I Can See Through All Information

Chapter 220 Missed, heaven and earth changed, spiritual energy appeared

"Why can't we figure it out?"

The figure with disheveled hair looked at the stones scattered on a strange formation in front of him, with madness in his eyes.

"Why can't I calculate the location of Lu Qing and his group using my calculation method?

Even though the laws of heaven and earth have changed now, they have not changed completely after all. At best, they can only confuse the senses of those mortal reckoners. Logically speaking, they should not be able to stop my inner demon calculations. "

The figure with disheveled hair felt incomprehensible. He looked at the still heavy rain outside the cave, and a sudden realization came to his heart.

"Is it because this cold rain has completely covered up their aura traces?"

"You are worthy of being a son of luck. You can make the heaven and earth take the initiative to help you shield the secrets of heaven and cover up your aura. Mr. Lu Qing, the luck in your body is so rich that it makes people jealous!"

"However, the more this happens, the higher your value will be. I really can't wait to eat you."

There was a terrifying light in the eyes of the disheveled figure.

He had an intuition that as long as he could devour the boy named Lu Qing, he would be deprived of his luck.

I'm afraid it will be more useful than him devouring a hundred young geniuses. By then, he will be the person with the strongest luck at the beginning of this spiritual energy recovery!

"Wait, boy Lu Qing, you can't escape my grasp. Since I can't find any trace of you, I will go directly to Zhongzhou and wait for you.

I don't believe that this destiny of heaven and earth can protect you all the time. You are just the son of destiny. It's not like I haven't killed you before! "

A gloomy and cruel voice sounded from the cave, and the next moment, the disheveled figure had disappeared into the cave.

He didn't know how long this cold rain was going to fall, but he had no patience to wait any longer.

If that kid Lu Qing enters Zhongzhou before him, he doesn't know how much effort it will take to find him.

The figure with disheveled hair is running quickly in the rain.

A strange aura filled his body, blocking out the inexplicable coldness in the rain.

Although the cold evil energy is difficult to deal with, the world has just begun to change. Whether it is spiritual energy or evil energy, it is still very meager, and there is no way to deal with a strong man like him.

The figure with disheveled hair ran all the way towards Zhongzhou.

When I encounter a small town on the way, I don’t stop at all and just rush forward.

Soon, he passed through a mountain forest, but he didn't notice it at all and continued to move forward.


Lu Qing, who was worshiping and refining the earth spirit beads, suddenly opened his eyes as his mind moved.

At the same time, the old doctor who was reading a medical book also raised his head.

Xiaoli's ears also moved.

However, it looked at Lu Qing and saw that he didn't move, so it ignored him and continued to play chess with Xiaoyan.

The divine soul talisman in the acupoint of Lu Qing's eyebrows trembled slightly, and the range of the divine soul's induction suddenly expanded and extended outward.

The result was nothing.

There was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Just now, when he was immersed in refining the earth spirit beads, he suddenly felt a very evil aura flashing past the edge of his soul's induction.

But when he sensed it seriously, the aura had disappeared.

He looked at his master's expression and knew that he was probably the same, but he couldn't find the reason for the aura.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure it out. The aura didn't appear again, so Lu Qing decided to ignore it for now.

However, he was secretly wary.

Although the aura just now was not very powerful, it was the most evil he had ever seen.

He thought of what Mr. Zhi Rui of Tianji Tower said. The world was undergoing great changes and monsters appeared everywhere. Could it be possible that the aura just now was one of them?

It's a pity that he was focused on refining the earth spirit beads just now and couldn't catch the aura immediately. Otherwise, he would have to go out and take a look no matter what.

It rained for three days in a row before it stopped completely.

In the past three days, no one has come to the Taoist temple, which made Fang Tao and the others completely relieved.

People who knew Liuyun Sect must have been blocked by the heavy rain and temporarily lost their whereabouts.

On the morning of the fourth day, the sun shone in from outside, surprising Lu Qing and the others.

The rain stopped, which meant that they were finally no longer trapped in this Taoist temple and could start their journey.

"Old Doctor Chen, Mr. Lu Xiaolang, the rain has finally stopped. I think it's time for us to say goodbye."

At this time, Fang Tao came over with his daughter and disciples.

"Thank you to the old doctor and Mr. Lu for your kindness in healing. Xiaorou has nothing to repay, she can only keep it in mind and repay it someday."

Fang Rou bowed to the old doctor and Lu Qingying.

In the past three days, thanks to the old doctor's acupuncture and Lu Qing's medicinal diet, Fang Rou's body has improved rapidly. Not only has most of her injuries healed, she can even get out of bed and walk. In addition to being a little weak, she has It's no big deal.

"You don't have to be so polite." The old doctor helped him up, "You can get better so quickly because your health is good. Otherwise, no matter how good the medicine and stones are, they won't be able to work so quickly.

However, you must also remember that it is not advisable to use force in the coming days. It will take some time to recover before you can fully recover. "

"Yes, Xiaorou has remembered." Fang Rou responded obediently.

"Old Doctor Chen, we are in trouble after all, so let's say goodbye here. In the past few days, many people have come to help. This kindness will be unforgettable by Fang. If there is a chance in the future, he will repay you generously. "

Fang Tao cupped his hands and said.

Although the people from Liuyun Sect had not come after him in the past few days, he did not relax his vigilance.

Now that the rain has stopped, they can take this opportunity to hurry on. Only when they enter Qingzhou can they really breathe a sigh of relief.

"Take care, Master Fang." The old doctor also nodded.

"Goodbye, Sister Fang~"

Xiaoyan saw Fang Rou and the others were leaving, and came over to say goodbye.

In the past few days, she would occasionally go to play with this sister, and they had some friendship.

"Goodbye, Xiaoyan."

In the voice of reluctant farewell, the figures of Fang Tao and the others gradually disappeared.

"Master, should we set off too?" Lu Qing said at this time.

"Well, we have been delayed here for a few days, and it is time to leave." The old doctor nodded.

"I will go and prepare." Ma Gu walked out.

When Ma Gu had the carriage ready, Lu Qing and the others also packed up their things.


Walking out of the hall and standing outside, Lu Qing's expression moved and looked at the master.

"Master, the world seems to be a little different."

"It is different." The old doctor nodded in surprise.

"Yes, old doctor, I don't know if it's because it just rained, but the air today seems to be particularly fresh and pleasant." Ma Gu also said.

"Okay, let's get in the car first." The old doctor carried his things and stepped into the carriage.


After Lu Qing and others got in the car, Ma Gu shouted, whipped a whip, and the carriage started gently and drove down the mountain.

Lu Qing sat cross-legged in the carriage, but the power of his soul quietly stretched out and sensed the space around him.

Then he felt that there was indeed an inexplicable meaning between heaven and earth, and it became more lively and energetic.

"Is this spiritual energy?"

Lu Qing's soul power sensed the breath of the meaning, and a sense of enlightenment came into his heart.

But this breath is still very weak, and the impact on the world is not great.

Weaker warriors cannot discover these changes.

Only powerful practitioners like Lu Qing and the old doctor, whose spiritual power is strong to a certain extent, can perceive the mystery.

However, they can only sense the changes, and they are still unable to absorb and refine this breath.

Lu Qing's Qi orifice is not open, so he cannot draw Qi into his body.

As for the old doctor, it is because he has no method of cultivating immortals and does not know how to refine this mysterious breath.

"Since the spiritual energy has begun to truly revive, perhaps I should find an opportunity to teach my master a method of practicing Qi." Lu Qing thought to himself.

The master is a powerful person in the innate realm, and his Qi orifice has long been opened.

The way of cultivation is to be one step ahead and every step ahead.

If he can master the method of refining spiritual energy, perhaps his cultivation can have a qualitative leap.

Just when Lu Qing was thinking about it in his mind, suddenly, his mind felt a little strange.

After sensing it, he found that this strange movement was actually transmitted by the Qiankun Qi bag on his waist.

"You want to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth?"

Lu Qing felt the fluctuations from the Qiankun Qi Bag and was surprised.

But he quickly reacted.

Yes, his Qi orifices were not opened, and he could not absorb and refine the spiritual energy for the time being.

But the Qiankun Qi Bag, as a spiritual weapon, did not have such obstacles.

Immediately, Lu Qing's mind moved slightly, and he activated the restrictions in the Qiankun Qi Bag.

Suddenly, the invisible suction force emerged from the Qiankun Qi Bag, and the strands of magical aura between the surrounding heaven and earth began to be drawn in and sank into the bag.

In the carriage, the old doctor who was also sitting cross-legged and closing his eyes to comprehend the changes in heaven and earth noticed this change and opened his eyes.

However, when he found that this change came from Lu Qing, he just smiled slightly, ignored it, and continued to close his eyes to comprehend.

He had long been accustomed to the frequent magical phenomena on Lu Qing.

He never explored this, unless Lu Qing took the initiative to explain, otherwise he would not even ask.

Because Lu Qing and the old doctor were both cultivating, the carriage was moving slowly in silence.

The heavy rain for several consecutive days did not make the road muddy.

On the contrary, the road seemed much clearer because of the rain.

Except that the road surface was a little soft and rotten, there were not many other problems.

But the carriage that Lu Qing and his friends were riding was specially made by the Wei family at a high price, and this road condition was not a problem for it.

The carriage was moving forward along the official road, and slowly there were some people around.

"Old doctor, I just asked, Qingfeng Town is ahead, should we go in?" Ma Gu said.

The old doctor pondered for a moment and said, "Let's go in. We have consumed a lot of supplies in the past few days, and we need to replenish them."

In the Taoist temple, because Fang Tao and his friends' luggage were lost, the food and drink in the past few days were shared by Lu Qing and his friends, so the daily necessities carried in the carriage were consumed quite quickly.

If they were not replenished, I'm afraid they wouldn't last for a few days.


Ma Gu responded and drove the carriage towards the town.

Amid the sound of horse hooves, Magu soon saw a town appear in front of him.

Just as he was about to whip the whip to urge the carriage to move forward, he saw a few people in front of him looking panicked, looking back and stumbling towards him.


Seeing that the carriage was about to hit someone, Magu quickly tightened the reins and stopped the carriage.

Then he shouted sharply at the people who were frightened to the ground: "Are you desperate for your life? You didn't see a car here!"

"Master, what's going on?" Wei Zian poked his head out.

"It's nothing, just a few reckless men walking without looking at the road and almost hitting a horse." Ma Gu said angrily.

"Is everything okay?" the old doctor asked.

"No, I pulled the reins in time and didn't touch them."

However, the old doctor looked at the few people lying on the ground and found that they were panting, sweating profusely, and looked panicked. He thought they had been frightened.

When he got out of the car to check, he saw those people jumping up from the ground again and running in the direction they came from.

One of them shouted while running: "Old man, you should run away quickly. There is a group of evil people in the town who are killing people randomly. If you don't run away, I'm afraid even you will suffer!"

"Someone is killing people randomly in the town?"

The old doctor's expression changed and he quickly looked in the direction of the town.

Before he could see clearly, a cold voice sounded: "Little bitch, let me see where you can run. Your master, brothers and sisters have all been arrested. Do you think you can escape on your own? If you kneel down and beg for mercy now, maybe I can consider it and let you suffer less torture!"

At the same time, a figure was running staggeringly from the front, and its figure looked quite familiar to Lu Qing and the others.

"It's Sister Zhao!"

Xiaoyan's eyes were sharp and she immediately recognized the figure of the person coming and shouted.

Lu Qing and the others had already recognized that the person who came was none other than Zhao Qianlin, one of Fang Tao's disciples who had been with them in the Taoist temple for several days.

However, after not seeing her for more than an hour, Zhao Qianlin's appearance had already changed drastically. Not only was her hair messy, but she also had several blood stains on her body. Her weapon was gone. She could only cover her shoulders and run unsteadily. .

Behind him, there were more than ten figures chasing him.

That cold voice came from the leader, a middle-aged man in gray clothes.

Hearing Xiaoyan's childish voice from the front, Zhao Qianlin looked up and felt happy at first, but then, she remembered her master's instructions, her face changed, she gritted her teeth, and headed towards the woods on the roadside.

"You little bitch, you are so shameless!"

The man in gray originally had a cat-and-mouse mentality, admiring Zhao Qianlin's embarrassed escape.

At this moment, he saw that she not only ignored his words, but also tried to escape from the nearby woods.

His face suddenly darkened, he took a hard bow from the back of the person next to him, bent the bow and nocked an arrow, and shot a sharp arrow, aiming directly at Zhao Qianlin's knees.

This arrow was struck very fast and urgently. Although Zhao Qianlin heard the news, her physical strength was almost exhausted and she was unable to dodge.

Seeing that the sharp arrow was about to pierce her knee, a look of despair appeared in Zhao Qianlin's eyes.


However, at this moment, a crisp sound sounded.

The sharp arrow that was going to shoot through Zhao Qianlin's knee was suddenly hit by something unknown, and its trajectory shifted. It narrowly missed Zhao Qianlin's leg and stuck on the ground next to it.


The man in gray saw that the arrow he was bound to hit was actually blocked by someone.

His face suddenly became gloomy, and he focused his gaze on the carriage in front of him.

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