I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 21 The Mysterious Luo Ming

Da da da.

Old Time Cafe

Luo Ming sat on the solid wood seat in the corner of the cafe, with relaxing and soothing light music in his ears, and Luo Ming's right hand tapped the table lightly.

Luo Ming's eyes were deep, and a mist that seemed to exist in the eyes appeared from time to time. Luo Ming kept observing Liao Youming who was not far away in the flower bed.

Luo Ming originally planned to go to the hospital, but on the way to the hospital, he happened to run into Liao Youming who was crying loudly. Under the fog of unknown, Luo Ming easily saw Liao Youming's medical certificate and learned that Liao Youming was terminally ill and was about to die. died.

"How would you choose? I'm curious."

When he learned that Liao Youming had a few months left to live, Luo Ming walked up to Liao Youming, said a few words in a bland manner, and then came to this coffee shop.

In front of the flower bed, Liao Youming looked at the front in surprise, his face was pale, and there was a sense of absurd horror of seeing a ghost during the day.

"You are dying."

"If you want a chance to live, come with me."

Liao Youming recalled what the somewhat mysterious young man said, his face was full of surprise, especially when he saw Luo Ming disappearing into the mist, Liao Youming felt that he might have suffered some mental shock because of cancer, and saw hallucinations up.

"Pancreatic cancer at the advanced stage... People who are dying, have nothing to be afraid of."

However, after seeing his test report, Liao Youming gritted his teeth. No matter whether it was his hallucination or not, Liao Youming decided to go to the cafe where the mysterious man disappeared. I am not afraid anymore.

"Because I'm about to die, so I'm not afraid of anything?"

Looking at Liao Youming walking outside, Luo Ming shook his head slightly. Luo Ming knew Liao Youming's current state very well, and felt that he was dying, so it didn't matter.

"Welcome to the old time cafe, what do you want sir?"

Liao Youming pushed open the door of the coffee shop and walked in. The waiter in charge kept a professional smile and said softly.

However, Liao Youming was not in the mood to talk to this good-looking waitress at all. He turned around and saw the mysterious man in the corner of the coffee shop.

Liao Youming sat down across from Luo Ming, staring at Luo Ming, Luo Ming could see the despair, confusion and a glimmer of hope in Liao Youming's eyes.

"Is what you said before true?"

When he saw Luo Ming, a trace of disappointment flashed in Liao Youming's eyes. The scene of Luo Ming disappearing into the mist was still vivid in his memory, but now he looked at Luo Ming like an ordinary person. To be honest, Liao Youming's heart No expectations at all.

"Beauty, two cups of latte, thank you."

Luo Ming glanced at Liao Youming indifferently, then turned his head and gave orders to the waiter who came over.

"Okay, sir, just a moment, please."

The waiter nodded to Luo Ming, said something to Luo Ming, and then left the corner.

"You said you can keep me alive, you are just kidding me."

Liao Youming looked at Luo Ming with a wry smile on his face. Of course he knew that once the cancer reached an advanced stage, even gods would not be able to save him. Therefore, he thought that the young man in front of him was just trying to amuse himself.

"Mr. Liao Youming, you are going to die."

Luo Ming looked at Liao Youming calmly, his face was extremely indifferent, the voice that sounded no problem before, in Liao Youming's ears now, it was like an indescribable sound emerging from the bottomless abyss, which made Liao Youming's face pale and his heart pounding .

"Sorry, I scared you a little."

Covering his voice with the fog of unknown again, Luo Ming looked at Liao Youming who was in a state of fear and couldn't help himself. Luo Ming gently tapped the table with his right hand, awakening Liao Youming.

"You... who are you?"

Liao Youming looked at Luo Ming in shock. Compared to the last time when he heard Luo Ming's voice without any human emotion, Liao Youming felt that his whole body was sinking into the bottomless abyss.

"A human being like you, but I'm still in the period of sequelae."

Luo Ming released a cloud of unknown fog with a wave of his hand, covering the situation here. Liao Youming, who was terrified, suddenly found that the voices of other people in the coffee shop became intermittent, and the tone was slightly distorted.

"what have you done?"

Liao Youming looked at Luo Ming with a look of astonishment. The method Luo Ming showed before was simply beyond the capabilities of human beings, and he questioned in a horrified tone.

"This is just some of my tricks. Now, calm down, Mr. Liao Youming."

Luo Ming answered Liao Youming's question casually, and waited quietly for Liao Youming to calm down. Luo Ming knew that no matter who encountered such bizarre, absurd and frightening things, they would be terrified.

"Super power? Cultivator? Magician? What the hell is this?"

Liao Youming's three views were completely shattered, and he began to guess wildly in order to be able to understand all the mysterious phenomena that happened before.

Five minutes later, Liao Youming finally came to his senses. He looked at Luo Ming with suspicious eyes, but this time his eyes were full of hope.

"What you said is true, right. Can you really let me live?"

After Liao Youming managed to calm down, a strange brilliance burst out from his eyes, as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, and his voice was full of hope. Now Liao Youming didn't care about this mysterious person whose name he didn't know. Whether a person is a ghost, a person with superpowers, or a cultivator of immortality, none of this matters. The important thing is that Liao Youming knows that the mysterious person in front of him may really be able to keep him alive.

"I'm just saying, I'll give you a chance to live. As for whether you can seize this chance, it's up to you."

Luo Ming glanced at Liao Youming, and said flatly, although Luo Ming felt that the active blood clot in his hand would probably improve Liao Youming's current situation, but Luo Ming did not intend to give it to Liao Youming.

"Sir, your coffee."

Just when Liao Youming was about to ask more questions, the waiter came over with two cups of coffee, nodded politely to Luo Ming, and put down the coffee.

"What do you want me to do?"

Liao Youming is very smart, he knows that he doesn't have any money to attract the attention of the mysterious man in front of him, so Liao Youming guessed that it must be the mysterious man who needs to do something himself.

"Open it."

Luo Ming took out a beautifully crafted card from the pocket of his trousers. On the back of the card was a pattern of countless tentacles. The card was folded upside down on the table, as big as a human palm.

"Huh? What is this? It feels like parchment?"

Liao Youming glanced at the card on the table suspiciously, and picked up the card casually. The special touch on the back of the card made Liao Youming feel like he was touching the parchment.


Turning over the card subconsciously, Liao Youming's pupils shrank instantly, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his face. In the center of the opened card, a blood-red ferocious eye was rolling around.

PS: Investigators will be online soon... Sahua. Asking for support, asking for collection, asking for comments, asking for flowers, new book growth period, if you have any opinions or suggestions, you can leave a message in the comment area.

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