I Can See The Luck Line

Chapter 100 Of Course

Enter the Void Realm, which is a small square.

As the exclusive Void Realm of Scarlet Moon Academy, the entrances and exits of the Realm also have adventurer stations.

The range of the adventurer's station is not large, and there are also adventurer guards stationed there, but all the adventurers who enter are students of Chiyue Academy.

"Blade Canyon has formed a team to hunt down the little Devil! Come and have a fire-type or ice-type long-distance original skill, and the Cultivation Base must be second aperture fifth-level or higher!"

"The Grey Needle Forest has formed a team to hunt down the Grey Needle Tiger! Here comes a fifth-level or above fighter who has learned shield guarding!"

"Second orifice seventh-level, has the power of the earth, learned the original technique of moving like a mountain, I want a team to hunt down the little Devil with a blade~~"


Mo Xiaobai glanced over and found that there were many students standing in the square.

These students are all dressed in a variety of equipment, holding long swords, large shields, bows and arrows, staves, scepters and other weapons in their hands.

Some people who seemed to be a fixed team left the plaza directly after entering the Void Realm, while some lone students were shouting at their throats, looking for a team of similar strength.

At this moment, a delicate-looking elf girl wearing an emerald green robe and holding a light white scepter said, "Second orifice fourth-level has the power of nature, and has learned the nature's touch of healing, the original Practitioner, who wants to find her. team."

Before she could finish her words, she was surrounded by a bunch of people.

The eyes of those who looked at her flashed green.

"Sister! Sister, come here! Big brother Erqiao seventh-level, look at the thick shield of my brother, it will definitely protect you properly!"

"Healing Boss! Healing Boss! Come to our team! Please, see us!"

"Big brother! Big brother! Look at me, look at me, our entire team is above the fifth-level of the second aperture!"


Looking at this scene, Mo Xiaobai couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

The original Practitioner with healing abilities is popular everywhere.

After all, the original Practitioner of the ordinary team has only one life, and the team with the original Practitioner with the healing ability can have many lives.

Mo Xiaobai has no plans to form a team.

He left the square directly and came to the Adventurer's Guild, intending to see the quest.

At the top of the taskbar is a resident task.

For killing Devil and Magical Beasts in the Blade's Edge Mountains, one credit for the first-level, two credits for the second-level, and so on.

That is to say, if you kill a leader of the peak of one hole, you can get 900 credits.

Compared to the boss, the number of credits is actually very small.

However, this is just a kill reward, not counting the possible credits for the Transcendent material extracted by the boss. The credit reward for actually killing a boss is definitely far greater than this.

This quest is always valid, as long as the quest is accepted, the Red Moon Medal can be directly detected.

Devil and Magical Beasts in the Void Realm must be cleaned up. If Devil and Magical Beasts are not cleaned up, they will besiege the adventurer station when they accumulate too much.

If the Adventurer's Station is not defended and destroyed, it will be very difficult to enter the Void Realm from the Void entrance in the future, and the price to be paid will be huge.

And if you can't enter the Void Entrance, there will be more Devil and Magical Beasts in the Void Realm.

At that time, the power of the void is in turmoil, and Devil and Magical Beasts can even counterattack into Azure through the Void Portal!

In history, there have been several cases where the Void Realm failed to defend, and finally caused the Devil in the Void Realm to enter the blue, causing a lot of casualties each time.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the other quests, some were collecting Magical Beasts and Devil materials, some were collecting materials from the boss, or some herbal minerals.

The credits awarded for these tasks range from hundreds to thousands.

Mo Xiaobai spent five credits to purchase a copy of the Blade's Edge Mountains Adventure Guide.

There is a map of the Blade's Edge Mountains on it, and the continuous mountain range of rock-like bulging like a blade covers most of the Void Realm, which is also the origin of the name of the Blade's Edge Mountains.

In other areas not covered by the Blade's Edge Mountains, there are grasslands, wastelands, rift valleys, forests and other terrains.

The direction Mo Xiaobai chose was to the northwest of the Adventurer's Station, where there was a huge forest of ash needle trees, called the ash needle forest. The ash needle forest included nearby mountains and rifts. Magical Beasts had only two strengths. The orifice is about fifth-level, and the highest will not exceed the seventh-level of the second orifice.

This is just right for Mo Xiaobai.

After getting ready, Mo Xiaobai walked out of the Adventurer's Guild and left the station.

The gate of the station is crowded with people.

The Void Realm of the second-order suffering level, even the students of the early stage of the third orifice will come here to take risks and earn credits.

Two orifices can only be here.

There are more than 2,000 students in the second and third orifices of the entire school, which is not a small number.

Mo Xiaobai also found that several students were riding tall and mighty mounts, and they ran past him very fast.

This made him look hot for a while.

Having a mount is much more convenient.

He also wants a mount.

Unfortunately, if you want to get a mount, you must first have a contract crystal.

After he has the contract crystal, he can grab the Magical Beasts suitable for mounts to contract.

And even the second-order contract crystal, the price is extremely high, Mo Xiaobai is almost out of credits for cultivation now, how can there be credits to buy that thing?

He could only think about it.

The white light above his legs flickered, and the original technique of speeding was activated, and his legs slammed on the ground and quickly ran towards the distance.

It didn't take long for Mo Xiaobai to follow the trail into a mountain range lined with sharp rocks like blades.

Looking at this mountain range, Mo Xiaobai couldn't help but be amazed.

The Void Realm has some areas of the environment that are magical.

Moving along the trail, at this moment, Mo Xiaobai was stunned, looking at a gray blade rock in the distance.

He found that there were light gray lines of bad luck and light red lines of good luck on the blade rock.

Mo Xiaobai raised his eyebrows.

This is... a vicious beast?

Usually good luck and bad luck are intertwined, and they are all the situation of beasts, right?

He approached slowly, and only when he approached the blade rock, did he see the beast on the rock.

It was Magical Beasts, a gray snake that was almost two meters long.

It crawls on the rock, its gray scales almost completely integrated with the rock.

If you are not careful, you may not be able to find it.

Greystone anaconda, a second-order serpent Magical Beasts with highly venomous properties.

If a person accidentally gets bitten, if he does not bring an antidote or has the original detoxification technique, it will be dangerous.

Just as Mo Xiaobai was approaching, the body of the grey stone poison boa collapsed, turning into a grey shadow and rushing towards him.

Mo Xiaobai, who had already discovered it, stretched out his hand and waved, and a sword shadow silently swept over the head of the greystone anaconda.

Next, the head and body of the greystone anaconda were separated in the air, and blood spurted out.

Mo Xiaobai turned his head slightly and avoided the greystone anaconda's head, which opened its mouth to him even after leaving the body.

The long body of the grey stone anaconda fell to the ground, and after twisting a few times, it lost its vitality.

Mo Xiaobai looked down at the blood-striped epee in his hand, and showed a satisfied smile.

This sword is really good. The scales of the greystone anaconda are not weak in defense, but for the blood-striped epee, it is like cheese, and it is extremely easy to cut.

The flesh and blood of the gray stone anaconda on the ground converged and dried up, and a poison sac glowing white light formed.

Mo Xiaobai's eyes lit up, he picked up the poison sac and put it in the Interspatial Ring.

The poison sac of the greystone anaconda, 20 credits.


At the same time, the second-level and third-level graystone toadstools were beheaded, and the Red Moon Medal also recorded three credits for the killing.

Mo Xiaobai continued to move.

Along the way, Mo Xiaobai encountered some Magical Beasts, including Greystone Poison Anaconda, Blade's Edge Python, Blade's Edge Mantis and so on.

Only one elite-level second-level third-level blade mantis has separated out two blade mantis arms, which can have almost fifty credits.

Others, nothing precipitated.

Mo Xiaobai is not surprised, after all, they are all ordinary Magical Beasts.

At the same time, along the way, Mo Xiaobai also harvested some herbs, but there were only a few plants, and almost all the herbs near the trail had been lit up.

After nearly an hour, Mo Xiaobai walked out of the trail of the Blade's Edge Mountains, and his eyes became wide open.

In the distance is a forest of trees thirty to one hundred meters high.

The trees had gray formations, some like cypresses, but they looked different.

Mo Xiaobai stepped into the gray needle forest.

Not long after entering the forest, Mo Xiaobai saw the sound of battle not far away.

He moved in the direction of the battle, and soon found a group of students attacking a grey wolf with huge fangs and a shoulder height of more than one meter six.

The tusk wolf, the second-order Magical Beasts, from the common level to the boss level.

This tusk wolf is an elite level, Cultivation Base is a second-order fifth-level, and its combat power is close to the second-order seventh-level.

There are four students in this team. One is a barbarian boy wearing gray armor, holding a one-meter-five-high shield in one hand, and a one-handed tomahawk in the other, and an Eidolon holding two short swords and wearing black leather armor. The girl, an elf boy wearing leather armor and holding a war bow, and an elf boy wearing a crimson robe and holding a staff made of red trees.

The Cultivation Bases of the four are second-level fifth-level, comparable to this elite tusk wolf. However, they are Chiyue's students after all, and even the strength of a single person is not worse than that of the elite Magical Beasts of the same level. , let alone a team?

The fangs giant wolf wanted to bypass the barbarian boy who looked like an iron tower, and planned to attack the two elf boys behind him, but was completely blocked by the barbarian boy with a giant shield.

The elf boy holding a longbow is extremely dexterous, his slender legs are running in the forest, and as his figure flashes, an arrow with a sharp white light is aimed at the staggering tusk wolf that was hit by a shield of the barbarian boy.


The tusk giant wolf felt threatened, let out a low roar, forcibly controlled the somewhat unbalanced body to twist, and dodged the arrow dangerously and dangerously.

At this moment, a red fireball the size of a fiery head hit the direction where the tusk giant wolf was dodging.

boom! !

The fireball burst, and the huge tusk wolf was blown away directly from the fire wave, and the body was still burning with flames.

When it was still in the air and did not land, a black shadow swept across its body, and two white sword lights swept across.

The fangs giant wolf in the air spurted two strands of blood and let out a scream.


Its corpse fell to the ground and had lost its vitality, and beside its corpse, the girl of the night spirit waved the long sword in her hand, swept away the blood on the sword, and looked calm.

The other three also seemed to have done this kind of thing countless times, and walked to the giant tusk wolf with a calm expression.

The elf boy in the red robe waved his right hand.

The flames on the giant wolf's body melted into his hands as if consciously.

And they waited for the Transcendent material to precipitate out of the corpse of the tusk wolf.

At this moment, the Yeling girl froze, turned her head abruptly to look in Mo Xiaobai's direction, with a bit of coldness in her bloody eyes.


Hearing the words of the Yeling girl, the other three quickly turned their heads and looked in the direction that the Yeling girl was looking at, with sharp eyes.

So, the four of them and Mo Xiaobai stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

In the distance, Mo Xiaobai, who was marveling at their skillful cooperation, couldn't help but smile when he saw the cold appearance of the four of them.

He opened his mouth and said, "Hello, seniors and sisters, I just came to take a look when I heard something moving here."

The four barbarian teenagers looked at the Chiyue emblem on Mo Xiaobai's chest, and their faces were strange.


"Second orifice second-level?"

The night spirit girl opened her eyes slightly.

The other three also found Mo Xiaobai's Cultivation Base, and they all gasped.

He has just entered school, this freshman has already had a second-level?

This Talent...

A little too strong, right?

"Are you in the top ten of this Chuming Trial?"

The barbarian boy seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help but ask.

Mo Xiaobai smiled and nodded, "Well, my name is Mo Xiaobai, and I'm the champion of this class."

"Zhuang Yuan, no wonder."

When the four of them heard this, they all showed a stunned look.

It is normal for the champion to have such a Cultivation Base at this point in time.

"Wait...you are second-level, why are you here in the Grey Needle Forest? Also, how did you come here?"

At this moment, the elf boy holding the longbow thought of something and frowned slightly.

"On the way to the Grey Needle Forest, there should be Magical Beasts of the second- and fourth-level, right? I think there are elite Magical Beasts of the second- and third-level fourth-level, right?"

The other three came to their senses when they heard the elf boy's words.

Yeah, how did this guy get here?

Moreover, with his Cultivation Base, why did he come to the Grey Needle Forest?

Mo Xiaobai looked at the four barbarian teenagers with some doubts, "I killed them all the way. Of course, I came to the Grey Needle Forest to kill Magical Beasts and complete the mission. Is there any other reason?"

The four barbarian teenagers "???"

Hearing Mo Xiaobai's answer as a matter of course, their minds were full of question marks, and they were all stunned.

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