I can see the laws of things

Chapter 66 I am not an ordinary magician!

Another lightning bolt landed at his feet, directly knocking him away dozens of meters.

"Damn it!!"

He stood up suddenly and roared to the sky.

The next moment, he grabbed a car next to him and threw it towards Lin En, who was standing thousands of meters high.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

The car shot straight at Lin En in the sky like a cannonball.

Lin En raised his finger expressionlessly.

In an instant, a wheel of law was constructed between his fingers.

[Storm Gathering]!

A fierce gust of wind blew past Lin En.

The car was directly swept away from Lin En's direction by the gust of wind, and flew into the sky while brushing against Lin En's body.

And Lin En was so calm that he didn't even move his eyelids.

And under the shocked gaze of everyone, the car was swept by the gust of wind in the sky, turned a huge corner, and then smashed straight towards the great master on the ground at a faster speed.

Boom! !

With a loud bang, the car hit the Grandmaster directly and exploded and caught fire instantly.

"Gods above!"

The people who saw this scene were shocked.

It was as if the elements of the entire sky were obeying the man's orders!

He really just moved one finger and instantly resolved the Grandmaster's attack!

Lin En looked down expressionlessly and said:

"Are you still going to make a dying struggle?"

There was no expression on his face, and he didn't even move.

But the people on the ground immediately found in horror that the cars parked on the roadside seemed to have lost their weight and floated up to the sky.





The next moment, people looked at the sky tremblingly.

Hundreds of cars were suspended around the man, suspended in the sky thousands of meters high, reflecting dazzling light in the surge of countless lightning.

The middle-aged man climbed out of the explosion in a panic.

When he saw the terrible scene in the sky, even he felt a shudder in his heart.

He took a step back tremblingly and said, "What are you going to do! What are you going to do!"

Lin En said expressionlessly, "What do you think?"

The next moment, hundreds of cars suspended in the sky fell towards the middle-aged man's position like meteorites.

And those cars seemed to have received some kind of huge thrust, and their speed accelerated to the speed of sound in an instant.

The cars that fell at the speed of sound, like meteorites...




Just like the end of the world, a violent fire exploded at the location where the middle-aged man was.

The middle-aged man was hit and blood was dripping all over his body, and he screamed and ran wildly along the road.

But those cars seemed to have installed an automatic positioning system. No matter where he ran, a car would fall down the next moment.

His mentality has collapsed!

His mentality is about to collapse!

It's like a game that is playing with him from beginning to end!

At the same time, his heart was filled with trembling, and even a huge panic had arisen.

What kind of method is this!

How did he do it!

In this short battle, he had seen that Lin En used the elements of thunder and lightning and storm.

And this ability to easily lift hundreds of cars...

Could it be that...

A word flashed through his mind in an instant.


He was shocked and looked at Lin En in the sky with great shock, trembling:

"This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! What kind of mage are you! What type of mage are you!"

In his cognition, a mage can only control the corresponding ability in his life wheel.

There are mages with dual attributes, but even among mages, they are one in a million.

Could it be that he is a three-element mage with three attributes of wind, thunder, and gravity at the same time? !

This is impossible!

That's right!

The method that Lin En used to lift hundreds of cars just now was because he constructed the wheel of gravity rules!

It was just to make the car lose the restraint of gravity, which was not a difficult task for him.

But for others, this was simply a miracle!

Another lightning bolt and a car fell on his head.

The body of the grandmaster was hit hard again, and his chest was surging with blood, and he spit out blood.

Even though he was a grandmaster, under such unreasonable and intensive attacks.

His body was already seriously injured.

Lin En said expressionlessly: "Do you still want to resist?"

The middle-aged man wiped the blood off his face and looked at Lin En in the sky with an extremely ferocious look.

"I don't believe you can really kill me! You have used so many methods on me! I'm afraid you are now at the end of your strength!"

A cruel sneer suddenly tore off his face.

"Your magician's mental power is the biggest obstacle to your strength! The more powerful the magic, the more mental power it consumes. Although I don't know how you can cast so many magics instantly, I absolutely don't believe that you didn't consume a little mental power!"

That's right!

This is the biggest reliance of warriors against mages.

Mages are very bad at sustained combat!

Because every time they release magic, they need to consume their mental power!

And once warriors can delay until the mage's mental power is exhausted, they will become sheep to be slaughtered.

At that time, the advantages of being a warrior will be revealed.

Strong physical fitness gives them the ability to sustain combat, and they can afford to consume!

And he seems to have been suppressed by Lin En during this period, but in fact, he is also waiting for Lin En's mental power to be exhausted.

Because he knows that at that time, it is time for him to take the initiative.

Lin En stretched out his hand slightly, rubbed his temple, and said lightly:

"I didn't expect you to really see it. My mental power is almost exhausted now."


A purple light flashed in his eyes.

Several new wheels of rules were constructed by him.

[Magic Gathering]!

[Mental Power Breeding]!


In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and the magic power of the entire sky was mobilized by him.

Even the surging magic power directly turned into a majestic vortex, which quickly rotated around him and was absorbed by him.

Seeing this scene, the grandmaster's face suddenly turned pale.

Lin En said expressionlessly: "I am not an ordinary magician."

The gathering of magic power can allow him to quickly gather the magic energy particles between heaven and earth and be absorbed by him.

The combination of [Spiritual Power Breeding] and [Acceleration] can quickly allow those magic powers to forge spiritual energy, thereby accelerating the generation of spiritual power.

This forms a cycle of rapid recovery of spiritual power.

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