I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 132. Migo Crashes Young Black Goat Eggs Please Subscribe Request Tickets

This content is first published In the sky of Haiyun Xinju Villa, the six 66 Migos and ellipsoidal sarcoma hovered in mid-air with their terrifying dorsal fin membrane wings, and saw a terrifying scene that they could never see on Yuggos in their lifetime. .

The unknown and indescribable starry sky, the endless and eerie light curtain rolling endlessly, this kind of square, even the alien race that communicates with colors like Migo, can’t understand it at all, just like a glowing firefly, unable to understand human beings The light from the flashlight in his hand is average.


"Sab Nicholas....Sab...the Great Mother of All...."

"They dwell above the stars..."

"They are above all..."

"They gave birth to all things...they gave birth to thousands...."

Endless buzzing sounds vibrated from Migo's body, like tens of thousands of people howling and screaming, the whole body twisted and trembled crazily, and the ellipsoid sarcoma on the top of the head frantically shone with various brilliance.

After seeing the black goat of the forest, the indescribable body, these......... madly believe in Shabu Nicholas, and believe that the black goat of the forest is an interstellar star that is formless and formless, the source of the truth of the universe The race, the six 66 Migos from the dark planet Yuggos, are crazy about it, and their mind and will are crazy and disordered.

Just looking at it, Migo's body trembled in fear, the high-frequency vibrations on his body became even more disordered, and Migo's body began to collapse first.

Gululu... Gululu... Migo's spiritual will seemed to have sunk into the sea at a depth of 20,000 meters. There was no light at all around him, it was pitch black and deep, and the terrifying water pressure made Migo feel desperate and shocked. Fear, even to the point... Trembling, maddened by it.

Chihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... the moment Migo saw the indescribable black goat of the forest, Migo's body collapsed and distorted like ooze, and Migo seemed unaware, his whole body Trembling, frantic, wanting to use the brilliance on the ellipsoidal sarcoma to express everything he saw, but in exchange for meaningless stroboscopic light.

Even these... Migo wants to use human language to express everything that makes people crazy before him, and wants to express the existence of this being called the ruler on Yuggoth. One scale and one half angle:.

Buzz buzz...buzz buzz...味味味...呵呵呵...but obviously the distorted and distorted body can no longer effectively utter human language, Migo's voice is distorted and disordered, weird Crazy, like human nonsense, has no meaning.

Gululu... The spiritual consciousness sank into the water pressure of 20,000 meters, and Migo's sensory organs became: distorted and disordered, these... Migo was like a headless fly Generally, one head is planted on the ground, and on the entire ellipsoid sarcoma, there is only dead black.

Ah... Tens of thousands of people screamed in Migo's body, and then the whole Migo collapsed into a ball of mud, his body collapsed, and his mental consciousness completely fell into madness.

All of this just happened when Yiming was suffocating in despair and trembling, his eyeballs noticed the sinking into the 20,000-meter sea water, and instantly distorted and distorted into a puddle of black muddy liquid.

'Guest', 'Come'... Isaac...%....Unknown starry sky, in the nameless fog, the indescribable black goat of the forest just casually glanced back, then turned and left, how can humans Will care about the ants on the ground?

When the black goat of the forest completely left this unknown starry sky, and the nameless fog rolled thickly again, after half an hour passed, Luo Ming finally broke free from the extreme horror and trembling.

Hoo, hoo, hoo.

Luo Ming was drenched in cold sweat, his face was pale, his body was still trembling slightly, but Luo Ming's face was smiling, excitedly, he bet right.

After Luo Ming saw the rituals of the 12 rich men, he let his indescribable right hand record it, and Luo Ming understood this indescribable magic knowledge, just like a monkey learning to press a switch. He didn't understand this I don't know the principle of this spell, but I know how to use it.

The reason why he took the risk to use unknown ravings to call the indescribable Black Goat of the Forest is because Luo Ming was betting that the Black Goat of the Forest would turn back after hearing his voice, and he was betting that Migo would turn around when he saw the Black Goat of the Forest. After that, it will go straight to madness.

That's right, Luo Ming is...betting, and he bet right, the interstellar race from the distant dark planet Yuggos, Migo, was mentally distorted the moment he saw the indescribable black goat of the forest Crazy, the body collapsed directly.

Migo was annihilated by the spiritual will directly frightened by the real body of the black goat of the forest, the ruler Shabu Nicholas, whom he crazily admired, and he couldn't die anymore.

Moreover, Migo's body has distorted and collapsed into a mass of mud, and the high-frequency vibrations on his body have disappeared. For... Luo Ming, Migo is no longer a threat at all.

It is also the indescribable black goat of the forest, but Luo Ming is still able to maintain his sanity, while Migo, a black technology interstellar race, collapsed and died directly. Resistance, much higher than Migo.

After waiting for a long time, Luo Ming finally got some strength. He looked up at the sky, the twisted Migo portal that Migo had opened had been completely closed, and the shining square octahedron in the sky also lost its support. It fell completely to the ground.



With a sneer, Luo Ming stood up unsteadily. Although he was betting, he was 70% sure that he would survive to the end. Existence, gradually groping experience.

Luo Ming tried his best to avoid the indescribable fear brought by the black goat of the forest, including closing his eyes at the first sight of the black goat of the forest, in order to minimize the damage.

Chi... Chi Chi...However, Luo Ming hadn't erased the hexagram array on the ground, and in the unknown starry sky above his head that still lost the trace of the black goat of the forest, there were strange and ear-piercing screams.

This made Luo Ming raise his head again in astonishment, a feeling of heart palpitations reappeared, above Luo Ming's head, in the unknown starry sky, in the nameless fog, a black spot of light fell straight down, and the whole ritual formed The strange beam of light began to vibrate and twist, as if something terrifying was passing through.

Clack, cluck, cluck... A strange and frightening sound rang in Luo Ming's ear, making Luo Ming's heart beat faster and his face solemn.


The sound of collision sounded like evening drums and morning bells. In front of Luo Ming, there was a pitch-black Amber-shaped indescribable ellipsoidal egg-shaped object that was crazily wriggling and twisting inside. The moment Luo Ming's eyes saw it, the pupils Shrinking, I instantly realized what this indescribable thing was in my mind.

Black Goat Young Egg This is an indescribable and incomprehensible thing that fell out of the body of the indescribable forest black goat.

The black goat egg is not a physical thing, nothing can observe it, no matter...

Is it the human eyes, or can't be observed with various human technologies.

But it's real here, and if someone's inspiration is strong enough, they can see the black goat eggs and be affected by them.


After the young black goat eggs arrived, the entire ritual of chanting was distorted in an instant, all the blood was absorbed into the body by the young black goat eggs, and the unknown starry sky above Luo Ming's head disappeared in a fuzzy tumbling.

Tap, tap, tap, tap Luo Ming looked solemnly at the young black goat eggs that were vibrating regularly, like breathing. In the pitch-black Amber, Luo Ming could see something brewing.

And following the breathing movements of the young black goat eggs, a wave of unseen, unknowable, and incomprehensible strange fluctuations spread.

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