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Chapter 140 Super Big Needle Bee Was Seconded?

The sandstorm has not stopped.

Shu Tong said: "Auntie, quickly let the big milk tank use the healing bell, Xu Daqing is dead."

"What?" Sarina, including everyone, looked at Shutong with incredible eyes.

"It's too late to explain."

Shu Tong said that the sandstorm was gradually weakening, and it was obvious that the four leading gophers had received the message from the super needle bee, and their trainer died.

Once the elf trainer dies, he must unbind the elf ball, otherwise they will be bound by the elf ball forever until they die.

The four dragon-headed gophers looked at Xu Daqing who was under the needle of the super big needle bee and let out a howl.

"Really, dead?" Looking at the bloody Xu Daqing, Jiri couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"How did you do this?" As a member of the Elf Corps, Tie Niu had already seen life and death, and he was not as afraid as Ji Ri, but he couldn't imagine such an operation as the Super Big Needle Bee.

"Don't let us think too much, big milk pot, use the healing bell." Sarina roared.

Ring ring ring.

The crisp and sweet voice spread out, as if calling for the Kentaro tribe.


One of the dragon-headed gophers rushed up and was about to fight with the super big needle bee.

The super big needle bee directly chopped off Xu Daqing's head and threw it towards the leading gopher.

When the dragon-headed gopher saw his trainer's head, he panicked and didn't even dare to reach out to pick it up. Although his hands were already covered with blood, he had killed himself before, and he never thought that his trainer's head would appear in front of him.

He couldn't help but retreated, and the other three dragon-headed gophers also trembled in their hearts, and retreated a few steps, preparing to bypass and continue to attack.

However, at this time, the super big needle bee has already used the ultimate tornado to roar.

The leading gopher with a qualitative jump of 10 suffered a head-on blow, and was taken to the sky by the super big needle bee.

In the case of being completely unprepared, he encountered an extreme tornado, and it was a super big needle bee with a qualitative jump of 9 levels.


The leading gopher with a qualitative jump of level 10 was thrown to the ground. If it hadn't been protected by mysterious energy, the extreme tornado just now would have dismembered the leading gopher.

There are three leading gophers left.

One of them is using Rockfall to force the super needle bee down, another is using digging to escape, and one is using sword dance.

Shu Tong felt relieved, the trainer was dead, and the strongest one was also on the verge of death, and the remaining three leading gophers were doing their own thing at all, without a backbone.

That's why the attack is the attack, the ability to improve the ability, and the escape to escape.

The super needle bee easily avoided the rockslide in the sky, and the leading gopher who used the sword dance was tied up with worm silk below, and then he used the body of the leading gopher to slam the stones of the rockslide.


The leading gopher on the ground has begun to complain and mock the tied leading gopher.

There is a superb level of worm silk and the tied leading gopher, which completely blocked the rock avalanche, and also freed up the super big needle bee to deal with the leading gopher using rock avalanche.

At this time, the leading gopher is still manipulating the energy of the rock attribute, and the ultimate tornado of the super needle bee has arrived again.


The powerful energy impact directly pushed the leading gopher to the ground.

Suddenly the ground began to collapse, layer by layer. It turned out that Xu Daqing had already dug several tunnels underground, and the leading gopher who was about to escape did not run far, and was forced out by the collapsed ground.

Another leading gopher was solved.

And the dragon-headed gopher who was about to escape was undoubtedly the most timid and fearful of death, and this kind was also the best to deal with. It directly tied it with worm silk, and didn't even resist it.

The dragon-headed gopher, which was bound by worm silk from the beginning, also lost its ability to fight under continuous beatings.

"Call the police?" Li Jian asked.

Sarina shook her head and said, "The Trainer Association is too far away from here."

"Then what to do with these dragon-headed gophers?" Li Jian asked.

"Prairie people have the same way as grassland people." Sarina walked towards Xu Daqing's corpse, took out the poke balls of these leading gophers, and put them all in.

"When we have time, we will bury these four elf balls on the snow mountain. There is only one end for them, waiting to die in the elf ball." Sarina said.

Such a method really makes people shudder.

a crossbow.

At this time, the big milk tank almost exerted all its strength, and Kentaro gradually began to regain his calm and gather here.

"My Kentaro hasn't come back yet." Tieniu looked around and said.

a crossbow.

The big milk tank was dripping with sweat, almost bursting out with all its energy.

Shu Tong also picked up the super big needle bee, because the energy was exhausted and it had already turned into a big needle bee before it landed.

The move just now used two extreme tornadoes, and the superb level of worm silk, the body has already reached the limit.

Shu Tong and Big Needle Bee are beside Big Milk Tank.

Sarina said: "I'm going to get fresh milk for you now, drink some milk to warm your body."

Sarina was just about to turn around.

The healing bell of the big milk tank became more urgent, and it felt like it was about to drain all of its physical energy.

Suddenly there was a distortion in the sky above the big milk tank.

"That is?"

"Not good." Sarina shouted.

The secret realm sucked in the big milk tank, Shu Tong, and the big needle bee.

Entering the secret place, the first thing that catches the eye is green grass and wild flowers, streams and fruit trees, which are refreshing.

Shu Tong didn't care about admiring either, after all, in front of him was the big needle bee and the big milk pot whose physical strength had reached its limit, and said immediately: "Let me help you recover your physical strength first."

A crossbow?

Shu Tong stroked the big needle bee and the big milk pot at the same time, the power of Viridian poured in, and the peaceful and gentle energy entered the limbs and bones of the body.

One crossbow one crossbow.

It was the first time that the big milk pot was nourished by the power of Viridian, and he felt refreshed all over. Even the hidden diseases left over from the previous special training battles were cured.

La la la.

At this time, a melodious singing voice suddenly floated, which was pleasant to the ear, which made people feel relieved, and made people's souls clean and purified.

"What a beautiful singing voice." Shu Tong said.


a crossbow.

The big needle bee and the big milk pot both closed their eyes, enjoying the peace, only feeling that the singing was getting closer and closer.

Until the singing is in the ears.

The singing ended slowly.

Shu Tong, Big Needle Bee and Big Milk Tank opened their eyes.

An elf in the image of a girl appeared in front of her, holding a jade-colored ribbon in her hand, with a soothing bell tied on the ribbon.

"Melloietta?" Shu Tong said.


Meloetta's voice is just as beautiful as its singing voice, 'I feel the melodious ringtone actually resonates with my singing voice, I am very moved and intoxicated by such a voice, this is for you. '

Meloetta hung the soothing bell tied with a jade-colored ribbon around Shu Tong's neck.

‘This bell can soothe the mood. I hope that the beautiful sound can be spread to all parts of the world, so that all anger can be calmed down. '

"Thank you, Meloetta." Shu Tong said, staring at Meloetta dazedly.

‘The energy in your body is very special, I have a hunch that we will meet again in the future, goodbye first. '

After Meloetta finished speaking, she let the notes surround Shu Tong, Big Needle Bee and Big Milk Pot, and sent them out.

When Shu Tong and the others returned to the grassland again, they were anxious like ants on a hot pot. When they saw the three people appearing again, they quickly surrounded them.

"Shu Tong."

"Big Needle Bee."

"Big milk jug."

"What happened to you just now?" Several people asked in a hurry.

Shu Tong said: "We have entered a very beautiful secret realm. There is a very beautiful elf there who can sing very well. Its singing is very beautiful. It not only makes us feel good, but also restores the physical strength of the big needle bee and the big milk pot. It also gave me this bell."

Sarina breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Anyway, it's fine. I see that the big needle bee and the big milk pot have also fully recovered. Today is finally safe and sound, thanks to you, Shu Tong."

Jiri's mother said: "Yes, otherwise this thief would have succeeded."

"Eji, who the hell is this?" Tieniu and Jiri asked.

"Burn this disgusting corpse first, let's go back and talk about it." Sarina said.


Jiri made the Flaming Horse use flame jets and flame vortexes. In the flames, Xu Daqing's body was turned into ashes and dissipated on the grassland.

The lack of information on this grassland is very different from what Shu Tong imagined. Many things are solved by relying on strength. Every rancher has strong strength, just like the mighty Sarina. Even Jiri's mother has certain strength.

After entering the yurt, Sarina said: "The mountain rat Xu Daqing is one of the five rats, and he is the apprentice of Mingzi, the guardian of the god of time."


"Eji, no way, our family goes to the ruins palace in February every year to hand over with him, how could that be?" Tie Niu said.

"Actually, Mingzi's purpose is also very simple. It is to hope that the fathers of both of you will follow the orders of Governor Li directly like the other ten, but your fathers have always been committed to the peace, stability and security of the grassland and do not want to leave the grassland." Sarina said.

Jiri's mother continued: "Actually, you have also seen from the incident just now that the grassland is so chaotic. Usually, a tribe clings together, or they will be bullied. Even if they kill people, it is difficult to catch the murderer. If Xu Daqing succeeded, although he did not dare to kill us, neither the Kentaro nor the big milk pot in this ranch can survive. In fact, he just makes it impossible for us to survive on the grassland. As long as he runs away, this huge grassland occupies 20% of the country's area. As long as he hides, there is no way to find its traces, so your two fathers will devote themselves to helping the current governor plan signal towers, densely deploy trainer association outposts, and strengthen security management."

"This is a good thing. Isn't Governor Li the red sun of the grassland people? Why didn't he think of this?" Shu Tong asked back.

Sarina said helplessly: "Shen Yan, this is here with us. If someone hears it outside, I will fight you hard. I can only say that Governor Li's contribution to Mongolia cannot be erased by anyone, but no one is perfect. Maybe he doesn't have the energy to do so many things."

There was silence.

Because of this, naturally I didn't have the mood for a bonfire party, and I was busy repairing the railings to appease the frightened Kentaro.

In order to thank Shu Tong, Sarina stayed in the yurt to help Shu Tong take care of the eggs in the big milk pot.

Shu Tong tried to use this superb soothing bell, combined with the healing bell of the big milk pot, he calmed Kentaro easily.

Although the night was not as noisy as last night, it was still very rich. Shu Tong was still a little worried about the day's affairs.

Among the five rats, both the ground mouse and the mountain mouse died in his own hands. Could it be that he came here to catch mice?

This time, I definitely can't hide it anymore, and I don't know the strength of the other three mice. If the elf level reaches the leader level, I will definitely not be able to handle it.

Sarina naturally also saw Shu Tong's worry, and said after dinner, "Don't worry, I will definitely send you back to Suzhou Province personally. They would not dare to do anything to you in a place like Suzhou Province where there are so many people and communication."

Shu Tong nodded and said, "Thank you."

"I should thank you. If it weren't for you today, the consequences would be unimaginable. Maybe his father would not do anything to our mother and daughter in order to win Tieniu, but there is no guarantee that he won't hurt you, so you are right to kill him. Even if you don't kill me, I will kill him. I have already let the wind out. Xu Daqing died in the hands of me, Sarina. I want to see who dares to touch me."

Shu Tong was also so moved that he was speechless for a moment.

Everyone went to bed at night, and Sarina was still helping Shu Tong's big milk pot wipe the milk bath, muttering while wiping: "Good baby, give birth quickly, you are so lucky, there is an excellent trainer waiting for you."

In a cave in Jinji Ridge, this haggard man in a black cloak was sitting on a stone bed, with a faint blue flame flickering on a fiery beast beside him.

At this moment, three people came in and bowed respectfully.

"Master, the third child was killed by Sarina."

"Master, I must avenge this revenge, please allow me to kill Sarina."

The person on the stone bed coughed twice and said, "Kill Sarina? Do you have the ability?"

"But, master, the second child died in Xiangzhou. We have been waiting for the Wu family to cause trouble in Xingcheng for a long time. Now the third child has died again. We really are."

"I know, you can't move at Sarina's place, or if the man gets angry, I can't help it. Go to the old five in Xingcheng. You should be careful and don't be caught by the tail." The man in the black cloak said.

"Thank you, Master." The three retreated respectfully.

On the third day at Sarina's house, all four big milk tanks finally hatched.

The information of the four large milk tanks is the same.

[name]: big milk tank

[attribute]: general

[Characteristics]: Herbivore

[Skill]: Impact (Beginner)

[Individual talent]: mid-level, top-level physical fitness

【Level】: Newborn Level 1

[Recent turning point]: Rich nutrition will help you quickly pass the primary level

One crossbow one crossbow.

Shu Tong took four big milk pots to play in the ranch, enjoying their happy and short-lived newborn level. Although the big milk pots are elves mainly supporting support, they have to reach the professional level to have the ability to produce milk, and the higher the level, the higher the nutritional value of the milk produced.

"Shu Tong." Sarina had just sent Tieniu to the airport and returned to the Elf Corps, and saw Shu Tong taking care of the four big milk cans.

"Auntie?" Shu Tong said looking at Sarina who was beaming with joy.

"Are you going to breed this big milk pot into a battle elf or an auxiliary elf?" Sarina asked.

Shu Tong replied: "Actually, I have thought about this question a long time ago. My idea is to support, but the battle will not be left behind, and they will be trained into a group battle of four coordinated operations."

"It's a very good idea. Let your super big needle bee fight with my big milk tank. It may be helpful for you to cultivate big milk tanks in the future." Sarina said.

Shu Tong sneered: "But your big milk pot is at the leader level, and you have superb rolling skills. I'm afraid the battle will be over if you don't have game experience."

"Don't worry, I will let the big milk tank suppress the strength to the qualitative leap level." Sarina said.

"That would be wonderful."

After Shu Tong answered, Big Needle Bee flew up immediately, 'There's another fight. '

"Super evolution."

Shu Tong downloaded the evolution keystone without hesitation, and the big needle bee completed the super-evolution, and the level was also raised to the 9th level of qualitative leap.

"I'm ready here, Shu Tong, you go first." Sarina said.

"Then offend, super big needle bee, go." Shu Tong ordered.

The super big needle bee directly shuttled out of the extreme tornado.

The legs of the big milk tank kept beating, and the energy on the ground surged. Seeing that the super big needle bee was about to arrive, he didn't panic at all.

The big milk pot didn't dodge it, kicked its legs, curled up its body, and unexpectedly reached the top of the big needle bee.

At this time, the big milk can was like a meteorite from outside the sky and fell towards the super big needle bee.

"What a terrifying energy." Shu Tong exclaimed, "This is the effect of the big milk tank suppressing the energy. If all the energy is released, I can't imagine how terrifying it would be." '

The big milk tank shows that the legs are stomping, triggering the energy of 100,000 horsepower, which can be said to increase its own impact to the strongest, then curl up the body, roll and continue to accelerate, condescending, and form a momentum of overwhelming Mount Tai. The outer ring has the steel energy luster of the gyro ball.

This move can be said to release all the advantages of the big milk tank, the fusion and explosion of various energies of the ground system, general system, rock system, and steel system, as well as the rush of 100,000 horsepower and the acceleration of rolling.

I have to say that Shu Tong's heart was moved, who wouldn't want to breed such a big milk pot?


The big milk can smashed into the extreme tornado of the super big needle bee.

It actually disintegrated the extreme tornado of the super big needle bee in an instant, and smashed a huge pit with a radius of ten meters on the ground.

The super big needle bee in the pit has already turned into a big needle bee.

Both the big milk pot and the big needle bee stand at the bottom of the pit.

Seeing the big needle bee still standing, Sa Rilang was no less amazed than Shu Tong.

In the crushing situation just now, the big needle bee was able to protect the last physical strength with perseverance at the last moment, and the proficiency of the holding skill has thus reached the proficiency level.

Super Big Needle Bee was almost caught in seconds.

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