I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 42 Investigators Gather (Seeking Tickets)

This content first published Hanlinyuan District

Luo Ming sat casually in the rest area of ​​the community park. It was already 6 o'clock in the evening, and the sun had already dimmed. While observing Building 11 with an unknown fog, Luo Ming checked the five investigators he had chosen.

These five people all have Luo Ming's investigator card, and the essence of the investigator card is a split body of Luo Ming's indescribable right hand, so the investigator card is like Luo Ming's eyes. In the case of the five investigators, Luo Ming knows everything Chu.

"Have you come yet?"

Luo Ming's face was flat, and he threw a strange and unpredictable thing casually with his right hand. The material was like a pitch-black bone, but the whole was like a liquid, constantly changing. It would change into various shapes when it was thrown, and it would fall when it fell. Sometimes it will turn into a mass of liquid, and when it falls on the hand, it will be fixed into a pyramid shape.

"Bone dice set the percentage dice 1-100, 1 is absolute success, 100 is absolute failure."

Luo Ming glanced at the bone dice, this waste residue to the indescribable right hand, but to Luo Ming, it was a very mysterious and strange thing.

Bone dice have the ability to determine the result. Luo Ming doesn't know the principle of this, just as Luo Ming never knows why 1+1=2. This does not affect Luo Ming's use. After two days of groping, Luo Ming Learned about some of the abilities of the Bone Dice.

Luo Ming can set a rough number, and then throw the bone dice, just like throwing a dice, the number of the dice determines the outcome of some specific actions.

Just like now, Luo Ming looked at the five investigators who came to Hanlinyuan Community, and Luo Ming casually threw the bone dice out of his hands.

"Investigator Convergence Check."

Luo Ming randomly set a behavior result, and then threw the bone dice. The bone dice turned into a mass of liquid in midair, and then fell to the ground and turned into a strangely distorted polyhedron, distorting one side of the polyhedron. Face up, with a number 1 written on it.

"Is it absolutely successful?"

Luo Ming's eyes were flat. The first time he used the bone dice to check the result, he reached the absolute success number 1 set by himself. Luo Ming was not excited at all, because in the final analysis, this bone dice was just the food residue of his indescribable right hand. , although the ability is weird, but it can't modify the result of Luo Ming's own behavior.


Lin Hongcai, who had just arrived at the Hanlinyuan Community, had just stepped out of the taxi when a strange sound came from his ears, like the sound of rolling dice for a game. This made Lin Hongcai tense up, and looked at it suspiciously. Around, walk towards Building 11 along the community road on the left.

On the other side, Xiao Yuyan also heard the sudden and strange sound of dice rolling, which made Xiao Yuyan startled, and looked around in surprise.

Xiao Yuyan was walking towards Building 11 at this time. Originally, Xiao Yuyan planned to choose the path in the middle, but because of the strange voice or inner thoughts, Xiao Yuyan finally chose the path on the left.

Hong Quan was wearing the training uniform of the Hong Family Martial Arts Academy, and the strange voice in his ears made Hong Quan's muscles tense, like a cheetah about to prey, all the strength in his body could not be released, and he walked towards Building 11 with a strange expression. In front of him was a thin man.

After Xu Ning heard a strange sound of dice rolling, he was also taken aback. What made Xu Ning even more nervous was that behind Xu Ning, there was a powerful man following him. Xu Ning's muscles were tense, and his right hand clenched the dagger in his cuff.

The last person to enter Hanlinyuan Community was Liao Youming who drove over. Liao Youming also heard the strange sound of dice, but compared to the panic of other investigators, Liao You was obviously much calmer.

"President, I seem to have heard something just now."

Liao Youming took out the investigator card directly from the pocket of the field protective clothing, glanced at Gululu's rolling eyes, and the strange voice suddenly appeared in his ear, which made Liao Youming feel dignified. He wanted to ask about the mysterious meeting. Long, did I hear wrong?

"Investigator, you heard me right, the previous voice was the bone dice I threw."

Hearing Liao Youming's question, Luo Youming directly answered Liao Youming's doubts. Luo Youming's voice made Liao Youming heave a sigh of relief. At the same time, Liao Youming was very confused about what the president said about the bone dice.


As if knowing Liao Youming's inner thoughts, in the card in Liao Youming's hand, a cloud of blood-red ferocious eyes emerged into a mist. In the mist, there was a strange bone dice that was changing all the time.

At the same time, after seeing the bone dice, Liao Youming seemed to have a sliver of enlightenment, like enlightenment, Liao Youming understood the ability of the bone dice, and the result of the verification behavior was success or failure.

"Before I verified the meeting result of your five investigators, it was successful."

Luo Ming's voice calmly rang in Liao Youming's ears, which made Liao Youming feel a little more at ease. At the same time, he heard the mysterious chairman actually say that the meeting of the five investigators was a success. Somehow, Liao Youming knew that I will definitely meet the other four investigators.

Luo Ming glanced at Liao Youming, who was driving the car into the left lane, and knew that the bone dice ability had taken effect. Although Luo Ming wanted the five people to meet up, there were many ways for Luo Ming, but he could decide whether these people would meet by throwing the bone dice casually. , let Luo Ming once again have a clear understanding of the ability of bone dice.

Luo Ming waved his hand, and the unknown fog in front of him instantly spread into a cloud of mist. In the mist, the pictures of five investigators were clearly displayed. Luo Ming set his sights on Liao Youming.

Liao Youming drove into the left lane, and within a few steps, he ran into Hong Quan behind him. Liao Youming glanced at Hong Quan, not sure if this person was the investigator selected by the president.

Therefore, Liao Youming directly drove over Hongquan and continued to move forward. Anyway, the investigator's destination was Building No. 11. Liao Youming simply drove the car to the downstairs of Building No. 11. Along the way, Liao Youming found two men and a woman. The direction of these four people is the downstairs main entrance of Building 11.


Liao Youming stopped the car, took out his backpack from the car, got out of the car, leaned against the car door, and held the cold spider spear in his right hand. Liao Youming took out a cigarette from his pocket with his left hand, lit it and took a deep breath. Liao Youming quietly waiting for the arrival of the other four investigators.

Not long after, Xiao Yuyan, Lin Hongcai, Hong Quan, and Xu Ning all came downstairs to No. 11. All five investigators gathered here, and all four pairs of eyes looked at Liao Youming, who was leaning against the door and smoking.

"Are you the investigators chosen by the president?"

Liao Youming took a deep puff of cigarette, stood up, and glanced at the other four with a slightly cold gaze. When he saw Xu Ning, Liao Youming narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Are you a prankster? Is this a prank game?"

Hong Quan glanced around, with a trace of contempt in his eyes, squeezed his fist slightly, his eyes were full of disappointment, Hong Quan thought it was a prank game from the beginning, and the reason why he even came here was to increase the strength of his Hong family martial arts school. Exposure, after all, since it is a prank game, there must be photographers hidden around. At that time, as long as you show your muscles, many martial arts enthusiasts will definitely come to sign up.

I have to say that Hong Quan's idea is very good, but after coming here, he only saw a man dressed in a different way, and Hong Quan did not find the hidden camera, which made Hong Quan feel disappointed.

"It seems that none of you understand the situation, rookies."

PS: Talking nonsense for support, for collection, for evaluation, for flowers, for the growth period of the new book, if you have any opinions or suggestions, you can leave a message in the comment area.


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