I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 350 349. Positive aspiration is merit

Lu Li's puppet has been exposed for a long time, and he has repeatedly killed people in broad daylight recently. The Governor of Liangjiang has already received detailed information.

As a "one of our own", Su Qing certainly knew about it and was very concerned about it.

"Eighteen metal puppets, all of which have been refined through vow sacrifices... This boy must have merit!"

Su Qing's heart felt hot!

The "Taishan Sect" from which he was born has had emperors consecrate it since ancient times, and it is the one with the most aspiration power among the Five Sacred Sects.

The development of the power of will has also been reached to the extreme, and there is a whole set of practice system to match it.

Positive aspiration, that is, merit, can greatly improve the progress of spiritual practice!

Su Qing was very eager for this, and her mind was full of calculations:

[You can try to get it out of the lame man's hand! But this person is difficult to deal with, even coercion and inducement will not work...]

Lu Li had a backer and a reputation.

Su Qing boasted that she could not bring out anything that the other party was interested in. Even if she wanted to sell herself, she just married a beautiful woman, so she might not be willing to put in the effort.

After much deliberation, she had no idea where to start, so she felt that she had to meet and talk first before she could find an opportunity.

And it is best to meet alone to avoid leaking the news and causing trouble.

Glancing at the Shen family's father and son who were discussing matters, Su Qing continued to calculate:

[I am hostile to that lame man, why should he take the risk to meet me, a great master... I have to find an opportunity, what should I do...]

Just when Su Xianzi was feeling worried, she suddenly heard her fiancé Shen Siang say:

"The old man refused to tell Lu Li's secret even though he was tortured, so let's just kill him."

"Kill the waste and give it to Yun."

Shen Xing smiled elegantly and said:

"It's the Tenjo Festival. The old man has ruined many important things for Izumo. I will send him a gift to deepen our relationship."

"Father has a point."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Su Qing was suddenly shocked:

[Tenjo Festival is a festival in Izumo to celebrate the birthday of the Emperor! The gift that the Shen family wanted to give... was Nan Jinping! 】

[With this kind of news, the lame man will have to bleed profusely! 】

Su Qing quickly connected the information in his mind, and then burst into ecstasy!

But unexpectedly, Shen Xing suddenly said to her:

"Su Qing, we will be a family from now on. You will help Siang take care of these three provinces. When Ding Shenzhou is established in the future, this world will belong to both of you."

The governor was pleasant and described a bright future.

But Su Qing doesn't want to do this!

Sects like them, which are good at gathering willpower, are best at drawing big pie.

The future is bullshit, the present is the most important!

But Su Qing's face showed no trace of anything, she just nodded and said with a chuckle:

"I'm not good at dealing with these things, but I can learn."

This female grandmaster has a slender figure, picturesque features, and an elegant and refined fairy aura.

Shen Siang's eyes grew hot when he saw it, and he took his fiancée's hand and said, "Qing'er, let's get married as soon as possible~"

Shen Xing also said: "Whether it's better to decide on the name early, it might as well be on the first day of next month."

Originally, Su Qing was quite satisfied with this marriage. With such a husband, there must be no shortage of merits from the family.

But now she was cursing in her heart:

[I don’t even have a bride price, so I just want to do it for nothing. What a bastard! 】

But he couldn't defeat Shen Xing, and he didn't dare to disobey his master's orders. Su Qing had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Shen Siang held his unmarried wife in his arms, Shen Xing also smiled with satisfaction, and the atmosphere became more harmonious.

But Su Qing secretly gritted her teeth and became more and more eager for merit.

Only with power can you control your own life! I won’t let anyone play for free!

Fortunately, there is already a chance!

She snuggled into Shen Siang's arms, planning to steal and resell information.

What a standard bedfellow.

On the contrary, Lu Li and his wives have always treated each other sincerely.

At this moment, he was activating "synesthesia" to help Xiaocha refine the key points on her head.

The acupuncture points on the head are close to the brain, so the risk is extremely high, and many blood-changing warriors even go without training for a lifetime.

But with Lu Li here, things were far simpler than imagined.

The small tea starts from the "Chengqi" point. This point is located on the lower eyelids and can treat eye diseases. It is relatively complicated to practice.

And she has magical things like spiritual energy in her body that are coordinated and balanced, so she doesn't have to worry about getting hurt. He also shared the perspective of the heavenly eye and watched and refined it with his own eyes.

At this moment, it only took 20 minutes to complete the training of the "Chengqi" point, which went smoothly beyond imagination.

Xiaocha blinked her big eyes, which shone a lot, and said in surprise:

"Refining the acupoints in this area can greatly enhance dynamic vision! Sure enough, I can see more clearly!"

Lu Li couldn't help but admire the wonder of the human body, and he was also envious of it.

This acupoint is on the "Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian", and its meridians are incomplete and cannot be refined.

Fortunately, Xiaocha did not disappoint, practicing at a speed of 20 minutes/piece.

This girl is youthful and firm. As her cultivation level is getting higher and higher, her body is filled with a strong breath of life, which smells particularly good.

Lu Li sniffed it gently and felt very comfortable. He also forgot about the passage of time and just quietly practiced with the girl.

With him by his side, Xiaocha felt a lot more at ease. When practicing, he let go of his hands and feet, which made it smoother and smoother, and he finished practicing the key points one by one.

After a whole day like this, all the acupuncture points on the head were cleansed, and there was no surprise or danger.

The combination of inspiration and synesthesia has a catalytic effect on qualitative change!

Xiaocha stretched out her charming body and laughed loudly:

"It's such a shame to practice like this! Now I will soon be promoted to Xiantian! Xiantian!"

She rolled around on the bed, so excited that she couldn't control herself, then jumped up and kissed Lu Li several times.

Lu Li was also happy for the girl, but he also felt a little lonely.

If it weren't for the missing leg, I should have had the same success.

Xiaocha glanced at him secretly, held his arm and said softly:

"Taoist Master Zhenyangzi should be back soon. You will definitely be able to grow complete legs by then. Let's advance to Xiantian together~"

This is the most perfect situation, but nine times out of ten life is not going as planned, and things will not go so smoothly.

Lu Li just smiled and nodded: "Master Chengcha's Ji Yan~"

"With good fortune and good fortune, I will definitely do it!"

Xiaocha's eyes were bright and firm, and then she said:

"Cheer up, I'll show you my stockings~"

The girl knew Lu Li too well, so she took out two pieces of black stockings from the cabinet, took off her pants and put them on.

The straight and tight beautiful legs really made Lu Li forget his worries and just caressed them back and forth.

Xiaocha also touched her beautiful legs and said proudly: "These socks really show off your legs~"

"Your legs are already pretty."

Lu Li said sincerely: "It's not just your legs, everything about you is beautiful."

Occasionally, this guy would say something that made the girl's heart flutter. Xiaocha would blush and feel as if she had eaten honey, and proactively said:

"When I have a good day, do you want to do that?"

"Okay, I just want to make puffs~"

Carrying the girl's beautiful black stocking legs, Lu Li attacked several of them in different shapes.

Then both of them got tired, so they hugged each other tightly and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, when it was just dawn, Xia Weixin suddenly knocked on the door and shouted:

"Uncle Zhenyangzi is back!"

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