When Wu Tian heard this, he

frowned and looked at Huangfu Caiyun, "What does this mean, senior?" "

Hehe, Wu Tian, you also said it just now, Fang Yun made a provocative speech,

and Xu Xian started to beat people.

Since the two of them moved their mouths and moved their hands one by one, it was better to do this, Fang Yun's mouth was thirty, and Xu Xian broke one arm, how about it?" Huangfu

Caiyun still looked like a smile, but the words he said made everyone's faces ugly, and

the faces of the people eating melons below also changed,

this punishment is too ruthless.

"Huangfu Caiyun, what do you mean by this? You want to make a big fuss, right?" He Lao stood up and said angrily.

The game is going to be tomorrow, and thirty palms and mouths are nothing, and the impact of breaking an arm on the battle is serious.

"Old witch, try it, if you want to move Xu Xian, see if I Liu Yunshu agrees.

Liu Yunshu even scolded directly, an eighth-order peak martial artist, but he was not afraid of facing the late ninth-order Huangfu Caiyun.

Huangfu Caiyun glanced at Liu Yunshu, ignored it, and turned to He Lao:

"Hehe, old man He, what I said is fair, old woman, why don't you let Xu Xian tell Fang Yun what Fang Yun said just now, and then let Fang Yun beat Xu Xian, how about this Liangqing?"

Huangfu Caiyun squinted, obviously not wanting to be kind.

He Lao didn't speak, but his momentum was surging, and he had a posture of doing it if he didn't agree with him.

The two looked at each other without backing down.

"The matter between the two seniors and juniors has not caused any serious consequences, so there is no need for this. Mei Hanyan persuaded.

"That's it, old man He, eldest sister of Huangfu, I think Wu Tian handled it very well, why bother with the two of you. Luo Hongyi also helped.

"Hehe!" Huangfu Caiyun sneered, without saying much, but showed that he would not back down.

Seeing that the two of them were about to make a move, Xu Xian sighed, stepped forward and said, "Senior Huangfu, I agree to accept this punishment, but the kid has a request."

"What are you going to do, stinky boy, don't make a mess. Ma Liang hurriedly scolded, reaching out to pull Xu Xian back.

"Big head, when you come back, my mother is here, don't be afraid. Liu Yiyi was also anxious.

"Yes, Brother Xu, don't be impulsive. Ye Xiaofeng also persuaded.

"Don't worry, it's okay. Xu Xian dodged Ma Liang's hand and gave everyone a reassuring look.

"Oh, you agree? Hehe, interesting. Tell me, what do you want?" Huangfu Caiyun glanced at Xu Xian in surprise when he heard this, and then asked with a smile.

"My request is that the punishment of both of us be carried out by the other party, and that no spiritual power be used. Xu Xian said calmly.

"Yes, I promise. Huangfu Caiyun thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Then ask the seniors to take action and seal the spiritual power of both sides. Xu Xian said.

With a wave of Huangfu Caiyun's hand, Fang Yun's spiritual power was banned, and He Lao also took action to ban Xu Xian's spiritual power.

"Come on. Xu Xian stretched out his left arm and gestured to Fang Yun.

"Haha, Xu Xian, you are extremely stupid. Fang Yun laughed and said, thirty palms for one arm, no matter how you look at it, he took advantage.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense. Xu Xian said impatiently.

"Well, I'd like to see if your bones are as hard as your mouth. Fang Yun stepped forward as he spoke, grabbed Xu Xian's arm, and twisted it hard.

With a crisp sound, Xu Xian's arm was broken in reverse at ninety degrees, and the sharp bone spurs at his elbow pierced through the skin, and blood dripped down instantly.

"Uh-huh!" Xu Xian snorted, cold sweat broke out on his forehead instantly, his teeth clenched, and he forcibly endured the pain without screaming.

"Haha!" Fang Yun laughed, looking at Xu Xian's painful expression, his heart was very happy.


Xu Xian!" "

Big head

!" "Brother Xu!"


exclaimed, looking at Xu Xian's bleeding broken arm, Liu Yiyi stepped forward and helped Xu Xian, her eyes were already full of tears.

"Whew, it's my turn, isn't it? Xu Xian took a deep breath, pushed Liu Yiyi away, and slapped Fang Yun who was laughing.

A scream rang out with a crisp slap.

"You..." Fang Yun looked at Xu Xian with an angry face, and was about to make a move.

"Huh?" Xu Xian's eyes widened.

"Okay, I'll bear it!" Fang Yun's cannibalistic gaze stared at Xu Xian, thinking of the punishment agreement, he didn't dare to do it after all.

"Hehe, stand firm, second palm. Xu Xian sneered, slapped him again, and slapped him hard.

The slap slammed into Fang Yun's face, causing him to stumble, and blood flew out of his mouth along with two broken teeth.

"Oops, my tooth is knocked out, what can I do, it's not convenient to eat in the future, and what can I do if my speech leaks. Xu Xian said, another slap.

Fang Yun's face swelled at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the red slap prints on it were clearly visible.

"Xu Xian!!" Fang Yun roared angrily.

"What's the matter, what are you telling me to do? Is it too slow? I'll hurry up. Xu Xian looked puzzled, and slapped him in the face as he spoke.

A few slaps followed, and blood began to ooze from Fang Yun's face.

"Oh, this is broken, what should I do if I can't find my wife in the future, but it looks much more pleasing to the eye than just now, Xiaofeng, hurry up, record it for Young Master Fang." Xu Xian said, and his arm fanned over again.

"Okay, this video is posted on the Internet, and it is estimated that the number of hits has skyrocketed. Ye Xiaofeng also saw Xu Xian's intention at this time, and took out his mobile phone with a smile.

The continuous slapping resounded in the audience, and the onlookers were stunned.

Looking at the way Xu Xian dragged his broken arm and slapped Fang Yun's face.

Feeling a chill in his heart, he secretly swore that he would never provoke Xu Xian in the future, it was too ruthless!

Everyone in the demon capital stared at Xu Xian, their eyes were full of fire, and their hearts were full of anger.

The Northern Xuanxue Mansion was excited, and it was he who couldn't wait to make a move, so he let out a bad breath.

Huangfu Caiyun looked at all this, as if he had eaten a fly, with a constipated expression, and at the same time, looking at Xu Xian's eyes, it was also becoming more and more cold, and the killing intent in his heart skyrocketed.

"Huh, I'm tired, take a rest, Fang Dashao, your cheek is harder than the city wall, how do you cultivate, it makes my hands hurt." Xu Xian said, shaking his sour arm.

Don't say it, it's too hard, it's really tiring.

Before Fang Yun could breathe a sigh, Xu Xian slapped him again and shook it over.

This slap directly fanned Fang Yun away, and his body spun in the air a few times, and he fell to the ground hard.


"Be honest with me. Xu Xian kicked it away, and immediately turned his gaze to Huangfu Caiyun.

"Junior, don't go too far. Huangfu Caiyun knew what Xu Xian meant, glanced at Xu Xian coldly, and said ruthlessly.

"Ah, what did the emperor's predecessor say? The boy has always been acting strictly according to your requirements. Xu Xian looked innocent.

At this time, I knew that I regretted it, why the hell did I go earlier.

"Okay, okay, good!" Huangfu Caiyun was furious, and a spell fixed Fang Yun in place, turned around and brushed his sleeves away.

"Huangfu's predecessor is worthy of being a ninth-order powerhouse, and he does what he says, and the kid admires it. Xu Xian shouted with a smile, and slapped Fang Yun in the face with his backhand.

"The last palm!" Xu Xian said, taking a few steps back, rushing forward, his body jumped high, and with the help of the momentum of the fall, he slapped Fang Yun in the face with all his strength.

This palm, which contained all of Xu Xian's anger, whipped half of Fang Yun's face raw, and blood dripped down.

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