Therefore, as long as he can fool the past, it is enough.


He Xiaotian rushed to the altar, and his whole body immediately returned to his human appearance.

When passing the altar, he gave it with his right hand and put the scriptures in their original position.


When he landed on the altar, he kicked slightly with his feet.

The figure flashed directly behind the shadow and shrank behind it.

As a former disciple of the Taoist temple, you can't move your ancestor down during the worship, right?

Just as He Xiaotian finished everything, footsteps came from the entrance of the Taoist temple.

"Brother...God God...God Fragrance..."

"I I...I didn't..."

Made, two idiots.

No fragrance, you worship Nima!

Fortunately, Lao Tzu is not your patriarch, otherwise you will have to come back to life.

Who took the idiot?

Is the sect's threshold for accepting apprentices already so low?

"Linglingling... Lingxiang can... can it not..."

"No no no...don't know...but but...but zu...zuzu...zushi should... Shouldn't...don't blame me...my, our..."

After the words fell, footsteps sounded again, and the two fools turned around and left again.

I guess it should be to find the so-called spiritual fragrance, right?

He Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a slap in his ear.


He cautiously stretched out his head, but saw the scriptures on the altar table slumped on the table.

It seems that because the two fools left, they also relaxed.


This thing is so evil, it can't be alive.

Thinking of this, He Xiaotian shuddered.

If they survived, things would be a big deal.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

When footsteps sounded, He Xiaotian held his breath and concentrated, not daring to make the slightest movement.

I thought to myself, thank the evil spirit storm, otherwise I would have chopped you both up.

"A little bit... a little bit of incense..."

"I I I...I know..."

After a while, the aroma fills the air.

‘Hurry up and worship, you two can get out after the worship is over. '

Spiritual incense ignited and drifted towards the shadows.

It's just that this thing doesn't seem to be alive, and it hasn't absorbed any scent.

As a result, the blue smoke floated behind the shadows.

Follow He Xiaotian's nostrils, regardless of whether he wants to or not, he directly drills in.


I... wait, what the hell is this? !

The effect is a bit strong. I never expected that he took another big advantage.

High-speed hand-typed text, I can see the chapter list of experience points

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