I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 34 File No. 01 Of The Police Department

This content was first published Xicheng People's Hospital

10th floor intensive care unit

Kang Zhengzhi, the top academician of the Yangcheng Institute of Biochemical Sciences, lives here. This is an intensive care ward with all kinds of facilities. Sitting at the desk by the window, Mr. Kang is seriously looking at his hand. The inspection report just sent in.

Behind Elder Kang, Chen Tian and Liu Honghui from the Police Department, and Elder Kang's student Qin Lingxue were always with him, but even with four of them, the atmosphere here still seemed a bit dignified.

"Impossible...Is this impossible at all?"

"Lingxue, come here, is this inspection report sent by your elder brother?"

Sitting on the chair, Elder Kang frowned and turned to ask Qin Lingxue seriously.

"Teacher, Senior Brother Zhou sent this document, but when he gave it to me, he looked a little unhappy."

Qin Lingxue walked to Elder Kang's side and glanced at the contents of the inspection report. Qin Lingxue's eyes were also full of surprise and uncertainty.

"This is not anything known on Earth at all...Whether it is DNA testing, genetic chain testing, or some element determination, carbon element analysis, etc., Xiao Zhou has done all the tests that can be done, but there is no With one exception, the results obtained are all unknown."

At this time, Mr. Kang scratched his hair irritably. He had repeatedly looked through various test results countless times, but without exception, all the tests could not detect any useful information. All the test results were written With unknown juice, unknown composition, unknown structure, unknown, everything is unknown.

"Even this planet can detect some elements that exist on the earth, but the green juice we collected seems to be produced out of thin air. There are no known elements on the earth at all. This is not in line with scientific theorems at all."

Old Kang's tone was full of doubts and irritability, comparing the test results over and over again, his tone was unprecedentedly dignified.

"Could it be that the equipment is broken?"

Qin Lingxue was also full of doubts. She glanced at Mr. Kang and said hesitantly.

"No, I know Xiao Zhou. He has a calm personality and won't make such low-level mistakes."

Elder Kang put down the test report in his hand, closed his eyes, pinched the center of his brows tiredly, and Elder Kang fell into deep thought again.

"Old Kang, maybe... maybe I think you should meet her."

Chen Tian's gaze behind Elder Kang was full of seriousness, and he was still recalling the previous investigation results in his mind. No matter how he analyzed it, Chen Tian couldn't tell what kind of monster could cause such a powerful destructive power.

At this moment, seeing Elder Kang frowning in thought, Chen Tian thought for a moment, and finally decided to let Elder Kang see the file code-named No. 1.

"Her? Xiao Chen, what are you talking about?"

Elder Kang couldn't understand Chen Tian's words at all, he opened his eyes and looked at Chen Tian, ​​and asked.

"Old Kang, you will know when you go."

Liu Honghui and Chen Tian looked at each other, Liu Honghui's expression became a bit complicated, while Chen Tian's expression was serious, which aroused Kang Lao's interest.

"Let's go, Xiao Chen, just go and see the No. 1 file you mentioned."

Mr. Kang stood up, without changing his hospital gown, he sorted out all the inspection reports on the desktop, handed them to Qin Lingxue, and was going to look at the so-called No. 1 file that Chen Tian said.

When Mr. Kang heard about File No. 1, he felt that Chen Tian had handled similar cases and left behind some files, but when Mr. Kang actually came to the waiting room of the Yangcheng Police Department, he really realized Understand, what is File No. 1.

"Team Chen, is this the No. 1 file you mentioned? This girl?"

Through the monitoring room, Qin Lingxue saw a girl in a dress in the waiting room. This girl seemed to be in a daze. Although her face was not as beautiful as Qin Lingxue's, she had a unique charm that made Qin Lingxue more and more attractive, especially this one. The girl's facial features are well-proportioned, full of surprise.

"Xiao Li, how are you feeling today?"

Chen Tian nodded, walked to the side of the monitoring equipment, bent slightly, picked up a microphone, and his voice was as gentle as possible.

"It's not bad. After eating the beef, I don't feel hungry anymore."

The girl sitting in the waiting room was Li Li who had acquired extraordinary power. At this moment, Li Li's eyes did not meet, and her ears moved slightly. Hearing Chen Tian's words, a peaceful smile appeared on Li Li's face. With a smile, it attracted the attention of all the men in the monitoring room.

"What a beautiful little girl."

Even Mr. Kang couldn't help being indulging in Li Li's smile at this time. He has lived for almost 80 years, and he has never seen such a beautiful and heart-warming girl. If Mr. Kang is not old, Elder Kang will definitely pursue her without hesitation.

"Cough cough."

Chen Tian was also dazed for a while, but Chen Tian was the captain of the investigation team after all, and his concentration was still very strong, so he broke free first, coughed, and woke up the other people who were obsessed, and then Chen Tian's face became pale. Seriously.

"You're beautiful again, Lily."

Chen Tian took a deep breath, and his tone was indescribably dignified. He still remembered the first time he was taken back to the police station. Although Li Li was beautiful, if she scored it, she only got 65 points, barely surpassing ordinary people. , but now, after only two days, Li Li has become the goddess of all male police officers, her appearance score has reached at least 80, and she is still undergoing amazing changes.

"Really? Captain Chen, I...I won't cry anymore."

Chen Tian's words finally caused Li Li's eyes to turn and focus. Li Li's tone was very flat, but there was a kind of extreme panic in his eyes.

Ever since her body changed, Li Li has been terrified every day. When she came to the security hall for the first time, the hunger in her body was like maggots attached to the bones, which made Li Li almost lose her mind. Sticking to the bottom line of human beings, now she has become a monster that eats people.

After going through a nightmare experience, Li Li found that her strength, speed, system, etc., were all changing. Now even in normal times, Li Li can easily lift nearly 500 iron blocks and punch them with one punch. It can penetrate the wall behind him, and the smooth and supple skin can block small-caliber bullets.

In short, Li Li feels that she is becoming an unknown monster, which makes Li Li very anxious and uneasy. What makes Li Li even more uneasy is that now, she can only eat raw meat and mature steaks. Other things, even if it is If it is eaten into the stomach, it will be spit out.

Last night, Li Li suddenly realized that she had forgotten how to cry. No matter how sad Li Li recalled things, there were still no tears flowing from her eyes. Hesitating in fear, he waited for the arrival of Chen Tian and Liu Honghui, the two security guards who often come into contact with him.

"I won't cry, Team Chen."

"I forgot how to cry..."

Li Li's legs curled up, her hands hugged her knees, she raised her head pitifully, her big eyes seemed to be able to talk, making any male creature feel sorry for her, everyone who saw Li Li's appearance would regard Li Li as their own goddess .

"Ahem, Xiaoli, don't worry, I found a top national expert and academician for you. The country will definitely find a countermeasure for your situation."

Looking at Li Li's appearance, Liu Honghui's face was full of distress, and he completely ignored the superior's presence, grabbed the microphone directly, and began to comfort him.

PS: Thanks to the bosses for the monthly pass flowers, thank you to the indescribable Beizhai, the 100-point reward from the Beizhai boss, I am so grateful. Asking for support, asking for collection, asking for comments, asking for flowers, new book growth period, if you have any opinions or suggestions, you can leave a message in the comment area.

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