I Can See Through All Information

Chapter 217 There is something strange in the sky, a cold evil spirit

"Quick, there is a Taoist temple ahead, let's go in there to avoid the rain!"

"Xiaorou, if you hold on a little longer, we will find a place to take shelter from the rain!"

"When we get to the Taoist temple, we'll light a fire to keep warm. You'll be fine!"

Amidst the noise, five or six people broke into the hall. Everyone was soaked to the skin, carrying packages on their shoulders, and some were carrying weapons. At first glance, they were not ordinary people.

One of them was carrying a young girl on his back.

Several people entered the main hall and saw that there were already people inside. They were stunned for a moment, but soon they couldn't care less.

After nodding to Lu Qing and the others, he hurriedly walked to the other side and put down the girl he was carrying.

It's just that the girl's situation doesn't look too good at this time.

His face was pale, his lips were livid, his whole body was trembling, and there was a faint smell of blood coming from his body, and he had fallen into a semi-conscious state.

"Xiaorou, Xiaorou, wake up!"

The middle-aged man who came in with him on his back shook the girl's shoulders, trying to wake her up.

However, the girl just barely opened her eyelids and glanced at him. After slowly shouting "Dad", she passed out again.


The middle-aged man was shocked and shook the girl again.

Especially when he saw that the girl's aura was getting weaker and weaker, his eyes became red with anxiety.

"Master, what should I do?"

Several other people were equally anxious.

Unfortunately, their luggage was left behind halfway, and they didn't even have any medicine for injuries, so they couldn't help at all.

"Your Excellency, I wonder if you can let the old man take a look at it."

Just when several people were extremely anxious, a gentle voice sounded.

Several people looked up and saw an old man with a kind and kind face standing in front of them.

It was Dr. Chen.

In fact, the moment the old doctor saw the girl, his expression became serious.

After seeing the girl unconscious, the middle-aged men seemed helpless and finally couldn't help but speak out.

"Who is my father-in-law?"

The middle-aged man asked hesitantly.

"I am a doctor. I have some experience in treating diseases and injuries. I may be able to help." The old doctor said kindly.

"I'm a doctor? That's great!" The middle-aged man was overjoyed when he heard this and hurriedly gave up his seat, "Please, my husband, my little girl was injured originally and was soaked by the heavy rain for a long time. Now she is unconscious. I hope my father-in-law can save her, and I will be very grateful."

"I'll take a look at your wife first."

The old doctor leaned down and began to feel the girl's pulse. Unexpectedly, as soon as his fingers touched the girl's wrist, his expression changed.

"Ah Qing, make some medicine right away. Take a dose of Baoxin Decoction and fry it over high heat. Be quick!"

"Xiaoyan, get my medicine box!"

"Yes, Master!"

Seeing the master's urgent tone, Lu Qing knew that the girl's situation was probably very bad, so he immediately took out the herbs from his bag.

Xiaoyan was very sensible at this time and went to pick up the old doctor's medicine box.

When the middle-aged men saw this scene, their vigilance relaxed a lot.

Since there are so many herbs in the bag, there is also a medicine box.

It was obvious that the old man in front of him was indeed a doctor.

The old doctor took the medicine box and took out the needle bag from it.

First, after pricking a few needles into the girl's body.

Then he raised his head and said to the middle-aged man: "Your Excellency, your daughter's condition is not very good. I must give her acupuncture immediately. In addition, the wet clothes on her body must also be changed. Can any of you help this?" busy?"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately said: "Qianlin, come and help junior sister change clothes."

"Yes, Master!" A woman in her twenties stood up next to her.

However, she also had a troubled expression on her face: "Master, our luggage has been left behind, and the packages have been completely soaked by the heavy rain. I'm afraid there is no dry clothing."

The middle-aged man finally realized what he was doing and looked at the old doctor for help.

The old doctor pondered for a moment and said, "We do have clean clothes, but they are all men's clothes. I don't know if they are appropriate."

Except for Xiaoyan, all of Lu Qing's group are grown men, so naturally they don't have clothes for young women.

"Children of Jianghu, we don't stick to trivial matters. Please ask my father-in-law to lend us a few sets of clothes. I can pay for them."

The middle-aged man heard this and immediately said.

"You are in a hurry, so there is no need to be so polite. Zian, go get some sets of clean clothes."


Wei Zian quickly got the clothes, and the woman named Qianlin followed the old doctor into the main hall with the girl in her arms.

Even Xiaoyan was called in by the old doctor to help.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man felt completely relieved.

The old doctor is old enough to be his grandfather, and with a little girl, he obviously doesn't have any evil intentions towards his daughter.

"Xiaoyan, go and help, dry this sister's body and change her clothes."

The old doctor stretched out his hand to remove the silver needle that had been pierced into the girl's body, then turned his back and gave instructions.


Xiaoyan replied obediently.

The woman named Qianlin originally wanted to refuse when she saw Xiaoyan's petite body, but it was really difficult for her to change clothes for the unconscious junior sister by herself, so she finally acquiesced.

Then, when Xiaoyan actually helped, the woman was surprised.

This little girl looked small in stature, but she was very strong. With her help, she changed her junior sister's clothes easily.

After the girl changed her clothes, the old doctor turned around, took out the silver needle, and began to formally acupuncture the girl.

The old doctor has superb medical skills and rich medical experience. Of course, he is also very accurate in identifying acupuncture points.

Even through clothing, the needle can still be applied with incomparable precision.

Soon, after he performed a set of acupuncture techniques, the girl's breathing finally calmed down, and there was finally a trace of blood on her pale face.

After inserting the needle, the old doctor continued to check the girl's pulse, but the look on his face became more and more serious.

Seeing the woman named Qianlin, she was so frightened that she almost couldn't help asking about her junior sister's condition.

"Master, the medicine is ready."

Fortunately, at this moment, Lu Qing's voice sounded outside, which made the old doctor's expression soften.

"Bring it in."

When the old doctor gave the girl some medicine and took Xiaoyan out of the back hall, several middle-aged men immediately came to greet her.

"Husband, how is my daughter?"

"Fortunately, you arrived in time. My daughter's condition has been stabilized for the time being, and the wounds on her body have been treated with gold trauma medicine. However, she still needs to be observed for a while and then take two more doses of medicine." The old doctor said.

"Then can I go in and see her?"

"It's okay, but it's not advisable to have too many people in there at once."

When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately said: "Dashi, you guys wait outside now. I'll go in and take a look at your junior sister."

When the middle-aged man entered, he saw that his daughter's condition had indeed improved a lot.

He came out and walked to the old doctor, bowed deeply and made a big salute: "Thank you, husband, for saving my daughter's life. I will remember this kindness in my heart and dare not forget it."

The middle-aged man was really frightened when he thought of his daughter's appearance before.

He was so angry that he almost thought his daughter was going to die.

"You don't have to be so polite. It's just our duty as doctors to treat illnesses and save people." The old doctor said gently, "But sir, can you let me, the old man, also take your pulse?"

"We also need to take a pulse?" The middle-aged man was stunned.

He didn't feel any physical discomfort.

Although the rain was heavy, with his cultivation level, he would not get sick even if he got wet in the rain.

"Your Excellency, don't think that you can resist everything because of your strong Qi and blood. You should know that people's injuries and illnesses often arise from subtle things, and sometimes you just don't realize it." The old doctor said a little seriously.

When the middle-aged man heard this, he thought of the old doctor's previous medical skills and felt that it made sense.

He immediately stretched out his hand: "Then there is Lao Zhang."

The old doctor stretched out two fingers and gently placed them on his wrist. At the same time, a trace of innate innocence quietly penetrated into the middle-aged man's body.

After a while, the old doctor regained his vitality and his expression remained unchanged, "I wonder if the disciples can also take a pulse?"

The middle-aged man even showed himself to the old doctor, so naturally he would not refuse.

Immediately shouted: "Dashi, you all come here and let me take my pulse to see if I am infected with the cold."

"Yes." The three male disciples of the middle-aged man came over immediately.

The old doctor checked their pulses one by one.

Lu Qing on the side noticed that the master's behavior today seemed a bit strange.

But he had already used his powers to check the identities of these people. There were no big problems, and they were not evil people.

He decided to ask the master later.

"How's it going, daddy?"

After the old doctor checked everyone's pulse, the middle-aged man asked.

"Fortunately, everyone is in good health. It's just a little bit of cold air. Just drink a bowl of cold-repelling soup." The old doctor smiled and said, "Ah Qing, wait for you to boil the ginger soup and give it to these people." Some of you have a drink.”

"Yes, Master." Lu Qing responded.

"Then thank you, father-in-law." The middle-aged man thanked him quickly and saluted Lu Qing at the same time, "I'm sorry to bother you, young man."

They had been in the rain for a long time, and they really needed something hot to warm up their bodies.

"It's just a small matter. By the way, I haven't asked for your name yet," the old doctor said.

"My surname is Fang, and my last name is Tao. The pottery figurine is Tao. May I ask my father-in-law what his name is?" the middle-aged man said respectfully.

"My surname is Chen, you can just call me Dr. Chen..."

The old doctor chatted with Fang Tao for a while, and Lu Qing also cooked the ginger soup. Knowing that Fang Tao's luggage was lost on the way, he cooked another pot of hot porridge and distributed it to several people.

Fang Tao and the others were even more grateful when they saw Lu Qing being so considerate.

They had been running around in the rain for a long time and were already hungry, so they immediately started drinking.

Then, everyone was amazed.

"Lu Xiaolangjun, what did you put in this porridge? It's really delicious!"

The tall and strong young man whom Fang Tao called Dashi couldn't help shouting.

"It's just some homemade bacon, it's not a precious thing." Lu Qing replied with a smile.

"I didn't expect to be able to drink such delicious meat porridge in this remote Taoist temple. Your porridge cooking skills, young man, are really outstanding." Fang Tao also praised.

As for the other disciples, they were so drunk that they couldn't even lift their heads.

Because of this meal of meat porridge, the atmosphere on both sides became much more harmonious, and everyone started talking and laughing.

The time passed slowly as everyone chatted.

Although the rain outside was a little lighter, it didn't stop. It was still raining until dark.

During this period, the old doctor visited the girl several times and gave her another dose of decoction.

"Master Fang, my daughter's health is no longer serious. She will probably wake up tomorrow morning. As long as she rests well in the coming days, her recovery will be no problem," the old doctor said.

"Thank you, old doctor Chen!" Fang Tao said happily.

"Okay, it's getting late. We've been traveling all day and it's time to rest. If there is anything wrong with your wife in the middle of the night, Master Fang can come and call me."

"Old Doctor Chen, walk slowly."

After the old doctor left, Ma Gu walked in holding a quilt.

"Master Fang, this quilt was ordered by my master to be spread out specially for Miss Fang to cover. He said that Miss Fang is sick and infected with wind and cold. She should not be cold at night. However, the quilt we brought with us There aren’t many beddings, so I can’t give you more, so please forgive me.”

Lu Qing and the others had to hide their identities on this trip, and Ma Gu's identity was that of the groom.

Therefore, in front of outsiders, he always calls the old doctor "Master".

"That's enough, that's enough. Please thank Dr. Chen for me when you go back."

Fang Tao was surprised and grateful when he saw the quilt.

He was worried about how cool the night was and what he should do with his daughter.

This quilt is a timely help.

As for him and several other disciples, they are all strong and it is not a big problem to stay up all night.

While Fang Tao was making the bed for his daughter, on the other side of the main hall outside, across a curtain, Lu Qing was sitting opposite the old doctor.

A strange meaning was emanating from the old doctor, covering the two-meter-wide space around them.

"Master, you took the pulse of Master Fang and his disciples earlier. Is there anything wrong with them?" Lu Qing asked.

But the strange thing is that his voice was restricted to the two of them and did not spread out. Even Wei Zian and Ma Gu not far away did not hear it.

"Yes, I found a hint of cold evil in their bodies, especially the injured girl Fang, who was even more depressed." The old doctor nodded.

"Cold evil spirit?" Lu Qing was shocked.

"Well, it stands to reason that they just got caught in the rain, and at most they were infected with the wind and cold. But now, they are invaded by the evil spirit of cold. This is probably not a good sign." The old doctor looked solemn. .

Lu Qing's heart moved: "Master, you suspect..."

"Today's heavy rain is already abnormal, but now it can invade the human body with cold evil. I'm afraid it's very unusual." The old doctor said.

"Ah Qing, you once said that the world is about to change, and the spiritual energy will be revived. However, judging from today's rain, under the changes in the rules of the world, besides the spiritual energy being revived, I am worried that there are other things. We will also recover together.”

Lu Qing fell into silence.

What Master said is not impossible.

After all, his understanding of spiritual energy recovery came from Xiaoyao Sanren's essays.

However, Xiaoyao Sanren has never experienced the revival of spiritual energy, so no one knows the specific changes after the changes in the rules of heaven and earth.

Judging from today's heavy rain, at least it's not just a matter of spiritual energy recovery.

Lu Qing thought again about the early warning from heaven and earth that his master had sensed before, and his heart couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

For a moment, both master and disciple became silent.

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