I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 352 351. There is a way

Five minutes later, all the nuclear radiation was absorbed by Lu Li.

Everyone looked at him, anticipating how effective the medicine would be.

Lu Li summoned a flying sword, and with a slight stroke of his arm, a gap of more than ten centimeters was created on the spot.

In the next second, the gap closed and closed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just 5 seconds, he was healed as before!

Xiaocha trembled excitedly: "It's done!? Do you have that self-healing factor?"

Lu Li nodded and said, "That should be the case. I feel like my broken leg is itching, as if it's about to grow."

This was definitely the case, and everyone was immediately overjoyed.

Li Yuanzhong also smiled and said: "The self-healing factor is a wonderful method that only the golden body has. My little friend has gained a lot this time."

With the ability to heal quickly, it will definitely take advantage of others.

But Zhenyangzi solemnly reminded:

"No matter how long you grow, you can't keep up with what your parents gave you. You can grow a new leg, and the meridians should be fine, but you can't say whether the acupoints are complete. You need to be fully prepared!"

Lu Li smiled freely and said: "It's already great to be able to do this. The next step is just to give it a try."

Zhenyangzi warned: "As long as you know, go back and grow your legs quickly."

Lu Li cupped his fists and said, "Thank you two seniors for your help. I'll take my leave now!"

Several women also hurriedly bowed and then left Long Legs with their husbands.

Li Yuanzhong smiled and said: "It's great to be young. It's rare to have deep feelings."

Zhenyangzi didn't care about this and said instead:

"I checked again when I went to the west - the white tiger is really not here. How strange... It is said that the white tiger is very murderous and should be the most difficult to hide among the four spirits."

Li Yuanzhong was also puzzled by this, but he quickly said with relief:

"Perhaps some immortal sect got there first, but now there are peerless talents who are more worthy of training, so there is no urgent need."

Zhenyangzi nodded, which is why he was willing to cross 20,000 miles.

"By the way, when I met Liu Jintang this time, he insisted on getting acquainted with the "Ryukyu Restoration Association" for us. Come and get in touch."

"Ryukyu Restoration Association?"

Ryukyu is a vassal state of Shinshu. It was occupied by Izumo 40 years ago, and its citizens went into exile overseas to form the Restoration Association.

It's just that its strength is weak, with only one or two blood exchanges to support the scene, and it can't keep up with some gangs.

Li Yuanzhong didn't care too much: "Just let Shao Yi contact me and give me some help."

"You decide, I'll grow the eyeballs first. These things grow very slowly."

The flesh on half of Zhenyangzi's face was also growing out, and it was a little prickly.


Lu Li's experience will only be more profound, after all, his bones and tendons regenerate at the same time.

With the acquired healing factor, it would not be too fast to regenerate a complete limb. It would take a week anyway.

But with the help of inspiration, this process was greatly shortened.

Susu was itching all night, and at sunrise the next day, Lu Li already had a new leg.

A real leg made of flesh and blood... I am no longer a cripple!

His long-cherished wish came true, but he wasn't particularly excited.

The legs that were knitted by the mind after leaving the body can meet daily needs to a certain extent.

And this new leg... the acupoints are not complete.

Acupoints are dense collections of nerves and capillaries, connecting functional valves throughout the human body.

It is delicate and complex, with more than 60 acupuncture points on the calves and soles of the feet. It is impossible to restore all the new legs.

As Zhen Yangzi said, the legs that grow the day after tomorrow are not as good as the original ones given by parents.

This was expected, and Lu Li didn't look disappointed.

He turned on his inner vision, made a careful identification, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Not bad! Several important acupoints are present, and the meridians have been connected. Maybe the foundation will be a little worse, but there is a way after all!"

In his eyes, a leg is far less attractive than "manifestation".

He eagerly wanted to release his three-headed dragon and have a look~

While he was thinking about it, the door opened with a creak. The three wives were thinking about this and came over early in the morning.

Seeing Lu Li putting his legs flat on his knees, their faces suddenly lit up with joy:

"Ouch~ It's grown!"

"It looks good! It's flawless!"

"Congratulations, sir, for fulfilling your wish ahead of schedule~"

The three girls started to touch it again as they spoke in a soft voice.

Xia Weixin pinched it a few times and commented: "The muscles and bones are a bit weak, so I need to practice hard for a few days."

Wan Qing opened her eyes and looked around, then said:

"There are a few missing acupoints, but it doesn't matter. The meridians are all in place, and that's the most important thing!"

"That would be great!"

Xia Weining said with a smile: "While practicing my legs, I will pick up my Yin Yuan Yun and nourish it for a few days. It will be a big deal for Jin Xiantian!"

The words were partly encouraging and partly sincere, but they slipped the tongue.

Xiaocha asked from the side: "What Yin Yuan?"

"Eh..." Xia Weixin's face froze, and he didn't know how to answer.

Wan Qing immediately exposed her background: "Men and women have sex, all things are transformed, and Sister Xia is practicing dual cultivation with Lu Li~"


Upon hearing the word "double cultivation", Xiaocha thought that the two of them were playing some kind of fun, and the look in their eyes was different.

Xia Weixin quickly defended: "This is a practice that has been passed down for thousands of years. I did it with Lu Li just to help him!"

Wan Qing covered her mouth and smiled: "Then Sister Xia can teach us~"

"If you have anything to teach me, just lie down with your little hooves!"

Xia Weixin threw Wan Qing onto the bed.

While watching the excitement, Lu Li encouraged his inner breath to nourish and strengthen the muscles and bones of his new leg.

The new legs are like a cicada that has just shed its shell and needs a few days to adjust.

During this period, Lu Li also had another task, which was to "put the finishing touch" on his eyes, making the out-of-body state complete.

This is actually a process of completely surrendering and controlling power, which is also Lu Li's strength. He is sure to do it within three days.

There was finally a path under his feet, and he was full of energy!

The women played around for a while, but did not dare to disturb their husbands, so they left quickly.

Only Xia Weixin was hesitant to speak... She was about to tell Lu Li about Mr. Nan.

It has been more than a month, no matter whether there is any news or not, the old man should show up.

Xia Weixin had a vague feeling about it...

I have to say that her hunch was very accurate.

Su Qing has obtained enough information.

As Shen Siang's fiancée and the female grandmaster of the Taishan Immortal Sect, it is not difficult to find out something in the Governor's Mansion.

Su Qing easily found out Nan Jinping's whereabouts.

"The old man has been sent to Hongkou in Huzhou. He is considered dead. The cripple seems to be incapable of bleeding..."

Su Qing had a huge appetite and planned to make many preparations to get enough benefits from Lu Li.

"Izumo's opium factory should be near Hongkou. I'll find out and sell it together."

"Chen Xing wants to play a game between our Taishan sect and Izumo, so I'll cut you off!"

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