I Can See Through All Information

Chapter 355: The Devil's Bone, Blocking

"Damn it!"

When the blood mist condensed around the black bone sword dissipated by one third, the dishevelled figure suddenly became furious.

This black bone sword was the treasure that he had gone through so much trouble to get, even at the cost of destroying Qingyun Sword Pavilion.

On that day, he spent some time to find the escaped disciples of the Sword Pavilion with the help of the breath mark he left in advance.

Then, he found the treasure from one of the disciples.

What surprised him was that he originally thought that the treasure of the ancestor was just a sword magic weapon with extremely murderous nature and almost possessed by demons.

As a result, he found that this black bone sword was made from the bones of an ancient demon from who knows how many tens of thousands of years ago.

However, after a long time, the original demonic nature of the demon was almost wiped out.

That's why it was mastered by the founder of Qingyun Sword Pavilion and did not fall into the path of demons.

But even if he did not fall into the path of demons, the founder of Qingyun Sword Pavilion was not an easy person to deal with back then.

He was extremely murderous, and finally, relying on the bone sword in his hand and his own powerful sword cultivation, he swept across the world for a while.

He eventually founded the powerful sword sect of Qingyun Sword Pavilion.

However, because the bone sword was too demonic, without a strong will, he could not suppress the invasion of demonic energy in it, and it was easy to damage his mind and fall into the devil's way.

So after the founder of the sect passed away, the minds of several consecutive bone sword masters of Qingyun Sword Pavilion were damaged and crazy.

Finally, it was decided to seal it completely, and no one knew where it was except the head of the sect.

The figure with disheveled hair, when the original will had not yet awakened, heard the master talk about the treasure, but had never seen the true face of the bone sword.

After taking it, he realized that what he thought was just an ordinary magic weapon was actually very important, and it was made of the bones of the ancient demon.

After discovering this, the figure with disheveled hair was overjoyed immediately.

What is the ancient demon? It is a demon god that evolved from the origin of the demon path when the world evolved.

Its demon path and script origin are purer than that of the reincarnated demon.

So the moment he got the black bone sword, the disheveled figure decided to devour the bone sword.

By then, not only can he cultivate the foundation of the demon body that he has always been thinking about, but he can also go to the next level.

More importantly, after swallowing the bone sword and obtaining the origin of the demon path inside it.

He can avoid being watched by the will of heaven and earth in this world.

Because the Tao has yin and yang, the ancient demon was originally bred by the origin of this world, and naturally he will not be rejected again.

However, the ancient demon has been dead for too long, and the origin of the demon contained in the bone sword has only a trace left.

It needs to be cultivated and strengthened again before it is worth swallowing.

Therefore, after getting the bone sword, the disheveled figure immediately decided to cultivate and strengthen the origin of the demon in the bone sword by the blood refining method.

It happened that when he was chasing those disciples of Jian Pavilion, he came to Cangzhou, which was not far from the prefecture.

So he did not kill those disciples, but used magic to confuse and transform their minds for his own use.

It took several months to set up the nodes of the formation in the prefecture city and activate the formation.

It was necessary to use the blood, flesh and soul of the citizens of the entire prefecture city to cultivate and strengthen the origin of the devil in the bone sword for himself to devour.

Originally, everything was going very smoothly, but I didn't expect that there would be a problem now.

Someone could see through the mystery of the formation he set up and easily destroyed several of the nodes.

"This Cangzhou is just a remote small state. Logically speaking, there are at most ten people in the innate realm.

Why did a master who could break my formation appear? Could it be that the will of the heaven is playing tricks again?"

The figure with disheveled hair had a livid face.

He deliberately chose Cangzhou prefecture city for blood sacrifice because he saw that there were not many masters in this remote small state.

The strongest one was only a small success in the innate realm, and it was impossible for him to be his opponent.

Moreover, because of the remote location, even if he asked for help, it would take a long time to arrive.

However, he never thought that someone would come to obstruct the formation not long after it was opened, and even broke several formation nodes in a short time.

This made the dishevelled figure have to wonder if the abominable will of the Heavenly Dao was messing with him again.

"Damn Heavenly Dao, wait for me, wait until I devour the bones of the Heavenly Demon, condense it into a demon body, and achieve the foundation.

One day, I will swallow you together!"

The formation nodes were destroyed, and the speed of blood mist condensation was slowed by a full one-third, which made the dishevelled figure very angry.

Originally, he could sacrifice the lives of the people in this city with blood in one day at most, but now it would be three times slower, with many more variables, how could he not be angry.

If he didn't have to maintain the formation now and couldn't leave for the time being, he really wanted to rush out of the city directly to see who dared to ruin his good deeds!

Fortunately, after sensing that his servants had left the city, the formation nodes were not destroyed again, which made the dishevelled figure feel relieved.

But he also knew that since someone had already taken action, there might be more variables next.

He immediately stopped holding back, his mind was surging, and his originally pale face suddenly turned red.

The next moment, the black formation light curtain covering the state capital city suddenly started to operate.

Condensed many black snakes, pounced downwards.

"Not good, those weird snakes are coming again!"

In the city, people who had been paying attention to the black light curtain of the formation in the sky were shocked when they saw this scene.

It was like this before. The black light curtain that appeared above their heads condensed many black snakes.

Anyone who was touched by them, whether they were warriors with strong blood and qi, or women, children and the elderly with weak bodies.

Without exception, they would be plundered of their blood and souls and turned into a dried corpse.

Now seeing them coming down again, how could they not be shocked.

Suddenly, the entire state capital city fell into panic.

I don’t know how many people were panicking and wailing in fear.

“Who can tell me, what the hell is that?”

In the city lord’s mansion, several innate auras gathered together, looking at the black snakes falling from the sky in shock.

The city lord waved his sword to cut off a black gas that fell in the city lord’s mansion, and after struggling to wipe it out with innate true qi, he asked in shock and anger.

"City Lord, I have never seen such a scene before. I really don't know what's going on."

An elegant old man with white hair and beard smiled bitterly.

If Lu Qing was here, he would recognize that this person was the ancestor of the Lin family who had fought with him.

The other Xiantian Realm people were also confused and could not recognize the origin of the black air at all.

"Everyone, I know what's going on!"

Just then, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, which surprised the city lord and others.

Because the person came too fast, they didn't notice the signs in advance.

"Who is it!"

Immediately, some guards wanted to step forward and capture the person.

However, the person who came only exuded a breath, which made several guards retreat step by step, with horror on their faces.

Xiantian Realm!

The person who came was actually a strong man of the same level as their city lord.

"Who are you?"

After being surprised, the city lord and others found that Wei Xinghe's realm cultivation was not stronger than theirs, so they were slightly relieved and asked immediately.

"I am the head of the Wei family in Cang County, Wei Xinghe. I greet the city lord and everyone."

Wei Xinghe bowed his hands.

"It turns out to be the head of the Wei family. I didn't expect that the head of the Wei family has already broken through to the Xiantian realm. Congratulations."

The mayor of the prefecture was a little surprised, and the other Xiantian realm masters were also surprised.

They naturally knew about the Wei family.

After all, although the Wei family was only a family rooted in Cang County, its ancestor Wei Shanhai was a well-known Xiantian realm master.

So the Wei family was considered famous throughout Cangzhou.

But no one expected that even the head of the Wei family had already entered the Xiantian realm.

The Wei family had two Xiantian masters, and their status in Cangzhou would probably be greatly improved in the future.

But everyone also knew that this was not the time to worry about this.

The city lord asked, "Master Wei just said that he knew the origin of the black light curtain in the sky. Is that true?"

"Yes." Wei Xinghe nodded, "The black light curtain above our heads was formed by an evil formation secretly set up by a powerful evil cultivator.

The evil cultivator set up this evil formation in order to sacrifice the entire city of Zhoufu City and practice magic."

"Sacrifice the entire city of Zhoufu City and practice magic?!"

Hearing Wei Xinghe's words, everyone took a breath of cold air.

Although they could feel the danger of the black light curtain above their heads, they did not expect that it was such a terrible thing.

"Master Wei, is there any way to break this formation?"

The city lord of Zhoufu asked hurriedly.

The others also stared at Wei Xinghe.

It's not that they didn't try to break the black light curtain before.

But the light curtain was located at a high position and they couldn't touch it at all.

Even if they cut it with sword energy and knife energy, it would be like a drop in the ocean.

The light curtain did not react at all, but swallowed all their attacks without even a tremor.

"Lord City Lord, you think too highly of me. I have only this little skill, but I can't break this formation."

Wei Xinghe shook his head and gave a disappointing answer.

But soon, his next sentence made everyone perk up again.

"However, there is a master who is now outside the city, trying to break the formation.

With him, I believe it won't take long for this evil formation to be broken.

So Lord City Lord and you don't have to worry too much."

"You said that there is a master breaking the formation outside the city?"

Everyone was excited and looked at Wei Xinghe in surprise.

"Yes, I believe you all heard the loud noises just now. It was that master who broke the formation."

Everyone thought that they did hear a few noises just now, but their attention was on the black light curtain above their heads at that time, and they didn't pay too much attention.

"Master Wei, is that master really sure to break the formation?"

At this time, a Xiantian realm couldn't help but say.

"I can't guarantee it 100%, but I can say that if even he can't break the formation, then I'm afraid no one in this world can save us.

Let's just accept our fate and stop struggling."

Although Wei Xinghe's tone was very loud, it was precisely because of this that everyone felt more at ease.

"In this case, Master Wei, what can we do to help?" The mayor of the state capital asked.

"Leave the matter of breaking the formation to that expert, but Lord City Lord, that expert has always been kind and can't bear to see people suffer.

At this time, he took the risk to come and break the formation for the sake of the people in the city.

Now this snake of black energy is raging and is devouring the lives of many people in the city.

I'm afraid we need to intervene to stop it.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he won't be happy when he breaks the formation and comes in and sees us ignoring the lives of the people in the city. "

"Of course, as the lord of a city, it is my duty to protect the people of the city." The lord of the state capital said immediately.

Several other Xiantian realms looked at each other and finally nodded.

"This is a moral act, so naturally we will take action."

"Then without further ado, let's go out."

Wei Xinghe looked happy and said immediately.

Originally, according to Lu Qing's suggestion, he wanted to find a place to hide and wait for Lu Qing to successfully break the formation.

When I came here just now, I saw the shriveled corpses of people along the way, as well as the black energy snakes that were raging again.

Wei Xinghe didn't want to hide like this anymore.

If even these Xiantian realms only care about their own safety, they will all hide.

Then the people in this city really have no way to survive.

Even if Lu Qing succeeded in breaking the formation, the black energy snakes outside would be wreaking havoc, and there would be no telling how many casualties there would be.

That's why he rushed over immediately after sensing the aura of the city lord and others.

The purpose is to persuade them to work with him to stop the raging black energy snake.

Just when Wei Xinghe and the city lord of the state capital and others stopped the black energy snake from wreaking havoc.

Outside the city, Lu Qing also received an attack.

Just as he was drawing out three magic arrows from the Qiankun Qi bag, he was preparing to continue destroying the formation nodes.

Suddenly, he saw several figures emerging from the city and coming towards him quickly.

"Four innate realms? No, they don't have innate meanings in them."

Seeing those figures, Lu Qing showed a hint of surprise.

The speed of the incoming person was no less than that of a strong person in the Xiantian realm, but he did not sense from his body the unique innate meaning of a strong person in the Xiantian realm.

Instead, he sensed an aura from them that made him quite disgusted.

The movements of the four figures were extremely fast, and they arrived in front of Lu Qing in just a few breaths of time.

When he saw the bow and arrow in his hand, he suddenly showed murderous intent.

"This is the person, kill him!"

After saying this, he didn't give Lu Qing any chance to speak. Black runes surged from his body, and they each used their weapons to charge towards Lu Qing.

"Puppet? No."

Lu Qing was shocked at first when he saw the runes appearing on the faces and arms of several people.

But he didn't have time to think too much, because the attacks from several people were already in front of him.

"It's interesting."

A smile appeared on Lu Qing's face.

When the weapons of several people were about to attack him, suddenly, his eyes froze and a yellow light flashed on his body.

The next moment, the four figures went from extreme motion to extreme stillness in an instant, and were forcibly fixed within three feet of Lu Qing, unable to move.

The powerful impact was completely borne by themselves. Each of them spurted out a mouthful of blood and suffered serious internal injuries.

All figures suddenly looked horrified.

But before they could figure out what was going on, they saw Lu Qing clenching his fist and punching out.

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