I Can See the Experience Value

Chapter 645 [My nature can hardly be suppressed! 】


Squinting one open eye, Ni Saku, whose face was full of enjoyment, glanced doubtfully at the right side beside him. Something seemed to push him just now?


Seeing this, he ignored it. Continue to enjoy the offerings from the spirits, the once-in-a-thousand-year ghost gate is wide open, and the next time I want ingot candles and spiritual incense, I will suffer.

Thinking of his former companions passing away one after another in the dark space, he couldn't help feeling sad.


I'm afraid I will get to that step, it's just a matter of time.

When He Xiaotian saw the other party, he just gave him a puzzled look, but he didn't notice anything, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

Then his evil hand stretched out again.


This time, he increased his strength a lot, and pushed Ni Shuo out of the queue in a daze.



But immediately this ridiculous idea was thrown out of Ni Shuo's head.

What about bullshit?

Before the gate of ghosts closes, he is the guard of ghosts again.

Which bastard would dare to touch him?

Of course, those who have successfully entered the formation before are not counted.

He died as a man with great magic power, and his cultivation base was extremely terrifying during his lifetime. Luckily, the Eighteen Nishuo exerted their strength together, and with the help of the power of Guimenguan, they were unable to capture it.

Couldn't there be another evil spirit as powerful as the undead before, right? !

Thinking of this, Ni Shuo shuddered all over.

Glancing at the seventeen brothers who were still enjoying offerings, he hesitated whether to sound a reminder.

Although his own strength is not very good, he is still corrupt and accepts bribes, and secretly walks through the back door for others. But in the final analysis, he is always one of the gatekeepers of the ghost gate,

Do your best.

With a sense of responsibility, he struggled hard. Just about to open his mouth to inform the other brothers, be careful when the big magician forcibly breaks into the formation.

Then he saw a scene that he would never forget!

I saw his original standing position, and the blue smoke from the burning incense did not break because of his withdrawal from the queue.

Instead, they became even thicker and penetrated into the void one by one.


One thing to say, Ni Shuo's scalp almost flew off.

Isn't the big magician just now better?

One punch broke through the power of the gate of ghosts, and a glance glanced at him, causing eighteen guards to be seriously injured.

If it wasn't for special reasons that prevented them from dying again, their souls would have been scattered long ago, and they would have no chance of reincarnation.

But no matter how powerful the opponent is, they will never be able to absorb the incense.

Except for the yin gods and righteous gods who were once canonized by the Court of Ten Thousand Ancestors, no one can do it. Even if your strength is several times more terrifying than that of a god, you still cannot compete for incense.

And the spirits who walked through the back door either got the spiritual fragrance by chance. Either rely on the strength of the family in his lifetime to obtain rare guides, incense candles left over from ancient times, or cloud-patterned ingots, the former common currency.

Perhaps when the Court of Ten Thousand Ancestors was still there, these things were nothing.

They want to make, a breeze.

But now the court of God has fallen, and some things are scattered in the mountains and rivers. What's more, they left the former central domain, walked away from other stars, and brought them over.

With one less one, the original high-end goods have suddenly become priceless consumables.

Does anyone want a copy?

Yes, it is still very powerful, it can be said to reach the sky!

But without exception, all failed.

There are many unknown substances and special refining methods in the incense candle ingot.

No matter how realistic and close an imitation is, a fake will always be a fake.

I have encountered these ghosts more than once, and I can't absorb them at all.

Even if they are exactly the same, the inner essence cannot be the same as the real thing.

So before the gate of hell, a god came at some point? !

Ni Shuo was so frightened that he almost broke out in a cold sweat. As far as he knew, this was a broken world. Although there are still gods, most of them are surviving.

Many guys have arranged countless backhands in order to reincarnate from the dead and reverse yin and yang.

Those who are in a slightly better condition are either in deep sleep, or are dead in deep sleep, losing their strength little by little, and their authority returns to heaven and earth.

And the god who can wake up and walk freely on the earth, just thinking about it makes Nishuo's scalp go numb.

Maybe it's the ten-thousand-year-old silver coin!

As for whether it is a ghost messenger or a heavenly soldier like him?

Don't make trouble, with his strength, he has not yet been able to see the other party, so one can imagine how frightening it is.

What's more, he knows more things, even the gods are almost dead! Like myself, who is not in class, basically a little better than running errands, if it is not for ghosts who can maintain a little consciousness by relying on the gate of ghosts, how can they survive?

Stone Hammer!

I just don't know which god this horse is.

Ni Shuo calmed down a bit, then pretended not to know and stood there obediently, not daring to return at all.

Anyway, he saved almost a thousand years for this wave, so bear with it a little bit, and it won't be a problem to wait for the next ghost gate to open.

It's not like I haven't lived through hard times, and only a fool would provoke a god.

Even if it is a god who just woke up not long ago!

He Xiaotian smoked the incense vigorously, while looking at Ni Shuo with puzzled eyes.

Why has the color of this thing changed since he withdrew it?

That yellow muddy face was like a face changing in a modern Sichuan drama, with all kinds of complex emotions intertwined.

Put on a good show for him!

Next, Ni Shuo seemed to think of something and suddenly realized it.

Then quietly lowered her head, as if I hadn't noticed anything, as if I was afraid of being destroyed by humanity.


Since the other party is so knowledgeable, he is not a big villain who can't forgive others.

Standing in Ni Shuo's position, while relieving the pollution, he carefully observed the wave of spirits who walked through the back door.

There are the most things like spirit incense, but the number in each hand is unknown.

One stick of incense and three sticks of incense accounted for about 80%.

Five sticks of incense, seven sticks of incense, ninety-eighths of nine sticks of incense.

In the end, there are thirty-six sticks of incense, very few! !

A stick of incense needs to be inserted in the censer, and you step on the gate of hell with empty hands.

Three sticks of incense, you only need to light it, no need to insert it in the incense burner. Smoke drifted all the way, stepping into it.

The five-pillar incense also needs to be lit. While walking, there is a faint human figure, and a familiar and inexplicable power protects the person who holds the incense.

Seven sticks of incense, non-combustible. There are seven stars faintly shining on the illusory incense, and when walking, there is a starlight under the feet, which is very strange!

Nine-pillar incense, extravagance is overwhelming! !

There is a golden road under the feet of the incense holder, and any ghosts and ghosts dare not ignore its edge.

The group of spirit bodies that had been standing in front of the gate of hell immediately withdrew three to five miles away, for fear of being accidentally swept by the golden light, and they would end up scattered.

What He Xiaotian saw was so greedy, he wished he could pounce on the incense and take it away!

But he didn't do it after all. Anyway, there are the most spirit bodies holding a stick of incense, so he doesn't need to make trouble before the gate of hell is closed.

It's definitely not impossible to grab, absolutely not!

As for the thirty-six sticks of incense?

Then Niubi (broken sound).

In the gloomy and desperate world, the scattered stars twinkle in the sky, reflecting each other with the spiritual fragrance in the hand holding the incense.

Every time you take a step, an ancient starry sky road will inevitably emerge under your feet.

It made He Xiaotian feel as if he was traveling around in the universe. After thirty-six steps, he just studied astronomy.

It's just a few sticks of incense, but it actually attracts the stars.

Who made this thing?

The second is the cloud-patterned ingot that is shrouded in fog and has a faint fairy air.

He collected about 20 coins, although he didn't know what they would do, but they were so cheap, why not?

The least is red candle!

Most of the day passed, only two people passed by holding candles.

Then He Xiaotian experienced the feeling of becoming a fairy immediately, a transparent feeling from the beginning to the end.

He felt that if he had a complete candle to light, he might be able to sublimate his spirit and transform to a higher level.

If he didn't feel that the red candle was fierce in his heart, if he tried to snatch it, there was a high probability that he might capsize in the gutter, and he couldn't restrain his nature long ago!

After an unknown amount of time, He Xiaotian glanced at the progress of the pollution.


Wait, something is wrong.

If you read it correctly, it was 25% as early as a few minutes ago.

How come it is still this number after so long?

After another moment of waiting, he looked at the information in the upper left corner of his line of sight and fell silent.

[Pollution progress: 25%]

He Xiaotian suddenly had a very bad guess. The reason why the incense in front of his head can remove pollution is more because the source of pollution he suffered is not very scary.

The remaining 25% was probably caused by him glancing at the evil god Mengye, and the aura could not be removed.

In other words, a stick of incense will not work.

He needs to test whether the more advanced incense can continue to remove pollution.

Otherwise, there will be big trouble.

'Ugh! '

At the same time, He Xiaotian glanced at Wu Xue, and it was still 50% polluted, without any reduction.

It seems that the body is the body, and the attributes are attributes.

He breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that with the drop in his own pollution level, his martial arts attributes would plummet along with it.

And [Constant Attribute: Breath of the Evil God. Realm of deep sleep: When you enter a dream, you, who are contaminated with the breath of the evil god Yumeya, have a 10% chance to enter the dreamland of the evil god Yumeya. Remember, don't look directly. There are many secrets in the dream, as long as you are lucky enough, you can grow yourself up quickly and learn some ancient secrets. 】

Will I continue to encounter pollution in my sleep?

Once you see Mengye and look directly at Mengye, the pollution level won't be a wave of skyrocketing again!

So robbery is imperative!

Thinking of this, He Xiaotian always has a feeling of being forced into prostitution.

'Oh, I'm sorry. I really want to be a good person! '

But He Xiaotian's expression seemed to be full of excitement instead of any annoyance?

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

He has already extended his evil hand to the realm of Hades.

I hope the lonely ghosts can hold on tenaciously.

Just like Mr. Jin, he can be called Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, and leeks that can't be cut.

Stars were shining brightly in front of him, and a spirit body with a big dog engraved on his forehead passed by.

He Xiaotian's eyes gradually brightened, brother, you are the lucky one!

So, he swayed and followed.

High-speed hand-typed text, I can see the chapter list of experience points

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