I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 124. Push All The Way To Subscribe And Ask For Tickets

This content is first published Haiyun Xinju Villa Luo Ming stood indifferently in the villa, behind Luo Ming were four 44 investigators, Liao Youming, Xiao Yuyan, Hong Quan, Ren Zihao.

In front of Luo Ming, twenty or thirty biochemical dolls with astonished faces and empty eyes were holding electric guns the size of black and gnarled metal doorknobs: the exposed wires on the electric guns were flickering. blue light.

An oppressive and heavy atmosphere filled the villa, and the sky was filled with dark clouds, gloomy and terrifying, as if a huge storm was brewing.

"Investigators, I leave it to you."

Luo Ming stared directly at these biochemical dolls, without any expression on his face, and his steps were not fast or slow, walking forward like a walk, as if the biochemical dolls blocking the road did not exist at all.

Chi, chi, chi.

A series of blue spherical electric sparks rushed towards Luo Ming quickly. However, Luo Ming's own nerve reaction was enough to see clearly without using any abilities... ..The trajectory of the blue spherical electric spark.

Bass, bass.

Luo Ming's body was walking, he dodged the first one to the left, and then dodged the second one to the right. With a slight swing of his head, he avoided all the attacks perfectly. The ground behind Luo Ming On it, there appeared a scorched black mark.

Tap, tap, tap.

Luo Ming's footsteps were still unhurried, the sound of gentle footsteps resounded in the dead and silent villa, like strolling in a courtyard, his gaze was always calm.

"Leave it to me, President."

"You guys...you ghosts, you don't need the president to do it at all. Just in time, let's test my secret thing."

Behind Luo Ming, Ren Zihao felt that Luo Ming's calm and unhurried movements were really cool, and exchanged glances with the other investigators, Ren Zihao walked out with a serious face.

From his pocket, he took out a rose. This rose was taken by Ren Zihao when he was in the sales department. up.

"Parasitic spores."

He took out his investigator card and found the parasitic spores. Hearing Ren Zihao's voice, the investigator card spit out the parasitic spores. This twisted and ugly parasitic spore was held by Ren Zihao.


Touch the parasitic spore on the right hand with the rose, and the parasitic spore twists and wriggles instantly, blending into the rose strangely.

After merging with the parasitic spores, Ren Zihao could feel that he could control the growth and reproduction of this rose.


Ren Zihao whispered, and the rose in his hand began to distort and swell instantly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a hideous and terrifying deformed plant full of sarcomas. This plant twisted and squirmed, crawling rapidly on the ground.

Chi, chi, chi.

The hideous and terrifying, deformed plant full of tumors twisted and squirmed quickly, like a ferocious giant snake, and rolled up all the biochemical dolls in front of Luo Ming.

Ren Zihao waved the roots of the deformed plant in his hand, easily lifted the huge and hideous deformed plant, brought the biochemical doll wrapped in the plant, and smashed it heavily on the ground on the left.


A dull vibration sounded, the deformed implants on the body contracted, and at the same time the impact of the ground caused these biochemical dolls to tear apart instantly.

Gululu.... The deformed plant squirmed and shrank like a strange liquid, flowing towards Ren Zihao's hand, and turned into a rose again. At the same time, on the ground, the strange biochemical dolls were all torn apart , scattered all over the place.

"Is this... the power of the mysteries?"

Ren Zihao's eyes were full of excitement and excitement, finally seeing the power of the mysterious thing, Ren Zihao was a little bit hard to control himself for a while.

"Let's go, Ren Zihao."

"Now is not the time to be in a daze."

Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan patted Ren Zihao's shoulder at the same time, and then chased after the president's footsteps. Ren Zihao also came back to his senses and followed Luo Ming. Beside Ren Zihao was Hong Quan with a cold face.

"Good job, investigator."

Looking back at Ren Zihao, Luo Ming praised him, then looked forward, and saw a twisted and deformed figure in the sea of ​​flowers in front of him, tumbling endlessly with a human woman, with sarcoid tumors on her body squirming, while the mouth of the human woman spewed out endless luminous colonies.

"President, leave it to me."

Xiao Yuyan frowned slightly, this human woman is a prisoner of death for Yu Hong, and she is also a woman, Xiao Yuyan still has some sympathy for Yu Hong's current experience.

Luo Ming nodded flatly, Liao Youming passed a lighter to Xiao Yuyan, Xiao Yuyan lit the lighter, and threw it directly into the garden.


These...... deformed fungus mutants burn instantly when they encounter fire, and spread all over the body of the special mutants in the blink of an eye, and then the fire burns blazingly.

In the flames, the special deformed body twisted ferociously, and let out a silent wail. Beside the special deformed body, Yu Hong, the death row prisoner, showed a relieved smile.


The fire almost reached a height of three meters. In the flames, everything was reduced to ashes. The special aberrations that Liao Youming and the three investigators were unable to deal with were now able to kill them with a single fire. If you know the method, it is still very easy to get rid of these ...... special distortions.

"Let's go."

Luo Ming continued to move forward, and the four 44 investigators behind him glanced at the special deformed body that had turned into ashes in the flames, but their eyes revealed a gleam of confidence. Along the way, these... ...the investigators have also grown quite a bit.

Woooooo...cheep...keep moving forward, passing Villa No. 1, a hideous, terrifying and deformed ghoul let out a sharp and ear-piercing scream, like a group of black shadows, quickly rushed towards Luo Ming.


However, Luo Ming just raised his left hand, and instantly grabbed the neck of the flying ghoul, and with his left arm, he directly lifted it up.

"Defective products."

Glancing at the ghoul who was only 1.5 meters tall with a hunchback body, Luo Ming's eyes were cold, and the five fingers of his left hand squeezed hard, and the terrifying force instantly pinched the ghoul's neck.


Like throwing garbage, he threw the ghoul's body into the flames behind him. The ghoul whose neck was twisted, convulsed and screamed wildly, but was gradually engulfed by the flames.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

In the darkness, one after another of shadows rushed, and the sharp and terrifying sound of ghouls came out from the shadows. Luo Ming clapped his hands, and he lost the desire to do anything.

"Four ghouls."

Luo Ming's gaze was deep and cold, and he said the information about the monster in a flat tone. The four 44 investigators immediately looked at each other, rushed out from behind Luo Ming, and blocked Luo Ming.

Liao Youming took out his cold spider short spear, and mentally connected the different pupils, the pupils of the eyes were split, the starlight was bright, and the perception was crazily improved.

Xiao Yuyan simply placed the hunting spider on her chest, her face was cold, and she was ready to fight.

Ren Zihao tightly held the rose in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

Hong Quan just stood there straight, but his muscles were tense, his hands were opened, and the hideous mouthparts in his palms let out a strange scream.

Four 44 investigators and four 44 ghouls.

Luo Ming has already seen the ending...: The second update, thanks to the legendary investigator Jingxian Sumi for the 100-point reward.

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