I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 134. Subscription For Subscription And Monthly Pass

This content was first published "Brother Liao, please pass over that... doorknob-like thing..."

"Zihao, that's an electric gun: don't aim him at your companions..."

"Uh...does anyone know what it is?"

In the early morning, the sun shines on the earth, dispelling the darkness of last night, Yangcheng once again fell into a fast-paced life, and everyone needs to work hard for life.

In the Haiyun Xinju villa area in the center of Yangcheng City, the gates of the villa area are closed at this time, and the entire villa has returned to its former cleanliness and elegance, except for the... Other than that, it's as if nothing ever happened.

In Villa 3, four investigators, no, it should be said that five 55 investigators are busy sorting out the random piles of things on the floor, most of them are deformed and twisted things that make people feel sick and vomit.

Liao Youming wore rubber gloves on both hands, and carefully handed two dark, gnarled and mysterious things that looked like doorknobs to Xiao Yuyan.

"I remember the president called this kind of ghost thing... um, electric gun:..."

"This kind of thing doesn't look like a gun at all..."

Xiao Yuyan took it carefully, resisting the feeling of nausea and vomiting, and threw the two twisted and knobby electric guns in a divided place.

There are more than 20 hideous and terrifying electric guns in this place:.

"Brother Hong, please put that...disgusting thing at your feet here..."

Ren Zihao walked up to Hong Quan with a disgusted expression on his face, pointing to a twisted and gnarled tube that was as tall as a man, he didn't dare to touch it at all, so he could only ask Hong Quan, a...senior boss.


Hong Quan bent down, stretched out his right hand, and bit the knobbly deformed tube with the ferocious mouthparts in his palm, lifted it up easily, and threw it at the place Ren Zihao designated.

"This thing is a biochemical doll maker...it's really ugly."

Hong Quan spat out the mysterious thing he was biting with the hideous sharp mouthpiece in the palm of his right hand, Hong Quan looked down and said with a cold face.

Last night, Hong Quan saw that the president used the black technology of Migo to create biochemical dolls with blank faces and dull eyes. These biochemical dolls cleaned the villa in one night The spotless no matter....

Whether it was a human corpse or a mutant corpse, they were all burned up by these biochemical puppets.


Liao Youming wiped the sweat off his forehead, and looked at the brain cylinder on the tea table in the living room of the villa. Inside the brain cylinder was the richest man in Yangcheng, the well-known real estate tycoon Wang Jianguo.

"Mr. Wang, how do you feel?"

Liao Youming walked up to the brain cylinder, looked at the floating brain inside the cylinder, and still felt his heart beating faster and palpitations.

"It's much better. After the president's adjustment, I can see and listen normally now."

Wang Jianguo's voice is emitted through the external plug-in of the brain cylinder. It is no longer monotonous and weird like an old gramophone, but has become: like a normal person, and it is more magnetic than Wang Jianguo's previous voice.

Although Wang Jianguo still has a 360-degree viewing angle, the world inside the line is no longer monotonous, but just like a normal person, except that he can't feel his hands, feet and body, Wang Jianguo has ended his feeling of being alive.

"Well, tell me, what kind of battle did our president encounter after being lost..."

"It's the first time I've seen a long pale face..."

Xiao Yuyan finally finished sorting out all the things in her hands, and she breathed a sigh of relief, she couldn't help her inner curiosity.

All the investigators turned their heads and looked outside the villa. In the gazebo in the villa area, Luo Ming sat calmly, his face still a little pale, and his eyes were staring at the front. What puzzled these investigators was, Where the chairman is looking, there is nothing.

"Is the president thinking about something?"

Liao Youming was also a little curious. After all, the president has been sitting in the gazebo since last night, leaving all trivial matters to himself and others.

"Is there a 1 diamond in the metal box in the chairman's hand? It's really dazzling."

As a woman, Xiao Yuyan couldn't take her eyes off the shiny things, but from a distance, Xiao Yuyan only saw the shining light inside the box, and didn't see anything else.

Ren Zihao, Hong Quan, and the newcomer Wang Jianguo were also full of curiosity. Not only here, but in the corner of the villa, there is also a colorful area that is also strictly prohibited by the president. These... .......It was the first time for the investigators to see the president's serious expression, so no one dared to ask the reason, let alone defy it.

"Have you finished packing yet?"

Just when the five 55 investigators were all curious, a plain voice sounded in the minds of everyone, startling Liao Youming and the three of them, while Wang Jianguo, who had already become a 1-brain, quickly put it in the nutrient solution Floating inside.

"Come here if you're done."

Luo Ming didn't pay attention to these... The investigator was surprised, his voice was still flat, and under the blessing of the shining trioctahedron, the spirit and will easily enveloped the entire Haiyun Xinju Villa, under the spiritual will, Luo Ming can easily achieve spiritual communication, spiritual hypnosis, spiritual perception, etc... abilities.

Luo Ming's words brought Liao Youming and the others back to their senses, looked at each other, then tidied up their clothes, and walked quickly towards the gazebo where Luo Ming was.

"Remember to bring Wang Jianguo with you."

Watching the actions of the four 44 investigators, Luo Ming frowned slightly, and said in a reminder.


Hearing Luo Ming's reminder, Liao Youming patted his forehead, he had completely forgotten about it before, and now Wang Jianguo can't walk freely, he needs someone to take him with him.

Not long after, Liao Youming brought the brain cylinder, and Xiao Yuyan and others came to Luo Ming. Luo Ming glanced at the five 55 former Freemason investigators with a satisfied expression on his face.

"You can be regarded as the elite of the old Freemasonry..."

"Although you will face more severe challenges and more mysterious events in the future..."

Luo Ming casually glanced at the young black goat not far away, his face became a little serious, his eyes still flashed with deep and bright starlight, which made the five 55 investigators feel as if they were going to be deeply engulfed in Luo Ming's eyes .

"But that's all for the future."

"Now, it's time to develop the old Freemasonry..."

Luo Ming's voice sounded, Liao Youming, Xiao Yuyan, Ren Zihao, Hong Quan and Wang Jianguo were all stunned, but Liao Youming was the first to react, with some guesses in his heart, he asked excitedly.

"President, the development of the old Freemasonry you said is..."

Although there were some guesses, Liao Youming suppressed his inner excitement and wanted to ask Luo Ming for confirmation.

"Old Freemasonry is mystical..."

"Investigators deserve extraordinary..."

Luo Ming's voice was flat, but besides...Wang Jianguo and Hong Quan, Liao Youming, Xiao Yuyan, and Ren Zihao were all excited. They didn't doubt whether the president could do it, because the president Sure can do it.

They have always regarded the old Freemasonry as a supernatural and mysterious organization above the secular society, but as investigators, these people have not yet realized the detachment of this identity.

Now that they have the status of mysterious investigators and otherworldly investigators, they should enjoy the transcendent status and treatment, but because the president has never mentioned it, they dare not ask.

Now they have finally waited, and finally waited for the approval of the president. The old Freemasonry will completely become a mysterious and unpredictable organization with a transcendent existence, and the investigators of the old Freemasonry should also be mysterious and otherworldly. .

:Fourth update:, all the big guys, raving about being so cute, I beg for a wave of support, please subscribe more and vote more, raving is here to thank you all.

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