I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 169. Su Yaqin, Heir Of The Black Goat, Please Subscribe And Ask For A Monthly Ticket

This content is first published Su Yaqin looks through the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room of No.

After being bred by Mori's black goat, Su Yaqin's appearance has not changed, but it has changed again. Su Yaqin's facial features have become: extremely coordinated, and looks very beautiful. Even the appearance that used to be only 70 points has reached 98 points now. , I don't know how many times more beautiful than those entertainment stars.

But Su Yaqin also knew that she still had the original appearance, this feeling was indescribably weird, she knew that she was still herself, but she also knew that she was not herself anymore.

"President, I really am already dead."

Su Yaqin turned her head and looked at Luo Ming calmly. From the moment she woke up, Su Yaqin knew that her original self had already died yesterday.

The present self is another self, with Su Yaqin's memory, knowledge, and even Su Yaqin's cognition, but she knows that she is not Su Yaqin at all.

"I once heard of a philosophical paradox."

Luo Ming looked at Su Yaqin calmly, he could see the panic in the depths of Su Yaqin's plain eyes, Luo Ming sat casually on the sofa, looking at the outside of the villa, the deep voice attracted all of Su Yaqin's attention.

"Philosophical Paradox"

Not only Su Yaqin, but even Wang Jianguo in the brain cylinder couldn't help but listen.

"The Ship of Theseus."

"A ship is sailing at sea. As time goes by, the parts on the ship will be repaired and replaced, and finally all the parts on the ship will be replaced."

"Then, is this ship the same ship that sailed at the beginning?"

Luo Ming's plain voice seemed to have a kind of magical power, which made Su Yaqin and Wang Jianguo deeply involved. At the same time, the unknown fog rolled in Villa No. 3, and the spirit and will were constantly shaken.

Rumbling.... These two people seemed to see through the fog of the unknown, and saw below, a brand new ship was sailing through the wind and waves, day after day, day after day, when some parts broke , it will be replaced with new parts, until a certain moment, almost all parts are replaced with new ones.

This ship is still sailing, but it has changed: beyond recognition, in human time observation, this ship has become another ship.

"But, is that really the case?"

Luo Ming waved his hand casually. In the fog of the unknown, there was always a sailor standing on this ship. The young man who sailed from this ship turned into an old man with the passage of time, but the eyes of the old man It's still the same as the excitement when the ship just set out to sea.

"Does this old man... agree that this is a different ship?"

Luo Ming's plain voice woke up Su Yaqin, and the unknown fog in front of her eyes disappeared, but no matter...

Either Su Yaqin or Wang Jianguo understood what Luo Ming meant.

"From a human point of view, this seems to be another ship, but from the perspective of the young man on board, this is the original ship, carrying him a sailing ship, and it has never changed from beginning to end."

Luo Ming's words made Su Yaqin's eyes shine with a strange brilliance, and Su Yaqin's tears burst out of her eyes at some point.

"Su Yaqin, remember your original name, it will make you feel better in the future."

Luo Ming's plain tone seemed to be engraved in his brain, making Su Yaqin's human identity Su Yaqin become: unforgettable.

"Okay, there's plenty of time to think about these...philosophical questions.

"Now tell me what other changes have occurred in your body."

Of course Luo Ming knows that Su Yaqin has finally transformed from a human being into a black goat heir. In terms of life level, Su Yaqin has transcended from an ant-like human being. life.

"I got an ability..."

"Undead...or alive."

Su Yaqin glanced at Luo Ming, and did not hide it, because she knew that even if she concealed it, Luo Ming still had many ways to know Su Yaqin's physical condition after transformation.

Being re-conceived from the "breeding room" organ, Su Yaqin has essentially become the heir of the black goat, and has also acquired a strange and frightening mysterious ability.

This ability Su Yaqin calls it immortality, with Su Yaqin's human knowledge, she can't understand the principle and reason of this ability, but she knows the effect of this ability.

"Undead and Reborn"

Wang Jianguo couldn't understand the meaning of the mysterious ability in Su Yaqin's mouth. Since it is immortality, why is it called rebirth? Su Yaqin glanced at Luo Ming, Luo Ming nodded, and lifted up a miserable green cold spider short spear with his thoughts and suspended it. In front of Su Yaqin.

"President, what is this?"

Su Yaqin looked curiously at the cold spider short spear in her hand, she could feel a special aura from it, this aura was very similar to the aura hidden in Su Yaqin's body now, it was mysterious and surprising, making people feel uneasy.

"This is a mysterious item in the hands of my investigator, the cold spider short spear."

Luo Ming casually explained that the cold spider spear was placed here by Liao Youming. After all, the cold spider spear has turned green now, exuding a strange aura. In order not to frighten his wife and children, Liao Youming put In Haiyun Xinju Villa.

"Is the cold spider short spear?"

Muttered a word, but under Luo Ming's calm gaze, Su Yaqin stabbed the short cold spider spear into her chest.


A stream of fresh blood spurted out, and the entire cold spider spear quickly absorbed Su Yaqin's blood. In the blink of an eye, the entire cold spider spear turned blood red, and there were blood-like spots on the cold spider short spear. Mysterious pattern.


But Su Yaqin's eyes gradually dimmed, and her whole body fell straight to the ground, falling into death directly.

"President... this... girl is not trying to commit suicide, is she?"

Wang Jianguo looked at Su Yaqin's body that fell to the ground, and was a little astonished. He remembered that Su Yaqin said that he had acquired the mysterious ability of immortality.

"Investigator, be patient."

Luo Ming waved his hand, Wang Jianguo stopped talking immediately, and in front of the villa's floor-to-ceiling windows, a majestic and distorted multicolored,,,, light appeared, and the light quickly gathered, and another brand new Su Yaqin condensed out.

"That's what I'm capable of."

The light disappeared, another Su Yaqin came over, looked down at her previous corpse, her eyes were full of complicated light.

"Is that so?"

Luo Ming nodded. Under the fog of unknown, he could see Su Yaqin's ability clearly. This is not immortality or rebirth as Su Yaqin said, but a more mysterious ability.

According to human understanding, this ability is similar to cell reorganization, although it is exactly the same as before, no matter...

It is memory, cognition, and body, but just as Su Yaqin worried, the dead Su Yaqin and the reborn Su Yaqin are not the same person in essence.

It is like some kind of unknown and mysterious information transmission, which transmits all the information of Su Yaqin, and then reprints Su Yaqin through a special method. Although it looks exactly the same, it is not the previous individual.

"Very good secret ability."

"Let's call it rebirth. Immortality is not appropriate."

Luo Ming did not intend to tell Su Yaqin the truth, but only defined her mysterious ability as rebirth, and Luo Ming dismissed the idea of ​​recruiting Su Yaqin as an investigator. After all, if Su Yaqin's current situation is very complicated, and this mysterious ability is very unreasonable Stable, maybe one day when Su Yaqin discovers the truth of the mysterious ability, her mind will be distorted into another person.

"Heir of the Black Goat?"

If the old rulers are compared to gods, the Black Goat Heirs are... sons of gods, so Luo Ming gave Su Yaqin an appropriate name for this special life form.

Su Yaqin, the descendant of the mythical creature Black Goat: The third update, thank you for the 100-point reward from the Trojan Horse of Destiny, I am so grateful.

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