I Can See Through All Information

Chapter 235 Great Danger

It was not until Ma Gu and Wei Zian had eliminated all the remaining bandits that the chubby middle-aged man and his disciples came back to their senses.

Looking at the corpses all over the yard, Lu Qing who was still calm, and the old doctor who sighed slightly.

How could the chubby middle-aged man not know.

This time he really made a mistake.

Doctor Chen and his group were truly hidden.

No wonder they dared to bring a little girl with them when they went out to travel. It turned out that Lu Qing and his group were so strong.

The previous group of bandits were fierce and not weak.

The leader of the bandits had reached the internal organs level.

The dozen bandit leaders following him were also warriors, and there were even several at the tendon and bone level.

In addition, there were other bandits who occupied the high ground and held strong bows and hidden weapons.

It can be said that in the situation just now, even a warrior like him who is close to the great success of the internal organs realm is not absolutely sure that he can protect everyone in the yard.

However, such a critical situation of being surrounded by many people was instantly broken down and defeated by the joint efforts of Lu Qing and others.

How could the chubby middle-aged man not be surprised.

Whether it was Ma Gu's sharp and powerful swordsmanship, Lu Qing's magical hidden weapon skills, or Wei Zian's sharp stick skills.

They all surprised him too much.

And the decisive killing shown by Lu Qing and others.

All these made the chubby middle-aged man feel mysterious about Lu Qing and others.

"Mr. Lu, I didn't expect that your skills are so amazing. Xu was just worried too much." The chubby middle-aged man sighed.

"They are just a few thieves. With Senior Xu's strength, it must be very simple to deal with them. This time we are embarrassed." Lu Qing said with a smile.

Xu Ping and the others were speechless when they heard this.

Although those bandits were vulnerable in front of Ma Gu and the others, the blood and qi they burst out were real.

Some of them had higher cultivation than them.

They asked themselves if they would have much chance of winning against this group of bandits.

Such a group of brutal bandits were just petty thieves in Lu Qing's eyes, which made Xu Ping and the others not know how to respond for a while.

"Sir, we have to deal with the corpses again."

Ma Gu looked at the corpses in the yard and scratched his head.

"Yes, it's really troublesome."

Lu Qing looked at the corpses in the yard and said helplessly.

This time, there were more corpses than the group of Liuyun Sect disciples killed on the road two days ago.

Burying them would be even more troublesome.

He felt that he really had to complete his method of destroying corpses and erasing traces as soon as possible.

Otherwise, every time after a battle, we have to slowly deal with the corpses, which is really a waste of time.

Xu Ping and his brothers and sisters were shocked when they heard this.

They felt strange before, that Lu Qing and his men were too decisive in their battles.

The cooperation between them was also very tacit, and it was not like the killing mentality that young people should have.

Now, hearing the conversation between the two, I felt a little cold.

What do you mean by dealing with corpses again?

Could it be that Lu Qing and his men also killed many people before?

Lu Qing did not notice the expressions of Xu Ping and his men.

He said to the fat middle-aged man: "Senior Xu, we still have to rest here tonight. It is not appropriate to leave so many corpses here. I wonder if you can ask a few disciples to help us move these corpses out and bury them?"

The fat middle-aged man nodded: "Of course, Wenbin Wenwu, you guys help to carry these corpses out together."

"Yes, Master."

Several disciples of the fat middle-aged man responded in unison.

"Ah Qing." At this time, the old doctor suddenly said, "The girl's head should be buried separately."

"I know, Master."

Lu Qing looked at the girl's head that fell to the ground, sighed, and put it in a cloth bag, preparing to find a good place to bury it after going out.

While it was not completely dark, everyone started to get busy and moved the corpses in the yard one by one.

Because Xu Ping was a girl and had been frightened before, she didn't need her help with this kind of rough work.

As the number of corpses in the yard gradually decreased, Xu Ping's mind was much calmer.

She looked around and saw Xiaoyan holding Xiaoli, quietly staying next to the old doctor, but there was no panic on her face.

She was moved in her heart and was very strange.

Suddenly remembered that when those bandits surrounded the entire mountain temple, Xiaoyan didn't seem to show much fear.

At least she was much calmer than her.

"Xiaoyan, aren't you scared? There are so many dead people here." Xu Ping came to Xiaoyan and asked softly.

"No." Xiaoyan shook her head, "These are all bad guys, and my brother and Xiaoli will protect me, so Xiaoyan is not afraid."

Xu Ping was speechless. She didn't expect Xiaoyan to answer like this.

However, Xiaoyan's words made her heart move slightly.

"Xiaoyan, from what you said, did bad guys want to beat you before?"

She automatically ignored Xiaoyan's words that Xiaoli would protect her.

In her opinion, this was just a little girl's affection for her playmate.

When she was a child, she slept alone and thought that the rag dolls made by her mother would protect her.

"Well, there are many, but they were all beaten to death by my brother and Uncle Ma." Xiaoyan nodded seriously.

Xu Ping secretly took a breath of cold air.

She was right. Lu Qing and his killing methods were so decisive before. They really experienced many fights.

No wonder they said before that they had to deal with the corpses again.

Lu Qing and his men were very powerful. With concerted efforts, they finally moved all the corpses out before dark.

Then they dug a big pit in the woods not far away and buried them.

As for the head of the girl, Lu Qing also found a good Feng Shui position and buried it well.

After burying all the bodies, Lu Qing returned to the temple and burned some herbs around the courtyard and in the main hall to dispel the bloody smell.

After all this, it was completely dark.

"Senior Xu, so many things happened today. I think everyone is tired. Why don't we take a rest first and travel together tomorrow morning?" Lu Qing said.

"That's great. My daughter was also frightened. She really needs to go to bed early and keep her spirits up." The fat middle-aged man nodded.

At this moment, he also saw it.

Since killing the group of bandits, Lu Qing is no longer so low-key and has become much stronger.

Doctor Chen no longer speaks about many things and makes decisions for him.

So the two sides each occupied half of the main hall, tidied the bedding, and prepared to rest.

A few minutes later, behind a bamboo curtain, the old doctor and Lu Qing were sitting opposite each other.

The strange domain aura surrounded the two of them for three feet, covering all the breath and movement.

"Master, there is one thing I don't quite understand. Why do you want to go with Senior Xu and the others to Liuyun Sect?"

This question has been lingering in Lu Qing's mind for the whole afternoon.

You know, this time they go to Liuyun Sect, they have to do a lot of things, and if they are not careful, they may face very serious consequences.

According to Master's usual temperament, he should not want to implicate other people.

"Master can't explain clearly what is going on.

In the evening, we came to this mountain temple. When we came into close contact with Mr. Xu and others, I don't know why, I had a very strong omen in my heart.

Mr. Xu and the others, in the near future, will encounter great dangers, and all will die."

"Master, do you sense the omen?" Lu Qing's heart trembled.

He knew that Master was blessed with the light of merit and would be protected by heaven.

The so-called omen is not a fantasy, but more likely a warning from heaven.

"Yes, this omen is so strong that it has shaken my mind. It seems to be related to this extremely important matter, so I want to see what it is."

"Great danger, could it be referring to the bandits from before?" Lu Qing whispered.

But he quickly rejected this guess.

The previous situation seemed dangerous, but in fact, the strength of those bandits was not strong.

With Senior Xu's cultivation close to the great success of the internal organs, it would not be difficult to break through even if he did not encounter them.

But his disciples might be injured.

But this alone should not be enough to make the master feel an omen.

"Could it be that this Liuyun Sect's group is really going to have a big change?" Lu Qing touched his chin and thought secretly.

The purpose of Senior Xu's trip was to go to Liuyun Sect to watch the excitement.

After all, most of the sects in Yunzhou joined forces to go to Liuyun Sect to ask for punishment. Who wouldn't want to go and see what was going on at such a grand event?

But judging from the warning from Master's inner voice, the excitement in Liuyun Sect may not be as simple as expected.

"Ah Qing, have you thought of something?"

The old doctor asked when he saw his disciple was in deep thought.

"Yes, but I'm not sure. Master, you have already accepted Senior Xu's invitation. As long as we go with them, we will naturally know the answer."

"I think so too. I can feel that Mr. Xu and his friends are all decent people. Since we know that they may be in danger, we can help them if we can. Anyway, it's just on the way."

"I'll listen to you, Master." Lu Qing smiled.

The light of merit is indeed magical. Since Master entered the Xiantian realm, the supernatural powers he showed on his body have become more and more powerful.

This intuition that can distinguish good from evil is almost comparable to his supernatural power detection.

After answering the doubts in their hearts, Lu Qing and the old doctor went to rest.

As for their conversation, from beginning to end, no third person could hear it.

Nothing happened that night. The next day, Lu Qing got up early and started to prepare breakfast in the yard.

"Young Master Lu, why are you up so early?"

The chubby middle-aged man heard the noise outside and came out.

"Well, Master Ma and I take turns to watch the night. I am usually responsible for the second half of the night, and I will make breakfast for Master and the others to eat when they get up.

That's right, Senior Xu, I'll make your portion too, let's eat together later."

Lu Qing answered while busying himself.

"Then we won't be polite."

The chubby middle-aged man was delighted at first, then he sighed: "So you didn't get up early, but didn't sleep for half the night."

"When you go out, you have to be careful, we are used to it."

"Indeed, when you go out to travel, you have to be careful about everything. Unfortunately, my useless disciples are not as vigilant as you, Lu Xiaolang. They all slept soundly last night.

If there is a sneak attack by mountain bandits like yesterday in the middle of the night, I'm afraid they will be the first to die."

The chubby middle-aged man shook his head and sighed.

They are both disciples, why is there such a big difference between him and Doctor Chen?

Look at Lu Qing, not only can he cook delicious food, but even things like night watch don't need Doctor Chen to worry about it, everything is arranged properly.

In comparison, his disciples are really as stupid as pigs.

"Maybe Brother Wen and the others were too tired from traveling yesterday." Lu Qing smiled.

When chatting yesterday, Lu Qing knew that two of the three male disciples of the chubby middle-aged man were brothers. Their surnames were Wen, Wenbin, Wenwu, and Su, and they had all followed him since childhood.

"Young Master Lu, you don't have to speak well of them. I don't have much hope now. If they can have half of your ability in the future, I will be satisfied." The chubby middle-aged man shook his head.

Wei Zian, who happened to wake up and walked out of the hall, was stunned when he heard this.

He thought to himself that this senior Xu really dared to think that he had the same ability as Doctor Lu Qing?

Even the ancestors of their Wei family didn't dare to say this.

You are a visceral realm, but you have a beautiful idea.

"Zi'an is awake, it's just right, go and wake up Xiaoyan and Xiaoli, and tell them that they can have breakfast."

Lu Qing saw Wei Zian and shouted.

When Wei Zian entered the hall again, the chubby middle-aged man also said, "Then I will also go and wake up my useless disciples."

When the chubby middle-aged man called his disciples, he was a little emotional.

After all, he didn't feel much before when there was no comparison.

Now there is such an outstanding disciple like Lu Qing, the more he looks at his own disciples, the more angry he feels.

Therefore, when he called them up, he couldn't help but use a heavier hand.

So when eating breakfast, Xu Ping, who woke up the latest, saw that the faces of several senior brothers had more bruises and swellings, and couldn't help but become curious.

"Senior Brother Wenbin, what's wrong with your face? Did you fall down last night?"

The chubby middle-aged man immediately glanced over.

Feeling the master's gaze, Wenbin's body stiffened, and he forced a smile and said, "Yes, we fell asleep last night and accidentally bumped into it when we turned over."

"Three people bumped into it together?" Xu Ping was puzzled.

Wen Bin paused: "Yes, yes, we slept behind the altar, it was too narrow there, and we got bitten when we turned over."

"Oh, then you have to be more careful next time."

Xu Ping nodded and continued to eat. The food made by Master Lu was really delicious. It was just a simple meat porridge, but he made it very tasty.

It was just a little cold, otherwise it would be perfect.

Seeing that the junior sister stopped asking questions, Wen Bin and the other two breathed a sigh of relief and felt embarrassed at the same time.

They were indeed too rude in the morning.

Dr. Chen and the others had gotten up, and Master Lu had prepared breakfast, but they hadn't woken up yet.

It was no wonder that the master was angry with such impoliteness.

Lu Qing and the others laughed secretly when they saw this scene, but they didn't expose them.

After breakfast, everyone started to pack their luggage and set off.

This time, there was no problem along the way.

Two days later, Lu Qing and his companions arrived in front of a prosperous town.

"Liuyun Town, Doctor Chen, we are finally here."

Looking at the stone tablet outside the town, the chubby middle-aged man said happily.

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