I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 103. Hong Quan Comes, Please Subscribe And Ask For Tickets

This content is first published in the sales department of Haiyun Xinju. In the lounge, Luo Ming took a satisfied look at Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan. For the first time the two of them fought against a low-level mysterious thing, they were able to behave like this. Luo Ming It's still very appreciative, so Luo Ming didn't hesitate to remind the two investigators after they got into trouble.

"The performance of these two people is not bad."

"However, this... newcomer, investigator, hasn't had any outstanding performance so far."

Turning his eyes away from Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan, he looked at Ren Zihao who was trembling in fear. After all, he is a newcomer, and the investigator, Luo Ming can also understand, but if this Ren Zihao is useless at all, then Luo Ming will still take it back. The investigator card on Ren Zihao's body allows him to restore his status as an investigator to an ordinary person.

From the very beginning, Luo Ming didn't pay attention to these special mutant fungus whose level is even one level lower than the Necromancer's butcher, even these... .....Investigators failed, Luo Ming can easily slaughter these......mycosis, even if it is a mandatory intermission task, these...... ...the investigators are still safe.

"Also, it's about time for Hong Quan to enter the arena. As a special investigator, Hong Quan is also fighting for the first time."

Luo Ming looked at another mist with his plain eyes. In the mist, a tall figure in a black robe, covering himself from head to toe, with only a pair of eyes exposed, was approaching Haiyun Xinju Villa.

4, call, call.

In front of the garden of Haiyun Xinju villa area, both Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan were panting slightly. The high-intensity battle made the two of them a little bit exhausted, especially when they were fighting and resisting these things at the same time... ...the ferocious, terrifying, frightening aura emitted by the mycosis.

"Brother Liao, you should have heard the president's reminder, right?"

The jet-black hunting spider on the chest is still shrinking and expanding, providing Xiao Yuyan with qualities beyond the limits of the human body. In the hunting mode, Xiao Yuyan's brain is very calm, quickly analyzing what the president said before.

"That's right, since the president reminded us, we must have overlooked something."

Liao Youming wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face was still twitching slightly because of fear, and he held the cold spider's short spear tightly with his right hand. He found that the cold spider's short spear had changed: it seemed to be because it had swallowed two bacteria Due to the blood from the tumor, the cold spider's short spear turned into a pale green, and even Liao Youming could feel the cold spider's short spear wriggling slightly.

Click, click, click.

Under Liao Youming's sight, the tip of the cold spider's short spear began to split and deformed, and a mouthpart full of fangs protruded out. The mouthparts were terrifying, but Liao Youming's face was strange.

Puff puff.

Liao Youming raised the cold spider's short spear with a strange expression, and instantly spat out three spikes as sharp as the cold spider's short spear from his ferocious mouthparts. These... spikes are like bullets , instantly pierced through the heads of three bacterium tumors.

"Fuck, brother Liao's weapon seems to have evolved from a cold weapon to a hot weapon..."

Seeing the strange change of the cold spider's short spear in Liao Youming's hand, Xiao Yuyan and Ren Zihao were shocked, Ren Zihao was even more shocked and couldn't close his jaw.

squeak squeak...

On the opposite side of the two investigators, nearly thirty 30 fungal tumors opened their mouths and let out sharp, dizzying howls. The ferocious fungal tumors on their bodies fell off their strange bodies and quickly fell to the ground. .


Gulu More than 30 ferocious fungal sarcoids quickly fused together, forming a three-meter-sized, swollen, densely packed fungal sarcoma covered with hideous deformed eyeballs, transparent tentacles one after another stretched their teeth and claws, and under the sarcoid eyeball was a Zhang Zhang's hideous and terrifying mouth.

Tick, tick.

Looking at the three-meter-high, terrifying, twisted and deformed monster in front of them, Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan couldn't help but tremble again, and a terrifying feeling enveloped their hearts.


These ...... fungal sarcoma colonies are hideous and deformed horror monsters, with countless transparent tentacles swinging, supporting their huge swollen bodies, and quickly rushed towards the two investigators .

Peng, Peng.

The transparent tentacles waved, Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan didn't react at all, they were directly sent flying, and rolled heavily on the ground.

"Cough cough."

Opening his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, Liao Youming looked at the terrifying colony deformed monster rushing in front of him with a look of horror, despair and fear appeared in his eyes.


The transparent and ferocious tentacles twisted and spread quickly, and squirmed towards Liao Youming. The fungal granulation on the tentacles was growing rapidly. Liao Youming looked at these... Fungal granulation, super-perception Now, I can clearly perceive the terrifying parasitic ability of fungal granulation, if these...... fungal granulation really invades the human body, I will definitely die.

Just when Liao Youming fell into despair, a tall figure rushed from the gate, and then instantly appeared in front of the terrifying and deformed colony monster.

Relying on the tall figure, Tieshan immediately lowered his waist, exerted force on his waist and abdomen, clasped his hands together, and elbowed backwards, a terrifying power burst out, directly knocking the three-meter-high colony monster into the air.

The tall figure suddenly stretched out his hands with ferocious mouthparts in the palms, and directly grabbed the mycelial tentacles of the colony that were flailing their teeth and claws in mid-air, and directly bit the tentacles with two ferocious and terrifying mouthparts.


The muscles of the arms of the tall figure squirmed, and the three-meter-high ferocious colony was directly pulled by the tentacles, and fell over the shoulder, smashing into the sea of ​​flowers.

"Huh, Hong Quan, you're finally here."

After seeing the tall figure knocking the monster into the air, Liao Youming was not surprised but happy, and said with lingering fear.

Hula la.

The hood of the tall figure fell down, revealing a pale face. It was astonishingly that he had gone through the resurrection ceremony of the dead and was resurrected. Necromancer investigator, Hong Quan.

Ka Ka Ka.

Hong Quan nodded coldly to the two investigators, clenched his fist slightly, and his muscles and bones made a crisp sound. After becoming a dead spirit, Hong Quan gained twice the strength of the human body, and he was still able to use Hong Quan martial arts.

Zizizi....In the sea of ​​flowers, the three-meter-high colony with countless ferocious mouths let out dizzy, high-frequency howls. Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan both covered their ears in pain. Ren Zihao It was even more unbearable, holding his ears directly, rolling on the ground and screaming.

Only Hong Quan, because he is a dead spirit, was not affected.

Hong Quan's face was cold, his hands were clenched into fists, his center of gravity moved down slightly, his feet exerted a little force, and he jumped three meters high, his muscles stretched like a big bow, and the skills of the Hong family boxing were released, all the strength was concentrated in the Right fist up.

Hong Quan's left hand is shaped like a tiger and a crane. Hong Quan's left hand is like an iron hook. His left hand smashed and smashed the colony, directly blasting the sarcoma on the colony. At the same time, his right fist was like a tiger descending the mountain, strong and powerful , smashed the ferocious bacteria colony into the ground with one punch.

Hong Quan landed on the ground, punched the colony three meters away again, and the huge force even crushed the tumors on the colony one by one.

Gululu, Gululu.

However, although Hong Quan's strength, speed, and reaction ability surpassed twice that of humans, countless granulation hyphae squirmed frantically on the colony in front of him, and the place that was originally blown up squirmed and grew again.

"What can you do?"

Hong Quan's face was cold, and his eyes were expressionless. This was because the undead deprived Hong Quan of most of his emotions. At this moment, Hong Quan turned his head to look at Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan.

: First update, thanks to the 500-point reward from the old ruler, I am so grateful for the ravings, I kneel down and thank you for the reward.

Continue to explode and ask for subscriptions, raving about brazenly asking for subscriptions, asking for monthly tickets, asking for rewards, asking for favorites, asking for evaluations, asking for comments.

: Legendary investigation masters can guess what kind of indescribable monsters will appear in this investigation mission. You can speak freely in the comment area, and there are hints for the ramblings.

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