I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 178. Candidates For Investigators Please Subscribe And Ask For A Monthly Ticket

This content is first published Shao Hongbo is lying on the big bed. Although it is not soft, it is enough for Shao Hongbo to sleep well. After all, he has been working for several days, which makes Shao Hongbo a little bit unbearable.

Buzzing....while Shao Hongbo was lying on the bed, a distorted hexagram quickly appeared on the ceiling in front of him, which shocked Shao Hongbo.

"I wipe, what the hell is this..."

Shao Hongbo wanted to yell, but he was horrified to find that he couldn't exert any strength at all, and he collapsed on the bed in fright.

Zizizi...Amidst the strange sounds that made Shao Hongbo's scalp tingle, the hexagram above his head, one by one mysterious symbols fell down like stars. Among the stars, Shao Hongbo saw the only one that exuded A dark spot of light like an abyss purgatory.

The stars have not yet returned to their places, and the old days have come!!! When Shao Hongbo saw the light spot, he realized that it was an investigator card, and a magnificent voice resounded in Shao Hongbo's mind.

Mysterious, Thriller, Thrilling, Supernatural, Mysterious.

Shao Hongbo seemed to understand these words for a moment. At the same time, Shao Hongbo realized that he seemed to see a corner of the mysterious and mysterious world open to him. As long as he agrees, he will see that kind of mystery beyond ordinary people's comprehension.

Make your choice...Accept it, you will touch the mystery, your life and death will not be under your control, you may gain extraordinary power, but the greater probability is death...Reject it, and you will return Ordinary people's lives... A shocking and magnificent voice sounded in his mind, like a symphony, impassioned, but with a strange tone, a feeling of urgency made Shao Hongbo feel difficult to breathe.

"Do you still have to choose? That's... that's a mystery."

"Although I'm barely doing well, it's only good, and compared to the lives of ordinary people..."

"I am more yearning for a mysterious and mysterious journey, even if I die for it."

Shao Hongbo turned over suddenly, his gaze was firm, and his right hand instantly grabbed the investigator card floating in the air.

"No one... can get rid of this mystery."

Shao Hongbo, who grabbed the investigator's card, his eyes sparkled, he knew that his choice might pay the price of death, but he still made the choice resolutely.

There is no other reason, just like an ant wants to stand on the shoulders of human beings to see the whole picture of the world, even if it will be shot to death in an instant, but that kind of... thirst for the real world is enough to make this ant desperate .

Hehehe...hehehe...When Shao Hongbo grabbed the investigator's card, the ferocious blood-red eyeball in the center began to shrink instantly, and countless tentacles stretched out, interweaving into lines of writing.

Old Freemasonry, coordinator Shao Hongbo, number: 01 President's motto: Congratulations, investigation, you have obtained the entry qualification of the mysterious world, but whether you can really enter the mysterious world is up to you.

Remember, maintaining your sanity will make it easier for you to survive.

"It turns out that I belong to the old Freemasonry."

"Old Freemasonry...how mysterious it must have been"

Shao Hongbo flipped through his investigator card, his eyes full of longing, and he murmured secretly.

Unlike Liao Youming, a veteran investigator like Shao Hongbo, who is not even a rookie, the investigator card doesn't even show attributes.

Situations like Shao Hongbo began to appear one after another in various places in Yangcheng.

An otaku who stayed at home all day, a distorted and terrifying hexagram suddenly appeared on the computer in front of him. Although his legs were weak from fright, this unkempt otaku still accepted the investigator card and became an investigator.

In a shopping mall, a young woman who was wandering was suddenly frightened by the appearance of a distorted hexagram, screaming in horror, and ran away.

A girl who just broke up with her boyfriend, while drinking with some girlfriends at home, suddenly saw the distorted hexagram, screamed in horror, but laughed again, looking crazy, also picked up the investigator card.

A white-collar worker in a company, wearing a suit and leather shoes, was burying his head in his work. Suddenly, a terrifying six-pointed star appeared on his desktop. Before the man was in shock, terrified, and before he could react to what happened, his hand had already touched it. Arrived at the investigator card.

In a residential building of a community, a young mother was holding a baby in her arms, and the baby suddenly burst into tears.

At the young mother's feet, a mysterious six-pointed star appeared, and the young mother stood in front of the gate of the mysterious world. She knew that as long as she stretched out her hand, she could reach the investigator card, but the young mother didn't want to do that at all, because she still had There was a newborn baby to feed, so she resolutely declined the invitation without any regrets.

A street gangster who was idle all day long, with tattoos almost occupying his entire hands and back, happily picked up the investigator card in front of him.

A burglar, a man with a rogue face and a mouse eye was frightened by the sudden appearance of the six-pointed star and ran away. When he was running away, he took the sheep by hand and subconsciously grabbed the investigator card in the six-pointed star in his hand.

All kinds of people have encountered mysterious events in this life. Every invited person has a different look, some are horrified, some are elated, some firmly believe that they are the protagonist of destiny: some are still unclear The situation... Luo Ming just looked at the picture in front of him indifferently, no matter...

For what reason, since I accepted my invitation, I need to face the consequences of witnessing the mystery.

"One person accepted, 4 people declined...."

Liao Youming looked at the picture in front of him. In the mist, he seemed to see all kinds of life. Some people have no ambitions in life and want to fight with secrets.

There are those who are rich and still not satisfied with the status quo, who want to break into the mysterious world, those who are in secondary school, those who are depressed, and those who want to get rid of their own lives, all kinds of things, which make Liao Youming feel a lot.

However, in the end, these people all made their own choices. Including Zhao Dawei, a total of four people gave up on becoming investigators. One of the young mothers gave up on their own initiative, and the other two, a man and a woman, were due to the appearance of the six-pointed star It was too mysterious and terrifying, and I was so scared that I ran away without waiting for the investigator card to be sent.

Although 4 declined, the remaining 16 people, without exception, all accepted the chairman's invitation and became investigators. Although some people accepted the reason for being ridiculous, but if they accept it, it is...accepted Yes, this is the rule set by the president.

Picking up the investigator card is equivalent to accepting one's own investigator status. It seems unfair, but it is actually very fair.

"Alright, take out your investigator cards."

Luo Ming waved his hand to dispel the fog in front of him, and looked at the four 44 investigators, especially after seeing Wang Jianguo, Luo Ming's face became serious.

The three investigator cards were placed on the table, Luo Ming waved his right hand, and the three investigator cards flew into Luo Ming's right hand in no time.

Heck, heck, heck... Luo Ming's blood-red eyeball on the back of his right hand rolled a few times, and the investigator in Luo Ming's right hand suddenly made a burst of mysterious sounds. The blood-red eyeballs at the top of the front are turning rapidly.

"These......Investigator cards, I have added the function of spiritual communication, you can contact the investigators who hold the investigator cards at will."

Luo Ming simply explained a sentence, and then walked to Wang Jianguo's side, and his spiritual will instantly enveloped Wang Jianguo.

Bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark bark... The neuron signals on Wang Jianguo's brain were tumbling and trembling crazily, the starlight on the special mental investigator card bloomed rapidly, and Wang Jianguo felt that deep in his brain, something appeared A pitch-black spiritual seed.

"Investigator, I have transformed your investigator card, you can also contact other investigators through the investigator card."

"Also, I left a seed of spiritual will with 1 trait in the depths of your brain. As for whether it can grow and what kind of abilities it will have after it grows, it's up to you."

Luo Ming set up a spiritual seed for Wang Jianguo, but unlike the suppressed inspiration of the special tune team, this spiritual seed, Luo Ming did not make any restrictions, although it was still absorbing something from Wang Jianguo's subconscious mind.

The reason why the investigator cards of these investigators can be connected with each other is because Luo Ming decided to divide the latest 16 people into 4 teams and let these seniors become captains. The investigator card itself is the split body of Luo Ming's right hand, giving it The ability to communicate with each other is not difficult.

: The second update, Yuyu begs for a subscription, a reward, a monthly ticket, big brothers, have pity on Yuyu.

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