I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter Twenty-Eight Looking Straight At The Indescribable

"President, I choose to continue the investigation."

"After all, I am now the first investigator of the supernatural organization Old Freemasonry...I don't want to lose this opportunity, a chance to change myself and change my life."

In the security room, although Liao Youming's gaze was terrified, he still couldn't hide the firmness exuding from Liao Youming's heart. Liao Youming finally learned that this world has a mysterious side like the president. Of course, Liao Youming, who has lived an ordinary life, was unwilling to give up. Moreover, Liao Youming's cancer also gave him a feeling of death.

"Very good, investigator, I wish you a long journey."

"The place with lights is temporarily a safe area, and you can come out of the security room."

A smile appeared on Luo Ming's face. Although the smile was full of weirdness, it was a smile from Luo Ming's heart. Luo Ming began to appreciate Liao Youming a little bit.

According to Luo Ming's instructions, Liao Youming carefully looked out the window, but there was nothing outside the window. This made Liao Youming take a deep breath, pushed open the door of the security room, and walked out slowly, his muscles tensed. , have plans to return at any time.

Luo Ming knew very well that there was no danger around Liao Youming, but Luo Ming did not intend to remind Liao Youming, after all, the first thing to do in the face of indescribable things was to be cautious.

The 100-meter range in front of the security room was dimly illuminated by lights, but it was not completely dark at all, which made Liao Youming heave a sigh of relief.


Liao Youming's eyes saw a twisted metal stick not far away. Liao Youming rolled his eyes twice, walked up to the metal stick, and picked it up.

"Investigator, I advise you to throw away the metal rod in your hand."

When Luo Ming saw Liao Youming pick up the metal stick, he knew what Liao Youming was thinking. Liao Youming wanted to use this metal stick to fight the indescribable thing.

"Why? I feel like when a monster appears in front of me again, maybe I can use this metal rod to teach it a lesson."

There was a trace of madness in Liao Youming's eyes, obviously Luo Ming's words did not dispel Liao Youming's inner thoughts.

"Investigator, I need to warn you that all indescribable things are terrifying existences in the abyss that humans cannot overcome and understand, just like ants trying to use the things they made to defeat humans."

Luo Ming did not object to any attempt by Liao Youming, but Luo Ming finally warned Liao Youming. After all, Luo Ming knew that sometimes human beings are blindly confident, even foolish creatures.

"President, I understand."

Taking a deep breath, Liao Youming didn't think that the analogy of his mysterious president was correct. Liao Youming clenched the metal stick in his hands and walked step by step into the darkness.

The darkness ahead is like a huge mouth of an abyss, which seems to swallow anyone who enters it. Standing on the edge of the light, his heart beats nervously again, swallowing his saliva, Liao Youming gritted his teeth and walked into the darkness middle.

Creak creak creak.

There was darkness in front of Liao Youming, and dim lights behind him, and since Liao Youming walked into the darkness and roared, Liao Youming seemed to hear some strange and frightening sounds in his ears, this tone was very monotonous and chaotic, but It is inexplicably scary.

"President, I heard some strange noises before..."

Liao Youming was not sure whether the sound he heard was real, or maybe it was an auditory hallucination caused by his high tension. He couldn't tell whether he really heard it, which made Liao Youming's forehead appear again. A layer of white sweat, and began to try to ask Luo Ming.

"Yes, investigator, you did hear some noise."

Luo Ming affirmed Liao Youming's inquiry. In the mist, the situation around Liao Youming was clearly displayed. Luo Ming's affirmation made Liao Youming turn his head and look around in panic, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to see through the darkness. That indescribable figure that makes one's heart tremble.


The strange voice sounded again, like a talisman, it struck Liao Youming's heart, making Liao Youming's heart almost stop beating, and a sense of horror and suffocation made Liao Youming's face even paler.


Liao Youming turned his head quickly and looked towards the direction of the sound. Under the illumination of the overhead lights, Liao Youming's eyes blurred and saw a shadow quickly disappearing from his field of vision.

"President, did I see anything?"

This time, Liao Youming, not sure if he was wrong, asked the mysterious president who seemed to know everything again.

"No, you didn't see anything this time, it was just the light reaction produced by the light."

Luo Ming glanced at Liao Youming's card on the screen. Liao Youming's card represents rational will, and he has lost 8 sanity points. The original 55 has become 47, which is already lower than the level of normal people. Ming didn't plan to tell Liao Youming what he saw this time.

"It turned out to be a light reaction, it scared me to death."

Liao Youming breathed a sigh of relief again, and his tense spirit was slightly relieved. However, Liao Youming still clenched the metal stick in his hand. This metal stick made by human technology seemed to provide Liao Youming with some confidence.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

Liao Youming continued to walk forward, and the strange voice in his ears became louder. At this time, Liao Youming was completely fished out of the water, and the old cars around seemed to be distorted in Liao Youming's eyes. stand up.

Liao Youming walked up to the dilapidated hoist by the light above his head, and Liao Youming stopped suddenly, his inner alarm sounded like a sixth sense, reminding Liao Youming that if he took a step forward, it would be Abyss hell.


Liao Youming swallowed, his eyes narrowed, looking at the darkness ahead, Liao Youming directly gritted his teeth and stepped into the darkness, approaching the crane step by step cautiously.

cluck cluck cluck.

As Liao Youming got closer and closer to the hoist, the strange noises in his ears became more urgent, and Liao Youming felt the hairs on his skin stand on end, and he instantly stood there in a daze.

On the top of Liao Youming's head, there are hideous and terrifying scarlet compound eyes that make people tremble, and the scarlet compound eyes are once again revealed from the darkness. These compound eyes are blinking crazily and irregularly. In it, there seemed to be countless figures of Liao Youming reflected.

Liao Youming suddenly felt something in his heart, and suddenly raised his head, the whole person fell into indescribable fear instantly, his body shook uncontrollably, his eyes and pupils widened, and his face was distorted to the extreme with fear.

Liao Youming finally saw something scarier than the abyss, a huge and ferocious spider, covered with wart-like twisted and ugly warts all over its body, sixteen legs covered with trembling bristles, and its abdomen was mottled Lavender, the front part of the body is indigo blue, while the tips of the legs and pincers are black. On the back of this cold and ferocious monster like a spider, there is a twisted and strange, frightening human face, like a spider. Under the head are terrifying tentacles.

"Qiuqiu...#%¥¥#Ba, la...yo."

A strange and indescribable sharp sound came from the monster's mouth, but the monotonous tone caused Liao Youming's pupils to lose focus, his brain went into madness again, and even his body began to swing uncontrollably like a convulsion.

PS: Thanks to the big guys for the monthly tickets and flowers, I am very grateful. Asking for support, asking for collection, asking for comments, asking for flowers, new book growth period, if you have any opinions or suggestions, you can leave a message in the comment area.

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