I can see the laws of things

Chapter 40 Very Torturing

A few minutes later.

Lin En jumped up to the sixth floor with a light jump and returned to his bedroom through the window.

He turned on the light and put the girl on the bed.

Under the light, the girl's face was even more beautiful, with soft long hair, milkshake-like skin, delicate nose, small lips...

Her whole face was too delicate, and it seemed that no matter from which angle she looked, she was so beautiful.

Lin En frowned and stretched out his hand to put it on her forehead.

Cold, as cold as a piece of ice.

Her body temperature was very abnormal. If the body temperature of a normal person was 35 degrees Celsius, then her current body temperature would definitely not exceed zero degrees!

But the strange thing was that even so, she was still breathing.

Lin En had never seen anyone who could survive at such a body temperature.

This girl was not simple.

"Let's take a look at her physical condition first." Lin En said to himself.

He had studied medicine before, although he was not proficient, but it was better to know than not.

Lin En slowly rolled up her sleeves, revealing her fair wrists.

Her hands were like soft pudding, slender and well-proportioned.

He placed his hand on her wrist, carefully feeling the movement of her pulse.

But soon, Lin En frowned.

No pulse.

This girl has no pulse.

It seems that the blood in her body has frozen.

But she is obviously still alive...

And when he touched her body, Lin En could clearly feel a cold current running through her body.

This should be an extremely strange disease.

Lin En frowned and said, "I don't understand it at all."

Although he studied medicine, it was limited to emergency bandaging and first aid in battle.

If it was an ordinary disease, it would be fine, but like this girl's current strange situation, even a genius doctor would probably find it difficult to see.

Because she was born with a defective character.

"But not understanding does not mean that it can't be cured." Lin En shook his head, he stretched out his hand, and urged his mental power to linger on his fingers.

In an instant, a white wheel of law was slowly constructed by him.

It is the Wheel of Life.

No matter what disease you have! No matter what injuries you have suffered!

Even if it is cancer or AIDS, even if you are missing arms and legs, I will use the Wheel of Life to hit you, and you will still be full of life!

In a sense, the Wheel of Life is the most fundamental magic medicine of all things.

I will treat you from the most fundamental place, as long as you are not dead, you can live!

It is so domineering!

And the only price that Lin En needs to pay for constructing the Wheel of Life is a little bit of mental power.

And this little mental power can be restored in a few minutes.

"Hehe." Lin En smiled lightly and said, "Luckily you met me. When you wake up, you'd better think about how to thank me. I usually don't save people for free."

Lin En easily constructed a wheel representing vitality on the palm of his hand.

"Excuse me."

Lin En slowly stretched out his hand, and the Wheel of Life in his hand instantly shot into the girl's body.

In an instant.

The Wheel of Life constructed by Lin En merged into her body.

The girl suddenly showed a painful expression, and sweat oozed from her forehead.

Pain is normal.

Because the Wheel of Life is removing the cold current from her and replenishing her lost spiritual power.

If the high-level officials of Jiuzhou Domain saw this scene, they would probably open their eyes wide in shock.

They used countless natural treasures to barely keep her vitality from being lost, but Lin En only moved his fingers!

This is the difference between the two.

Because the Wheel of Life constructed by Lin En directly restores vitality from the level of laws, the level is unknown how much higher than those natural treasures!

Slowly, Lin En nodded with satisfaction.

The girl's body temperature has gradually begun to warm up.

The effect of the Wheel of Life can last for several hours, enough for her to recover.

"Have a good rest." Lin En glanced at her and then ignored her.


In a trance.

The girl only felt a warm current coming from her chest, which instantly dispelled the coldness of her whole body.

She had already seen the red line of death, but the warm current pulled her back from the embrace of death.

This warm current... is like a spring breeze...

So warm, so reassuring.

I haven't had a good night's sleep in more than ten years, and now I feel a faint sense of sleepiness.

The coldness of my whole body disappeared all at once...

"So warm..." she said in a dreamlike voice.


Time gradually came to the second half of the night.

The temperature in the room was not low to begin with, and the girl was wearing layers of thick coats. As her body temperature recovered, sweat gradually appeared on her forehead.

Her beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her body kept twisting because of the excessive heat.

Because the bed was occupied, Lin En had been sitting at the desk during this time, quietly taking notes.

And at this moment, Lin En suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the bed.

"Are you awake?"

Lin En glanced at the girl on the bed.

No, she didn't wake up.

Because of the heat, the girl had unconsciously kicked off her thick coat, revealing her long warm skirt and a pair of arms as white as lotus roots.

Her arms were too thin, as if they would break at the slightest touch.

Lin En shook his head and stopped paying attention.

Apart from his sister, this was the first time a strange girl had been lying on this bed.

A few minutes later, there was another rustling sound from behind, accompanied by a few uncomfortable hums from the girl.

Lin En turned his head and glanced at the girl, and he was startled.

Unconsciously, the girl had taken off her long warm skirt.

Now she was only wearing a purple dress as thin as a cicada's wing, her body curled up, very petite and lovely.

Lin En felt that his breathing was a little short.

Lin En wanted to look away.

But the girl seemed to have a magical power, perhaps because she was too perfect, so she had an indescribable attraction.

One can't help but wonder what kind of ingenuity it takes to create such a charming girl.

Once such a girl grows up, she will probably drive the whole world crazy.

"It's really torture." He smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Lin En took a deep breath, stood up, walked to the bed, gently covered her with a quilt, and then walked to the desk and continued to take notes.


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