I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 17 Li Li Transformation, Extraordinary Power

"Call for backup, call for backup."

"A special situation happened here on National Highway 305, repeat, a special situation happened here on National Highway 305."

A marginal area of ​​National Highway 305 has been blocked by the traffic police who came here, and in the center of the blockade, Liu Honghui of the investigation team was covered with cold sweat, and his hands holding the gun trembled slightly.

The eyes of the two young and old drivers around were full of horror. Standing outside the warning circle, their bodies began to tremble slightly.


The taxi driver, Old Zhao, was so frightened that his face paled. He raised his finger and pointed at the girl in the center of the guard circle, and unconsciously yelled in horror.

Next to Lao Zhao, there was a young man wearing a brand-name T-shirt and an expensive wrist watch. This young man was the owner of the Audi car in the car accident. At this time, the face of this car owner was also pale, and his eyes were full of horror. , and a hint of consternation.

Recalling what happened before, this young man named Li Xiu felt a sense of horror in his heart. After the car accident, Li Li's mind began to collapse due to extreme fear, which also made Li Li's thoughts and actions become turbulent. very dangerous.

"It's all true...it's all true."

"No, it's not real, it's a nightmare..."

Li Li stood on the edge of the car accident, talking to herself incoherently. The information recalled by her brain was really unacceptable to Li Li, and even made Li Li feel that all this was just her own nightmare. The extreme fear made her brain still deny it. Reality.

"Ma'am, put your hands above your head..."

"Repeat, raise your hands."

Liu Honghui, who had just become a security officer, was a little nervous. He wasn't sure if he was dazzled before. How could a human crash into a car door? However, as Li Li was a suspect, Liu Honghui was still very cautious.

Sniff, sniff.

Li Li's nose twitched, and wisps of fragrance diffused from Liu Honghui's body, making Li Li's eyes, which were bloodshot from fear, become sparkling.

"It smells so good...it really smells so good."

Without realizing it, Li Li's saliva flowed down the corners of her mouth. At the same time, Li Li's feet exerted a little force, raising her body to a height of six meters. Her body was hunched, and she quickly rushed towards Liu Honghui.


The pupils of Liu Honghui's eyes constricted, and he couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes. Li Li's actions directly startled Liu Honghui, and a ball of flames shot out from the muzzle of the Type 54 security pistol.

Bang, bang, bang.

Liu Honghui quickly pulled the trigger. When he was in the police academy, the design of firearms was the most basic. Although he couldn't point and shoot, such a short distance was enough for Liu Honghui to hit Li Li.


The impact of the bullet caused Li Li to fall to the ground from the pounce action. The bullet pierced a big hole in Li Li's clothes, but there was only a trace of blood on Li Li's skin, and the bullet was completely covered by Li Li. Li Li's skin was wrapped up. At this time, Li Li's skin was like rubber, full of elasticity and terrifying defensive power.

Li Li hit the ground and made a dull sound. This sound was like a heavy leather drum, hitting Liu Honghui's heart, making Liu Honghui feel palpitations and fear.


Li Li shook her head and got up from the ground. The red light in her eyes faded a little. At this time, Li Li looked at her body in disbelief. On her body, orange bullets fell. fell down.


Looking at Li Li who got up from the ground, Liu Honghui subconsciously took a few steps back, swallowed at the same time, and stared at Li Li vigilantly.

"Why, why am I able to feel pain...why."

At this moment, tears of collapse flowed from Li Li's eyes, and she appeared in front of the taxi she was riding at a speed like a ghost. She clenched her hands into fists and vented all the panic in her heart to the vehicle.

Bang, bang, bang.

The huge force caused the front end of the taxi to deform rapidly. Li Li clenched her fist and smashed it on the hood of the car one after another, but tears flowed crazily.


It wasn't until 10 minutes later that Li Li stopped her crazy behavior, squatted on the ground and began to cry, her voice was full of helplessness, sadness and despair.

In the distance, three police cars drove over with their sirens on. More than a dozen police officers quickly got out of the cars. Each of them was armed with a Type 54 police gun, and charged towards Liu Honghui with live ammunition.

"Report your siren."

A security captain walked up to Liu Honghui, glanced at Liu Honghui, saluted, and then said in a calm tone.

"J56872, named Liu Honghui, a security guard of the investigation team."

Liu Honghui saluted quickly, and then took out his police ID card. Captain Wang Hongguang nodded, and quickly brought all the people involved in the accident into the police car.

"Strength beyond human limits, defense against bullets, elastic skin like rubber, agile movements..."

After all the security guards left the scene, a cloud of fog quickly dissipated in front of the car accident, revealing Luo Ming in the fog. At this time, Luo Ming checked the dent on the taxi with a trace of A clear look.

"The fusion of active blood clots will allow the person who swallowed the active blood clots to gain extraordinary power."

"But such power comes at a price. It will cause mental instability and inherit some ghoul behavior."

"Probably one-fifth of the power defense of a ghoul..."

Luo Ming glanced at the scene, and once again used the unknown fog to hide himself, and in the fog, Luo Ming began to quickly record.

Li Li

Number: 001

Code Name: Extraordinary · Ghoul Power

Specificity: The fusion of active blood clots will greatly increase the physical fitness, but there will be side effects. It is preliminarily estimated that the characteristics of ghouls will affect humans who fuse blood clots.

Closing the postcard in his hand, Luo Ming walked away. He already got the information after Li Li fused the blood clot, so the monitoring of these days came to an end.


Just when Luo Ming was about to leave, on the back of Luo Ming's right hand, blood-red hideous eyes opened, and then turned wildly.

This crazily turning was even stronger than last time, and Luo Ming found that on the back of his right hand, small eyes quickly squeezed out, following the crazily turning of the central eye.

The distortion of the right hand caused Luo Ming's pupils to constrict, and subconsciously, Luo Ming suddenly raised his head, only to see the indescribable existence that had disappeared for three days, the black goat of the forest, coming again.

In the sky, a layer of nameless mist shrouded, in the unknown and lonely starry sky, the black goat of the forest that was indescribable, unobservable, and indescribable, countless tentacles danced wildly, Luo Ming once again fell into an indescribable state of fear In the middle, sanity dropped wildly.


The indescribable ravings invaded Luo Ming's brain again. On the back of Luo Ming's right hand, ferocious eyes like compound eyes rolled quickly. However, Luo Ming could barely control his head and lowered the raised head.

Luo Ming found that he once again looked directly at the indescribable existence without any preparation, and his deformed right hand retained his last sanity, allowing Luo Ming to escape from the edge of madness again.


PS: Talking nonsense for support, for collection, for evaluation, for flowers, for the growth period of the new book, if you have any opinions or suggestions, you can leave a message in the comment area.

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