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Chapter 319 82: Shu Tong came with a poke ball

Chapter 319 Chapter 82

Bakilas's speed is limited, and he definitely can't run the super big needle bee.

Now it was a doomed situation, and both the giant golden monster and the biting land shark died in front of him. He was still in a desperate fight, but now he has no chance.

The eyes of the two Bankiras are red. When death comes, there will be two kinds of people. One is to succumb to death and beg for life, while the other is to fight against death. Even if death is inevitable, it must be vigorous.

These two Bankiras obviously belonged to the latter. They gave up attacking, curled up, and accumulated energy. The internal energy accumulation of the quasi-god level, when the super big needle bee approached, they detonated their own energy and died together with the super big needle bee.

The bloodiness of Bankiras still deeply infected Shu Tong, this is what a quasi-god-level elf should look like.

If there is such a determination to break the boat, most opponents will hesitate, and even give up this hunt.

But the super big needle bee didn't have any worries at all, all the life energy exploded, suppressing the life energy of the two Bankiras' bodies.

Bankiras suddenly seemed to be disconnected from his own energy. The energy he had just accumulated was clearly on the verge of erupting at any time. Why was he so wandering now?

Finally, the super big needle bee came to Bankiras, attacked with two needles, and turned back to attack. Bankiras had no ability to resist, and all he could see was that the rocks on Bankira's body were peeled off layer by layer, and finally disappeared in the intensive slashing of the super big needle bee.

The super big needle bee landed, although it has the law of endless life, but it still consumes a lot of energy after fighting so many quasi-god-level elves continuously.

Shu Tong said: "Let's take a rest first, Frozen Bird will check the situation ahead first."


The super big needle bee restrained her momentum and landed beside Shu Tong.

The power of the Everpan surged, and the super big needle bee enjoyed it, and the law of its endless life was natural. Not only did the body recover instantly, but it also impacted stronger energy shackles, and the improvement of the level became natural.

After finishing using the power of Viridian, Shu Tong did not rush forward, and waited patiently with the Super Big Needle Bee and Fairy Fairy.

I have experienced too many high-intensity battles this day, and the sky is gradually turning dark. It is time to take a good rest just waiting for Frozen Bird to come back.


Just as Shu Tong was still talking about the Frozen Bird, it had already returned.

The Frozen Bird landed. After such a long time, seeing its serious expression, it should be a little tricky.

"Let's go to the secret place to rest first, and then talk slowly."

As Shu Tong said, he brought the three elves into the secret realm. After entering the secret realm, everyone relaxed for a while. Even Shu Tong knew that his secret realm was absolutely safe.

This secret realm that he carries with him is Shu Tong's safety guarantee. No matter where he goes, he has this confidence. He often thinks about the origin of the secret realm, and Shu Tong always feels a little indebted.

After filling his stomach with energy cubes, Shu Tong began to ask about the discovery of Frozen Bird.


Frozen Bird began to describe what he saw.

What it can clearly perceive is that there are three evil dragons of quasi-god level 7 and 8, and a fast dragon. There are a total of 8 of them. Although their strength is also very strong, the Frozen Bird and the Super Needle Bee can still be dealt with, but there are still a few behemoths with unfathomable energy.

In terms of level, Frozen Bird must be higher than quasi-god level 8, because the elves identified just now are all groveling in front of them.

And the appearance of these elves was something Frozen Bird hadn't seen before.

"Haven't seen it?" Shu Tong asked.

To say that I have experienced so much, most of the elves have seen it, and even in the elf world, there are only a few elves with quasi-god race value, and then Shu Tong began to describe it to Frozen Bird.

Battle-tailed scale armored dragon?

"Not like this?" Shu Tong was surprised.

Sticky Melon?


Doron Baruto?

What Shu Tong roughly described was rejected by Frozen Bird.

Frozen Bird said that the elves he saw were far stronger than the ones he had seen before, but they seemed to be about the same in appearance.

Shu Tong probably understood that it was most likely those elves who could super-evolve, but what he didn't understand was how could super-evolution be possible without the bond with the trainer?

If it is really a super blood wing dragon, a super biting land shark, a super giant golden monster, etc., then the race value will be as high as 700. Shu Tong has no idea what kind of energy an elf with such a high race value will erupt.

Shu Tong was resting in the secret realm.

Seven or eight fast dragons and three evil dragons flew around outside to check their disappearing companions, but they couldn't even detect the aura of those elves, as if they disappeared out of thin air.

These seven or eight fast dragons and the three evil dragons can only fly aimlessly, but still get nothing. Thinking about such a bizarre thing happening out of thin air, I will definitely feel fear in my heart.

Almost the whole night, they hovered in the area above Tianguan Mountain, taking turns to be on duty.

It was not until the next day that the elves returned to the Gracidia Flower Garden.

And Shu Tong also cautiously left the secret realm after a night of recuperation.

"The next ones we have to face are at least level 7 and above quasi-god elves. These elves must be killed first, but the fighting method needs to be changed. First of all, we can't make them feel life-threatening, otherwise these guys will definitely call for help. If the quasi-god level 7 or 8 elves call for help, it will definitely be those heavyweight boss elves. So we must focus on the war of attrition this time, let them think that this is a simple experience, wait until they are almost consumed, and then kill them in the final instant." Shu Tong said. .

Both the Super Needle Bee and the Frozen Bird have become more cautious, knowing that the next enemy will be difficult to deal with, so the method used will be a bit dirty.

"So, when we are going to fight in a while, the super big needle bee will fight alone, and use the speed and life energy to consume them until their energy is exhausted." Shu Tong continued.


With the super big needle bee with the law of endless life, now it is its strength to fight the war of attrition.

There, seven or eight fast dragons and three evil dragons returned to the Gracidia flower garden and reported the results of their inspections.

‘I didn’t find it, I didn’t find any breath at all. '


The eight fast dragons and the three evil dragons were all shivering in fright after being sprayed out by the breath of the most violent super blood-winged dragon. Although their lives were not in danger, the powerful energy was enough to make them lose their skin.

Kuailong and the three evil dragons felt unspeakably aggrieved. It was obvious that everyone was the same before, and they were both trained in this place. The abundance of energy is unmatched anywhere. Why is there a leader in other ethnic groups who broke through the limitations of the body and completed another evolution. With this evolutionary strength, the level has reached quasi-god level 10, but the Kuailong and the three evil dragons have not completed re-evolution, so they have been in a state of being bullied. Fortunately, the current eight Kuailong and the three evil dragons worked hard enough, and the level was higher, so they were the most internal strategic forces, otherwise they would have been thrown out long ago.

‘Aside from our quasi-god-level elves in Tianguan Mountain, where are there quasi-god-level elves? Even if there were, why did so many of our fresh troops go out and disappear? This is impossible, they must be found today, otherwise you will disappear too. '

The Super Blood Wing Wyvern roared.

The fast dragon and the three evil dragons flew away quickly, and they had plans in their hearts. The location of the Gracietia flower garden was full of energy. When they came, they were actually about the same strength.

But after decades of changes, the gap between good talent and poor talent has become more and more obvious. In fact, the few fast dragons and the three evil dragons are relatively strong now, but the blood-winged dragons don’t talk about martial arts, and they have evolved again, which widens the gap. They can easily crush other quasi-god-level elves.

The fast dragon and the three evil dragons that flew out actually didn't plan to go back. The world is so big, where can there be no place for quasi-god-level elves?

Flying wobbly, Kuailong and the three evil dragons came to the place yesterday again, but this time they clearly felt a strong energy.

At first glance, an insect-type elf appeared in front of them, both quasi-god-level, Kuailong and the others naturally knew the strength of the super big needle bee.

It's just that now both Kuailong and the three evil dragons are seriously injured, and they aim to leave here quickly, and they don't want to have any conflicts with the super big needle bee.

Shu Tong also felt their mood swings.

"Super big needle bees, talk to them." Shu Tong conveyed his thoughts.


Super Big Needle Bee began to ask Kuailong where they were going, and as a quasi-god-level elf, he also wanted to find a good place.

There is no doubt that Tianguan Mountain is the place with the most abundant energy.

Kuailong and the others are still wary of the super big needle bee. After all, there are so many quasi-god-level elves on their side that just disappeared for no reason.

fast dragon fast dragon

They are all quasi-god-level elves, and they all have a little brain. Kuailong began to encourage the super big needle bee.

'There is another abandoned flower garden in front of it, which is the place with the most energy in the entire Tianguan Mountain, but there are a few very powerful quasi-god-level elves there, so don't go there, you will die if you go there. '

Both Shu Tong and Super Big Needle Bee heard that these guys were deliberately instigating Super Big Needle Bee to fight against the stronger quasi-god-level elves in the Gracidia flower garden, but it is not difficult to understand from its words, those quasi-god-level elves must have differences, otherwise, where did the serious injuries on these quasi-god-level come from? Why let the super big needle bee deal with those elves who are still in the garden?

Shu Tong sneered, and said, "Super Big Needle Bee, come on, take them down."

Now that we know that these fast dragons and three evil dragons have no organization, we don't have any worries. They can be subdued and directly subdued as tool pets. The eight quasi-god-level elves are not just as simple as training partners, but a legion that can destroy a small country.

Moreover, subduing them and making them obedient is also beneficial to lure out those stronger guys in the garden one by one and defeat them one by one.


The super big needle bee also knows that if these guys are not subdued, they will not be obedient.

In an instant, the super big needle bee turned into dozens of clones and surrounded the eight fast dragons and the three evil dragons.

The fast dragon and the three evil dragons were seriously injured, and they wanted to rest and recuperate before setting off. Although they met the super big needle bee, they just wanted to lure it to the Gracidia flower garden to harass those domineering guys, but they didn't want to really fight.

Fortunately, Kuailong and the three evil dragons can't even play half of their strength, so they can only win by virtue of their numerical advantage.

The super big needle bee keeps creating clones, and the extreme tornado of the clones hits the fast dragon and the three evil dragons without interruption.

Collision explosions of energy scattered across the sky.

The frozen bird quickly spread its wings and flew high, the temperature dropped, and the snowflakes fell, helping the super big needle bee to consume the energy of the fast dragon and the three evil dragons.

The sudden snowfall made Kuailong and the three evil dragons even more uncomfortable, and their physical strength was exhausted faster and faster. The energy impact of the super big needle bee added another ice energy, making it more difficult to resist.

With its excessive rules, the super big needle bee is always in the best condition, not in a hurry or impatient, just spending time with Kuailong and the others.

But the fast dragon and the three evil dragons are quasi-god-level after all, and the centipede is dead but not stiff. Seeing that its body's energy has been almost consumed, it still persists.

Now the advantages of the fast dragon and the three evil dragons are gone, even flying is very difficult, gradually unable to support, being hit by the double extreme tornado continuously, and finally unable to even fly, and can only helplessly land.

"Super needle bees, tie them with worm silk, and they will die if you hit them again," Shu Tong said.


The super big needle bee flicked the worm silk, and the worm silk flew all over the sky for a while, wrapping the fast dragon and the three evil dragons so that only the eyes and nose were exposed.

Shu Tong took the poke ball and walked towards them step by step. The fast dragon and the three evil dragons had never seen the poke ball, but they had an unknown fear in their hearts, as if their lives had been bound and slaughtered.

Shu Tong smiled at them, Kuailong and the three evil dragons felt a chill in their hearts.

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