I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 110. Distortion Of The Sea Of ​​Flowers Please Subscribe And Ask For Tickets

This content was first published "Fuck, damn it, what the hell did my mother encounter before?"

In the villa area, Yu Hong, who was wearing a prison uniform, ran away in a hurry, his eyes were full of horror, and he cursed loudly like venting his anger.

As a murderer, Yu Hong used her beauty to commit more than a dozen crimes, and she was considered a mad murderer. Yu Hong could kill the victim without changing her face, but she couldn't face the horror directly at all. The strange scene, that kind of feeling is beyond Yu Hong's psychology, tolerance, even beyond Yu Hong's cognition.

It's unbelievable that a person can still stand up after his brain was dug out, which made Yu Hong's scalp go numb and terrified.

Huh, huh, huh, after running for a while, Yu Hong finally came back to his senses, his brain was barely able to think, a flash of panic flashed across his pupils, and he turned his head to look around.

At some point, Yu Hong had already arrived in the villa area. On the left and right sides were two gazebos for leisure, and in the middle was a garden the size of a football field.

"Why did I appear here? Am I planning to escape from this villa?"

Yu Hong looked around in amazement, under the dark environment, Yu Hong's eyes could barely adapt, and could see the situation within two meters.

In Yu Hong's line of sight, the entire garden is silent, and visible to the naked eye, the gorgeous flowers are emitting colorful light. The strange colors have completely exceeded the limit of Yu Hong's brain processing, and the entire flower sea lies in Hong's eyes. , becoming: Distorted and disordered, like an abstract painting, making people feel nauseated, dizzy, and upset.

Gululu... Gululu Yu Hong's sight was attracted by these...... colorful flowers, the whole world became: distorted and confused, and at the same time in Hong's ear, he heard A burst of monotonous, but soft and soothing, intoxicating low-frequency vibration sound.

The monotonous and boring voice gradually began to intensify from soft and soothing, and became majestic. It was mixed with the screams and howls of countless people, crazy and chaotic. Yu Hong felt that the ground under her feet was spinning, and the sea of ​​flowers in front of her was emitting infinite Endless charm.

bang bang bang.

Yu Hong's heart was beating wildly, her face was contorted and trembling, but her consciousness became more and more intoxicated. The crazy warning of her brain made Yu Hong feel horrified, but her heart was terrified and disturbed, and her consciousness became more and more addicted to the unpredictable , monotonous and boring, but in the majestic and strange tones.

Tap, tap, tap.

Yu Hong couldn't control her footsteps at all, and walked towards the strange and strange sea of ​​flowers, like a walking corpse, but Yu Hong's heart was full of extreme fear.

"Fuck, stop, stop for my old lady..."

The brain frantically releases nerve signals, but Yu Hong's body is still slowly staggering towards the entire sea of ​​dead flowers, her consciousness is chaotic, everything in front of her eyes seems to be happening with the approach of Yu Hong, which makes people feel frightened and mysterious The change.

As Yu Hong approached, the entire garden area became bright as day, and the colorful flowers exuded a strange light, and these lights were flickering crazily, and this strobing didn't have any known laws at all.

"Beautiful... so beautiful.

Yu Hong's face is intertwined with extreme fear and extreme intoxication, the whole surprise lies in the fact that in front of Hong, the entire sea of ​​flowers squirms hideously, the flowers are intertwined, crazily intertwined, twisted and distorted.

Gululu, Gululu.

The monotonous and strange tones once again filled Yu Hong's whole world. With this kind of tones, Yu Hong's ears could not hear any sounds from the outside world. Until a certain moment, Yu Hong could no longer... hear anything else However, I was surprised to hear an even more creepy and frightening voice.

The whole sea of ​​flowers is wriggling and distorting crazily. Countless flowers overlapped and turned into hideous and terrifying human faces. These human faces were howling crazily, making terrifying sounds like coming from the nether world.

Yu Hong was shaking like a chaff sieve, her scalp was numb, her heart was beating wildly, and her blood pressure had soared sharply, but... in such extreme fear, Yu Hong's brain started to secrete dopamine crazily, and the world in front of her suddenly changed. Become: normal.

Yu Hong found that she was in a pink room, surrounded by extravagant and warm decorations, and there was a melodious sound that made the heart beat faster and the blood pulse swelled in her ears.

Yu Hong walked into the sea of ​​flowers step by step, her eyes blurred and chaotic, and the prison uniform on her body had disappeared without knowing when.

The entire flower sea is undergoing an incomprehensible, indescribably ferocious distortion. The entire flower sea is distorted and distorted into a humanoid monster, with colorful lights flickering all over its body, but humans can only see the color of darkness. The roots are like hyphae covered with sarcoid arms waving wildly, and the whole body is covered with strange sarcoid tumors. These... sarcoid tumors are crazily wriggling and stretching, making people feel hairy vertical.

The horrific body has dozens of ferocious and twisted limbs, and the flower clusters that can barely be called heads are covered with human faces.

Chi, chi, chi Yu Hong's eyes were dull, his consciousness was drowsy, and he slowly threw himself into the arms of this twisted monster, one by one ferocious tumors poured into Yu Hong's body crazily, and Yu Hong completely sank into it. In this crazy atmosphere, frantic dancing started, absurd and twisted.

The sea of ​​flowers, as bright as day, fell into darkness again. This kind of darkness is a hideous and frightening darkness produced by mixing countless colors. Anyone who looks at it will fall into the endless abyss.

In the darkness, a slight groan could still be heard from Hong, and then fell into a completely silent world, and all the previous scenes disappeared.

Tick, tick.

Xiao Yuyan, who was observing Yu Hong, had a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. Yu Hong's last absurd, twisted and ugly, but chilling scene made Xiao Yuyan, who is also a woman, tremble with fear. At the same time, she had feelings for Hong. A trace of mercy.

"Investigator, come back to your senses."

Luo Ming also saw what happened to Yu Hong. To be honest, Luo Ming did not expect the distortion in the sea of ​​flowers, but this distortion is still produced by the mixture of fungus and human body, so there is nothing to fear.

"I'm sorry, President, I'm a little distracted."

Luo Ming's plain voice awakened Xiao Yuyan, Xiao Yuyan gave Luo Ming an apologetic look, and said with a wry smile.

Luo Ming just reminded Xiao Yuyan, and stopped talking. Yu Hong's death was inevitable, and Luo Ming had no sympathy or pity. From the beginning to the end, Luo Ming's eyes were very flat. These people were always just Luo Ming's cannon fodder. That's all.

Pan Qiang, the slender and slender kidnapper from villa No. 1, stumbled in the darkness, and came to the nearest villa No. 1. After looking at the villa's sign, Pan Qiang pulled out another wire from the flesh of his left elbow.


After a few tinkerings, Pan Qiang pried open the door lock of the villa, as long as it is not a combination lock, it doesn't matter...

No matter how complicated the lock cylinder is, Pan Qiang can even pry it open. Pan Qiang, as the fourth master known in the world, can be regarded as having some means and ability.

"Don't let me go out, let me go out, I will definitely kill you, brat."

Pan Qiang's eyes were fierce, his right hand was pierced by Luo Ming's mind power, and the whole right hand could not use his strength at all. The pain in his right hand made Pan Qiang feel a heart-piercing feeling every time he moved his right hand.

"Haiyun Xinju villa? Fourth master tied the boss of Haiyun Xinju at that time."

The dark environment didn't affect Pan Qiang's sight much. After entering the villa, he sat down on the sofa as if he had entered his own home.

:Fourth update:, continue to explode and ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a collection, ask for a review, ask for a comment.

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