I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 142. The Gift Of The Old Freemasonry Please Subscribe And Ask For A Monthly Ticket

This content is first published Tick, tick, tick.

In the room shrouded by shadowless lamps, Wang Xin kept dripping tears. These... tears fell to the ground and broke into many petals, giving people a sense of sadness and despair a feeling of.

The entire room was filled with a heavy and depressing atmosphere. Chen Tian and Liu Honghui of the special investigation team fell silent. Both of them knew the situation of these 12 elites, especially Liu Honghui, who had also entered the terrifying abyss of Hanlinyuan Community. To the despair, horror and tremor far beyond ordinary people's comprehension.

"Come on, let's get on with our work."

In the silent and oppressive atmosphere, Qi Feng stood up with a pale face, glanced at Chen Tian, ​​and then greeted his companions.

The other 11 elites all stood up staggeringly, giving people a weird illusion of walking dead and about to collapse, but only Chen Tian and Liu Honghui knew what kind of iron will these people possessed.


Chen Tian saluted solemnly again, his eyes filled with respect for the 12 people in front of him, these 12 elites are real heroes.

Gululu... Gululu... Just when Qi Feng and the others wanted to continue to the Hanlinyuan community, the shadowless lamp above his head began to twist, and the whole room became: flickering and dark, in the interlacing of light and dark, Everyone in the room saw an extremely strange figure. It was a silhouette like a shadow. Everyone looked at it as if they saw a real bottomless abyss, a hell of despair.

Compared with this humanoid silhouette, the scenes in the Hanlinyuan community are as small as ants. The elites of the... special investigation team only feel their scalps go numb, and the sky is collapsing. , trembling with fear, the originally unstable mental state is marching towards the brink of collapse.

"wake up."

An extremely flat voice resounded in the hearts of everyone, and the previous panic and trembling faded away like the tide.

These elites looked at each other in dismay, and the human silhouettes they saw in front of them, even under the illumination of the shadowless lamp, could not see any light, like the shadow of the bottomless abyss, which made the brains of these elites shut down on the spot, incomprehensible, unimaginable, Completely violates the common sense of science.

"You... who are you? Chen Tian, ​​as the director of the special investigation team, his heart was pounding, and he looked at the human silhouette in front of him with cold sweat. This kind of unscientific thing, although Chen Tian has seen it a lot these days , but compared with the human silhouette in front of him, it is completely...insignificant.

"Old Freemasonry, President."

The voice of the humanoid silhouette was flat, but what he said caused Chen Tian and Liu Honghui to stir up turmoil in their hearts. For... the mysterious old Freemasonry, Chen Tian and Liu Honghui had contacted once before, but it was the old The investigator of the Freemasonry has extraordinary abilities, which has already shocked the entire special investigation team.

But today, after seeing the president of the old Freemasonry, Chen Tian finally understood how powerful and mysterious the old Freemasonry's background really was, and just seeing it would almost make one's spirit collapse.

"Your mental sanity is no longer enough to support you to complete this corpse removal task."

"Sense is close to the brink of collapse. If you continue, your genes will be deformed and become mysterious and unknown monsters."

The silhouette of the human figure is Luo Ming, who is semi-materialized by using spiritual will. At this time, Luo Ming's spiritual will has completely enveloped the entire Yangcheng. Yangcheng has turned into an exquisite city model, and Luo Ming's spiritual will can appear in the model at will. disappear.

The reason why he stayed in front of these special team members was because Luo Ming's spiritual will had already sensed that these... so-called elites were already on the verge of rational collapse, as if continuing to When exposed to the mysterious atmosphere of Hanlinyuan Community, even the body will collapse and distort into a mysterious monster, an ordinary deformed body.

"Your approach is wrong..."

Luo Ming also ignored these people's objections.

The reason for the reminder is entirely because I want to test to what extent my spiritual will can do in this state.

"What's wrong with this"

Chen Tian's face was full of astonishment, he couldn't understand what this...mysterious and powerful former Masonic leader said about the wrong method.

Gululu... Luo Ming waved his hand casually, and the scene in front of him began to distort crazily. These... The special investigation team found that they appeared in a familiar and unfamiliar area.

Hanlinyuan District.

"This...how is this possible"

"This...it's not scientific..."

"I...how did I get out of here..."

The sudden environmental change caused the 12 elites to panic and panic. They found that they could still see the shadowless lamp in the room, but at the same time they could see the Hanlinyuan community. This feeling made these elites a little confused and terrified.

"What did you see"

Luo Ming's plain voice rang in everyone's minds, and these elites suddenly noticed that the Hanlinyuan community in front of them was shrinking rapidly, like an exquisite model.

A strange and distorted aura like a bottomless abyss shrouded the entire building of No. 11 in the Hanlinyuan District. It opened its teeth and claws, like countless terrifying tentacles dancing wildly, and even the whole building became crazily distorted.





The elites couldn't help expressing their feelings when they saw Hanlinyuan Community. When it was Liu Honghui's turn, Liu Honghui was silent for a moment before finally speaking.

"Nothing, just...an ordinary building."

That's right, Liu Honghui didn't see the weird and horrifying scenes that those elites saw at all. In front of Liu Honghui, this building was very ordinary and unremarkable.

"I...I feel that this building is a bit distorted."

As the director, Chen Tian has never personally observed the Hanlinyuan community. After seeing the building of the Hanlinyuan community, he always feels that the building is a bit distorted and uncoordinated. Other than that, there is nothing else.

Swish... Everyone felt that the scene in front of them was fading like the tide, and they were still standing under the shadowless lamp, but the human silhouette in front of them became more and more mysterious.

"As an elite, your inspiration is much higher than that of ordinary people, and the more mysterious and thrilling you feel."

"Ignorance is the foundation to ensure that you can survive. If your inspiration is too high, you will fall into the bottomless abyss, despair and purgatory."

Luo Ming's plain voice sounded, and everyone looked at each other in dismay. They didn't know what inspiration was, and they simply regarded it as something like observation ability.

"Sixth sense?"

Liu Honghui, on the other hand...... instantly connected the inspiration with the sixth sense, looking at the silhouette of a human figure in front of him, Liu Honghui asked suspiciously.

"You are very good, I hope you don't collapse prematurely."

Luo Ming glanced at Liu Honghui appreciatively, Liu Honghui's inspiration is very low, he can't feel many secrets at all, but this has become the capital of Liu Honghui's ability to live until now.

Gululu... Gululu... Luo Ming waved his hand again, and the invisible and insubstantial spiritual consciousness quickly poured into the brains of these elites, turning into twisted and dark spiritual seeds, which were exuding secrets The unpredictable atmosphere suppressed the inspiration of these elites.

"I've already suppressed your inspiration, as to how far it can go...it's up to you."

"This is a gift from the old Freemasonry."

Luo Ming can clearly see the spiritual seeds in the brains of these 12 elites. These... The spiritual seeds are a test for Luo Ming. They are absorbing the inspiration of these elites. Maybe there is The seeds will break out of cocoons and turn into butterflies, and maybe twisted into mysterious abilities.

However, this is an attempt by Luo Ming. As for whether the spiritual seeds can grow, it depends on the elites themselves. After all, it is the first time Luo Ming has used this ability, but as Luo Ming said, even if it cannot grow It can also suppress the inspiration of these guys, so that these elites can survive to the greatest extent.

: First update, thanks to the legendary investigator Go Pikachu for the 100-point reward, raving about it, thank you for your support.

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