I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 187. Ordinary People Involved In Mysteries Please Subscribe For A Monthly Ticket

This content is first published Yangcheng Tongming: Avenue, intersection Wei Gang feels that he has been very unlucky recently, and often encounters things that bother him and make him unlucky. He smashed a dent in the front cover of his newly bought Mercedes-Benz 5 Series. You must know that his car cost 620,000 yuan to buy.


Wei Gang should have driven out of this intersection and parked on the side of the road ahead, so that it would not affect the traffic, and he could get out of the car to check.

But Wei Gang was really angry, so Wei Gang didn't care that this is an intersection with dense traffic, he slammed on the brakes and stopped the car on the spot.

Such a move caused all the traffic behind to brake suddenly. It was already close to the traffic light, and the speed of the car was not very fast, but even so, several cars behind were almost hit.

Drop, drop, drop.

The owner of the car behind was honking the horn angrily. The sharp and piercing car horns made Wei Gang even more irritable. Wei Gang opened the car door angrily and walked towards the front cover of the car. The sound of car horns in his ears seemed to become There was a silent laugh.

"Fuck, who, who did this?"

"Who's tire blew out, or someone threw an object out of the car window...fuck, the car I just bought..."

An angry Wey Gang walked up to the hood of his car, saw a distorted and fuzzy human-shaped dent on the hood of his car, and was taken aback. The twisted dent in front of him just made Wei Gang feel Fear, the brain frantically sends the signal to leave here.

However, Wei Gang was so angry that he just took the signal in his brain as his regret for the car he just bought, and he was still cursing endlessly, dancing with his hands, pointing at the air in front of him, and venting himself of anger.

Cluck...cluck...just when Wei Gang was yelling angrily, there was a strange sound in his ears, which made Wei Gang feel frightened and inexplicable.

As if being stared at by some unknown thing, he was indescribably flustered, his heart was beating uncontrollably, which made Wei Gang's spirit tense up instantly, and he looked around in surprise, Wei Gang felt that there was something wrong with him around him. And the devouring monster was staring at him.

"Fuck, I'm going crazy with anger."

Looking around in a daze, Wei Gang interpreted this unreasonable fear and mental tension as the feeling of extreme anger in his heart, and immediately cursed again.

"Quick... run..."

Indistinctly, Wei Gang felt a strange voice appeared in his ears, as if it came from the sky, intermittently, it was not really audible at all, and even the language was a little distorted.

Wei Gang shook his head, and put aside his inner thoughts, he just wanted to see if there was anything left around, so that Wei Gang could identify this kind of car accident as a man-made injury.

However, Wei Gang never knew that his every move was being stared at by a pair of hideous, eerily dark eyes, and one step away was the distance between heaven and hell.


Wei Gang took a step, and the vision in his eyes began to distort crazily. When he came back to his senses again, Wei Gang had already entered a world of horror, darkness and depression, and deep despair.

Wei Gang looked up at the sky in horror, and found that the sky was still clear before, suddenly, black clouds covered the top, and the billowing black clouds kept twisting and rolling, which made Wei Gang feel infinite pressure, as if the whole world was distorting Rolling, squeezed towards Wei Gang like a Wanhua mirror.

Then, Wei Gang saw it, he finally saw it, it was a frightening, mysterious monster that was not human at all.

In Wei Gang's sight, there was a black breath all over his body, his body was distorted and deformed, and the feet protruding from his stomach challenged the limit of human understanding.

Sinister and terrifying, like a ghost in the dark, with a pair of strange eyes that make people feel horrified and terrified, Wei Gang feels as if he has been struck by lightning.

Duo duo duo.

In the blink of an eye, Wei Gang was like having an epileptic seizure, trembling like a sieve, and endless fear hit him like a tsunami, completely submerging Wei Gang's spiritual will.

He couldn't understand that everything in front of him was so distorted and disordered that Wei Gang didn't even know what he saw. The extreme fear made Wei Gang feel that all his senses were disintegrating and shattering, and the whole world turned into an endless hell. Falling madly.

Heck, heck, heck... Wei Gang's scalp exploded in front of him, his blood pressure soared to 200, his heart was beating like thunder, and he was horrified. It's foaming.

Wei Gang felt that his brain was muddled, and everything in front of him was beyond his comprehension, beyond his cognition, causing Wei Gang's whole world to twist and spin crazily, and everything became: weird Lu Li, weird and unpredictable .

Ah....In this extreme fear, Wei Gang seemed to be strangled by an invisible hand, and the screams of horror and fear became: sharp and piercing, as if they were not human beings at all.

You have to see me.... There was a chaotic and disordered voice like dream talk, Wei Gang's eyes turned white, his pupils dilated rapidly, and the whole world seemed to become: twisted and hideous, extremely weird, and in this horrifying and twisted world In the world, an indescribably terrifying monster instantly tore Weigan's body apart.

Creak creak creak creak... A sound that made one's soul tremble, and the horrifying sound of chewing was heard. Not far away, Shao Hongbo and Jiao Mengxin, and Liu Wei, who had just climbed up tremblingly from the ground, were all pale with fright.

Fuck.. people, the people just now no.. disappeared, how could it be possible to disappear in an instant... Is it my eyesight? I, ox spleen, what can I say personally? No, it’s gone. Time-space wormhole, supernatural event, supernatural phenomenon. Send friends Circle, a big living person said nothing, it's gone... It's really exciting.

All the car owners after Wei Gang looked at the front in amazement, it was still there before: the cursing person disappeared right under their noses, and all kinds of discussions suddenly rang out.

Gululu... Gululu... The owner of the car who was discussing suddenly saw streams of hot blood gushing out from the front of Wei Gang's car hood, covering the front wheels of the car in the blink of an eye , the blood flowed recklessly, like a stream, indescribably horrifying and astonishing.

Hum.. The originally noisy discussion sounds, as if they had been erased, became dead silent. All the car owners looked at the hot blood like a stream in horror, and the smell of blood made these The driver immediately retched.

Killed...killed...fuck dead...people...screams of horror resounded through the intersection, all the car owners panicked, opened the doors and ran out, some car owners dragged The family leads the mouth, the woman picks up the child, the husband picks up his wife, and they all run wildly.

"President... these... ordinary people have been involved."

Liao Youming frowned and looked at the ferocious deformed undead in front of him, his face was a little cold, he picked up the investigator card, and said with some self-blame.

"These ordinary people always need to face, investigator, this is not your fault."

"I will ensure the safety of the remaining people, you continue to complete the removal task, don't let me down."

Luo Ming's plain voice sounded, he certainly saw the situation of Liao Youming here, Luo Ming can save the ordinary man Wei Gang, but Luo Ming knows that this world is becoming mysterious and unpredictable, there are some things that even ordinary people need Facing.

Luo Ming can save one person, ten people 10, but there are billions of people in the world, and he can't save them at all. Rather than...saving these ordinary people, it is better to let the investigators solve these... ...... The source of the mystery, this is the solution once and for all.

Moreover, Luo Ming knows that although there seem to be a lot of undead in Yangcheng now, it is just the beginning. The young black goat egg has completed the first stage of distortion, and it uses unknown liquid from time to time to compile food in the real world , and at the same time distorting the rules of the real world a little bit.

"This kind of thing...will happen from time to time. These ordinary people also need to slowly learn how to maintain their sanity and avoid mysterious monsters."

Luo Ming murmured plainly, then waved his right hand, and the lemon tea in front of him automatically flew into Luo Ming's hand.

"Okay, rookies, whatever...

Whether you are willing to face it or not, we must seize the time to resolve it.”

"Before that, you must first see that... mysterious monster."

Liao Youming's face became serious, he clenched the cold spider short spear in his right hand, looked at the four 44 investigators, and took out a card from his pocket with his right hand again.

: The first update, thanks to the big brother, the big brother's 100 point reward, thank you raving.

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