I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 74. Growth Between Intermissions Please Subscribe And Request Tickets

This content was first published "Can the ability of thousand eyes easily make human beings who see Bill's deformed body fall into deep-seated madness?"

"But the price is... Bill's reason and spirit have been distorted. Simply put, the current Bill can no longer be called a human being."

In the Emgrand Hotel, Luo Ming observed everything that happened after Bill's distortion from beginning to end, and frowned slightly. The power of this special distortion has not increased much..., but it has the ability to influence the human spirit and will .

"As for Bill's matter, let the splinter observe it temporarily. There are still some deviations in the sacrificial ceremony."

Luo Ming shook his head slightly, not paying attention to Bill's situation. For Luo Ming, Bill's situation was just an accident, and after Bill came out of Houston Villa, he brought his girlfriend back. In his own house, it fell silent, and Luo Ming didn't need to focus on Bill.

There is a split body on Bill's body, if Bill has any changes or actions, the split body will appear in front of Luo Ming, so Luo Ming doesn't care... Bill's situation.

What he really cares about is still the old Freemasons and investigators. He doesn't want these cute investigators to become horrible monsters like Bill, so Luo Ming's focus is still on training investigators.

Luo Ming is going to use the rest of the days to let the two investigators get acquainted with their own abilities, and at the same time, Luo Ming will also focus on studying the abilities of the Seal of Viri.

As far as 463 at the last Haixinju villa area, Luo Ming is not in a hurry now. After all, his life and safety are at stake, and the necessary information still needs to be collected.

Moreover, only two investigators are not enough. Luo Ming intends to find a few elites to try, but don't worry now. Luo Ming gave himself a seven-day vacation to restore the mental will of the two investigators .

"Is Xiao Yuyan awake?"

Under the unknown mist, Luo Ming had a panoramic view of Xiao Yuyan's situation, which made Luo Ming put away the hexagram as a sacrifice.

In the room of the President's wife, a girl in a white plain dress opened her eyes from a coma. The vision in front of her eyes was still blurry and spinning. After a while, the girl's vision finally stabilized.

"This is where"

Turning over and sitting up, Xiao Yuyan turned her head to look around with a hint of doubt on her face. The interior of the President's wife's room is elegant and luxurious, with all kinds of luxurious facilities. This high-end room is something that Xiao Yuyan could not have imagined in the first half of his life. , Xiao Yuyan would definitely yell in surprise and excitement, but now, Xiao Yuyan just glanced at it and didn't care.

"Investigator, are you awake? Come to the conference room."

Xiao Yuyan, who was in a daze, heard the president's voice, immediately came to her senses, stood up directly, looked at her clothes suspiciously, and also didn't care, but quickly walked out of the president's wife's room.

As soon as she walked out of the room, she bumped into Liao Youming who came out of the second bedroom. After seeing Liao Youming, Xiao Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief, and her tense spirit also relaxed.

"Xiao Yuyan, you are awake. Just in time, the president asked us to go to the living room. You have just woken up and are not familiar with this place. Come with me."

Liao Youming briefly introduced Xiao Yuyan's situation after coma and the presidential suite to Xiao Yuyan, and then took Xiao Yuyan into the small meeting room. Xiao Yuyan almost knew that after she fell into a coma, the mysterious president stepped in to save herself from the hideous Saved from the hands of monsters.


Xiao Yuyan breathed a sigh of relief, everything she experienced before challenged Xiao Yuyan's rationality and three views, until now, even Xiao Yuyan hadn't noticed it, and she became more calm.

"You are all here, sit down."

In the luxurious and exquisite meeting room, Luo Ming sat on a high-end comfortable chair, Luo Ming nodded to the two investigators who entered, and then took out a card.


Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan nodded to Luo Ming at the same time, and sat down. The two investigators facing Luo Ming were still very nervous, especially because they didn't know what this... mysterious president Zhao was going to do.

"Don't be nervous, your investigation has come to an end, the reward stage."

There was a smile on Luo Ming's face, and his plain voice made Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan feel like they were in a spring breeze, as if talking with friends, and made Liao Youming and Xiao Yuyan's eyes widen in surprise.

"Hey, is there any reward?"

Xiao Yuyan and Liao Youming looked at each other, and Liao Youming even thought of the cold spider spear that the previous president rewarded him in the last investigation.

"Of course, I won't let you experience horror in vain."

"...I call this bonus phase intermission."

Luo Ming's face was full of smiles, and he tapped the table lightly with his right hand, temporarily naming this bonus stage as Intermission Growth.

"Growth between scenes? Is it a kind of growth reward after the intermission of the show?"

Xiao Yuyan has a certain understanding of the intermission. The so-called intermission is...the intermission time between the repertoire and the repertoire. When the time comes, she understands the meaning of intermission growth in an instant.

"Investigators, take out your investigator cards."

Luo Ming glanced at the two of them and reminded them. The two investigators took out their investigator cards carefully and put them on the table as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"Well, let's start the intermission growth now."

Luo Ming nodded, and then looked at Liao Youming, Liao Youming suddenly became nervous, he had been rewarded by the president of the cold spider short spear before.

"Liao Youming, the inspiration test succeeded twice and failed three times...well, set an intelligence reward die."

Luo Ming glanced at Liao Youming, his right hand was shrouded in mist, the bone dice broke away from the special card, and rolled onto the table with a grunt.

As the bone dice rolled, it split into two distorted hexahedrons. The numbers in the two hexahedrons were 51, "Liao Youming's intellectual growth is six:6:."

Luo Ming's voice sounded calmly, representing Liao Youming's investigator card, a number automatically jumped in the intelligence column, the original intelligence was 60, and it became 66.

After Liao Youming's investigator card was changed, Liao Youming felt his brain cleared up, and the whole world seemed to become: clearer, which made Liao Youming sigh the magic of Luo Ming's method.

"Liao Youming investigative listen numerical test."

In this investigation event, Liao Youming did not use detection and listening, so for convenience later, Luo Ming decided to determine Liao Youming's detection and listening values ​​first.

Detection check, 35 Listening check, 40 There is no growth for this investigation and listening.

Liao Youming looked at his investigator card, and automatically added the attributes of listening and investigation. When he saw the last sentence, a wry smile appeared on his face.

Investigator Card Number: 00 Affiliation: Old Freemasonry Name: Liao Youming Age: 29 Gender: Male Strength: 65 Physique: 3 Body Type: 65 Agility: 55 Appearance: 6 Intelligence: 60+ Will: 43 Education: 7 Luck: Investigation :35 Listen: 4 Congratulations to the investigator for gaining the knowledge of the unknown field: Unspeakable knowledge: 1% Physical state: Advanced pancreatic cancer Mental state: Mental instability, emotional agitation will fall into a temporary state of madness.

Mysterious things: cold spider short spear, different pupils "Okay, investigator, eat it.

It's good for your sanity recovery."

Luo Ming took out a small piece of jelly-like thing, which was a mysterious item obtained by Luo Ming, a sacrificial gift, and Luo Ming divided it into two parts to restore the sanity of the two investigators.

: Fifth update, thanks to the wind and rain 858 boss for the reward of 588 points, and I am so grateful.

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