I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 190. The Dice That Determines Fate Seeking Subscription Seeking Monthly Pass

This content is first published Tongming: Avenue, intersection Liao Youming looked at the hideous and terrifying undead at the top of the traffic light, raised the cold spider short spear in his hand, and the ferocious mouthparts of the cold spider short spear quickly spit out a series of ferocious bristle spikes .

Puff puff.

The bullet-like spikes, under Liao Youming's super perception, were almost hit with a hundred shots, one by one ferocious bristle spikes pierced into the body of the strange undead.

Roar... being stabbed by the spikes, the undead let out a shrill scream, stared at Liao Youming with a pair of dark and horrifying eyes, and his whole body turned into a hedgehog, with terrifying black juice flowing out.

Eat..Eat...Eat it, everyone...it hurts...the organ that the Necromancer barely calls the mouth, let out a sharp and piercing scream that hurts the eardrums, twisted With four legs, he quickly climbed down along the traffic light pole.

Cluck...cluck... A strange sound resounded in the dark and frightening mysterious area. Jiao Mengxin, Shao Hongbo and Wang Yu looked around in panic for a moment, but except... Nothing can be seen except for the eerie sound that makes people creepy.

"Newcomers, get ready. I will make various judgments for you in this battle. If the judgment is successful, you will get the benefit of the mysterious dice."

Liao Youming frowned slightly. Under the super-perception, Liao Youming could see the movement of this dead spirit clearly, but because he wanted to protect the newcomers around him, Liao Youming felt his hands were tied.

Moreover, although the bristle spikes spit out from the mouthparts of his cold spider short spear can injure it, they cannot cause effective damage. This terrifying undead is still like a gecko, with twisted and deformed four-legged feet on the ground. Liao Youming felt a little nauseous due to the anti-joint movement on the body and the hideous and deformed body.

Puff puff.

Liao Youming continued to raise the cold spider short spear with his right hand, and the ferocious mouthparts above the cold spider short spear kept spewing out sharp thorns, which means that although the undead are twisted, crazy and irrational, they will still avoid Liao Youming's attack.

Rustling... rustling... At a distance of more than ten meters, the four-legged undead crawled crazily, making a strange rustling sound. Non-stop left and right: crawling, when you really can't avoid it, you will use: your arms to block the spikes.

"Newcomers, back away...Facing the four-legged undead's approach, Liao Youming can only make these three 3rd newcomers back away. He has already seen the terrified and trembling expressions of these three 3rd newcomers.

Although they couldn't see that it was a ferocious four-legged undead, these three people could still feel that a terrifying, horrifying and desperate breath was approaching crazily, and the strange sound in their ears made the three newcomers, My brain froze and I couldn't think at all.

The three newcomers, the investigators, are left with only the fear from the deepest part of human beings, and their whole bodies seem to be dragged into the bottomless abyss. Inside the abyss, there is a distorted shadow exuding a terrifying, dark and thrilling atmosphere.

Simply, the three investigators knew how to follow Liao Youming's orders, scrambling and retreating, and rushed from the middle of the sidewalk to the road.

Even out of panic, the dress on Jiao Mengxin's body was stepped down by Wang Yu behind him in a panic, and Jiao Mengxin was completely gone, but no matter...

Whether it was Jiao Mengxin, or Shao Hongbo and Wang Yu, they didn't care about such things at all.

In the face of extreme horror and fear, the shame of human beings does not matter at all. These three people are still running desperately. Liao Youming is behind these three people, running at the same fast pace at the same time. Liao Youming holds the cold spider short spear tightly in his right hand, The hole shrinks and expands, and the four-legged undead behind him are chasing after him, and the speed is very fast, and it is close to Liao Youming.

Hoo, hoo, hoo.

In the first situation of Jiao Mengxin in a vacuum state, the long-term desperate running made Jiao Mengxin feel her lungs were burning, and she couldn't breathe at all. Panic and fatigue swept Jiao Mengxin, making Jiao Mengxin's speed slower and slower.

bang bang bang.

Although the speed has slowed down, Jiao Mengxin's heart is beating violently, together with the violent ups and downs of her chest, but now Jiao Mengxin doesn't have the heart to care about these at all, she feels that she is going to die soon.

"Perform a physical test for Jiao Mengxin, if successful, the speed will increase..."

Liao Youming obviously noticed Jiao Mengxin's situation, and everyone's state under the super-perception will be revealed in front of Liao Youming. When he saw that Jiao Mengxin could not run at all, Liao Youming finally threw out the dice that was held in his left hand .


A crisp voice rang in the ears of Liao Youming and Jiao Mengxin, and the liquid dice quickly turned into a percentage dice, showing a point.

Jiao Mengxin's physical examination, 33, if the physical examination is successful, the speed will increase by 1 point.

Although Jiao Mengxin didn't understand what a physical test was, what a speed increase was, but she knew that some strength seemed to burst out of her body again, which relieved Jiao Mengxin's condition, and Jiao Mengxin's feet also gained some strength, and she stumbled forward again run away.

Rustling...Rusling...the four-legged undead let out a silent scream, and the four 44 investigators, except for the veteran Liao Youming, felt dizzy in the brain, and the whole The world has become: crooked, twisted and scary.

Vomit... Vomit... Wang Yu, the homeboy, was the first to be unable to hold on. He lay down in front of a car, vomited, and the world in front of him was still twisting and spinning, making Wang Yu feel top-heavy and dizzy.


The four-legged undead behind him suddenly threw away Liao Youming, and the twisted and deformed four-legged crazily swung towards Wang Yu.

bang bang bang.

Wang Yu only felt his heart beating in fear, and the huge fear was like an invisible giant hand attacking quickly. While vomiting, Wang Yu's hair was standing on end, and his body began to wobble uncontrollably.

Wang Yu felt it, he had already felt the dark and terrifying thing coming from behind him, although he couldn't see it, but Wang Yu just... felt that a catastrophe was imminent, full of horror.

Hehehe... Hehehe... Wang Yu's ears continued to hear strange sounds approaching, his brain was buzzing, his scalp exploded, and his eyes trembled and contracted crazily.

"Dodge... Hurry up and dodge."

Wang Yu shouted crazily in his heart, but the extreme fear made Wang Yu's body completely frozen on the spot, unable to make any effective dodge movements at all.

"Wang Yu dodges the judgment."

The dice on the ground had already automatically returned to Liao Youming's palm. In Liao Youming's sight, the hideous and deformed four-legged undead had come to a distance of one meter behind Wang Yu. The deformed right arm was like a sharp claw. Grab towards Wang Yu's head.


At the moment when Wang Yu's life was hanging by a thread, Liao Youming threw the dice directly, and the dice rolled around on the ground, displaying the value instantly.

Wang Yu's dodge check, 3, failed, dodge is invalid.

Wang Yu's body didn't move at all, and he was still in fear. When the ferocious arm of the four-legged undead was about to touch Wang Yu's ear, Wang Yu's heart suddenly moved, and his face was distorted by fear. But he still tried his best to make his own voice.

"I want to trade my luck for the last dodge check."

Wang Yu's voice sounded, and the dice on the ground rolled again, and at the same time, Wang Yu's lucky attribute was reduced by 8 points at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Yu burned luck, the last dodge check, 24, succeeded.

Wang Yu's body suddenly had a bit of strength, and Wang Yu also became calm at this moment, and his whole body quickly rolled over to the left, even if his clothes were stained with his own vomit, Wang Yu did not any care.


On the car where Wang Yu was originally, there was a twisted and hideous pit. Seeing the prey fleeing, the four-legged undead screamed frantically.

Chi, chi, chi.

One after another, sharp small cold spider short spears quickly struck from a distance, pinning all the limbs of the four-legged undead to the car behind them with precision, and the undead couldn't move at all for a while.

: The first update, Yuyu begs for a subscription, a reward, a monthly ticket, big brothers, have pity on Yuyu.

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