The scene in front of him really shocked Xu Xian, it was the first time he had seen the skill that could make three martial artists beasts merge.

This situation has not even been recorded in ancient books, so Xu Xian, the representative of the class, can't help but scream, it is like a certain skill that is widely spread.

However, the martial soul fusion technique of the people is completely integrated, it looks extremely cool, and the high-end atmosphere is high-grade, this is the one in front of you.

What kind of thing is this four not like the whole and the stitching monster?

This copycat version is too distracting.,Why don't you mark it on the door of your head"The picture is for reference only.,This crotch pulling.,The whole thing is like being published on the eve of the night.。

Xu Xian complained ten thousand times in his heart, and directly snatched the performance opportunity of the dog system.

The strong wind in front of him was howling, and the stitching beast had already pounced, and the electric light on the leopard's legs was shining, and it jumped directly over Xu Xian's head, and then kicked Xu Xian in the back of the head.

With such a whimsical attack method, Xu Xian wanted to ask, who came up with it? Xiu'er?

With a short body, Xu Xian avoided this blow, turned around and faced the stitching beast again.

I have to say that although the stitched beast composed of tigers, leopards and wolves looks hugely ugly, its strength is still very good.

Retaining the swift speed of the Lightning Leopard, on the body, the flames of the Lava Demon Tiger and the icy aura of the Polar Wolf were also combined, and the fusion of ice and fire greatly increased its combat power.

With a miss, the stitching beast pounced towards Xu Xian again, and the word king on his forehead flew out, instantly turning into a ten-meter size, carrying raging flames, and pushed towards Xu Xian.

This time, Xu Xian was not ready to hide anymore, the long stick in his hand was pointed, and on the body of the dark blue stick, a water-blue dragon manifested, roared out around the long stick, and slammed into the king character.


Water and fire collided, and there should have been a violent roar.

However, the moment the king character and the dragon came into contact, the raging flames above the king character were actually transformed into endless frost in an instant, and the dragon was instantly frozen, and then exploded into ice crystals in the sky with a bang.

In the scattered ice crystals in the sky, a ball of energy the size of a baby's fist and flashing with three-colored light roared towards Xu Xian.

The energy ball that fused the three energies of thunder, fire and ice together exuded a palpitating and dangerous aura, and the moment Xu Xian noticed it, the energy ball had already arrived in front of him.

Boom! A

violent explosion sounded, the space shattered, the elemental storm raged, and Xu Xian's figure was blown out in an instant.

"Ahem!" Xu Xian stabilized his body, and couldn't help coughing in his mouth, he was careless, fortunately, his physical body at the peak of the Xuan level resisted the beating, otherwise this wave would have been GG just now.

Before Xu Xian could slow down, a tiger's roar was already ringing in his ears, and a strong wind was whistling.

The leopard legs of the stitching beast had changed into wolf claws at some point, and the sharp claws on the huge wolf claws flashed like steel knives with sharp cold light, and they grabbed towards Xu Xian's face door.

Xu Xian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, he really used Lao Tzu as a sandbag, when I wouldn't fight back, right, his body leaned back, his right leg kicked out hard, and kicked the suture beast that pounced on him away.

Xu Xian jumped over, chased after the body of the stitching beast, turned over and rode directly on the back of the stitching beast, stabilized his body, clenched his right fist, and smashed the head of the stitching beast with a powerful punch.

The fist was like a pound hammer, and it slammed into the skull of the stitched beast, and blood immediately splattered out.

"Roar!" the stitching beast let out an angry roar from its mouth, and its body struggled frantically, trying to shake Xu Xian down.

Xu Xian grabbed his hair with his left hand, stabilized his body, and smashed out with a punch again.

Bang bang

Xu Xian didn't even use his spiritual power, just his physical strength was to break the blood flow of the head smashed by the stitching beast, and the bones burst.

After a punch, the stitching beast completely softened, lying in the air, wailing incessantly.

"Convincing or not?" Xu Xian threw another punch and hit the top of the stitching beast's head hard.

"Convinced, convinced, admitting defeat, we admit defeat. Liu Hu's voice came from the body of the stitching beast, and the three brothers finally opened their mouths to admit defeat.

The three of them admitted defeat, Xu Xian also stopped attacking, and several people returned to human form, all of them were pale and embarrassed.

Xu Xian was also tired, shook his numb fist, stared at the three of them, and said, "Divine Soul Contract, bring people back to the Four Seas Alliance, understand?"

"Understand, Alliance Master, let's straighten out the manpower and bring people back." The three of them didn't cheat again this time.

The three of them have exhausted their means, and Xu Xian almost didn't make any effort, and cleaned up the three of them as if they were playing, which really convinced them.

Xu Xian nodded, after the three of them made a divine soul contract, Xu Xian didn't care about them anymore, and when he looked back, the little old man of Lingguang was still watching the play there.

Lingguang is short in stature, somewhat hunchbacked, and has a kind face that seems to be smiling all the time, and looks kind.

For this person, Xu Xian has no impression at all, he has never seen it before, and he is not a member of the Four Seas Alliance, he is a former Straw Hat Pirate Elder Sect.

So killing people like this doesn't seem appropriate, but if you let it go, it's not Xu Xian's style.

Just as he was in trouble, Lingguang walked over, arched his hand at Xu Xian, and said: "Alliance leader, little old man Lingguang, bloodline spirit Jin Guangbei, in the early stage of the Martial King Realm, I am willing to join the Four Seas Alliance and ask the alliance leader to take me in."

Xu Xian's eyes lit up, this old man said on the road, although his strength is weak, but he is smart, he knows that he can't beat it, and he didn't run.

Xu Xian expressed his satisfaction, gave him an approving look, and nodded, "Okay, then you can also make a divine soul contract like the three of them."

Lingguang didn't talk nonsense, and made a soul contract very happily, and Xu Xian was immediately more satisfied with it.

"By the way, what about Tangshan, is it dead?" Xu Xian suddenly remembered that Tangshan, who was injured by him and fell into the sea before, should not be dead.

"Back to the alliance leader, Tangshan escaped, and he should have been deliberately injured before. Emmanuel replied.

"Heh, he's smart. Xu Xian sneered, he didn't care, he just ran away, and then asked Lingguang with some curiosity: "Why don't you escape?"

"Back to the alliance leader, if there is chaos today, no one can be left alone, Xiao Lao'er has always been cautious, if you want to live longer, you must find a backer, and it should be a good choice to follow the alliance leader." Lingguang said frankly.

"Haha, you can see it clearly, trust me, your choice will not be wrong. Xu Xian laughed.

Little Lao'er thinks so too. Lingguang echoed with a smile, bowing slightly, and his attitude was extremely humble.

"Okay, then that's it, Liu Hu, Lingguang, after the few of you finish the rectification, you will take people back to Qingyun Treasure Island, and I will leave first. Xu Xian said to a few people.

"Yes, we promise to take care of everything within three days and return to Qingyun Treasure Island. Liu Hu replied.

Xu Xian nodded, tore the space and left.

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