I Can See The Success Rate

Chapter 177 Further understanding of super power

【Please order all! Ask for automatic! Ask for a ticket! Boom! Boom! ! ! 】

On the outskirts of Hangcheng, Zhuangjia Village, at the end of the village, in front of a private house.

Holding the explosion-proof shields in their hands, the SWAT officers were waiting in full force, and surrounded the house and the yard.

The courtyard door was closed and silent.

"Team A to reach the designated position!"

"Team B has reached the designated position!"

"Team C has reached the designated position!"


Xia Xiangling raised her head and glanced at the quiet private house, and then glanced at Che Xiaoxiao not far away, her eyes flickering for a while.

"Master Bai..."

"It's calculated..."

"The fugitive has a gun..."

Xia Xiangling muttered softly to herself, and finally the corner of her mouth suddenly raised: "Hmph, interesting..."

He raised the walkie-talkie to his lips and asked, "To reiterate, the target has a high probability of carrying a gun, and you must be careful when all staff are on the move."

"Team A received!"

"Team B got it!"

"C team received!"


"Has the target's location been determined?" Xia Xiangling asked again.

"Report to the captain and confirm the target location. According to the infrared 860 detector, it is located in the bedroom on the left side of the second floor of the private house. There has been no movement for ten minutes. It is speculated that the target is currently sleeping!" The voice sounded from the walkie-talkie.

"Is it just speculation? Is there no way to confirm it?" Xia Xiangling asked with a frown.

"No way, the target closed all the windows in the bedroom, not only that, but also pulled down the curtains, unable to observe the details in the room!"

Xia Xiangling was suddenly silent.

And the other side.

Bai Wu is driving towards the Hangcheng Antique Association.

"With my reminder, the violent madman Che Xiaoxiao must not be life-threatening, right?"


"God's 75.56%!"

Bai Wu stared.

Then, he pulled over and stopped the car.

His brows were wrinkled: "My Cao, what's the situation? Before Che Xiaoxiao and the others didn't know that the criminal had a gun, so there was a 65% chance of death, which makes sense, but now they clearly know that the criminal has a gun, it makes sense. Say, when you act, you should be more cautious, why is the probability of life-threatening higher?"

Bai Wu suddenly couldn't figure it out.

"Don't Che Xiaoxiao believe what I said?"


"Could it be that Che Xiaoxiao didn't convince her teammates?"


"Since it is believed, why is the probability of life in danger higher after learning that the criminal has a gun than when not knowing?"

Bai Wu frowned in thought.

"Could it be that because of my reminder, Che Xiaoxiao and the others temporarily changed the arrest plan and plan. Because the new plan was improvised, it was not thorough enough?"


"Could it be that the criminal was discovered by the criminal when the new arrest plan was implemented?"


"The reason why the probability that Che Xiaoxiao's life is in danger has increased has nothing to do with the new arrest plan or plan?"


"Since it's not the arrest plan, what could be the reason..."

Bai Wu frowned, "Is it because of the criminal's dying struggle?"


"Will that criminal be caught neatly by Che Xiaoxiao and the others?"


Seeing the 100% symbol appearing in front of him, Bai Wu became more and more confused.

"That criminal will be caught cleanly, so why is Che Xiaoxiao still in danger, and the probability of his life being in danger is 10% higher than before!?"

Bai Wu fell into contemplation again.

"No, no, calm down, I have to think about it! First of all, Che Xiaoxiao believes what I say now, that is to say, she now knows that the criminal has a gun on him."

Bai Wu felt that his mind was a little messed up, and while sorting it out, he analyzed: "Secondly, the criminal didn't struggle to the death, but was caught neatly by Che Xiaoxiao and the others."

"Combining these two points, Che Xiaoxiao should not be life-threatening, right? Did I read it wrong just now?"

Thinking of this, Bai Wu murmured in his heart, "Che Xiaoxiao is in danger now?"


"It's still 75%!"

Bai Wu's face was stern, his brows furrowed.

He suddenly discovered the limitations of his superpower.

Although it looks very powerful and can see the success rate of everything, no, no, it should be the probability. However, in order to see the success rate and probability of these things, Bai Wu must be aware of these things. Understand, not a very broad concept.

That might be a little hard to understand, to make an analogy.

For example, if someone asks Bai Wu who the next president of the United States of America will be, Bai Wu has no idea.

However, if that person informs Bai Wu of the candidate for the next president when he asks Bai Wu that question, then Bai Wu can easily use his superpower to know who the president will be.

Inside the car, it was silent.

Bai Wu frowned.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Suddenly, a bold guess popped up in Bai Wu's mind.

"Is it possible that there is more than one criminal?"


"Sure enough! Two criminals?"


"The criminal who was caught neatly by Che Xiaoxiao and the others was just one of the two?"


"The reason why Che Xiaoxiao has a 75% death rate is because of another criminal?"


"Che Xiaoxiao and the others don't know there are two criminals?"


"Another criminal also has a gun?"


"Che Xiaoxiao and the others haven't started to act yet, right?" Bai Wu's eyes were full of anticipation.


"I'll contact Che Xiaoxiao now, shouldn't it be too late?"


Bai Wu said nothing, picked up the phone again, and dialed Che Xiaoxiao.

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