I Can See Through All Information

Chapter 255: The Implications of the Martial Saint, the Azure Dragon City

When Lu Qing looked intently at the three characters "Qinglong City" on the city gate.

Soon, a rather rich golden light of supernatural power emerged from the words.

Several messages floated out.


Lu Qing was slightly stunned and looked at the notes.

[Martial Saint's inscription: These three large characters were handwritten by a strong person with a perfect level of Xiantian Realm. The font is beautiful and the momentum is extraordinary. 】

[It contains the will of martial arts and can last for hundreds of years. 】

[There are rumors in the world that these three words contain the inheritance left by that supreme martial arts master. However, for hundreds of years, no one has been able to decipher the secrets and obtain the inheritance. 】

[Found the exercise, do you want to download it? 】

"Does it really contain inheritance?"

Lu Qing was a little surprised.

Just now, he just felt that these words had different connotations and had a guess in his mind. He did not expect that there was actually a inheritance of skills in them.

And judging from its description, it seems that this inheritance has a big origin.

After all, not everyone can bear the title of Martial Saint.

I saw many people lining up in front of the city gate, waiting to enter the city. It would take some time for their turn.

Without much hesitation, Lu Qing immediately chose to download the technique.

[Downloading, current progress, 1%, 2%, 3%...98%, 99%, 100%]

[The exercise has been downloaded. Do you want to simulate it? 】

Lu Qing chose simulation.

[Simulation in progress, current progress, 1%, 2%, 3%...98%, 99%, 100%]

[After the simulation is completed, do you want to continue learning? 】

This time, Lu Qing did not choose to study directly.

Because he spent more than a quarter of an hour downloading the simulated exercises, the procession team gradually moved forward, and it was almost their turn.

"The inscription on this city gate is very extraordinary."

At this time, the old doctor also sighed.

"Master, have you noticed it too?"

Lu Qing wasn't too surprised. With his master's qualifications, it would have been strange if he hadn't noticed the strangeness of those three words.

"The three big characters on this city gate seem to contain the will of a powerful warrior in the way of swordsmanship. Unfortunately, I am a dull teacher. I have just understood it for a while, but I have only understood four or five points."

The old doctor sighed a little.

After studying the inscription on the city gate for a while, he felt that the connotation of swordsmanship in it was of great benefit to him.

This Zhongzhou is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, with capable people emerging in large numbers.

They haven't entered Zhongzhou yet, and just the inscription on the gate of a checkpoint can make him feel something.

It is conceivable that the real land of Zhongzhou is filled with outstanding people and many masters.

"I understand four to five points..."

Lu Qing was speechless.

Master's martial arts talent and understanding are indeed extremely strong.

The inscription on the city gate contains the insights left by an innately perfect and extremely powerful man.

The master was able to comprehend four to five points of the charm in such a short period of time, which is truly amazing.

"Where are you coming from? Is there a road to guide you? How many people want to enter the city in total?"

Just when Lu Qing was invisibly surprised by his master, a rough voice sounded.

Lu Qing turned around and saw two soldiers wearing armor and holding halberds standing in front of the city gate. The one on the right was shouting.

Lu Qing's heart moved slightly.

This Qinglong City is indeed extraordinary. Even the two city guards guarding the city gate are both at the Muscle and Bone Realm. One of them has perfect Qi and Blood, and has reached the perfection of the Muscular and Bone Realm.

"Lord City Guard, we are from Cangzhou, and there are five of us entering the city."

Ma Gupai stepped forward with a smile and handed over a pamphlet.

The so-called road guide is actually something that can prove the identity of Lu Qing and others.

This thing is usually of little use, but it is still needed in important levels such as Qinglong Pass.

Unless Lu Qing and the others can cross the towering mountains by themselves and enter Zhongzhou without passing through Qinglong Pass.

Lu Qing and the others were helped by the Wei family to manage their identity, so there was no problem.

The city guard just looked through it and closed it.

"There is no problem with the road guide. The five of you will pay one tael of silver each for entering the city, including the carriage. The total is six taels of silver. After you have been taught, you can enter the city."

One tael of silver per person?

When Ma Gu heard this number, he was slightly shocked at first.

However, I looked at the other people around who were waiting to enter the city, and found that none of them showed any unusual signs. I knew that the entry fee should be normal, and it was not that the other party was deliberately making things difficult for them.

After feeling confident, Ma Gu took out a money bag with a smile and handed it over: "Yes, here are six taels of silver. Please take a look at it."

The city guard weighed it, frowned at first, opened it, and smiled when he saw the small silver ingot inside.

He waved his hand and said: "Yes, you have a look. Come in quickly. If anyone gives you a hard time, just say that it was me, Mr. Hu, who was covering it up."

"Thank you, Lord Shirowei!"

Ma Gu's face showed joy, and after thanking him repeatedly, he returned to the carriage and led the carriage forward.

When the carriage passed the city gate, another city guard who had been silent until now suddenly said: "That young man, from your previous appearance, you seemed to be very interested in those three big characters on the city gate?"

Lu Qing was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw that the city guard was looking at him. After thinking for a moment, he smiled and said:

"I have always been fond of calligraphy. When I saw the three characters 'Qinglong City' above my head, they were written with majestic force. It seemed that they were not written by ordinary people. I was so happy that I watched them for a while. Master Chengwei, I wonder if I What taboo did you commit?"

"You didn't commit any taboos."

The city guard who spoke was a young man with a good face.

"But I see that you are also a martial arts practitioner, so I just want to give you a piece of advice. The carvings on this city gate contain special meanings.

But the implication is quite evil. If you luckily understand something from it, trust me, don’t practice it.

Otherwise, if you fall into madness in the future, are haunted by inner demons, and retreat instead of advancing in your cultivation, it will be too late to regret it. "

Lu Qing was stunned, but the expression on his armored young man's face was serious, and it seemed that what he said was not false.

He pondered for a moment and then nodded slightly: "Thank you for your advice, sir. I will pay attention to it."

After Lu Qing and others entered the city and were out of sight, the armored young man returned to his cold expression and ignored everyone.

However, Hu Laosan, the narrator, became interested: "Master Ji, why did you specifically remind that young man not to read the inscriptions on the city gate? Don't you think that just by virtue of that boy just now, you can read Can you tell me the secret of the engraving?"

"Who knows, I just saw that he seemed a little obsessed with those words, so I just reminded him. At least he gave us more money, didn't he?" the armored young man said lightly.

"That's right." Hu Laosan took out the money bag that Ma Gu gave him just now and poured out the fat ingot of silver inside. "Master Ji, whoever sees this silver will have a share. You and I will each have half."

"Twenty taels?" The young man in armor was a little surprised, "I didn't expect those people to be quite generous."

Seeing that Hu Laosan was about to squeeze the silver apart, the young man in armor waved his hand: "Forget it, I won't use my share. You can keep it. Didn't you say you want to send your daughter to Xuanxin Sect to study? You have no money. No."

"Thank you very much, Master Ji."

When Hu Laosan heard this, he didn't refuse and took the money back into his arms, as if his actions just now were just polite.

Seeing this, the young man in armor twitched the corner of his mouth: "You collect the money and you collect the money, but don't swallow the city lord's palace share, otherwise, even I won't be able to protect you."

"Don't worry, Master Ji." Hu Laosan patted his chest, "I, Hu Laosan, can keep my accounts clean. I have always treated public affairs with public affairs and private affairs with private affairs. I have never been greedy for public money."

After saying that, he took out another handful of broken silver from his pocket, counted a few pieces, and put them into the iron box beside him.

When the young man in armor saw this, he could only shake his head, ignore the old man, and continue to wander around.

Hu Laosan didn't care even more, although he didn't know why the dignified Second Master Ji couldn't think of guarding the city gate with him.

But since they don't prevent him from making money, and even occasionally provide him with cover, why wouldn't he do it?

"As long as we raise another hundred taels, we will have enough money to send Xiaolian to Xuanxin Sect to study."

Hu Laosan touched the silver ingot in his arms and felt happy.


Lu Qing, who had already entered the city, sensed what happened at the city gate, with an interesting look in his eyes, and took back the power of his soul.

It seemed that the armored young man reminded him out of good intentions.

It's just...the meaning contained in the three carvings on the city gate, are they so terrible? Why didn't he feel it?

Lu Qing had a doubt in his heart.

When he saw the three engraved words before, he only felt that the artistic conception on them was quite extraordinary, but he did not feel that there was anything dangerous about them.

Moreover, the master also conducted enlightenment and did not see anything wrong with him.

"Is it possible that there is another mystery behind the inheritance in the carvings? It seems that I have to think about it after I settle down."

Lu Qing thought for a while and made a decision.

"Wow! What a big city!"

At this moment, Xiaoyan's surprised voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Qing turned around and saw that the little guy had gotten off the carriage and was holding Xiao Li in his arms. His mouth and eyes were wide open, looking ahead in surprise.

On the other side, Ma Gu and Wei Zian looked similar, staring at the bustling scene in front of them with wide eyes.

They saw just in front of them, on a street dozens of feet wide, pedestrians of all kinds, horse-drawn carriages, donkey carts, etc. were all walking in a steady stream.

The sounds of vehicles, hawkers, and shouts all rang out.

The scene presented by this main street alone was much more majestic and prosperous than any big city Lu Qing and the others had ever seen.

Not to mention, the tall houses with rough style and made of huge stones on both sides of the street were rarely seen by Lu Qing and others.

"It is indeed the world-famous Qinglong Pass. I just don't know how spectacular the other three pass cities are." Lu Qing couldn't help but praise.

People from other states in the world who want to enter Zhongzhou normally go through the four gates.

These four fortresses are all named after legendary mythical beasts.

Lu Qing and the others were heading to Qinglong Pass in the east.

Of course, although there are four Guancheng in the world, it does not mean that if you want to enter Zhongzhou, you can only enter through Guancheng.

However, if you want to enter Zhongzhou through other routes, the situation you have to face is much more complicated.

Generally, only those powerful warriors who do not want to expose their identity and whereabouts and have extraordinary skills would choose to do that.

Ordinary people would rather spend some money and take safe roads like Guancheng.

"Master, what should we do next? Should we go to stay first or not?" Lu Qing asked.

The old doctor pondered for a moment and said: "Let's find a place to stay first. We have been traveling for so many days and we are all tired. Let's have a good rest in this city for a day and then enter the customs again tomorrow."

"Disciple thinks so too." Lu Qing nodded.

They had been on the road these past few days. Although they were protected by the formation car, they did not feel any physical fatigue, but mentally they still felt a little tired.

He and his master were fine, but Xiaoyan, Wei Zian and the others were a little unbearable.

Especially Ma Gu, because the speed of the carriage increased, he had to concentrate on driving the carriage all the time, and the mental consumption was quite huge.

If you don't take a good rest, I'm afraid it will damage your foundation.

Qinglong City is one of the hubs for communication between Zhongzhou and other states in the east, so its business is naturally very developed.

Lu Qing and the others found a quite satisfactory inn without much effort.

Although it is a bit more expensive, they don't lack money now, so they don't care about this cost.

After settling in, Lu Qing had just made the bed and quilt, and Xiaoyan and Xiaoli were playing around.

There was a knock on the door outside: "Aqing, come out."

"What's the matter, Master?" Lu Qing opened the door.

"You go out with me and ask about some things." The old doctor said.

"Okay Master, please wait a moment."

Lu Qing returned to the room, told Xiaoyan and Xiaoli to stay in the room and not to run around, and then walked out of the room.

After following Master and arriving outside the street, Lu Qing finally expressed his question: "Master, what do we want to inquire about?"

"Some matters related to customs entry, as well as the recent general trend of the world." The old doctor said.

"The general trend of the world?" Lu Qing was surprised, "Master, where can I find out?"

Is it possible that there is no way for Master to succeed in Qinglong City?

Lu Qing suddenly had an idea in his mind.

However, the old doctor did not directly answer Lu Qing's question. Instead, he took out something and showed it to him.

"Ah Qing, do you still recognize this thing?"

Lu Qing looked at it and recognized it immediately: "Isn't this the jade plaque that Your Excellency Zhirui gave to you, Master?"

"Yes, it was that jade tablet. Just when we entered the city earlier, I suddenly felt a slight movement coming from the jade tablet.

Just now I sensed it in the room and found that the jade sign causing the strange movement was somewhere in the city.

According to what Mr. Zhirui told you at the beginning, perhaps that place should be a branch of Tianji Building. "

"Not bad." Lu Qing reacted after hearing what his master said.

Since the Tianji Building is known as the best in the world in terms of intelligence, it must establish various branch buildings to collect intelligence.

A big city like Qinglong City must have its stronghold.

"It's not too late, Master, let's go there now."

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