I Can See The Luck Line

Chapter 132 Are We That Kind Of Person?

Soon, Su Yin finished washing, walked out of the bathroom, and sat down on the sofa.

She lay on Mu Xiatong's shoulder, sniffed hard, and laughed, "Tongtong is really fragrant~!"

Mu Xiatong gently pushed her, "Don't make trouble, look at this map, there is only one red dot left inside."

Su Yin glanced at the shell map and became serious, "We have already met the murloc leader before, and the last red dot may have the murloc lord, and maybe we can find the cause of the murloc turmoil by then. "

Mu Xiatong nodded lightly, "Well, judging from the situation of the previous murlocs, the murlocs on that island should not be weak. If you keep your strength and strength, there should be a fierce battle."

When Su Yin heard the words, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said, "I'm afraid it's not just us, many old rivals will also go there."

Mu Xiatong slightly teased her long hair, and smiled softly, "It will be up to you at that time."


Two days later, the morning sun rose, and the morning light fell on Beiqing Lake.

The continuous torrential rain of the past two days has dissipated, the sky is blue as a wash, and the lake is calm, reflecting the blue sky, just like the realm of the sky.

The fishing boat was driving on the lake, moving towards the island that Mo Xiaobai and the others had chosen.

On the deck, Mo Xiaobai and the others were leaning against the railing, blowing the morning breeze. At this moment, an island slowly appeared in the distance.

Wood Forest smiled and said, "Is this the island?"

Mo Xiaobai looked at the direction of the island, and in the clear air there were lines intertwined with gray and light red flowing from the direction of the island.

He nodded slightly, "It should be here, get ready."


As the fishing boat approached, the color of the doom line became darker and darker, and Mo Xiaobai frowned slightly.

This color is kind of scary.

The doom line has almost turned pure black.


Mo Xiaobai looked at the island in the distance that was bigger than before, his eyes flashing.

There should be some room for maneuver.

Soon, the fishing boat came a kilometer away from the island.

Mo Xiaobai turned his head to the cabin and shouted, "Uncle Li, just stop here, we'll go over by ourselves."

Hearing Mo Xiaobai's shouts, the fishing boat slowly stopped.

Mo Xiaobai greeted Ji Feibai again, then got on the small wooden boat and moved towards the island.

The closer to the island, the darker the lines of bad luck and good luck in Mo Xiaobai's eyes.

Not long after, the small wooden boat docked, and after placing the small wooden boat, Mo Xiaobai stepped on the sand.

Mo Xiaobai looked at the gray-black lines of doom in the distance, and raised his brows slightly, "I feel that this place is very dangerous, let's be careful."

Hearing Mo Xiaobai's words, Yan Xue, who had a dull face, pursed her red lips slightly, and her icy blue eyes became a bit sharper.

And Mu Shulin also tightened his face, his face was solemn, "Let's go and see first, if it's too dangerous, we'll give up."

Both Li Mu'er and Kong Xiuran nodded, their faces solemn.

The two of them have the lowest strength. If there is real danger, the three of Mo Xiaobai might not be able to take care of them.

There are three or four hills on the island, there are many forests on the hills, and the roars of birds and beasts can be heard in the forest.

Compared to the islands we saw before, this place is much bigger.

The edge of the island is a sandy beach, and Mo Xiaobai and the others follow the sandy beach and surround the island from the right.

Around half of the island, there was a murloc station built on the beach in the distance. There were almost hundreds of huts. There were many murlocs in and out of the shacks, and some murlocs came in and out from Beiqing Lake. .

There is a huge hut built on the shallow lake of Beiqing Lake. Mo Xiaobai saw six lines of doom in it, all of them are gray and black, and their strength may not be better than the third-order fifth- Level's murloc leader is bad.

Looking at the station in the distance, Mu Lin said, "Go directly?"

When Mo Xiaobai heard the words, he glanced at the wood forest, and then showed a kind smile, "Forest, your wind element skill is not slow, right?"

Hearing this, Mu Lin was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly, and said with a little smugness, "Of course, my Wind Walk is a rare wind element original skill, I'm not boasting, my speed is faster than you should be. of."

Hearing this, Mo Xiaobai smiled even brighter.

"Really? As expected of you in the forest! It's amazing!"

Mu Lin smiled softly, put his hands behind his back, raised his head and raised his chest, "Let's be so-so."

"That's just right. Wait, you can bring some murlocs here first, right? The murloc resident we found last time had such a strong leader, and I'm afraid it won't be weak this time, if all the murloc leaders are together. If so, we probably won't be able to fight."

Mu Lin's smile froze, and he looked at Mo Xiaobai in disbelief. The expression on his face seemed to say, I thought you were complimenting me, so you are actually thinking about it? !

The corners of Yan Xue's mouth twitched slightly, and she said softly, "I agree."

Li Mu'er and Kong Xiuran looked at each other and didn't speak, but their eyes had already betrayed them.

Apparently they also thought it was a good idea.

The corner of Mu Lin's mouth twitched, and he glanced at Mo Xiaobai and Yan Xue with some resentment.

Then, he looked at the station in the distance, and after being silent for a while, he said, "Forget it, I'll go as I go."

He glanced at Mo Xiaobai and Yan Xue a little worriedly, "You guys have to wait in the distance, don't run away."

Mo Xiaobai rolled his eyes, "Don't worry, are we that kind of people?"

Wood Forest also seemed to think that this method was indeed more effective, so he nodded and agreed.

After a few people discussed specific matters, Mo Xiaobai, Yan Xue, Li Muer and Kong Xiuran hid in a small forest in the distance.

And Wood Forest took a deep breath and turned his head towards the direction of the murloc resident.

Looking at his back, there is a sense of tragic and solemnity that a strong man will never return.


In the murloc station, the murlocs are busy, and two teams of elite murloc warriors are patrolling the edge of the station.

These murloc warriors are the elites of Tier 3 primary.

At this moment, a sharp wind blade slashed through the air, and before the murloc warrior could react, it had already cut off the head of a murloc warrior.

Blood spurted out, and the murloc warriors in the same team were stunned, and their bulging eyes widened somewhat dumbfoundedly.

At this moment, one after another wind blade whistled, killing all the remaining murloc warriors in an instant.

When another team of murloc warriors on patrol saw this, they roared loudly, attracting the attention of the murlocs in the station.

On the beach dozens of meters away from the murloc station, an elf boy wearing a gorgeous cyan robe, handsome in appearance and elegant in temperament stood. The breeze was blowing around him, blowing his long green hair.

The staff in Mu Forest's hand waved, and wind blades shot out one after another.

For a time, the murloc resident was in chaos.

The second orifice, an eighth-level wood forest, is extremely powerful.

At this moment, the shed opened the door, and two extremely tall murlocs came out.

One murloc holds a battle axe, and the other murloc holds a sword.

Both murlocs are wearing battle armor.

The murloc leaders who just came out widened their eyes angrily after seeing the dead and wounded murloc warriors in the station.

They turned to look at the culprit on the beach in the distance.

"Damn elf!"

A trace of icy killing intent flashed in the black eyes of the murloc leader holding the battle axe. After a roar, his legs slightly bent, his leg muscles swelled, and he stepped on the sand.


Immediately, two deep pits appeared on the sand, and the murloc leader rose into the sky and jumped out dozens of meters. With a battle axe in both hands, he descended into the sky and slashed toward the wood forest.

"Death to me!"

In the roar of the murloc leader, the whole body was enveloped by the pale white light of the original force, and the momentum was turbulent.

Rare level original skill, jump cut. Feeling the powerful momentum falling from the sky, the elegant smile on Mu Lin's face suddenly froze, his face couldn't help shaking, the faint cyan light on his body flickered, and his body instantly retreated.

At The next moment where the wooden forest was retreating, the murloc leader had already arrived at the location where the wooden forest was before. The battle axe slashed heavily on the sand, the yellow sand splashed everywhere, and there were deep axe marks on the sand.

Seeing this terrifying attack, cold sweat broke down on Mu Lin's forehead.

This job is too dangerous, isn't it? !

Although he kept complaining in his heart, he waved his staff with his right hand, and a wind blade slashed through the air, slashing at the murloc leader.

The murloc leader didn't even look at it, he just swung out an axe, smashing the wind blade away, and then ran towards the wood forest.

At this moment, another dark shadow flashed in the distance, rushing towards the wood forest.

With a glance from the corner of his eye, he found that it was another murloc leader.

The two murloc leaders surrounded him at the same time, and Mu Lin felt extremely stressed. He retreated and ran towards the woods where Mo Xiaobai and the others were hiding.


Mo Xiaobai and the others, who were hiding in the woods, watched the wood forest run over with the two murloc leaders, and a gleam of light flashed in their eyes.

"Come on, get ready!"

A stern look flashed in Mo Xiaobai's eyes, and he directly poured a bottle of powerful potion, a bottle of iron skin potion, and violent power surged in his body.

It's too much to dream about, so we have to kill these two murloc leaders as soon as possible.

And Yan Xue, Li Mu'er and Kong Xiuran also drank the potion.

Soon, Wood Forest rushed into the grove with the murloc leader who was roaring behind him.

After entering the grove, the two murloc leaders did not notice any visions. At this moment, a sword light flashed, and Mo Xiaobai appeared beside the murloc leader who was holding the battle axe.

Three white Sword Rays and a bloody Sword Ray flashed in the air, and the fish scales all over the murloc leader holding the battle axe exploded.

With a low growl, he turned around and swung his battle axe at Sword Ray.

The sonorous sound sounded, and the powerful force made the unpredictable murloc leader's complexion change dramatically, his body staggered, and his body retreated uncontrollably.

When the murloc leader retreated, several frost arrows pierced the air in the other direction and shot at the murloc leader.

Seeing this scene, the face of the murloc leader eating the battle axe changed dramatically, and he roared, and the murloc leader not far away immediately planned to turn back and help the axe murloc leader to resist the attack.

And when he was about to turn back, an eagle croaked, and the cyan giant eagle with the storm condensed quickly rushed towards the leader of the knife fish.

Feeling the powerful aura, the saury leader could only turn around and resist.

Seeing this, the leader of the axe fishman could only barely twist his body to avoid the attack.

chi chi chi...

A series of frost arrows shot on the head of the murlocs, a few on the armor, and a few on the exposed skin, penetrating the arms, waist and abdomen.

Although the axe murloc leader barely twisted his body, he avoided the fatal attack.

However, the power of frost spread from the wound, and suddenly the bodies of the axe and the leader became slowly stiff.


He opened his eyes wide and let out a low growl, his whole body was burning with a fiery reddish aura, which was boiling blood.

Under the boiling blood, the power of frost was dispelled, and in the instant when the murloc leader was stiff, Mo Xiaobai had once again turned into a knife light and appeared behind the murloc leader, Sword Ray flashed, and the violent power surged. Down, chopped on the neck of the murloc leader.


Blood spurted out, the head of the murloc leader fell to the ground, and then his body fell heavily.

In his raised fish eyes, the unwilling light slowly dissipated.

Seeing this scene, the saury leader who had just resisted the Storm Eagle on the other side opened his eyes wide and let out a roar.

When he roared, arrows of frost had already shot towards him, causing him to hurriedly resist again.

And Mo Xiaobai didn't take a second look at the corpse on the ground, turned his head and rushed towards the leader of the knife fish.

Not long after, Mo Xiaobai, Yan Xue, and Mu Forest broke out after taking drugs, the leader of the saury was pierced by a frost arrow through his neck, his vitality dissipated, and his body fell to the ground.

Mo Xiaobai rubbed his aching hands, looked at the two corpses on the ground, and exhaled slightly.

Mu Lin's eyes were full of joy, "Easier than expected!"

Yan Xue came over, nodded slightly, her red lips slightly raised, and she also had a bit of a smile.

Mo Xiaobai smiled softly, "After all, it was intentional and unintentional. We even took medicine. If we still can't beat it, then we can only run away."

Wood Forest smiled slightly, "Take a break, then change places, and continue!"

Mo Xiaobai was silent for a while, then said, "But this time I'll go."

Mu Lin was stunned for a moment, his brows slightly wrinkled, "Why? Are you worried that I will be overtaken?"

Mo Xiaobai shook his head with a smile, "After all, you just got a wave. If you go back, the two murloc leaders haven't come back. This is too abnormal. Although the murlocs are not smart, their minds may not be able to turn around. , but better just in case.”

Hearing the words, Mu Linlin showed a stunned look, "It makes sense, then let's do as you said."

At this time, Yan Xue said softly, "Then let me go."

Mo Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Yan Xue, "Are you going?"

Mo Xiaobai thought of men first, but he didn't want Yan Xue to go up.

In the past, his speed was definitely far inferior to Yan Xue, but now he has a blade walking.

Compared with Yan Xue, even if there is a difference, it must be very small.

Yan Xue saw Mo Xiaobai's eyes, her icy blue eyes met him without hesitation, "Your explosiveness is the strongest among us, and you can confront the murloc leader head-on, if there is an unexpected situation, you can also Handle."

Seeing what Yanxue said, Mo Xiaobai was silent for a while, then nodded slightly, "Then be careful."

Yan Xue nodded slightly.

Afterwards, several people changed directions, Yan Xue went out, and not long after, he brought two murloc leaders.

With previous experience, Mo Xiaobai and the others killed two murloc leaders faster than last time, and things couldn't be smoother.

I have to say, the murloc's brain is really not very easy to use.

There were only two murloc leaders left in the station who were a threat to them, and a few of them simply rushed forward. After a fight, most of the murlocs, including the two murloc leaders, were beheaded. , the remaining two or three saw that the situation was not good, and sneaked away, and Mo Xiaobai and the others could not pursue them.

Subsequently, several people packed up the body and found Transcendent materials.

Perhaps because it has penetrated deep into Beiqing Lake, the Transcendent materials of this station are far more than before.

Mo Xiaobai made a rough calculation, just for this one resident, he got more than 200,000 credits!

Yan Xue and Mu Lin are naturally similar. Although Li Mu'er and Kong Xiuran are a little less, they have more than before.

Several people are naturally looking forward to other murlocs.

"If it goes on like this, if we are cleaning three or four, we can make a lot of money!"

Even Mu Lin's voice was a little excited, and even if he was very rich, millions of credits were not a small number for him.

It is mainly earned by myself, and it is particularly rewarding to use it.

"But...why are there no prisoners here?"

Li Mu'er looked at the station with some doubts.

They searched all over the station before, but couldn't find any prisoners.

"Who knows? Maybe this station is more advanced?"

Kong Xiuran said softly.

A few people didn't think much about it.

"Let's go, go to the next murloc station."

Afterwards, they returned to the fishing boat and began to move to the next murloc station.

After half a day, Mo Xiaobai and the others approached the next red dot area of ​​the shell. Mo Xiaobai looked at the island in the distance, but his brows slightly wrinkled.

He found that there were no bad luck lines and good luck lines on the islands in the distance!

Only white light is flowing!

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