I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 78. Cheng Siyang's Amazement Please Subscribe And Request Tickets

This content first appeared "Are you sure this girl is schizophrenic"

Chen Tian's eyes were deep, but there was a trace of teasing on his face, he looked directly at Tong Haihan, the playfulness in his eyes made Tong Haihan feel that Chen Tian doubted his professional ability.

"I'm pretty sure that the girl should have suffered from schizophrenia, which led to a huge change in the way of speaking and thinking logic in the two same scenes."

Tong Haihan is very confident in her professionalism. She can tell at a glance that the girl in the previous picture should be suffering from schizophrenia. A sudden change, and serious ones will give birth to a second personality, and Tong Haihan analyzed that the girl's mental problems may have given birth to a second personality.

"Am I right, Director Chen?"

Of course Tong Haihan knew that this was a test, so after analyzing the problem, Tong Haihan looked at Chen Tian provocatively, his eyes full of confidence.

"Wrong, big mistake."

A rare smile appeared on Chen Tian's face. Tong Haihan was taken aback by Chen Tian's words, and there was also a hint of disbelief on her face. This was a denial, her own judgment, no, look at this...Chen Tian The bureau's demeanor should be a complete denial.

Chen Tian shifted his gaze to Cheng Siyang, as a middle-aged man close to 40 years old, Cheng Siyang just thought about it for a while, and then began to talk endlessly.

"Well, these three videos are different in time."

"The first and third videos have the same obvious time scale, but the second time scale is earlier than the previous two videos."

"The girl in the second video has a panicked expression, incoherent speech, dull and incoherent eyes, and terrified eyes. She must have encountered something horrible. This girl must have seen the murderer, so she was terrified."

"And the same question, but got two different answers.. The girl in the third video is very calm, and even made me suspect that this girl might be schizophrenic."

Cheng Siyang's brain quickly flashed through the picture he saw before, and various details appeared in his mind. Cheng Siyang directly found the difference between the three videos, and the time was inconsistent. This shows that the girl in the video has a time-changing The process, but what it is, Cheng Siyang can't think of it yet.

"Old Chen, have you found anything?"

Chen Tian set his sights on the internationally famous detective, wanting to hear the judgment of this senior.

"Let me add one more thing, have you noticed the tone of the inquiring staff?"

"There were two inquiries, the first one was normal, but the second time, the voice of the interviewer started to tremble, which shows that the interviewer was afraid."

An old and steady voice came out of Li Huaying's mouth. The voice was very powerful...powerful and full of energy. I have to say that Li Huaying's insight was terrifying as a top-notch demeanor, although it didn't appear in the picture at all. The interrogators did not show up, but Li Huaying still noticed a little abnormality through the tone.

Others didn't express their opinions due to professional issues, Chen Tian obviously didn't force others, reached out and pressed the button of the projector, and the video started playing again.

This time, the scene appeared in one, a policeman held a gun in both hands, and pointed at a girl in a dress. To the surprise of the seven people, in the video, the girl who was supposed to be a child was actually calm and calm. The guard, at this time, was full of horror, as if he had seen a ghost, and the two people with guns trembled.

Everyone's minds seem to be immersed in this, and they find that the scene in front of them seems to have a strange magic power, which makes people unable to resist indulging in exploration. Cheng Siyang, who is good at experiencing and restoring crime scenes, has even begun to think of himself as The police officer in the picture felt a real fear and trembling rushing towards his face, which made Cheng Siyang's body start to tremble endlessly.


Cheng Siyang's strangeness made Chen Tian turn off the projector decisively, his eyes were unprecedentedly solemn, he strode to Cheng Siyang's side, and slapped him directly.


The loud slap made the other six people look at Chen Tian in amazement, they never expected that Chen Tian would hit Cheng Siyang for no reason at all.

Hoo hoo.

After being slapped by Chen Tian, ​​Cheng Siyang suddenly came back to his senses, his eyes were horrified. Before that, he imagined himself as a security guard, and restored the scene in his mind, and then Cheng Siyang fell into horror and trembling, which even affected himself. With the help of the guard's eyes, Cheng Siyang seemed to see the young and beautiful girl, who seemed to have turned into a terrifying monster.

"are you awake"

Chen Tian looked at Cheng Siyang seriously, his tone was full of solemnity, Cheng Siyang nodded in shock, Chen Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The reason why he didn't tell the case, but used pictures to guide it, was to prevent such a situation from happening. These elites didn't know that they were just the second batch of elites. Originally, three elites who were close to each other were recruited directly. After coming over, he was already involved in the investigation of special incidents last night.

But without exception, these three 3 elites fell into insanity not long after the investigation, became: crazy, and are still being treated in the fast-established sanatorium in the country.

According to Chen Tian's analysis, these three 3 elites just want to find the truth of everything, they believe that everything will have a scientific explanation, and inevitably, these three 3 elites only investigated half of the When he was young, he was sent to Qingshan Nursing Home, which was just established by the country.

In order to prevent these things from happening again, and to inoculate these seven 7 elites, Chen Tian did not let these people investigate the mysterious world of Hanlinyuan Community at first, but retrieved the previous incident records of Li Li , and made into a video.

But just like that, Cheng Siyang also fell into the horror and trembling, and he still has lingering fears, his face is pale, and this is only a small part of Li Li's incident.

"Cheng Siyang, go out and rest first."

Looking at Cheng Siyang's pale face, Chen Tian sighed helplessly. These elites are too sensitive and confident, so when something breaks the cognitive field these elites have constructed for themselves, they will collapse more easily than ordinary people .

"Report, I want to continue the investigation."

Chen Tian's words made Cheng Siyang frown, the fear he felt before did not dispel Cheng Siyang's interest, on the contrary, it made Cheng Siyang more interested, so he felt that he didn't need to rest.

"This is an order."

Chen Tian did not allow Cheng Siyang to refute at all, and directly issued an order. As the director of the special incident investigation team, Chen Tian's order was undoubtedly absolute.

"Yes, Bureau Chen."

Although a little unwilling, Cheng Siyang still had to leave this meeting room and walked outside the meeting room. Cheng Siyang lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall. Two people in police uniforms left in the corridor outside the meeting room. Came over, saw Cheng Siyang, and started whispering.

"Is this an elite from above? How long do you think he can resist?"

"Who knows, the three 3 elites who came last night are still in Qingshan Sanatorium."

"I think these elites are quite powerful, why are they more likely to collapse than ordinary security guards like us?"

"Who knows, maybe it's because these people are so good that they are hit the hardest.

Come on, don't talk about it, as soon as I talk about this, the hairs on my body stand on end."

The voice of whispering gradually faded away, but it made Cheng Siyang's face full of astonishment. He originally thought that seven of his seven people were the first to be sent by the top to support, but he didn't expect that there were three people who were earlier than himself, but, Qingshan Nursing Home: The third update, continue to explode and update. Please subscribe, raving and brazen, please subscribe, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a collection, ask for a review, ask for a comment. Feilu reminds you: three things to bookmark and recommend

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