I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 89. Investigator Contract Request Subscription Request Ticket

This content was first published by Gululu.

In Zijinyuan Community, Ren Zihao looked at his feet in horror and trembling, the fear in his heart made Ren Zihao tremble like chaff, panicked, his heart beat crazily, and his blood pressure rose sharply.

Just when Ren Zihao was frightened to the extreme, his frantically trembling pupils noticed that the six-pointed star array under his feet, a strange, brilliant, dazzling, but suffocating and frightening light group rose rapidly, enveloping Ren Zihao. go in.


A strange electrical noise filled Ren Zihao's brain, causing Ren Zihao's brain to shut down on the spot, and he didn't even notice that the trembling six-pointed star disappeared.

It took a long time for Ren Zihao to come back to his senses, his eyes twitched twice, Ren Zihao couldn't understand everything before, and even Ren Zihao didn't know whether what he saw before was true or not.


Ren Zihao's head finally turned slowly, and when he lowered his head, Ren Zihao's scalp instantly exploded, and he backed away in horror, even knocking the computer screen behind him to the ground.

In Ren Zihao's hand, on a weird card, a ferocious blood-red eye was rolling around, and Ren Zihao's gaze happened to meet....

Investigator card.

This word flashed through Ren Zihao's brain, he couldn't understand the meaning of this word at all, but his brain clearly told him that this is the investigator card, this sense of confusion and absurdity made Ren Zihao think he was crazy.


In Ren Zihao's hand, the blood-red eyes on the investigator's card rolled rapidly, and at the same time a string of information appeared on the back of the empty investigator's card.

Are you really, ready...are you ready to face the darkness like the bottomless abyss? That kind of...darkness, horrifying and trembling, enough to arouse the deepest fear in the human heart...you really...do Are you ready... It's too late to quit now... If you really decide to become an investigator, you will enter a weird, grotesque, thrilling and crazy world, a world that human beings cannot understand and cannot describe. You may go crazy, you may die, or you may become something incomprehensible... The more you pay attention to the information on this weird card, the more Ren Zihao becomes obsessed, and the electrical noise in your mind slowly becomes... It became a majestic, eerie and grotesque mix, like some kind of incomprehensible existence whispering, and like a beautiful chorus performed by tens of thousands of people.

So, are you really ready... The stars have not yet returned to their places, and the old days are coming!!!!! In Ren Zihao's mind, the voice became more passionate and urgent, and each word was like beating on Ren Zihao. Above Hao's heart, Ren Zihao was suffocated and frightened again, especially the last sentence, which made Ren Zihao feel desperate and helpless, as if he was like an ant and was about to be killed from a distant place. Human beings walking in a space beyond human comprehension seem to be trampled to death.

"I... what can I get"

In Ren Zihao's mind, the passionate voice gradually stopped, and during the pause, Ren Zihao asked his own question tremblingly.

Everything you want... The majestic and eerie mix sounded again, but this time the voice became low and low, and then disappeared. Ren Zihao also recovered from the panic.

Investigator contract On the front of the investigator card, the words Investigator Contract are twisting and wriggling, crooked, like a child's scribbles, but Ren Zihao dare not take it lightly at all, because Ren Zihao already knows that this is the key to becoming an investigator The essential.

If you sign the investigator contract, you will become an investigator from now on, and if you don't sign it, you will forget all this and remain an ordinary person.

"Hehe, ordinary people..."

Ren Zihao looked at the investigator's contract on the investigator's card with a cloudy expression. Although everything that happened before shook Ren Zihao's brain, horror and suffocation, despair and fear surrounded him all the time, Ren Zihao knew clearly that becoming an investigator would Need to face this kind of incomprehensible, indescribable horror, despair and fear will follow you, and you may die.

However, just becoming an ordinary person, Ren Zihao is really not reconciled. The reason why he resigned three years ago is... seeing that his previous job has no future. Equally, by the time of forty or fifty years old, the day lily is cold.

So, an opportunity was placed in front of Ren Zihao, Ren Zihao desperately wanted to seize it, he didn't want to live an ordinary life anymore, he wanted to get everything, power, beauty and money.

"I agree."

Ren Zihao's eyes became firm, and he directly signed the investigator's contract. The investigator's contract turned into twisted and wriggling tentacles, which spread to the entire back of the investigator's card, and turned into a beautiful pyramid with a pattern of hideous eyes in the center.

In the lower right corner of the old Freemasonry, there is a crooked handwriting in the lower right corner of the investigator card, but it is enough to make anyone obsessed. When he saw this line of handwriting, Ren Zihao knew that from now on, he is... the old freemason will be the investigator.

Luo Ming sees everything about Ren Zihao. Using the mysterious thing like the six-pointed star sacrifice to randomly distribute the splinter investigator cards is for Luo Ming's convenience in the future, but this method will make the investigators feel horrified. Originally, Luo Ming wanted to make a change.

However, after seeing Ren Zihao's performance, Luo Ming felt that there was no need to change it, and regarded it as a test, a test of the qualifications of investigators, and during the sacrificial ceremony, all kinds of weird and incomprehensible, horrifying and trembling would appear. Luo Ming wouldn't choose the scene if he couldn't bear even this level of horror.

0 As for the words on the investigator's contract, they strengthen Luo Ming's spiritual will. When someone reads these words, a scene like Ren Zihao will appear, which looks grand and majestic, with a strange and grand mix, but this It was Luo Ming who subconsciously elevated his style.

After Ren Zihao signed the investigator contract, he glanced at the messy bedroom, took a deep breath, stood up silently, put on his clothes and walked out.

"Is this my property panel?"

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Ren Zihao stared blankly at the data information displayed on the investigator card in his hand.

Investigator Card Number: 00 Affiliation: Old Freemasonry Name: Ren Zihao Age: 25 Occupation: Internet Writer.......... Strength: 45 Physique: 5 Body Type: 60 Agility: 40 Appearance: 6 intelligence: 55 will: 65 education: 7 luck: special talent: typing "horrible."

Looking at his attributes, Ren Zihao sighed, the normal standard for ordinary people is 50, and he doesn't care...

It is strength and agility that are lower than ordinary people. The long-term writing life has seriously affected Ren Zihao's health.


The door of the master bedroom opened, Guan Zixuan came out of the room, and looked at the neatly dressed Ren Zihao in surprise, extremely uncomfortable.

"No, you have already solved it"

"This is the sun coming out from the west, and they are so neatly dressed."

Guan Zixuan circled around Ren Zihao, with a teasing smile on his face, and sat down opposite Ren Zihao, admiringly.

"Guan Zixuan, I'm not in the mood to laugh with you right now."

He glanced at Guan Zixuan with blank eyes. If it was before, Ren Zihao would definitely go back and take the opportunity to make fun of him. However, now that Ren Zihao has just experienced a horrible incident, he is not in the mood at all.

"Hey, what are you doing with a broken five card?"

Guan Zixuan's eyes inadvertently noticed the investigator card in Ren Zihao's hand, and he let out a voice of surprise, which made Ren Zihao nervous instantly.

"Cut, one broken five, cards, what are you nervous about?"

"There is nothing."

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Guan Zixuan snatched the investigator card from Ren Zihao's hand, looked down at the card under Ren Zihao's angry and nervous eyes, and then threw it to Ren Zihao boredly.

: The second update, continue to explode, ask for subscription, raving, brazen, ask for subscription, ask for monthly ticket, ask for reward, ask for collection, ask for evaluation, ask for comment 3 Oh, Feilu reminds you: three things about reading, collection, recommendation

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