I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 26 Indescribable Fear, Part 2 (Please Collect Tickets)

car scrap yard

In the dark environment, only the head-mounted overhead light and the strong flashlight in Liao Youming's right hand gave off some pale and distorted light, but without exception, no matter whether it was the strong light flashlight or the overhead light, they could only illuminate 10 meters ahead. distance.

When people are in the dark, they will automatically magnify the fear in their hearts, because darkness represents the unknown, and this kind of fear is not controlled by the human brain at all, and even in the dark, the thinking of the brain will intensify this fear.

Liao Youming doesn't want to stay here for a second now, after getting Luo Ming's suggestion, Liao Youming is going to run over in one breath.

cluck cluck cluck

However, just when Liao Youming was about to act, there was a strange, heart-pounding, sharp and ear-piercing sound behind Liao Youming, and Liao Youming clearly smelled a disgusting smell.

cluck cluck cluck.

The strange voice became clearer and clearer. Liao Youming felt a chill on his back, goosebumps all over his body, his heart was beating crazily, the pupils of his eyes contracted rapidly, Liao Youming's neck twisted faintly, in fear , wanting to turn around and look behind.

"Investigator, don't look back, you haven't heard anything."

In Liao Youming's ears, Luo Ming's plain voice could be heard clearly. However, Liao Youming's brain was so frightened that he had no power to think at this time.

"President, I heard it, I must have heard something..."

"No, that's not the sound of this world at all, like the Nine Serenity Hell, behind me... there must be something behind me..."

Luo Ming's words did not dissuade Liao Youming from his actions. He was dominated by fear of the unknown, and human beings' curiosity about the unknown made Liao Youming turn his head.

Then, he saw, he saw in the darkness, dozens of twisted and terrifying eyes exuding terrifying scarlet blood. These twisted and terrifying eyes blinked like a convulsion, and the eyeballs were like insects. There are countless small pupils in the compound eyes, and these small pupils rotate randomly, densely packed and frightening.

Just seeing these, Liao Youming fell into hell, his whole body was icy cold, his hair was blown up, his whole body was shaking like a sieve, his pupils shrank and enlarged, and seemed to be following the dozens of distorted and hideous eyes that made people tremble and fear In convulsions in general.

Gollum, gollum.

Of course, Luo Ming had already seen dozens of horrifying and distorted compound eyes behind Liao Youming. The fear in Luo Ming's heart increased a little, but it was only a few. At this time, Luo Ming's distorted right hand, the hideous and terrifying eyes were gurgling. Turning around, Luo Ming found that in Liao Youming's pocket, the eyeballs of the split body were releasing wisps of mist.

The mist covered Liao Youming's sight, and temporarily isolated the figure of the indescribable monster, but even so, Liao Youming's body was still shaking like a sieve, his face was frighteningly pale, and he was so frightened that he lost his mind.


The investigator card in Liao Youming's pocket, which marked the number of rational will, quickly decreased, and became 50, a direct decrease of 5 points, and under the representative of rational will, there appeared a line that only Luo Ming could see Words: Investigator sanity reduced, mental state in panic.

"Investigator, maintain your sanity."

Luo Ming's flat voice was indescribably dignified. This time, Luo Ming did not cover his voice with the fog of unknown, his voice was cold and emotionless, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, and the shocked Liao Youming regained some sanity in an instant when his spirit fell into fear. .

"President, I...what should I do?"

Liao Youming, who managed to recover from the extreme fear, was totally confused and didn't know what to do. Moreover, Liao Youming knew that although the president used his ability to prevent him from seeing the horrifying and densely packed compound eyes , but Liao Youming knew that it was still staring at him.


Luo Youming's cold and ruthless voice could clearly be heard in Liao Youming's ear, but listening to it now, Liao Youming was extremely excited.

Liao Youming ran forward frantically with trembling legs, even though Liao Youming almost fell down several times because of the lack of strength in his legs, he didn't dare to stop.


Moreover, behind Liao Youming, there was a strange sound, as if something was rubbing against the ground. This sound made Liao Youming terrified, his facial muscles were twisted due to trembling, and his eyes were fixed on him. Ahead, run wildly.


Liao Youming, who was running in a panic, tripped over his right foot on a metal bar under his feet, and rolled out like a gourd. During the tumbling, Liao Youming took a glimpse and saw the terrifying twist that was approaching rapidly behind him, which made people shudder. The extreme, the extreme horror, densely packed ferocious compound eyes, and weird blinking, this kind of law does not conform to any kind of biological rhythm. After a long time, human beings will become distorted and confused, mentally insane, and brain shutdown.

"Go away, monster..."

Liao Youming felt that his brain was dizzy, his mental will was collapsing, and endless fear rose from his heart like a tide, submerging Liao Youming's self-awareness, making Liao Youming's pupils dilate wildly, and everything in front of him was spinning.

"Run, humans cannot fight against unspeakable monsters."

Just when Liao Youming was about to lose control and go crazy, when he wanted to fight the unspeakable monster, Luo Ming's voice awakened Liao Youming. The bright flashlight in his hand fell off and he couldn't take care of it anymore. The lights above his head began to shake crazily, and the scene in front of Liao Youming flickered.

"President, I saw it, the security room."

Liao Youming finally saw a somewhat crude security room in front of him. The door of the security room was wide open. This made Liao Youming ecstatic. While screaming madly, he rushed into the security room and locked the door in a hurry.


After Liao Youming closed the door of the security room, a strange, frightening voice sounded in Liao Youming's ears again. The voice gradually weakened, and then completely disappeared.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo."

Liao Youming sat paralyzed on the cold floor in the security room, gasping for breath, his eyes were dull and lifeless, his eyes were still spinning, his heart was pounding, and his blood pressure rose sharply.

"President... I, what did I see?"

"Is that my hallucination? Or is it real? No, no, how can this monster really exist?"

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense at all."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Liao Youming finally came to his senses, took out the investigator card from his pocket with trembling hands, looked at the information on it, Liao Youming asked in horror.

"Investigator, what you saw is real, now search the security room, maybe you can find the distribution box."

PS: Thanks to the big guys for the monthly tickets and flowers, I am very grateful. Asking for support, asking for collection, asking for comments, asking for flowers, new book growth period, if you have any opinions or suggestions, you can leave a message in the comment area.

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