I Can See The Indescribable!

Chapter 101. Compulsory Intermission Tasks Please Subscribe And Request Tickets

This content is first published in the sales department of Haiyun Xinju in the center of Yangcheng City. In an elegantly decorated and quiet lounge, Luo Ming gently tapped his face, and his indescribable right hand has already fed back the information of the strange figure that Liao Youming and the others saw. come over.

"Is it a special deformity again? However, this ability is really too bad."

On the left of Luo Ming, in the mist, the data of the special aberration is clearly displayed. Compared with the thousand-eyed aberration that he gave through the sacrificial ceremony before, this mycosis aberration is simply weak. .

Compared to Luo Ming's right hand, these...... fungal tumors are even smaller than ants, the level is too low, the vomit of the right hand is enough to kill these...... ...the strange monsters are destroyed.

"However, it's time for these investigators to get used to fighting these... mysterious things."

Luo Ming gently tapped the table with his right hand, and looked at the investigators with a flat gaze. These... Investigators have never fought against indescribable things before. It's time too.

"Investigator "four six, three"

, and now release mandatory intermission missions."

"Now take out your investigator cards and check out the mandatory intermission."

Luo Ming's plain voice reached the ears of Liao Youming and the three of them, making the investigators who were planning to escape here stunned.

They never thought that the president would issue a mandatory intermission task at this time, Liao Youming and the three of them quickly took out the investigator card and checked it.

Mandatory Intermission Task Task Content: Kill the Special Mutant Bacterial Tumor Task Time: One Hour Task Reminder: This task is mandatory, and all investigators must be compelled to participate. There is a Special Mutant at the back of your investigator card Detailed data information of mycosis.

President's Proverb: This is just a very low-end indescribable thing, and its level is much lower than the investigations you have experienced. Therefore, as long as you deal with it carefully, it is enough to kill these with human wisdom...... ..the mysteries.

Task failure penalty: If this cannot be completed, I will take back the investigator card in your hand.

"Forcing... intermission?"

Liao Youming's face twitched, and he said that he was not afraid that it was all a lie. He raised his head, and Liao Youming was swaying his arms stiffly not far away again, breaking away from the creepy and terrifying existence of the garden soil, Liao Youming suddenly fell in love with it. Take a breath.

"Everyone, just as the president said, if we can't even face this level of mysterious monsters, even if the president doesn't take back our investigator cards, we will definitely die in the next investigation mission .”

"So, instead of... dying in fear and horror in the future, it's better to adapt now. We can't kill the indescribable things, but the mysterious things that are born under the indescribable things, We can overcome with our own ability."

Liao Youming's eyes radiated unprecedented light. He has made up his mind and mustered up the courage to face these mysterious and frightening things. The cancer in his body is constantly urging Liao Youming to move forward, wanting to catch all the living things he can catch. The opportunity to continue, and Luo Ming gave Liao Youming a chance, how could Liao Youming give up.

"Liao Youming is right, if you can't even face the things, how can you follow the president all the way..."

Xiao Yuyan took a deep breath from Liao Youming's gaze, her face was serious, and her tone was firmer than ever before.

"I...I did it too"

Newcomer, investigator Ren Zihao also knows that the investigator under the old Freemasonry organization is the greatest blessing he has cultivated in his life. He also wants to stand out and surprise his co-rental sister, so even if it is fear Trembling, Ren Zihao also clenched his fists hard, ready to meet the next "It's not bad, no one flinches."

Luo Ming glanced at his investigators with satisfaction. These three 3 investigators were carefully trained and selected by Luo Ming, and two of them were given two mysterious things by Luo Ming. The newcomer, investigator Ren Zihao Luo Ming's will is not bad, if these people retreat easily, Luo Ming will not continue to train them.

cluck cluck.

In front of Liao Youming and the three of them 3, there was a horrifying and ear-piercing sound, a special and strange tone that made the heart beat suddenly stop, howling from the mouths of these special deformed tumors, the strange frequency made Liao Youming and the three of them dizzy Swelling, the line of sight twists and turns crazily.

"Damn, you can't sit and wait for death."

"Different pupil super perception."

Liao Youming's face was solemn, and he suppressed the feeling of nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. He swipe on the investigator card, found the different pupil directly, and mentally linked the different pupil.


Liao Youming's whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes under the super-perception. The originally silent world has become: distorted and chaotic, grotesque Lu Li, and frightening overfrequency vibrations, like hideous and terrifying monsters, stimulating Liao Youming's mind Senses, under this horrifying and weird super frequency vibration, all creatures within Liao Youming's perception range, insects, birds, mosquitoes, rats and ants all let out crazy howls and wailings.

cluck cluck.

A humanoid mycosis covered with hideous and terrifying fungal sarcoids opened its mouth and made a frantic and trembling tone. On the face covered with colorful fungal sarcoids, grotesque and terrifying insects crawled in and out one by one, making one's scalp shudder. Ma 0...... This humanoid mycosis is the fastest moving among all mycosis, and it is the closest to Liao Youming. At this time, the feet covered with fungal hyphae have been pulled out of the soil, one by one. The mycelium twisted and squirmed like a living thing, driving the fungal tumors to crawl towards Liao Youming. The speed was slow, but the ferocious arms covered with colorful fungal sarcomas stretched rapidly.

However, under Liao Youming's super-perception, the arms of the terrifying colony are too slow. The pupils of Liao Youming's eyes split into two connected pupils. The pupils in the pupils are brightly starry, and they are slightly short, avoiding the attack of the colony. , ran directly towards the colony.

Liao Youming's face twisted and twitched because of fear, and his hands kept shaking, but no matter...

No matter how frightened he was, Liao Youming didn't stop his movements. While running, Liao Youming drew out the cold spider spear from his waist.


Under super perception, while Liao Youming was running, the short spear of the cold spider pierced directly into the exposed brain on the fungus head, and streams of miserable green brains spewed out, but Liao Youming bowed his head and avoided them all. past.

Chi, chi, chi.

The miserable green brains fell on the ground, directly corroding the ground into a shallow pit, and the surrounding flowers and plants withered and twisted at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into hideous fungal sarcomas.

Gululu, Gululu.

The fungus that was pierced through the brain by Liao Youming, the hyphae on both feet squirmed and spread crazily, and countless ferocious mycelia wrapped around Liao Youming.

"Fuck, these guys' weakness isn't their brains."

Under super-perception, the hyphae of mycosis wriggled ferociously and clearly, which made Liao Youming's eyes full of despair. Although he has a super-0.

3 Perceive but have no way to avoid the ferocious wriggling hyphae in all directions.


Just when Liao Youming's eyes were filled with despair, seeing the ferocious hyphae about to wrap his whole body, a figure instantly grabbed Liao Youming in his hand and jumped two meters away.

Put Liao Youming's body on the ground, in the middle of Xiao Yuyan's body, there is a jet-black and dignified spider flesh, which is shrinking and expanding, wriggling like breathing, and at the same time, Xiao Yuyan's eyes became: pitch black.

Xiao Yuyan could feel that in her womb, strands of inexplicable things were disappearing, being swallowed up by hunting spiders.

:Fourth update:, continue to explode and ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward, ask for a collection, ask for a review, ask for a comment.

: Legendary investigation masters can guess what kind of indescribable monsters will appear in this investigation mission. You can speak freely in the comment area, and there are hints for the ramblings.

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