I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 173. The Changes Brought By The Eggs Of The Black Goat Please Subscribe For A Monthly Pass

This content is first published The entire earth, when the young black goat eggs screamed and screamed, they all stopped their movements, their brains shut down instantly, and the human beings on the entire earth seemed to hear something, but they didn't hear anything.

No, not only humans, but all creatures on the ground, when the young black goat eggs screamed, their brains shut down for a few seconds. This feeling is like the whole world has been pressed the stop button. Not at the physical level, but a more weird and indescribable thing.

Crackling and crackling over the entire Yangcheng, dark clouds cover the top, the darkness is like a deep night, lightning and thunder are flashing in the clouds, and the lightning is like a lightning storm, reflecting the entire Yangcheng, as if entering the doomsday world.

Gululu... Gululu... Luo Ming looked at the young black goat egg in front of him with a slight frown, and the amber-colored shell turned into a strange liquid-like substance. The liquid is like mercury, pouring into the void, scattering out, and then returning in an instant.

And in this liquid, the strange and unpredictable flesh formed by the black goat's young eggs is constantly undulating and squirming, and from time to time, there are hideous and terrifying eyeballs on this flesh, which makes people feel frightened.

Buzzing....buzzing...every time the liquid that wraps the young black goat eggs disappears into the void, something will be brought back to feed the strange meat in the center, and the young black goat eggs are still physical At the level, it is difficult to observe, even if it is brought back by the liquid released by the young black goat eggs, it is also unexplainable by the concept of the physical level.


The indescribable right hand has already passed a word when the young black goat egg has completed its metamorphosis. According to Luo Ming's understanding, what the young black goat absorbs should be similar to the spiritual level such as soul, spiritual will, and reason. thing.

"The world... has finally been changed."

After the young black goat egg completed its transformation, it fell into peace again, but the mercury-like fluid formed by the young black goat egg spread to the unknown void and brought something back.

Moreover, Luo Ming knew that the cry of the black goat's young eggs changed the world after all. The loud cry that resounded through the sky distorted some rules of the physical level. This distortion is indescribable and cannot understand.

Giggle...giggle... Luo Ming frowned slightly, and rolled his eyes twice. In the entire villa, there were hideous and terrifying figures with distorted figures. They had human bodies, but they were full of deformities. Things condensed out of the void, and the whole villa became: eerie.

The dead, the undead.

According to the information on the right hand, these things are a kind of mysterious thing between the visible and the invisible formed because the young black goat eggs distort the laws of physics. Luo Ming calls it the dead, the undead.

Because of these... the condensed things are all formed by the twisted and deformed spiritual will of the people who died in this villa.

Cluck...cluck....these...... dead people unconsciously gather around the black goat's young eggs after they condensed, and strange fluctuations flowed from the black goat. Unleashed from the young goats, these.....dead maniacally murmured meaningless dreams. Anyone who saw these.....dead , will be plunged into horror and trembling fear.

Not only the Haiyun Xinju Villa, but also the entire Yangcheng began to have these..... Weird dead, some of them were formed by the distortion of the spirit and will after death, and some of them were released from the young black goat eggs The mysterious and invisible fluctuations that come out are formed by the void.

After these dead people appeared, they unconsciously moved towards the Haiyun Xinju Villa. These... The strange dead people seemed to ignore the influence of the laws of physics, but they still existed in this world. Surprised.

It's not even just Yangcheng, because of the mysterious fluctuations of the black goat's young eggs and the influence of the liquid on the side of the mercury, with Yangcheng as the center, this kind of weird dead people began to radiate towards the surrounding cities.

The whole world began to be affected by the young black goat eggs, and the endless fluid pouring into the void made the whole world start to become: mysterious and terrifying.

Yangcheng, Shencheng, Tongcheng...these three cities are the first to be affected, and as time goes by, more and more cities will be affected.

..can see....eat...$%In Haiyun Xinju Villa, Luo Ming looked at dozens of dead people indifferently, with no emotion on his face, strange and horrifying eyes, distorted body and limbs, and strange words in his mouth. He kept murmuring nonsense words like sleepwalking, and gradually surrounded Luo Ming.

"Interesting, will you be treated as prey if you observe it?"

A smile appeared on Luo Ming's face, but his eyes became colder. Strictly speaking, although these things have human faces, they are no longer human beings, but mysterious monsters.

And it just so happens that the indescribable right hand has sent a message before, and these things happen to be in the right hand's recipe.

Cluck...cluck... Luo Ming's entire right hand quickly distorted and turned into a series of hideous and terrifying tentacles. These... tentacles stretched rapidly, instantly The unknown that pierces the heart of these... staggering dead.

Chi, chi, chi.

The hideous and terrifying tentacles pierced into the hearts of these... dead people, and directly penetrated the skin of these... dead people. The location pulled out a ferocious horror, as big as a fist.

A strange piece of meat between illusion and reality, these......... meat pieces are twisting and wriggling, struggling crazily.

However, even if he is struggling, these.....weird pieces of meat are still food for his right hand. Numerous tentacles on Luo Ming's right hand contract, and dozens of strange pieces of meat in the body of the deceased are in the process of shrinking In it, it was compressed into a jet black liquid, the liquid was the size of an egg, and was swallowed by the ferocious mouth opened in the heart of Luo Ming's right hand.

Creak creak...creak... A burst of chewing sound came from the right hand, he chewed twice with his ferocious mouth, and then swallowed, these... the level of the dead It's too low, just like a drop in the bucket, the right hand is still sending the message of hunger to Luo Ming.

Puff puff.

After swallowing the food, his right hand opened his mouth again, and spit out three 3 food residues, two of which are active blood clots, and the other is a gel-like substance like jelly. This strange jelly-like substance is wriggling and twisting.

Reminder of the kind of sustenance: The food residue spit out by the right hand is a kind of mysterious residue produced by the strange dead who swallowed it by the right hand. Swallowing it can find and awaken the dead in the deepest part of the heart.

"A seed of sustenance? Although it is useless to me, maybe some investigators will need this kind of thing."

For Luo Ming, the leftovers left by his right hand are not very useful. After all, the level of mystery of these... dead people is too low, but Luo Ming can't use it. To, but maybe the investigators under him can use it.

Hum, hum, hum.

At the same time, Luo Ming felt his spiritual will vibrate slightly, and it seemed that there had been some increase, but this increase was not obvious. Obviously, there were still few dead people swallowed, and the feedback from his right hand was also minimal.

Gululu... Gululu... The young black goat egg next to Luo Ming is still irregularly releasing a liquid like mercury, which spreads into the void, and then pulls out some invisible and unknown things from the void, Then feed itself.

"The first stage of growth of the young black goat eggs has been completed."

"It will take a long time to grow into the second stage..."

Luo Ming stood up from the chair in the gazebo. Although the transformation of the young black goat eggs has ended, its impact has just begun. The dead in Yangcheng can be handed over to Liao Youming and others, but Luo Ming is needed in other cities Ming has re-selected investigators.

"Shencheng and Tongcheng?"

Luo Ming's gaze was flat, and his right hand lightly touched the void in front of him. The spirit and will connected to the shining cube-octahedron, and the endless strange and irregular plane windows rapidly enlarged. In these windows, Luo Ming easily found Shencheng. And Tongcheng, the two cities in front of me began to zoom in.

Luo Ming's spiritual will can cover the entire Yangcheng, but no matter how far away it is, it can't be reached. However, after possessing the shining window ability of the square octahedron, the spiritual will and the unknown fog can no longer restrict Luo Ming.

Luo Ming, ready to layout, other cities.

: The second update, thanks to the 100-point reward from Destiny Trojan, I am so grateful.

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