I Can See The Luck Line

Chapter 290 Dark Empire Trials

"In that case, good luck to you."

The grand voice continued to sound.

Mo Xiaobai wanted to take the test, and he naturally wouldn't refuse.

Mo Xiaobai smiled.

His eyes swept across the five stone bridges, only the second stone bridge from the left was the red good luck line, and all the others were bad luck lines.

In other words, only the stone bridge, is it true?

For others, it may be life and death, but for him it is too simple.

Mo Xiaobai didn't even think about it, he walked directly to the real stone bridge, and walked up to it with firm steps.

The moment Mo Xiaobai stepped onto the stone bridge, the other stone bridges disappeared like phantoms.

Mo Xiaobai didn't care either, and walked directly across the cliff along the stone bridge.

Although the stone bridge is less than one meter wide, there is a bottomless dark abyss below.

But Mo Xiaobai was not afraid of heights, so he walked over to the opposite side with ease.

After Mo Xiaobai stepped on the opposite side, the magnificent voice sounded again.

"It turns out you're a man of courage and luck."

"Congratulations, you passed the test of courage."

Mo Xiaobai smiled slightly.


"of course not."

The grand voice sounded again.

"Next, is the final trial."

"Void Devil is the mortal enemy of the material universe, including God of War, all the original gods fought to destroy the void Devil."

"The final trial, you will come to the dark empire in the early days of azure. You need to kill enough Void Devils of the dark empire within five hours. The more Void Devils you kill, the higher your test evaluation will be. ."

"Of course, the number of Void Devils in the Dark Empire is huge, and there are many strong ones. I hope you can live well."

"Dark Empire?"

Mo Xiaobai was stunned.

This was the first time he had heard that there was a dark empire before Wei Lan.

In ancient times, the six clans should rule the blue star, right?

Things before ancient times?

Mo Xiaobai was a little puzzled.

The grand voice did not answer.

Mo Xiaobai's environment has changed again.

This time, Mo Xiaobai appeared on the surface.

The sky is full of dark clouds, and the sky is overflowing with the power of the incomparable void.

There are even some subtle space cracks.

There was no vitality on the ground, and in some areas, there were still strange flames condensed by the power of the purple-black void surging.

"Is this the blue before the ancient times?"

Mo Xiaobai looked at this barren scene, his eyes widened, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

The original Azure Star was so barren?

At this moment, a powerful breath rose up in the distance.

Mo Xiaobai turned his head and found a team of Devils flapping their wings and flying towards Mo Xiaobai.

"An alien mortal? Kill him!"

After Devil saw Mo Xiaobai, he rushed down with a grin, and the incomparably powerful power of the void surged.

Mo Xiaobai couldn't help but feel that his own will was a little confused.

The power of the void here is too powerful.

Fortunately, the strength of these Void Devils is not too strong.

It was only four orifices, and the leader of the team had just entered the five orifices.


Mo Xiaobai's face was expressionless, and sword lights shot out from the sky. Before these Devils rushed to Mo Xiaobai, they were cut into pieces by the sword lights.

No more difficult than cutting tofu.

Mo Xiaobai glanced at the fallen corpse and moved towards the direction where these Devils flew.

I don't know what's going on here, there are no six races, and no other races.

The entire azure star seems to have no living creatures except Devil.

This is a world completely occupied by Devil.

A pair of Devils are patrolling, and their strengths are basically four and five.

Occasionally, you can also encounter six orifices.

The strongest is only the elite level, and the boss level Devil does not.

Mo Xiaobai rolled over all the way.

"What's so dangerous about this?"

Mo Xiaobai was a little speechless.

At this moment, he saw a strong line of doom flowing in the distance.

The doom line is pitch black.

He raised his brows slightly and walked towards the direction of the doom line.

It didn't take long for Mo Xiaobai to see the scene in the distance and his eyes widened suddenly.

In the distance, there is a black building.

The style of these buildings is hideous, the walls and roofs are full of thorns.

The building area is only a few kilometers, and it is surrounded by the incomparable power of the void.

The perimeter of the building is filled with patrolling Devils.

These Devils looked a lot more elite than the ones that Mo Xiaobai had killed before, and they all had the lowest strength.

Seems to be a base.

"It's interesting."

Mo Xiaobai raised his eyebrows, a hint of war flashed in his eyes.

Since the evaluation of the trial is based on the number of Devils killed, it must be more suitable to go up and destroy this base.

Mo Xiaobai didn't hide himself and walked over directly.

After seeing Mo Xiaobai, all the Devils were stunned.

"There are still mortals on this planet?"

"A vagabond in the astral world?"

"Never mind, kill him!"


One by one Devil rushed over.

At this moment, silver sword lights flashed, and all the Devils were divided.

When Devil in the distance saw this scene, he froze for a moment and widened his eyes.

"It's a strong man!"

"Notify the leader!"


Before they finished speaking, more than a dozen powerful breaths rushed from the base.

A stream of light flashed, and more than a dozen strong men rushed towards Mo Xiaobai.

It stopped not far in front of Mo Xiaobai.

The one at the head was a Devil covered with white bone armor and blood-red eyes.

Cultivation Base is the pinnacle of the six orifices, and the powerful aura makes the surrounding void force a little distorted.

The leader-level Devil.

On both sides of him, there were two leaders who were slightly weaker, and the dozen or so Devils in the back were all leaders, and they were all six orifices.

The lineup can be said to be quite luxurious.

The Devil leader, who was at the head, glanced at the corpse on the ground, then looked at Mo Xiaobai, and gave a wicked smile.

He didn't speak, he let out a low growl, turned into a white streamer, and rushed towards Mo Xiaobai.

boom! !

At this moment, a bronze light flashed.

The dragon roar sounded, and the Devil leader flew back at a faster speed than before.

When all Devil saw this scene, their faces stiffened and looked at Mo Xiaobai.


A battle mark appeared between Mo Xiaobai's eyebrows.

He slowly withdrew his left fist that was flashing with bronze light, stepped on the ground with his right foot, and charged towards the flying Devil leader.

There was a huge gap between the leader level and the lord level. The Devil leader at the peak of the six orifices was not as pressured on Mo Xiaobai as the previous Devil Lord of the same level.

The battle sounded, roars and roars surged.

It didn't take long for the fighting to subside.

Mo Xiaobai stood in front of the corpse of the Devil leader and let out a slight breath.

He was a little puzzled. Why didn't the Devil leader killed by the Void Realm extract treasures?

Is it because of trials?

At this moment, Mo Xiaobai's expression suddenly changed, and he looked towards the distant area.

A purple-black line of doom was approaching at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time, Mo Xiaobai felt an incomparably powerful aura.

The breath was so deadly that Mo Xiaobai even felt the hairs on his entire body explode.

He suddenly remembered the reminder of the magnificent voice before.

There are many strong players in the Void Devil.

Is it the powerhouse in the Void Devil?

isn't it?

Encountered so soon?

He complained in his heart, and without thinking about it, he turned around and ran.

Looking at the black and purple luck line, it is worth fighting.

Run first.

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