I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 304 303. Hidden worries

Xia Weiyun and Xiaocha picked up the "heavy rotating machine guns" and destroyed the consulate and the police station in one go.

Flames and thick smoke rose into the sky, and the two women rushed to the "Garrison Army Headquarters".

There are 1,500 army troops stationed here, as well as 2,000 expatriates who have escaped.

There were countless unarmed people among them. Xia Weixin was not a vicious person, and his muzzle was lowered subconsciously.

But at this moment, the scene that made her "enter trance" suddenly flashed before her eyes...a baby crushed into a bloody paste by a stone, and a group of laughing Izumo soldiers.

"In this war of genocide, there are no innocents. If you set foot on this land, you should bear the consequences."

Xia Weixin raised the muzzle again and calmly pulled the trigger.

The shells formed a line of fire that traveled through the entire camp, blasting people and buildings into pieces.

The screams were astonishing, like a scene from purgatory.

On the contrary, Xiaocha's thoughts are simple - these people have come to colonize, and they clearly want to vacate the cage for birds, subjugate the country and exterminate the species. Wherever there is left, it's over!

Without any hesitation, she fired wildly with her machine cannon, plowing through the entire headquarters.

Wherever there are living people, they will focus on replenishing their guns to ensure that they are all killed.

Within a few moments, the garrison headquarters was in flames, black smoke was rising into the sky, and there was not even a single living person left.

The two women's cannons idled, emptying their ammunition.

They handed it to the puppets who caught up. They didn't get new ones because the entire concession was finished.

At the same time, several rapid explosions were heard in the distance, and the winner was also decided on Li Yuanzhong's side.

I saw the old Taoist priest's "Pine Pattern Sword" crossing the sky at four times the speed of sound, and there was a sound of thunder between movement and silence.

A gorgeous spider as big as a basketball court was slashed all over its body and retreated continuously.

This spider looked familiar to Lu Li, it was the same one he saw when he first came to the other world.

Xia Weixin said:

"This is the state of mind of Ghost Spider, Izumo Minister Kazuo Aoki. Although this person is a sage, his martial arts realm is only innate, and he is no match for the master."

Lu Li nodded, surprised by the "mind state", and even more surprised that the martial arts "golden body" could bring such a huge blessing to Feijian!

The reason why the old Taoist priest's flying sword is powerful, in addition to its speed, is because it is blessed with "immortal will".

This layer of golden light is indestructible and also means indestructible.

No matter whether the ghost spider spins its web or sprays its fangs, it is enough to kill them all with one sword, it is just one sword that can defeat all kinds of magic!

But the big spider was not easy to deal with either. It was surprisingly hard and had a healing speed visible to the naked eye. Even after several rounds of flying sword attacks, it could not be completely killed.

After a while, the big spider sprayed three light balls at the densely populated area.

When Li Yuanzhong went to save it, it quickly turned around and retreated.

"Boom boom boom"!

But after hearing three deafening loud noises, Li Yuanzhong blocked two of the three balls of light, and the last one was slashed in the air by a flying sword.

The violent shock wave blew several houses away. The power of the explosion alone was already stronger than a 155mm howitzer.

Xia Weiyun said: "Golden bodies and holy manifestations can destroy cities. According to Emperor Izumo, they are weapons of mass destruction."

Lu Li nodded, the power of these two realms... were no longer human at all.

The great drama has come to an end, and everything is done.

The three women gathered around Lu Li and left the concession, which became increasingly hot and stifling.


After returning home, the puppet skillfully cleaned the barrel and maintained the weapon.

Xia Weinan said proudly: "Huh~ I haven't been this happy for a long time!"

Wan Qing smiled and said: "Sister Xia is getting married, there are even more happy things~"

This gentle and graceful lady actually spoke in a pornographic manner. Xia Weini was slightly embarrassed, but soon said calmly and generously:

"You are all sincere and kind-hearted good girls. I am the one who has reached a higher level this time. I am very lucky."

"We are also very happy to be able to become a family with my sister."

Several women chatted softly, and Li Yuanzhong, Hou Shaoyi, and Nan Jinping came to the door together.

Nan Jinping asked: "Little Lu's friendly approach! Can you tell me where the drug manufacturing factory is?"

Xia Weining said quickly: "Lu Li asked through seizing the body, and Ito Tailong said...the factory is in Huzhou."

After hearing this, there was a moment of silence in the venue.

Huzhou, known as the Ten Miles Foreign Market, is extremely prosperous. It is the jurisdiction of the Governor of Liangjiang, and it is also the location of Qinglong.

How could it be related to the Izumo people's drug manufacturing factory?

After a while, Hou Shaoyi said:

"Shanghai is so prosperous, it is not impossible to disguise a factory. And if the factory is located there, it will be easier to spread across the country."

Li Yuanzhong also said: "I will contact Governor Shen to thoroughly investigate the area under my jurisdiction and I will definitely find this poisonous cave."

Both of them deliberately avoided a possibility...perhaps they thought it was impossible, so they didn't mention it.

And for Li Yuanzhong, the key right now is not this.

The old Taoist priest smiled gently and said, "Next, go back to the door and make arrangements for Jun'er's marriage."

When this was mentioned, everyone became interested.

Nan Jinping said happily: "Little friend Lu is a monk, I have a suitable gift here~"

A thought occurred to Lu Li, it must be the secret book of the Kunlun Sect!

He was naturally very interested in the secrets involving the Kunlun Mirror. He wanted to go to the Longmen Sect quickly and return home with the Secret Book of Beauty.

But this time I left Tianjin and I didn’t know when I would be back, and there was a lot of luggage to pack.

Li Yuanzhong also had to say hello to Jiang Shixiang, so the departure time was set for an hour later.


Next, Wan Qing directed a few puppets to pack things up and down.

Xiaocha went to Chen Zhizhong's house to pick up Tongshao and say goodbye.

Lu Li was always carefree and didn't have much luggage, so he just sat in the room, washing his acupoints and waiting.

Now that the acupuncture points on both arms have been cleaned, he started to clean up the points related to his legs.

And here comes the problem... He is missing a right leg and has incomplete foot three yang, foot three yin and six meridians!

This is no joke!

The fundamental purpose of refining orifice points is to strengthen the body. Only when the body is strong can it produce enough internal energy and compress it into true energy.

Only when your body is strong can you withstand the damage of opening the "bridge between heaven and earth", Jin Xiantian!

It is absolutely impossible to have such mutilated limbs and incomplete six meridians!

Just when Lu Li was in trouble, Xia Weinan knocked on the door and came in, saying:

"Xiaocha called back and said that Chen Zhizhong was going to visit and entrust a pair of children to his family. Those brothers and sisters are quite spiritual, so you might as well accept them."

Lu Li nodded casually, holding his right leg and frowning in thought.

Xia Wei came over and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, little brother, my master has a lot of connections and will help you find a solution."

Two trembling big watermelons are right in front of you, which is both satisfying and relieving.

Lu Li put aside his worries and asked, "Sister Xia, are we going to get married when we get back?"

Xia Weini blushed and said, "It can't be that fast. It's very troublesome."

"That's it..."

Seeing that his sister was still shy, Lu Li wanted to hug her and give her a good scratch.

But at this moment, he and Xia Weiyun looked towards the gate at the same time.

Two unexpected guests came to the door, the governor's daughter Jiang Haiyan, and her master Qiu Yan.

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