I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 147. The Mysterious Invitation Please Subscribe Please Ask For A Monthly Pass

This content was first published "Is the Church of the Mist"

"That guy Bill...is able to turn people into monsters with compound eyes on his body...it's really interesting."

Luo Ming sat on an antique seat in the gazebo of the Haiyun Xinju villa area, slightly lowered his head and looked down at the strange and gorgeous distorted irregular polyhedron in front of him. In the window like a screen, the state of Senade of the United States of America was being displayed. Twilight Town.

Luo Ming stared calmly at Bill Reiner and others in the house villa. It was a little funny for the Mist Church created by Bill. These...... believers.

Transformed believers can't even reach aberrations, but are stronger than ordinary people. After swallowing Bill's compound eyes, their spirits will inevitably be distorted, thinking that they have gained great power.


Luo Ming just smiled, and lightly tapped the window in front of him with his right hand, the entire Twilight Town was rapidly shrinking, followed by Senade State, the United States of America, everything was shrinking.

In the void, the irregular window in front of Luo Ming was shrinking crazily, and turned into a dense cluster of irregular planes containing endless worlds at the beginning, and the endless planes were shrinking rapidly, and finally turned into a shining Like a diamond star, it is a strange and gorgeous irregular polyhedron.

Gululu... Gululu... The void where Luo Ming's spiritual will was twisted and rolled, and then the void opened an irregular and terrifying gap, and Luo Ming's spiritual will instantly returned to his body.

"It's a weird feeling."

Luo Ming lowered his head and glanced at the disappearing window in front of him, feeling a little dazed. This kind of eyes and mental will seem to be looking at the window at the same time, this feeling is very strange.

Breathing out softly, Luo Ming stood up, and came to Villa 4 next to Villa 3 with gentle steps. At this time, the entire Villa 4 had been vacated, and in the center of the living room of the villa, there was a person standing alone. Tall, hideous, twisted and gnarled metal jar, in the center of the jar, there is a strange amber liquid flesh, the flesh changes strangely between the jet black liquid and the amber colored flesh, if someone looks carefully, they will see the flesh The countless granulations inside are squirming crazily.

The multi-functional medical cabin is a dark technological creation left by the Migo family. It has medical capabilities far beyond human understanding. Even terminal illnesses such as cancer can be treated by the multi-functional medical cabin.

Bark, bark, bark, bark... The multi-functional medical cabin is vibrating strangely at this time, and countless wires are connected from the medical cabin to the power supply system of the entire villa. It looks densely packed, and it looks disgusting A nauseous sense of confusion.

Beside the multi-functional medical cabin, there is a twisted, twisted, gnarled metal cylinder. In the center of the cylinder, there is a terrifying mouth full of sharp fangs, and jet-black liquid is spit out from the mouth.

Gululu... Gululu...these.........the liquid quickly fell on the ground, and then distorted and distorted, gradually turning into a human shape, and then the surface of the liquid turned into a Human skin, eyes, mouth, and limbs grew out of the liquid, and finally turned into a biochemical doll with a dull face and empty eyes.

These living dolls are essentially the hideous black liquid, but surprisingly, they have the organs that humans should have, and they look no different from real people.

Luo Ming waved his right hand, and a cloud of unknowns covered these two hideous and twisted creations of black technology, enough to shock the world. Although Luo Ming's right hand is still sleeping, the unknown force can still be used.

The reason why these.....horrifying things are hidden is because Luo Ming has already seen some invited people in the window and made the final decision.

Longcheng No. 31 Hospital, Intensive Care Unit, an old man looked out the window with blank eyes. Outside the window was people coming and going, doctors, nurses, patients, and family members were very noisy, but the intensive care unit where the old man was in was unusually quiet. There are two completely different worlds separated by the window.

One alive and one dead.

Hey!! The old man sighed, he is already 80 years old, he has gone through ups and downs, from a small worker moving bricks, to building a huge real estate empire step by step, these experiences are even worse than the present The Ali Empire is even more legendary.

This old man is...Li Rongcheng who founded Hengda Group by himself. The entire Hengda Group has almost promised all the real estate in Dragon City, and even half of the planning of Dragon City was undertaken by Hengda Group.

It can be said that the Hengda Group has covered all aspects of Dragon City in the past few decades. Li Rongcheng's name was almost a household name at that time. The development of these decades has made the Li family the leader of Dragon City. top giants.

However, even if he has a legendary experience, what about wealth that is so huge that ordinary people can't imagine, Li Rongcheng smiled wryly.

he is going to die.

He was diagnosed with cancer three months ago, and it was at an advanced stage. Although he was being treated in No. 10 Hospital, Li Rongcheng could still feel that his time was numbered.

"It's really ironic, I thought I wasn't afraid of death..."

Staring blankly out of the window, Li Rongcheng stretched out his haggard hands to block the glare of the sun. Li Rongcheng was frightened. The older a person is, the more he fears death, especially when a person holds huge wealth and status. The more afraid of death.

When he came back to his senses, Li Rongcheng took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, only rang once, and the connection was made there.

"Third brother, tell me about the invitation message you received."

Li Rongcheng's voice was old and feeble, the long-term treatment made Li Rongcheng tortured, and even Li Rongcheng didn't know if he could persist until the next treatment.

There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then a low voice rang out.

"Dad, I received an invitation..."

"A friend of mine personally sent me a weird message..."

"Um... How should I say it? A friend in Yangcheng sent me a message..."

There was a hesitant voice from the phone, he didn't believe this piece of information at all, but since his father asked, Li Chenggang was hesitating whether to say it or not.

"what's the message..."

Li Rongcheng was very displeased with the indecisive and indecisive character of the third son Li Chenggang, and his tone became more serious.

"It's a...strange message."

Li Chenggang received a message two days ago. The reason why Li Chenggang felt strange was because the message had not been contacted for a long time. It was sent by Wang Jianguo from Yangcheng. The whole message only had two words.

Old days, redemption.

To be honest, Li Chenggang has been studying this sentence for two days, and he still doesn't understand what the old days and redemption represent.

Moreover, the message Li Chenggang received contained a strange and terrifying pattern that made people feel like they had fallen into a bottomless abyss at a glance.

A strange blood-red ferocious eyeball.

Staring at this eyeball, Li Chenggang seems to be able to feel that this eyeball is turning in surprise. This feeling is very strange. It is obviously an eyeball shown on the information on 1 mobile phone, but Li Chenggang always feels that this eyeball is three-dimensional. creep.

"Old Days"


Li Rongcheng murmured this sentence, his dull eyes seemed to grasp the last straw, and he didn't know the meaning of this sentence.

But the word redemption made Li Rongcheng seem to see hope.

He wants to be redeemed.

"Prepare the car and go to Yangcheng."

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