I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 70. The Sacrifice Ceremony Begins

This content was first published "Get ready to start, sacrificial ceremony."

The presidential room of the presidential suite has all the surrounding facilities, but on the floor of the originally luxurious room, a strange and twisted six-pointed star is wriggling at this time, which is indescribably surprising.

Luo Ming stood in the center of the six-pointed star sacrifice, his gaze was cold, the blood-red ferocious eyes on the back of his right hand rolled around, and a cold and suffocating atmosphere spread.

Luo Ming's right hand is holding a special card, on the back of the card is a rolling ferocious eyeball, and on the front of the card is a frightening compound eye that exudes endless malice.

For the convenience of observation, Luo Ming intends to send out the compound eyes of the cold spider and the split body of the deformed right hand through a sacrificial ceremony.

cluck cluck.

On the back of Luo Ming's right hand, blood-red eyeballs were turning rapidly, and a mysterious and unpredictable aura swept out, rushing into the twisted hexagram under Luo Ming's feet.

buzz buzz.

The strange symbols inside the distorted hexagram danced crazily, and a strange and gorgeous light twisted and circled straight to the ceiling, the unknown on the ceiling, the deep and unknown darkness appeared, and bursts of strange and changeable tones filled the room.


The special card in Luo Ming's right hand flew out of his hand, dragged by countless mysterious pattern characters, entered into the twisted 463 circled light group, and then quickly rushed into the deep and unknown darkness.

Zizi, Zizi.

A burst of electric noise sounded in the room, the twisted hexagram under Luo Ming's feet squirmed crazily, the light cluster in the center was quickly swallowed into the hexagram, and the whole room returned to normal again.

"It's very convenient, the whole sacrifice ceremony."

Luo Ming glanced at the hexagram sacrificial offering that wriggled and shrunk to the size of a palm, and with a simple move, the hexagram sacrificial offering returned to Luo Ming's palm again.

Putting this twisted and wriggling six-pointed star sacrifice into his split body card, Luo Ming's face became serious, and a cloud of unknown fog spread, forming a mist like a movie screen, and the mist flickered like TV snowflakes Uncertain, and then gradually displayed the screen.

On the other side of the ocean, in Senade State, the Commonwealth of the United States, as night fell, in a small town, a Western man with an unshaven beard and sunken eyes stumbled up from the ground. At the man's feet, there were wine bottles one after another.

"Hiss, my head hurts, damn bitch, since you want to break up, then break up..."

After cursing viciously, Bill Reiner stood up staggeringly. Today, Bill's girlfriend has... a new love, and she broke up with Bill directly, which caused a huge blow to Bill's spirit. During the day, he drank alone Hangover, just now sober.

Ding dong Bill's cell phone rang for a moment, lost his mind, looked at the credit card bill sent by the bank on the cell phone, Bill's face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

After Bill saw the credit card bill, his mood became manic again: the lengthy bill made Bill's emotions completely collapsed. In a few days, it will be the deadline. If the bank bill is not paid, Bill's house will be destroyed. Taken away by the bank, Bill will become a homeless vagabond.

His girlfriend's doppelgänger and imminent homelessness leave Bill distraught.

To make matters worse, Bill also lost his job, became insolvent, and no bank was willing to guarantee him.

"What should I do...Bill was holding his hair with both hands irritably, Bill couldn't think of any other...solutions at all in such a predicament, so Bill was dejected and wanted to cry without tears.

cluck cluck.

Just when Bill was dejected, a creepy voice sounded, Bill's hair stood on end, and he looked up at the ceiling in horror.

On the original ceiling, there was a hideous, terrifying, terrifying, completely incomprehensible, inexplicable and strange light spreading. The originally dark room was illuminated by this light, and Bill was horrified to find that the surrounding Everything seemed to be empty and weird, which made Bill tremble from the bottom of his heart, and a feeling of extreme fear and absurdity emerged.

Bill's eyes began to move crazily, a stream of blood dripped from his mouth and nose onto the floor, his blood pressure rose wildly, his heart beat wildly, and everything in front of him became weird and weird.

buzz buzz.

Just when Bill's brain was spinning crazily, trying to understand everything that happened now, something seemed to fly out from the indescribable strange light, but Bill's brain is currently in a state of shutdown overload, The expression is in a trance, and the consciousness becomes: sluggish.


The eerie light cluster in front of Bill's eyes had disappeared, but the brain overload shutdown caused Bill to stand on the spot, and it wasn't until an hour later that Bill finally regained consciousness.

"F...what happened."

Bill, who woke up, didn't know what happened before, his mind went blank, and even Bill didn't know how he stood up and looked up at the ceiling.


With a dazed expression and a blank mind, Bill lowered his head sluggishly, his pupils constricted in an instant, and a special card appeared in his right hand. The sudden card made Bill jump.

Jingle Bell.

The mobile phone on the dining table in the living room rang, which made Bill nervous. He picked up the mobile phone in surprise, looked at the phone number on the mobile phone, took a deep breath, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Dude, I'm going to hold a party soon, do you want to come to it, you can watch your girlfriend's madness in the party with your own eyes, oh, sorry, it seems that saying this makes you feel a little uncomfortable."

"However, it's true. The girlfriend who behaved very coldly in front of you is...a bitch in heat in front of me. At 10 o'clock tonight, Horston Villa..."

During the phone call, there was a mocking and sarcastic voice, with a high tone, what made Bill even more disgusted and angry was that the owner of this voice and what he said was Grover Horston, a rich second generation who stole Bill's girlfriend.

Listening to the wanton and piercing laughter on the phone, Bill hung up the phone angrily, clenched his fists, and his veins bulged. Bill hated his girlfriend for abandoning him, but even more hated Grover Horston, a rich second generation.

Hoo hoo.

Trying hard to calm down his furious mood, Bill knew that he was just incompetent and furious. Even if he took the shotgun at home, the final result was just shot dead by the security personnel of the Horston Villa.

Bill collapsed on the sofa decadently, and unconsciously looked at the special card that he had been holding tightly in his hand. After seeing the back of the card, his whole body felt like a thunderbolt, and a message was sent to Bill's mind.

Bill's face began to flicker uncertainly, and the information in his mind made Bill realize that he would become different in the future.

According to the information that suddenly appeared in his mind, Bill learned that the mysterious special card in his hand was a gift from a great existence. This... great existence had just awakened from the old days, so he chose himself and gave him This extraordinary and mysterious card of his own made Bill extremely excited, trembling with excitement.

: The first update, please order first, please subscribe! Thank you big brothers for your support and rewards for monthly tickets. I am so grateful for the ramblings. Now I start a topic about the "customer" of the black goat in the forest, all big brothers If you have anything to say, you can leave a message in the comment area.

Feilu reminds you: three things to bookmark and recommend

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