I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 321 320. Cluster bombing

A formation of ten "F16" fighter jets roared across the sky.

The formation commander shouted on the channel:

[Current altitude 18,000 feet, 10 miles away from target airspace, ground attack mode enabled, ready to drop bombs]

[Received, the weapon is ready]

The wingmen responded in turn, but there was also a discordant voice:

[Suspected civilians observed]

Under the observation of the fighter's fire control system, the situation on the ground was clear. There were indeed people in the area around Lu Li.

After the image is enlarged, it seems to be a reporter, anchor, etc. holding shooting equipment.

This group of people dare to approach the battlefield simply because they want to chase hot spots and seek fame and fortune.

The formation commander didn't care and said in a normal tone:

[Arrived at the best attack position, release]

The commander had said so, so naturally no one had any objections and pressed the release button one after another.

Ten fighter jets dropped 40 "shuttle-shaped objects" in the air at an altitude of 5 kilometers above the ground.

At first glance it looks like a missile, but it's actually not.

"Cluster bombs!!"

A fat anchor with a big beard was hiding in a forest and broadcasting the battle live.

The ultra-telephoto camera clearly captured the items dropped by the fighter jet formation. The man's face was immediately filled with shock:

"Shit! Shit! Shit! It's a cluster bomb!"

I saw those 40 "shuttle-shaped objects" throwing away their shells in mid-air, revealing the densely packed "eggs" inside. They were "sub-bombs" as big as water cups!

Under the control of the internal computer, it was thrown into the sky like a torrential rain, covering an area as large as 10 football fields!

This was to prevent Lu Li from escaping, but a group of anchors, Internet celebrities, etc. were also within the bombing range.

People die for money and birds die for food. Now it is too late to regret.

Boom boom boom! !

Explosions were heard in succession, fire and smoke exploded, and shock waves fiercely tore each other apart.

Even boulders and trees were blown to pieces, and people were minced into pieces in an instant.

Even if you are lucky enough to be on the edge of the explosion, you will still be pierced by shrapnel and become a lotus pod that spurts blood.

In an instant, an area as big as the Forbidden City was blown into ashes, a perfect illustration of the firepower of modern warfare.

But there is always the chosen one - the bearded anchor was unscathed!

He was very lucky. A bomb fell 5 meters away without exploding...it was a dud.

"Thank God! Thank you mom!"

The man crossed himself and was about to escape, but he didn't care about the equipment.

Feeling distressed, he subconsciously turned his head and glanced... This glance made him stunned for a moment.

The equipment was always pointed at Lu Li's side to take pictures.

On the screen, I saw a boy who was suspected of being a mutant, surrounded by a... dragon made of mud! ?


Cluster bombs are indeed powerful. It’s no wonder that countries have demanded the destruction of this weapon and signed the “Convention on Cluster Munitions”

It's just that neither the Star Alliance nor the Xia Kingdom agreed, which is equivalent to signing a lonely contract.

In Lu Li's eyes, this weapon had a major drawback - it was too powerful.

Facing the "sub-bombs" raining down like a torrential rain, a group of puppets subconsciously stood in front of their master.

But Lu Li didn't need it at all!

He looked to the sky and raised his hands.

The earth and rocks on the ground were lifted up by an invisible force, turning into huge waves and rolling back toward the sky.

One after another, the "sub-bombs" hit it and exploded, twice as powerful as grenades.

But in the face of the huge waves of earth and rocks that concentrated the mind, it could only create a hole as big as a basin, and it was still closing quickly.

After withstanding 30 explosions, the cluster bombing will stop.

This kind of scattered attack couldn't penetrate Lu Li's defense at all.

He and the puppet were unscathed by the huge waves of earth and rock.

Lu Li's eyes narrowed, and his mind further compressed and condensed. The huge waves of earth and stone writhed and shaped, growing fangs and claws.

In just one breath, he suddenly transformed into an "Earth and Stone Dragon"!

This dragon is 50 meters long, with half of its body connected to the ground. It has a ferocious aura and will choose people to devour.

Witnessing this scene, the bearded anchor was shocked!

But soon, he was awakened by the "reward" notification sounds that popped up one after another on his mobile phone.

He turned on the live broadcast, and the pictures captured by the equipment were simultaneously uploaded to the live broadcast room.

The number of people watching online at this moment is...

"Oh My fucking god! One million people! My original audience was only 100!"

The bearded anchor's eyes were bloodshot with excitement and he stopped leaving immediately!

Poverty is much more terrible than death.


At the same time, the fighter formation also saw the scene on the ground.

【Son of a bitch monster! Descend altitude and prepare to launch white phosphorus bombs! 】

The formation commander issued an order on the channel and was about to lead the fighter planes to carry out the second round of strikes.

But you have to ask Feijian first if he agrees!

[At 6 o'clock, missiles are coming! 】

When Feijian flies at supersonic speed, it will bring a translucent trajectory that disturbs the air.

The pilots are a group of people with the highest quality, and of course they will not miss the enemy's situation.

But just because you see it, doesn’t mean you can avoid it!

At this time, the distance between the two sides was close to within 1 kilometer.

The six flying swords activated the "magnetic acceleration" at the same time. The swords were wrapped in a dense "mind coil" and exploded at 4 times the speed of sound!

I saw the flying swords smashing through the white sound waves and each piercing an F16.

When passing through the fuselage, it also deliberately rotated several times to drill a hole as big as a basin.

A precious thing like a fighter jet started to smoke and roll on the spot, missing parts and falling down.

The communication channel was also in chaos:

【What the fuck! What the hell is this! 】

【May Day! May Day! I'm going to crash! 】

[Evade quickly, they are coming again! 】

The normal speed difference between the two sides is only 20%, which is not a qualitative difference.

The F16 swung left and right in the air, spraying decoy bombs in an attempt to get rid of the flying sword's pursuit.

But Feijian was anxious to help his master and showed no mercy.

He clung to the back of the fighter plane, and when he saw the opportunity, he used another "magnetic acceleration" to smash these steel creations like potatoes.

Several fireballs exploded in the sky, the fighter formations were wiped out, and Feijian rushed towards its master.

Because the master is being besieged by a large group of enemies!

The Air Force did not come up to fight alone, the "Joint Task Force" was following behind.

As soon as the bombing was completed, the commander immediately issued an assault order.

Ten M1a2 tanks of the same model as the drug lord, as well as ten M2 infantry fighting vehicles, pushed forward at full speed with full horsepower.

The coordinated infantry followed, and at the end there were four M109 self-propelled howitzers.

At an altitude of 12,000 meters, an RQ-3 Dark Star unmanned reconnaissance aircraft captured the movements of Lu Li and his group and relayed them to the combat troops.

According to the coordinates returned by the drone, four M109 self-propelled howitzers opened fire first.

Immediately afterwards, ten tanks also stopped to take aim, and then opened fire!

A bunch of artillery shells came over, and Lu Li finally enjoyed the treatment of being washed away by artillery fire.

At the "Andrews" Air Force Base in the capital, another 10 fighter planes are ready to take off.

Ground crews are loading white phosphorus bombs and napalm bombs on the fighter planes!

This trip to the capital is not that simple.

The crown has not healed and the body is still weak, so don’t be surprised if it is slow.

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