I Can See The Luck Line

Chapter 245: The Qualification Test Of The Big Competition

barren city.

As the main city of the wasteland, it is even bigger than the Adventurer's Station.

Entering the city, you will be greeted by streets and buildings made of bronze-colored rocks.

Although it does not look delicate, it has a special charm of roughness.

Along the main road, everyone came to the center of the barren city.

It was a huge altar building.

There is a huge square outside the building.

Wood Forest and Mo Xiaobai introduced, "This is where the Aragami Festival is held, and there are quite a lot of people."

Mo Xiaobai looked across the square and found that there were many barrens gathered here.

"No wonder I felt that the whole city was a little deserted just now. It turned out to be here."

When Mo Xiaobai and a few people passed by the main road just now, they found that there were not many people.

It turns out that the barbarians are all here.

Yanlong next to him said with a smile, "Every time the wild god festival is also the most important festival for the deserters. If there is no special event, basically every deserter will choose to participate."

Mu Liushuang on the side swept across the square and smiled slightly.

"Those are the Apostles of Aragami, right?"

Mo Xiaobai and the others looked in the direction of Mu Liushuang.

There is a raised platform in the direction of the altar building.

On the high platform gathered a group of barren people with barren marks all over their bodies.

Judging by the age of the barrens, they seem to be very young.

However, their auras are very powerful, all of which are at the peak of the Four Apertures.

The Apostle of the Desolate God is a believer of the Desolate God who walks on behalf of the gods in the wasteland and protects the desolate people.

Talent is naturally not weak to be an apostle of the gods.

"Are they the Apostles of the Wild God? The breath is so strong."

A teacher's genius frowned slightly, his face solemn.

In addition to him, there are many geniuses with serious faces.

Mo Xiaobai, on the other hand, looked at the brown-haired boy who was standing at the front of the group of Desolate God apostles.

His appearance is a little delicate, but his body is unusually tall, more than three meters tall.

His breath was calm, and he didn't seem to be particularly strong.

However, Mo Xiaobai felt a powerful threat from him.

Is a strong guy.

Mo Xiaobai's heart trembled.

It is stronger than the leader of the same level.

However, it should not have reached the level of a lord.

Just as Mo Xiaobai and the others were observing the Apostles of the Wild God, a voice sounded.

"You are here?"

Mo Xiaobai turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

Several deserters and a few azure clansmen came over.

The blue clan headed by a middle-aged rabbit man.

Beside him stood a night spirit, a merman, and a few people stood behind him.

All are the powerhouses of the Five Apertures!

Several of them were wearing decent dresses, which seemed to be specially prepared for the festival.

The person who spoke before should be the middle-aged man of the Rabbit Man at the head.

"Head of the Army, Chief Hou Bai, hello."

Gong Jin of the Gong family stepped forward and greeted several people with a smile.

A white-haired old man among the barren looked at Gong Jin, and then looked at the many geniuses behind him.

When he swept across Mo Xiaobai, his eyes stagnated, and he seemed a little surprised.

However, he soon looked away and smiled at Lu Feiyu next to him.

"Mr. Lu, you Weilan are really talented, and there are so many powerful four-holes. This competition will be very lively, and Lord Arrogant will definitely be satisfied."

Lu Feiyu laughed

"Your Apostles are not bad. The next generation of practitioners will definitely be able to protect the deserters."

Hearing Lu Feiyu's words, Hou Bo also smiled.

"As long as my family can survive in this great wasteland, I have no regrets."

"It will, we Weilan and you are always allies."

Lu Feiyu nodded.

The enemies on both sides are all Devil and Magical Beasts.

In this wasteland, only by joining forces can we fight against monsters.

Huber smiled and nodded.

He glanced at Mo Xiaobai and the others, "Weilan children, if you want to participate in the competition, sign up now. I hope you can get excellent results in the competition."

Lu Feiyu also looked at them with a smile, "Come on."

After Lu Feiyu, Hou Bo and the others said goodbye to Mo Xiaobai and the others, they continued to walk towards the altar.

"Let's go, let's go sign up."

Yan Jing glanced at Lu Feiyu and the others, and said with a smile.

"As long as you get the top ten, you can go to the Desolate Temple, maybe there is hope to get the inheritance of the Desolate God!"

This made everyone look excited.

Mo Xiaobai glanced at the rich line of good luck rising from the altar building, with anticipation in his eyes.

As long as he goes in, he can get a big harvest.

This time, he will definitely want one of the top ten.

Several people went to the registration office to sign up.

It is not difficult to sign up, as long as it is the Cultivation Base of Siqiao.

Even the wood forest that had just broken through to the four orifices joined in the fun.

Of course, he also knew that he didn't have any drama, he just registered a name.

"For those who have signed up, the test goes this way!"

A wasteland believer in a bronze-colored robe spoke.

"Only by passing the test can you enter the competition!"

Under the guidance of the barbarian believers, Mo Xiaobai and others came to an open space on the side of the square.

There are already nearly a thousand people crowded together.

In addition to the geniuses of the noble family who came here this time, there are also some geniuses from ordinary people, as well as geniuses from the barren.

Ordinary former Practitioners and barbarians know that even if they sign up, they can't even pass the test, so they won't apply.

However, even so, there are still close to a thousand people.

One can imagine how many people participated in the festival this time.

After bringing Mo Xiaobai and others to the test area, the barren believers left.

Mo Xiaobai and the others walked into the test area.

When they sign up, they all get a number.

There are ten arenas in the center of the test area, and the test is based on the number.

Above the ring are giant Magical Beasts competing with testers.


A Great Wilderness Qingsteel Dragon at the peak of Tier 4 raised its head and roared, opening its mouth to spew out a dragon-breathing energy ball.

Its opponent is a teenager in leather armor.

Cultivation Base is also the pinnacle of the Four Apertures.

However, in the face of the leader-level Great Wilderness Qingsteel Dragon, his strength is obviously still a bit underwhelming.

boom! !

The dragon breathed out, and the leather armored boy's defense was torn to shreds after failing to hold on to a few breaths.

He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew out of the ring, falling to the ground with a thud.


Seeing this, the Great Wilderness Qingsteel Dragon was about to rush down the ring to kill the leather-armored boy.

At this moment, a barren strong man with five apertures entered the ring and slapped the Great Wilderness Qingsteel Dragon back with a slap.

"be honest!"

He let out a low roar, and the Great Wilderness Azure Steel Dragon stopped roaring immediately.

"Someone, take this kid to treatment!"

The barbarian strongman beckoned to let the seriously injured leather armored youth go to heal.

"I didn't expect that the only opponents tested were the fourth-order peak leader-level Magical Beasts?!"

A purple-haired boy's voice trembled.

He is a genius from the royal family of heroes.

However, even for the genius of the Wang family, there are not many who can beat the boss at the same level.

Who can stand this?

It's not just him, many geniuses from aristocratic families have changed from high-spirited to plucked quails.

Is it too difficult?

However, no matter how difficult it is, the test has to be tested.

Whether it is the genius of Wei Lan or the genius of the barbarians themselves, they are all treated equally.

Testing is fast.

The opponent is the boss level, and if you can't beat it, you will basically be killed in an instant, and there is almost no protracted battle.

Soon, it was the turn of the genius of the noble family who signed up with Mo Xiaobai.

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