I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 115. Wu Liang Asks For A Subscription And A Reward

This content was published first "Hey, Editor-in-Chief Wu Da, you are working hard again."

In the center of Yangcheng City, in the office of the editor-in-chief in the Voice of News office building, there is a sweet-looking woman with a tall and plump figure in professional 1 clothing. stand up.

"Oh, Xiaoli, wait a moment, I'll be fine now."

A young man with sunken eye sockets and slightly pale face raised his head from his work, and glanced at his secretary Xiaoli, with a tired expression.


In front of Wu Liang, Secretary Xiaoli took off her clothes generously, showing her figure, her face was as calm as water, without any waves.

"Editor Wu, look at how my body has changed now..."

The voice as flat as water interrupted Wu Liang's somewhat excited gaze, Wu Liang frowned slightly, and started to work again.

And the secretary Xiaoli saw Wu Liang immersed in his work, and didn't bother her, so she just walked out naked. Outside the editor-in-chief, there was... a huge office. There were no fewer than dozens of men and women in the office. When I came out, these people, regardless of gender, just glanced at it and didn't pay attention.

"It's been two years since I left Haiyun Xinju Villa."

Wu Liang looked at the secretary Xiaoli walking through the crowd with complicated eyes, feeling an inexplicable excitement in his heart, looked down at the editor-in-chief's ID card on his desk, and let out a deep breath.

It has been two years since I left the Haiyun Xinju villa area. During these two years, Wu Liang even forgot why he went to the Haiyun Xinju villa, who he went with, and how he got out. These things are all forgotten.

In short, after Wu Liang came out, he found that the world had changed, but hadn’t changed, and his life was still the same. After returning, Wu Liang devoted himself to busy work, and his status rose step by step. edit location.

The reason why he is constantly busy is because Wu Liang accidentally discovered that the world has changed a bit after all.

Two months after he just came out of Haiyun Xinju Villa, one day Wu Liang felt that the ordinary life was too irritating, so the young Wu Liang wanted to find some excitement, because he found that two months of life, There was not even a trace of waves, just as calm as still water.

So, on that day, Wu Liang specially asked for a leave of absence, and when he was taking the subway line, Wu Liang finally made up his mind to be a subway man.

This idea is very crazy, but Wu Liang has had enough of this ordinary life, so Wu Liang really did it.

While the subway was full of people, he tried his best to squeeze behind that... slender and beautiful beauty, and stretched out his sinful claws excitedly. Taking advantage of the crowd, he touched the beauty's skin.

Just when Wu Liang was so excited that he couldn't help himself, a scene that made Wu Liang dumbfounded appeared. The strange beauty in front of Wu Liang, after turning her head to look at Wu Liang indifferently, actually took off her body in front of the public. clothes.

What made Wu Liang feel even more unbelievable was that the girls on the subway just watched for a second, and then went about their own business again, just like the beauty in front of Wu Liang was an air, and the subway started to make a fuss.

Staring blankly at the beautiful woman in front of him, Wu Liang felt an unprecedented excitement at first, and even had an indescribable thing with the beautiful woman in the subway. Regarding what Wu Liang did, the people on the subway still just glanced at it, Then it was indifferent.

Afterwards, Wu Liang discovered that the world had finally become different. Ever since the incident on the subway, Wu Liang fell for a while, and all kinds of strange and jaw-dropping things challenged human beings to go offline. have done.

But without exception, no one cares, no matter...

No one cares about how absurd Wu Liang's actions are. This made Wu Liang discover another discordant place in this world, that is plainness, and everyone's expressions are very plain.

This plainness makes Wu Liang's scalp numb, because everyone is very plain, there is no joy, anger, sorrow, joy, resentment, and surprises. When he didn't find anything abnormal before, Wu Liang didn't think there was anything wrong. To see these people is simply weird and frightening.

This feeling is indescribable, Wu Liang just... feels creepy, no matter what Wu Liang does, it will not cause the slightest emotional reaction from these people, just like... a robot.

Moreover, since I don't know when, Wu Liang felt that there seemed to be a pair of eyes watching him in the darkness. These eyes made Wu Liang feel very uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

Boom boom boom.

The knock on the door awakened Wu Liang, who was lost in memory. Wu Liang looked up and saw a girl from the news department walking over naked. Wu Liang was no longer surprised.

"Editor Wu, this is the news of this month."

A reporter from the news department walked up to Wu Liang and handed a news release to Wu Liang. Wu Liang just looked at the girl in front of him, and he just ignored the news release without even looking at it.

"Not normal, not normal... not normal, not normal at all."

Wu Liang held his head in his hands, his eyes were sunken, and he tried hard to show a little emotion on his face, but after two years of life, Wu Liang found that he could not express his emotions anymore, which made Wu Liang go crazy.

It has been two years, and he has had enough of this seemingly normal world, which is actually not normal at all. These people have very normal logic, and everything follows the inherent logic of human beings, but they have no etiquette, justice, shame, or any normal human emotions. .

Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrurrrrrrrrrrrrrrurrrrrrrrrrrrrurrrrrrrrrrrrrrurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)], Wu Liang felt as if the endless seawater around him was coming, and his consciousness fell into the deep sea, the fear that had been suppressed for the past two years, completely broke out, Wu Liang felt that he was at the bottom of the water, surrounded by darkness, endless Fear wraps itself around.

Sizzling... Sizzling... Sizzling...Wu Liang's ears heard bursts of monotonous and chaotic, meaningless electric noise. In the past two years, Wu Liang has often heard the current noise. I always thought it was an auditory hallucination caused by my work pressure.

However, now Wu Liang doesn't feel that way anymore, because all the scenery in front of him, like being put into a Wanhua mirror, began to crazily rotate, twist, deform and stretch, and the original normal human beings became: ferociously distorted, and the whole world began to fade .

Wu Liang's consciousness is like being thrown into a front-loading washing machine. The experience of the past two years is like a revolving lantern, frantically flashing back, and then these memory fragments begin to frantically reorganize and distort.

Wu Liang's consciousness became confused, he didn't know where he was, at what time, where, Wu Liang's time memory began to become confused, in front of Wu Liang's eyes, the beauty began to distort and deform, split from the center, and the whole world began to twist and wriggle , an indescribable horror.

Gululu... Gululu... Wu Liang's consciousness began to sink, falling crazily, and the monotonous, but strange voice came again, and this time, Wu Liang even heard the sound of water flowing, as if he was diving , the sound heard was normal.

The world began to blur and distort, the whole world has completely faded its color and turned into a pitch black and pale world, and this world is still: distorted and faded, from where Wu Liang could see, a layer of darkness like an abyss swept in , frantically engulfing the world in front of me.

Then, in the dark world, Wu Liang saw, saw the pair of eyes that had been peeping at him since two years ago, a pair of dull, empty eyes.

: The third update, continue to explode and ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a favorite, ask for a review, ask for a comment.

Feilu reminds you: three things to bookmark and recommend

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