Ling Shuang agreed, and then reported.

"After the tide of spiritual energy, a large number of ruins and secret realms have appeared all over the world, causing countless warriors to rush to explore and hunt for treasures.

Among them, there are some super inheritances, such as the ruins of the Genting Heavenly Palace in China, the ruins of the ghost town in the crypt, the secret realm of the Sky Island in the East African savannah, and the ruins of the forgotten continent in our seas.

These are all currently discovered, and there are several secret realms of relics inherited from the Martial Emperor Realm, and the inheritance treasures among them are no less than the ruins of the Spirit Ruins, and even more than the ruins of the Spirit Ruins.

At present, the ruins of the Forgotten Continent in the sea area have been controlled by us, but there are also a large number of demons in the secret realm of these ruins.

After the birth of the secret realm, these demons all woke up from their slumber, poured out of the secret realm of the ruins, and frantically attacked humans and demon beasts.

At present, among these four major relics, there are demons above the Martial King Realm who have been born, and there are demons in the Martial Emperor Realm in China. "

How many demon clans are there in the Martial Emperor Realm?" Xu Xian frowned and asked, this level of demon clan is really an existence that can change the situation in the world.

I still remember that after the little white snake regained its strength, one move was to solve the eight kings, and it is conceivable what a big killer the Martial Emperor Realm is.

Even Xu Xian's current strength is 100% certain to the Shangwu Emperor Realm, so Xu Xian dispelled the idea of learning from him as soon as he heard that the mermaid had broken through the Emperor Realm.

Xu Xian's current strength, if all the means are used, at most he will be able to carry the peak of the Martial King Realm.

And it is still the pinnacle of the ordinary Martial King Realm, if the other party also has mastered powerful means such as supernatural powers, it is difficult to say.

Hearing Xu Xian's question, Ling Shuang hesitated for a moment and replied, "It's not clear for the time being, but what is certain is that there is a Martial Emperor Realm Demon Clan in the country, named the Insect Demon Emperor.

As for other places, after the tide of aura, the whole world has fallen into chaos, and even some regions have fallen, and our news channels are really difficult to transmit news, so we don't know the situation in other places.

However, most of the cities that are relatively close to the ruins have fallen and become the world of the demons.

And with the birth of more and more demon powerhouses, they have now assembled into an organized army, and it is more laborious than some time ago to exterminate them.

Now all the major forces in the world have released demon hunting lists in order to resist the demons, and as long as you kill the demons, you can get contribution points.

Contribution points can be exchanged for various cultivation resources, but this method has played a role, and our Four Seas Alliance has also released it.

Compared to other places, the sea area is currently the calmest area, because there are too many demon beasts in the sea area, and there are mermaid predecessors, and the demons in other regions have no idea about the sea area for the time being.

The demons in the Forgotten Continent have also been cleaned up under the onslaught of this time.

Xu Xian nodded, listening to what Ling Shuang said, the current world situation is really not optimistic, and the only good news is that the sea is still calm now.

With the hundreds of millions of demon beasts in the sea area, it shocked the demon race, making the sea area temporarily a pure land.

Moreover, there is a special Martial Emperor Realm of mermaids, and the demon beasts in the sea area are also under its constraints, and there is no chaos.

After thinking about it, Xu Xian asked again: "Then what is the reaction of the countries of the world now?Has the Insect Demon Emperor in China been eliminated?"

"No, the current situation in the country is still relatively tense, because the territory is too large, resulting in the distraction of official energy, and it is difficult to concentrate on dealing with the demons.

Moreover, Zhao Qingtian broke through the Imperial Realm, and all the members of the major forces belonging to the Demon Sealing Alliance announced that they had joined the Demon Clan's camp, and it was precisely because of the existence of these human traitors that the situation worsened. Ling Shuang replied.

"Zhao Qingtian has broken through the Emperor Realm!" Xu Xian was shocked in his heart, and then a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Originally, after breaking through the Martial King Realm, Xu Xian had the intention of returning to China to take revenge, but he didn't expect this Zhao Laogou to actually break through the Imperial Realm, it seems that the benefits of being a dog for the demon clan are indeed not small.

scolded hatefully in his heart, Xu Xian could only postpone this matter for the time being, but he couldn't jump for long.

When Xu Xian freed his hand, he took someone back to China, and he must slaughter this old dog, otherwise if he continues like this, I don't know how far he can grow.

With this matter on the agenda in his heart, Xu Xian asked again: "What about the situation in other aspects? What is the internal strength of the alliance now? Also, what is the situation on Yiyi's side? Is there any news from Xiaofeng?"

"Boss, I am in charge of this aspect, let me tell you." Zhou Fei got up and said.

Xu Xian nodded, Zhou Fei slowed down

, and said, "Miss Yiyi's side, the news that came back some time ago said that Miss Yiyi has entered a ruin and is receiving inheritance,

and she hasn't come out yet.

As for the Avril family, they are also in a chaotic period now, busy dealing with the demons, but don't worry too much, their family has created a large number of psionic mecha in the past six months.

Relying on these mechas, they are enough to deal with any enemy, and some time ago, they also traded ten mechs with us in exchange for a batch of ninth-order spirits.

"Inheritance. Hearing this news, Xu Xian was also relieved, now that the situation is so chaotic, he is really worried that something will happen to Liu Yiyi, if he can greatly increase his strength by accepting the inheritance this time, he can be regarded as having some self-preservation.

After thinking for a while, Xu Xian spoke: "Send another thousand ninth-order spirits over to help unconditionally." "

This, boss, we don't have so much inventory of Ninth Order Refinement in our warehouse at the moment. Zhou Fei said embarrassedly.

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll figure it out later. Xu Xian said, there are no ninth-order spirits, but there are low-order spirits, with Xu Xian's current strength in the Martial King Realm, a large number of ninth-order spirits can be synthesized in one day.

"Okay, then I'll move on. Zhou Fei nodded in understanding and continued to report.

"There is no news about the leader of Ye Xiaofeng, but there is a report from a spy that the two of them have been seen on the East African savannah. "

The East African savannah, how did they run over there. Xu Xian was puzzled, but he didn't ask much, nodded and motioned for Zhou Fei to continue.

"In addition to these, there is the situation within the alliance, which has developed rapidly in the past year, and we have formed six main forces.

They are the Four Seas Fleet, the Wave-Treading Walrus Legion, the Flying Storm Legion, the Water Elemental Legion, the Sword Array Legion, and the Flame Spear Legion.

Among them, the Water Element Legion is managed by me, and the 10,000 members of the Legion are all water warriors, all of whom are above the fourth order.

Divided into ten teams, the captains are all ninth-order powerhouses, all of them practice water spells, focusing on spell combat, and you can review it at any time, boss. Zhou Fei said, speaking of this, there was a hint of smugness in his tone.

"Yes, the six legions, that's 60,000 people, if the strength is calculated according to the water element legion, tsk, then can I dominate the world?" Xu Xian said with a smile.

"Lao Xu, do you really want to dominate the world? I think it's feasible, you can try. Shen Caichen answered, his tone a little excited.

Xu Xian glanced at him, "Try a fart test, I'm just making an analogy, can you change your temperament that is afraid that the world will not be chaotic." "

Cut, it's boring, I thought you were telling the truth, my sword array army is about to mold, and there is no place for it." Shen Caichen slumped in his chair and complained.

"What's the mold, you are fighting in the back, the Sword Formation Legion is in charge of you? Xu Xian asked angrily.

As soon as he heard Xu Xian ask this, Shen Caichen immediately became energetic, straightened his waist and said

, "Hehe, I promise you will be surprised, 10,000 sixth-order martial artists, all equipped with spiritual weapons flying swords,

and all of them practice swordsmanship."

Just last month, he also killed a demon powerhouse in the Martial King Realm, so I asked you if you are a cow?"

"Bombarding Wang Jing? Are you really fake? You're not bragging, are you?" Xu Xianhu wondered.

"What are you bragging, don't believe me, ask them, Zhou Fei, is what I said true?"

"Well, this, what the Hades Leader said is indeed true, his Sword Formation Legion is the strongest of the six legions, and it is also our ace legion. Zhou Fei said.

"Look, look, did you hear that?" Xu

Xian rolled his eyes, "Okay, okay, you are powerful, what about the others, you are willing to be compared like this, and the leaders of the major legions will talk about it."

Xu Xian changed the topic and half died.

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