I can smash the planet with my thoughts

Chapter 354 353. The so-called fairy

After the field was quiet for a few seconds, Su Qing picked up a ball of "cloth" and lit it:

"Master Lu, should you know this thing?"

"Flag of Righteousness!"

Lu Li immediately recognized that this was the righteous flag that he had given to Nan Jinping before leaving!

Mr. Nan fell into the opponent's hands! ?

But Su Qing said:

"This matter has nothing to do with me, but I know some information and want to sell it to Master Lu. Can I be granted an interview?"

Lu Li immediately took over the body of "No. 0" and said in a hoarse voice: "Where can we meet?"

Upon hearing his agreement, Su Qing's smile became even bigger:

"There is Yingyue Lake not far to the north. I will go there alone. I hope the real person will do the same and don't let outsiders get in the way."

After saying that, the woman disappeared into the sky with a leap and roar.

Lu Li, on the other hand, told his wife about the situation.

Xia Weixin's face turned pale: "Sure enough, something happened! I had a bad feeling before..."

Lu Li said comfortingly: "Since Su Qing dares to raise conditions, there should be room for redemption. I'll go meet her for a while."

"Don't! She is the Grand Master!"

Xia Weini said anxiously: "I'll ask Master to think of a way, don't take any risks!"

Lu Li smiled calmly and said: "Don't worry, if I don't hesitate to pay the price, one or two great masters may never come back."

There are still 260 units of inspiration in the Kunlun Mirror. Even if it only explodes half, the Grand Master will definitely not be able to resist it.

Of course Xia Weixin knew that her young husband was hiding very powerful tricks, otherwise he would not have been able to scare Jiang Shixiang, the governor of Jinmen, before.

Moreover, since he is an out-of-body master, and his divine senses are combined with his heavenly eyes, the other party cannot ambush and attack...

In view of this, Xia Weixin stopped blocking and instead helped analyze:

"Su Qing was born in the Taishan Sect, and her cultivation requires the help of wish power. During the sword fight before, she was very dissatisfied with Qinglong's squandering of the golden lotus wish power. She must be trying to gain benefits from you by putting so much thought into it."

"Willing power..."

This energy contained mixed emotions and would affect the mind, so Lu Li looked down upon it.

After collecting 500 million before, Kunlun Mirror still has 300 million useless, but it can be put into operation.

"Then I'll go."

Lu Li nodded to his wife, took off, and rushed to Yingyue Lake in the east.

Halfway through the flight, he summoned the Kunlun Mirror and ordered:

[Take 100 million wishes and pour them into the flying swords respectively]

Feijian's mouth has long been held in his mouth, and ordinary willpower can't look down on it.

But when the owner speaks, they will not resist, and will willingly serve as temporary containers to accommodate the power of wishes.

The surface of the Kunlun Mirror surged with golden brilliance, and soon derived 100 million wishes.

After the busy work was finished, Lu Li continued to move forward.

The physical body is quite heavy and does not conform to the aerodynamic structure. With the current level of cultivation, the flying speed is only 800 kilometers per hour.

But Yingyue Lake is not far away, only 100 kilometers, and we will arrive in seven or eight minutes.

This place is located in the wilderness, and from a distance you can see a woman in green shirt standing on a small island in the middle of the lake.

His face is as beautiful as a fairy, and he is none other than Su Qing.

When he glanced at the sky, there was no one around him. Lu Li landed directly and stood five steps away from the female grandmaster.

This distance is too close, and with the Grandmaster's speed of sound, it is really a matter of seconds.

Su Qing's eyes were cold, but his voice was exceptionally gentle and soft: "Master Lu came so quickly and he is very courageous."

Lu Li did not answer and asked directly: "I want to know the information. What are your conditions?"

"Just give me two fourth-grade flying swords~"

Su Qing smiled indifferently, as if he only made a trivial request.

Lu Li's face remained expressionless: "I don't have time to argue with you, so I can tell you my true request directly."

The two were so close that they could even smell each other's breath. Su Qing exhaled like a blue breath and said:

"Zhenren Lu is very confident. Have you never seen the power of a master?"

She focused her eyes and looked over with a real will, quickly disintegrating Lu Li's protective mind.

Jiang Shixiang has also used this trick, but the pressure on this woman is far less than him.

Lu Li frowned and said:

"Su Qing, it would be easy for me to kill you, but it's just not worth it."

Along with the words, Lu Li's eyebrows glowed, it was the Kunlun Mirror's [Extinction] magical power that was ready!

Countless birds screamed and flew away, and the fish in the lake crackled and jumped wildly, as if a natural disaster was about to happen.

The "precuneus" in Su Qing's brain also issued a severe crisis warning.

Her expression was solemn, and she secretly said that it was indeed the case! Since this guy dares to come, he must have a very powerful trump card!

With such talent and such unexpected encounters, he is simply not a human being!

Su Qing quickly calmed down, stopped putting on airs, and said:

"So that Master Lu will know that Nan Jinping was captured alive by Butler Wu of the Governor's Mansion half a month ago, and has now been given to the Izumo people as a gift for Tianchang Festival."

Lu Li said in a deep voice: "The Governor of Liangjiang took refuge in Izumo?"

"It's not really a surrender, it's just a conspiracy."

Su Qing continued:

"I know where Nan Jinping is imprisoned, and I want to use this information to exchange... 5 million merits with the real person."


Lu Li looked a little strange when he heard the quotation.

Su Qing kept a close eye on him, thinking that she was being too harsh, so she quickly said:

"Don't have too many real people! Nan Jinping is about to be sent to the mainland of Izumo, and time is of the essence. Moreover, where he is being held, there are other Tenjo Festival gifts, which can be robbed when he rescues people! What's more important is... "

Su Qing waved her slender hands as white as jade to increase her persuasiveness:

"The place where Nan Jinping is imprisoned is the Bingposan factory that the Killing Society has been looking for! What, this information is worth it~"

Lu Li nodded and said, "It's worth it. I'll give you the power to wish. Take it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the mountain-breaking sword flew in front of Su Qing and spit out a rich golden brilliance.

Su Qing didn't expect that the other party would be so happy, so she quickly sucked it in big mouthfuls, her eyeballs bulged out due to choking, and she was still pushing hard into her mouth.

This was clearly a wish that had been taken into his belly, and Lu Li was very curious!

The power of wish is the power of the soul, and it must be used spiritually. If this is not the case, it will also be absorbed into the sea of ​​consciousness.

It’s unimaginable to swallow it like marshmallow!

He stared for a moment, distracted for a moment.

But Yuan Li vomited too quickly and accidentally gave over 500,000 yuan.

Lu Li said nonchalantly: "Okay, tell me the information."

"The entrance is at Meihuatang in Huzhou, and the entire facility is underground."

Su Qing didn't hesitate and said it directly.

She felt the five million willpower in her body, and her cheeks were flushed with joy!

But soon I realized that the amount was 10% more, and the flying sword stopped halfway, obviously there was still more!

At this time, Lu Li got the information and was about to leave.

"The real person stays!"

Su Qing hurriedly asked: "How much willpower do you bring? Maybe I have something you are interested in, so you might as well exchange it."

Lu Li thought for a while, it would be nice to replace a bunch of useless things with something useful, and then said:

"I brought... 50 million. What do you have?"

"5, 50 million!!!"

Su Qing was stunned for a moment, but she didn't know that Lu Li had underreported half of his report.

"Master, I have various cultivation books and mysterious methods..."

As Su Qing was talking, he suddenly realized that none of the things he had in his family were worth 50 million.

Her heart was racing, and she suddenly had an idea:

"My virgin Yuan Yin is still alive. Is it interesting for real people? Qinglong's fiancée, you can use it first. Isn't it interesting?"

Hearing these words, Lu Li frowned:

"You are from the Taishan Sect, the famous Five Mountains Immortal Sect, why are you so unbearable?"

At this moment, Lu Li also thought of "Qiu Yan" from the Huashan Sect.

He also had the appearance of a fairy, said some very nasty things, and even smoked.

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